Fly: A Queer Haikyuu Podcast

S1E10: Yearning

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“As long as I'm here, you're invincible!”

yearning (noun): a strong feeling of wishing for something, especially something that you cannot have or get easily

This week, rainbow and em cover season 1, episode 10 'Yearning' and talk about the line that launched a thousand fics, how Hinata's desire to be the ace affects the team, and just how freaking gay this episode is. 

49:33 - Spoiler Zone Begins

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hello everyone and welcome to fly a queer haikyuu podcast. I'm rainbow and I'm m, and today we're going to be talking about episode 10 yearning what a title. Oh, what a title. What are we yearning for? Oh, we're going to find out. But full transparency here. This is the second episode we're recording this weekend. We usually only do one a weekend, but as of this recording date, Rainbow is getting ready to get her wisdom teeth extracted All four. So next weekend I will not be be available. Did you like how I just talked in third person there for a second? Rainbow is a little scared. Rainbow is a little scared you're gonna do great though.


no, I think it'll be okay and it'll be good. I've gone through just like years and years of like my wisdom teeth, like slowly growing in, and then I have, like you know, five to seven days of just some mouth pain. That makes it hard to eat because chewing is hard. But you know, I just toughed through it because why not?


m is looking at me like really yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, since they first started growing in just at like every once in a while, not like super consistently, but just like you know, I'll go through like it's maybe happened like once or twice a year.


I've been telling her because I had wisdom teeth pain too and it's it sucks. But yeah, we, we work hard, our hands look like this so you guys can listen every week and we don't fall behind. So we're doing two episodes this weekend.


Yeah, and we had some technical difficulties getting started.


GarageBand was like no we're not going to work for you. Listen, I only cried a little bit, it was all good.


But Em persevered and she got it together. And now here we are, right in your ears a couple weeks later. Yeah, so by the time this episode comes out, rainbow will be a few weeks out from getting the oral surgery. And again talking in the third person. What am I doing? Anyway, I will be me, rainbow. I will be a couple weeks out from getting the oral surgery and I should be all healed up. But you know, if anybody knows what my face looks like, which isn't many of you, but just imagine it, you know, swelled twice its size.


Rainbow already has the sweetest little cheeks you've ever seen and the fact that they're going to get more chipmunky. I don't know if I'm ready. Yeah, we'll see.


I'll have ice packs to keep the swelling down. So you know you don't, you don't overdose, yeah.


So I think that's it for kind of like chit, chatty stuff. I need to get to some yearning. We do need to get to some yearning, but first we have one little bit of housekeeping, which is the final reminder that we are going to be recording a q a episode. we'll actually be recording it a few days after this episode, episode 10 drops. So this is the last reminder.


You'll hear on the pod that we want you to send us questions. We want any and all questions you want to ask us. We're going to do our best to answer all of them. But even if we don't get to every single question, we will save them for another Q&A episode later. We're very excited and, just as a reminder, you can ask us about Haikyuu, including spoiler stuff. We'll have a spoiler zone in the Q&A episode. You can also ask about us Fandom in general, other animes, yeah, other animes, even other properties. We're big cartoon lovers. We're just big fan nerds. So you know the vibe. Yeah, even like music and stuff, feel free to Full disclosure. Disclosure we're not k-pop people, so if you ask k-pop questions, we won't be able to answer them. There's nothing wrong with enjoying k-pop, it's just not I just don't go there.


We don't go here, yeah, we don't. Yeah, we don't go there. there are other podcasts for that, I'm sure. Oh, I'm sure, but yeah, so send us questions, send them via, you know, social media. Send us an email. We love an email yeah, but I think that's that's it for housekeeping, unless you have anything no, ma'am, the house is clean all right, so it's em's turn to do the recap.


I'll, I'll, I'll counter down here and then we'll get into some fierce yearning. All right, let's do it. Ready, ready, three, two one go.


Once again, hinata is getting distracted during a match, thinking about his dreams and the aces he wants to be like when he's hit by reality or a volleyball. Kageyama has no patience for hinata thirsting after the ace position when he's already a perfectly good decoy. He reminds hinata that, while he's no ace right now, with his talents and Kageyama's genius combined, hinata is invincible. Oh God this episode's so gay. Well, this has a very iconic line of you know, with me you're invincible.


Yeah, yeah, as long as I'm here, you're invincible. Yeah, I always fuck it up, but it is iconic, it's very iconic, it is. I mean, how many fics do you think have the word invincible in the title?


I mean, how many fics do you think have the word invincible in the title, bro? And this is just more evidence that Kageyama fell first and Hinata falls harder because he makes this declaration first. But before we dive into that, let's take it to the beginning of the episode.


Yeah, so this episode does what a lot of animes do.


They did a really long like recap of the last episode in the beginning, this time around and I was, and haikyuu does this, and I think it's just the nature of like you know, I think these episodes are coming out week by week and so because and because it's episodic like this, you know, they they want to make sure. Well, just in case you forgot what happened last week or you missed last week's episode, here's kind of like where we're at right now, so we kind of get to see, we get to see asahi's suga and like calling for the ball and him like spiking it and everything, and it is a little bit more condensed. And I just want to make a note here that haikyuu does this, but it's not nearly as egregious as I've seen in other shows. if anyone has ever watched naruto, sometimes a naruto episode will start where where the episode and they're like you know, 20, 25 minute episodes, yeah, and the first 10 minutes is literally just what happened in the last episode and it's infuriating.


And you know, I don't know, like in a. You know, in the United States there is like a culture of streaming and so I feel like there is a little bit less of that like from our like Western shows. But I wonder in of that like from our like Western shows. But I wonder in Japan if, like they're still like, really they're sticking more with cable and the episodes coming out week by week. Or I wonder if streaming is maybe changing. You know that, that desire to do that.


Dude the amount of times we bring up things we don't know about Japanese culture.


We need to have like a Japanese syndicate on our show just to help us with these things, Honestly, and I mean, we could definitely be doing like research into this kind of stuff, but also like I feel like you know, yeah, I would love somebody who's like actually from Japan to like lives in the culture.


Yeah, lives in the culture, yeah, to be able to like speak from their own experience. I think that would be really interesting and I'd love to know more about it. But yeah, so anyway. So the episode starts with, you know, about two minutes of the last episode, yes, yeah, and then we kind of get into. You know, we are still like we're kind of transitioning. We're transitioning from the Asanoya of last episode to the Kagehina of this episode.


Very true, like our last little Asanoya moment in this episode is right at the beginning. I think you noted it too when Noya is kind of scolding Asahi because he's a little out of practice.


I love it and before that I love because Takeda is like freaking out about how cool this serve is because Takeda is the audience insert in this show.


Oh yeah.


And he's like whoa, did you hear the sound it made? It was like, wow, he sounds like Hinata, at least in the dub, and it's so funny. I was like I love little Takeda. Oh, he's so cute, he's so excited and I do love watching Takeda fall in love with volleyball because, like he didn't know anything about it, he was just like you know, trying to be a good teacher and like be a good club advisor, but he is really like becoming passionate about the sport before our eyes.


It's beautiful. Oh yeah, like you said, he's the audience insert and I definitely feel like I'm I'm right beside him the whole way.


And so then, you know, we have our last little moment with asanoya and then we kind of just get into them talking about kagehina and somebody I can't remember who it is says something about kageyama adapting to hinata. I think it's ukai.


Oh, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, he's like trying to because he's they all see the quick. Yes, and he's freaking out and he's like is he? Because he's like he, the, the little, the shrimpy isn't looking. So is that guy just like matching his speed? He must be what they call a genius.


Yes, oh, I can't wait one day we do have to have a time skip episode soon so that we can talk about kageyama as a genius and what it really means. Yeah, and ukai is so like confused by the freak quick and like, because he notices that hinata has his eyes closed and he noted and he's just like the setter was able to like pinpoint it to him and he like asked them.


He's like you two, you two freaks, or something yeah, I wrote in that's the wrong f word, you ukai yeah because, I love that moment where he's like processing it and then he just like shouts at them, because a lot of the men in this show shout when they have feelings yes, he's freaks, or something.


Yeah, well, and I love it. In the in the dub he says weirdos. And then kage, you know, like, look at each in the dub, he says weirdos. And then Kageyama, like look at each other and they're like weirdos. And then Hinata's like are we? And Kageyama's like I don't know, it's just so cute, very idiots in love. Yeah, but you guys very excited. Well, because he's comparing Kageyama as a setter and Suga as a setter and like at first, you know, I always get the feeling I'm like, oh no, you guys gonna like be torn about who he's gonna choose as the official setter, but instead he gets that evil smile, that like grin on his face. That's so karasuno of him, where he's just like oh yes, we can use this. He, he knows that it's good to have two good setters. Because I think he's saying like Kageyama is like, you know, he has the raw talent and the skill, but then Suga has the trust.


The trust, the experience which is never downplayed in Haikyuu Never ever I love it. Yeah, he's got two solid choices. As Daichi would proudly remind you, Suga is a good setter too.


Yes, he's always happy. Mind you, suga is a good setter too. Yes, he's always happy, and I think there's even a moment in this part where Asahi is like looking at Hinata and is like, oh, it's when Asahi like they rotate and Asahi is right across the net from Hinata and Hinata is looking at him and Asahi like gets a little scared and I just love it. Hinata's always freaking out. The other players like these big scary guys are just like what the fuck.


Imagine some little ginger just like staring at you intensely from across the net.


With yearning in his eyes.


In this moment his face isn't freaky or anything, but we'll get some pretty freaky Hinata stares in the future. So like I don't blame him, I'd probably throw a volleyball at his face too.


Well, and you know, as they said a lot in the last episode, asahi is a wuss, so it takes a lot less to scare him than some of the other players, we come across.


Yeah, so while they're having this, stare off Kageyama, because he is always up in Hinata's business. And this episode is a really great example, because what happens? Well, they're staring and then the play starts and Hinata does get pretty in front of Asahi because he can jump like a maniac and he almost blocks it. He kind of one touches it and it doesn't. You know, he doesn't fully block it and then he's just like, and then Hinata's just like staring at Asahi and he's like the ace, this is who I want to be. And Kageyama is watching this all go down and he knows exactly what Hinata's thinking and he's trying to just be like hey, this is how you're supposed to block, like, this is the form. And you have a note about how he's always trying to teach things.


I do, yeah, I said, kageyama is so adorable, always trying to teach Hinata how to improve. Too bad, he has no idea how to do it without being a jerk. He's just like, hey, you got to do it this way, you got to do it this way. And it's rough because this episode I mean like you, just like Kageyama does care, but his, his delivery is is rough. I do have something to say about Kageyama noticing Hinata freaking out. I think initially he he doesn't quite see what's going on.


I think at first he's worried that Hinata is going to be scared and nervous like he was during the Seijo match, but then Hinata is because that's when he has his like grin, because hinata is like fired up, he's like no, I'm excited to play the ace.


And kageyama has that like grin where he's just like yeah, I love his like proud, devilish grin that he gets with hinata. It is my absolute favorite. Yeah, right before that moment. Yeah, he like is like hey, you better, you've been waiting this long to see the ace, you better not be freaked out now. And hinata, in his very hinata way, is like no, I'm ready to go. And then he's yeah, kageyama is just very proud father. This whole episode he is.


well, because he like he just I, whether he realizes it consciously or not like he's. He knows, he knows that hinata is a kindred spirit and it's like is is fired up about playing good players the way that Kageyama is, and Kageyama is so excited about that. He's like, yeah, he encourages that. He's like, yeah, you keep being excited, you keep wanting to play tough players and you keep wanting to play me.


Kageyama right now is very much giving Dr Frankenstein, and Hinata is his monster.


He's just like yes absolutely, absolutely, yeah, without the whole like turning away because I've created a monster and I'm a weak man who can't handle it. I have a lot of feelings about frankenstein. Nurturing is important, just saying, but I do think there is like something. There is kind of a look that kageyama gets at one point on his face where I think kageyama knows that hinata, focusing on the ace, is going to hold him back, and that's kind of where, like, the shift turns from like oh, kageyama is excited, that hinata is excited, to kageyama recognizing that, like hinata is going to be hyper focused on this in a detrimental way, and he knows that, like he, he remembers what hinata has said in the past about how great the ace is and how much he doesn't like being a decoy, yeah, and so I think you can kind of see the calculations going in Kageyama's head of like, okay, how do we snap him out of this? How do we snap him out of this?


yeah, he wants to keep Hinata on course yeah, and so then, like the game, it's in the middle of a rally and Hinata is just thinking about the ace and how cool the ace is, and he's thinking about the little giant and he's thinking about how much he wants to be like the ace, but he's not there yet and you can, like you can hear Daichi in the background telling Hinata like Hinata back up, hinata back up. Yeah, because Asahi's going in for a spike and Asahi spikes it directly into Hinata's forehead and the sound he makes.


I don't know how it sounds in the dub, but in the sub, like it's, so fucking funny.


Yes, it's, it is hilarious. And then he like gets hit. And then, like Asahi comes over and is so worried because poor little Asahi. He's like I don't ever want to hurt anyone, ever. And so he feels so bad. And Hinata's like, oh, it's okay, I get hit in the face all the time.


And Suga's's like that's not a good thing, yes, and it's funny because, like a few of them, of course, run up to make sure he's okay, but Tsukishima and Kageyama have not. And Tsukishima says it out loud of like, well, no matter how you look at it, that was Hinata's fault for spacing out. And then we have angry Kageyama with the flames in the background once again the flames of fury.


And it's not. It's you know. Hinata compares it to when Hinata, you know, spiked the ball or served the ball into Kageyama's head. But I would say it's even more like I don't know. He's even like more angry.


Yes, and while I love that little detail when Hinata's like oh, he's not yelling, so he's really mad, like yeah, you know each other on a deep level, yeah, yeah, absolutely.


He's like oh my God. So this isn't just like, because, like the yelling is just kind of like how Kageyama communicates, because he doesn't know how to communicate, but when he's really angry it is almost like this calm anger.


Yeah, calm Kageyama oh my gosh, I love it. and yeah, kageyama is reading his mind and reading him for filth on the court in front of everyone, basically just being like you know you're, you want to be this ace and that's all you can focus on and you think it's cool, and like you're jealous of him, basically just totally calling him out yeah, and I have a note, like as he's saying, because he's like, I know what's going on with you and I'm like, of course you do, god damn, of course you do.


I've like, now that you've realized that hinata's not scared, you know exactly what the issue is and I think, like you know, it is an interesting way of teaching him this lesson, because you know, like you know he's. He's like do you? He's like you think, being a decoy is dumb, don't you? And hinata's like no, because he has to be combative.


But then he's like well, yeah, yeah, you're right. and so kageyama is like. You can kind of see like kageyama makes the decision, he's like well, I know how I'm going to handle this. And that's when he tells the other team.


He's like hey, next rally, I'm setting the ball to him yes, I do want to say too, like kagey can read him, but he is kind of lacking empathy when Hinata says, like you don't get it, you're tall. I think that is and we've noted that before where, like, kageyama doesn't really fully maybe understand where Hinata is coming from, because Kageyama has had many more privileges than Hinata. He's had the volleyball family growing up and has been able to play all this time and like, of course, hinata is kind of getting ahead of himself. He's been wanting this for so long, like blah, blah, blah. Like Kageyama just could, could, like you said, be a little more patient and stuff. But it's that tough love and you know what. That's what he wants anyway, so it's all good yeah, and that's the thing.


I feel like this is kind of one of those moments that people use as evidence that Kageyama doesn't really care about hinata and that he's a huge jerk, and it's like, well, no, because like it does. That's the thing is. Like it does seem at first that he, that kageyama, is just being an asshole, but like, once you know it's kind of like you just have to let him cook because like it gets, you know, it gets to the point where, like the other members on the team, like tanaka and I think even like daichi, are kind of like agreeing with kageyama and they're like, yeah, look at, like they're helping kageyama explain it, and I think it's just that, like autistic. I don't know how to say these things to you.


I don't know how to say it out loud to make you understand, so I have to show you yeah and yeah, and I think he that is the way to get it through he knit his head because he's an idiot like and and you know, I think that's something the show and we've talked about it on this podcast before is it's showing us over and over again that like a lesson cannot simply be told to somebody like they have to learn it themselves. It has to be through experience, especially with somebody like Hinata, yeah, and so Hinata has to be shown that you know, with Kageyama there, like you can get through the blocks without being the big, strong ace like Asahi and I think for Kageyama. I do think he doesn't recognize how much Hinata wants to be big and tall Like he doesn't get like, because he doesn't know what that's like he doesn't know what it's like to be short.


I feel like we had a similar experience where, like you, didn't understand what life was like for me as a shorty when we got together, but I think, like it goes to show that, like Kageyama, I think in his mind he's like well, you don't have to be big and tall to be a good volleyball player. That's not what you need. What you need is to work hard, what you need is to practice, what you need is to like learn how to adapt. Yeah, which is a lesson that Kageyama just recently learned is how to adapt.


And now he's's adapting to Hinata and I think maybe part of him is mad because he's like hey, you got to meet me halfway here. Like, I'm doing these amazing like pinpoint spikes to you, but you're so focused on being the ace, you're not being the decoy, that we need you to be, yeah, and so I think there's just a lot of frustration in there for Kageyama and, ultimately, I think, frustration in there for kageyama, and ultimately, I think the way he decides to teach hinata this lesson is important, because hinata tell, or kageyama tells the other team I'm gonna, I'm gonna send it to hina ta next, and hinata is mad because he's like well, now there's gonna be blockers. And so he's standing there and there are blockers in front of him and kageyama shouts and says go around, go around them. Like. He's like use your speed. I think he even says he's like all you have is speed and like the ability to jump high. And he's like and we have to use that, so use that to your best ability.


and so he does, so he goes around and he spikes the ball and then that's, that's when we get it oh my god, this is like very romantic declaration of yes, yeah, like, as long as I'm here, you're invincible and he, well, and I do enjoy, I kind of enjoy Kageyama's ruthlessness, because it's it's not just to be cruel and it's not there, there's always purpose behind it. And, of course, he always comes off kind of mean, because he starts off being like as you are, now you're no ace, you're never gonna be no ace, like you could just forget about it, and of course that sounds awful at first, but then he's like you have your speed and you're jumping and combined with me, as long as I'm here, you're invincible.


Yes, which wow that's gay, which is super gay. And I will say the dub really fails us because kageyama says you are the greatest he doesn't say invincible that doesn't even make sense. Really it doesn't. Yeah, it just doesn't work as well and it's just like. It is one of those things where I think, the like they just don't really understand what the what they're actually saying in Japanese, and so they're, you know and maybe it's a mouth flap thing, maybe, you know invincible, just didn't work and that was the only way they could they could make it work.


you know, you'll never hear me say that the dub is superior to the sub. I just happen to also love the dub but yeah, there are the moments like that it doesn't, doesn't quite get there, and I have a note here that, ultimately, kageyama is trying to teach hinata how to play in the way he can at the skill level he's at now. and I think you have a really interesting note about, oh, this declaration.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, and we can even dive a little deep. Well, I don't know, spoiler zone to me means time skip, so I feel like I can talk about the season two fight a little bit.


I think we should talk about it in the spoiler zone Okay.


I just don't want to presume that you know, because there could be people listening to will prove to be a little problematic because Kageyama he does kind of like he believes in Hinata's talents, but he's also there's a limit to them and he still has this belief that, like Hinata, like needs Kageyama to truly be successful and that's only going to work for so long.


Yeah, and I think that's something to talk about, cause, like I see it sometimes in like fics and stuff, especially fics where, like kagehina are not shipped together, this idea that like kageyama thinks that he is the only setter that can bring out hinata's talents, which I don't I don't think that's exactly what it is, and I think other people like I think other people in the show comment and say like oh, and I think even at the end of this episode, hinata says like oh, without kageyama here, like I'm kind of useless, like, and I think that's just like a sad way to look at it and I don't really necessarily think that's what Kageyama believes.


That's just kind of where they're at right now, Like that's kind of true now. But, that's not going to satisfy Hinata for long. He has to be able to fight without Kageyama as well.


Yeah, but I and I would make the argument that kageyama wouldn't be where he is right now and wouldn't be like, wouldn't have the ability to be official setter if not for hinata, because it was hinata who, like pushed kageyama to like change the way he set and to like learn to adapt to others. So I think it's a very balanced thing and I like looking at you know, like I like reading fics where, like, they don't go to karasuno together, like I want to write a fic where Hinata goes to Seijo, and I think it is interesting, like how do you, you know, how do you modify it so that, like, they're still able to like grow without each other, which can be hard because, like, they are so important to each other's growth?


Yeah, no, they're definitely soulmates. and I also love how like so he says this whole thing about like you're invincible and you know, run around and he does the thing and he's just like say like yelling at hinata, like don't you get it, like you're the decoy, that's your strength. And by the end of it, he is like like out of breath.


Yeah, I love the heavy breathing. Well, and I I have a note here that says kageyama is making a very important point here. there are different kinds of strength, and that's something that is a huge theme of Haikyuu, especially, I would say, season three. Is that like strength is not just about like the power to break through a block by pure, like your, your muscles alone. Yeah, so I really like that, yeah, and then I love kageyama, apologizing for interrupting the practice match and he's like sorry for being so gay literally.


Well, yeah, he's like, you know we have the breath moment. And then he kind of I don't know if he says it to asahi he's like, right, am I right? Like kind of thing, and they're like, yeah, man, like just calm down. And then, yeah, they both apologize to be like sorry for interrupting, because they do do this a lot, where they stop practice matches in their tracks so that they can have gay development. Yes, absolutely.


And I think is this where Tanaka kind of like jumps in and is like, yeah, hinata, listen, like you know you scoring points like that, like that helps the rest of us. Like we need you there scoring points. And I think, kageyama, I love what Kageyama says he points. And I think, kageyama, I love what Kageyama says. He says a point that's scored by the ace, by, like, breaking through the block, or a point that's scored by the decoy, by being really fast, there's still a point. Yes, a point is a point. A point is a point exactly and like, and it's still important and I just love it so much.


I think, especially like young people, you know, they can get so attached to a story that they have in their mind of who they are or who they want to be, and I think that's what Hinata is going through and Kageyama is trying to get it through his head of like that's not your story, though this is, and it's just as good and cool. But you know that's going to be a journey for Hinata and he'll fully embrace it, but we're going to take some time to get there.


Yeah, it takes. You know, I totally get that. You know I and I like what you just said about like young people and like having an idea of who they are in their head and like clinging to that. Yes, and you know I just love that. Like you know, I feel like, never mind, I have something that I'm gonna talk about in the spoiler zone oh, okay, we'll get back to that.


Sorry about our neighbor's dog.


By the way, if you can hear that, yeah, um, but yeah, then we get into ukai seeing Kagehina as soulmates immediately.


Yes, yes, he, oh my god, this is a great moment too, and one that I didn't fully under. There's a line I didn't fully understand until later. But he asks Takeda like you know, did they know each other before this, like in elementary school? He basically is like are they a childhood friends to lovers trope? What's going on here? And Takeda's like yeah, no, they just like really met this past year. And Ukai says how cruel, yes, which is oh my God, what a line, cause I was like what's cruel about it?


But what's cruel about it is that basically fate has kept them apart for so long. Yes, oh my gosh. Yes, I literally are blowing my mind. I didn't think about it this way. I thought he was saying like, oh, kageyama was being really cruel to Hinata for somebody he just met, but no, he's saying it's so cruel that they didn't know each other until now because they work so well together.




That's honestly ukai kind of the number one Kagehina shipper.


He clocked them. He was like you guys are freaks quote unquote that are destined to be together.


Yeah, like he's literally like did they know each other in middle school, even elementary school? And so he's just shocked by it? Know each other in middle school, even elementary school, and so he's just shocked by it. And yeah, oh my God, m.


I'm obsessed with that now. Well, kagehina's compatibility is really insane, like I know it's always kind of in the context of volleyball, but they just like the way that they do read each other and get each other and call each other out, and there'll be times in the future where they're like, oh well, if Kageyama is calling everyone out, who's going to call out Kageyama? And it's going to be Hinata, and so, yeah, I don't know. Gay, recognize gay.


Yeah, and so now we kind of get a little bit out of focusing on Kageyama and we just kind of get back into the game and I have a few notes here about some things that happen.


Well, this is when we're introduced to the no no go ahead. This is when we're introduced to the jump float serve yes, by shimada a tricky little serve indeed, because you never really know where it's gonna go. And again, this is something I didn't really pay attention to very closely until this time around. But how much yamaguchi is interested in this technique? Yes, absolutely.


I also have a small note because we see, we don't, we really only see like a few of the neighborhood association people and they barely talk. But one of them, the number five, I had to do like a double take because he looks like a grown up Anoshita.


I was like I was like wait a minute. I was like that looks like Anoshita like 10 years from now. So I just thought that was fun. But, yeah, so, the number five on the neighborhood association team. So then we meet the jump float serve.


And this is where ukai is talking. He gets more into talking about how their receiving needs work and I think it's, you know, that's great foreshadowing, because we're right before Nekoma shows up and we're talking about receiving and defense and how much it needs work. And oh, I can't wait for the next couple episodes to talk about Nekoma. Yeah, oh, yeah. And then I have a note about Tanaka being such a good senpai. Yeah, because, yeah, because I think at the end of the episode he like said he kind of like goes to Chira Pinata where he's like hey, man, like you, just keep up what you're doing. Like this it's you're doing great, yeah, and it's don't think we talked about it. But like they stay like really late, like I don't know who that man comes, who comes to the gym and is like, hey, you guys, you guys should leave, I gotta lock up. And Takeda has to be like no, it's okay, I'll take responsibility, I'll lock up when we're done.


Like don't worry about it, and then like I think that's a good moment too, because Hinata I think that's kind of snaps Hinata out of it and he's like, oh, like, I'm kind of the one that's causing all this and I got mad at Kageyama, even though he was right, and blah, blah, blah. So, yeah, yeah, no they, they play late into the night, as they are wont to do and it's so cute because Takeda, like, closes the door.


And then Daichi's like oh sorry, takeda, and Takeda's just like no worries and gives him a thumb up, thumbs up. And then Tanaka's like go, taka-chan.


And he's just so unwaveringly supportive of this team and really believes in them. It's very sweet.


I love it, yeah, and so then the game ends. And then we have the neighborhood association gives kind of their little like they.


They talk to the oh my God, it's so cute because they're like gosh. I remember being youthful, yeah it's so cute.


They're just like. I love the adults making fun of the dramatic teens, and Noya and kageyama, who were the ones who made like the biggest, loudest declarations, are just kind of embarrassed and they're like and also the two gayest like well, they quote them.


Specifically quote noya's little like declaration to asahi, and then they quote kageyama's thing and it's basically like I remember being gay in a teenager, yeah and something I and we I guess we kind of touched on this in the last episode but something I really didn't think about in until watching this episode is that Shimada and I think it's Takinoe is that who you say? The other?


guy's name, the blonde dude, the way.


I didn't know they like never say his name, we hear Shimada, I think, because of Shimada Mart, we like see Shimada a lot more. So Shimada and Takinoe, they really are like the senpai for the Karasuno team and they really and like I feel so often we focus on, like, while they're still in high school, like the you know, the third years and the second years and how they treat the first years, but like, I think Shimada and Takinoe are also taking that senpai job pretty seriously and they're encouraging them.


They're like, because they say they're like they're like listen, you know you guys are a little rough right now, but I think once you figure stuff out you're gonna go really far. Yeah, and you know spoiler alert, but we continue to see them supporting them, supporting the senpai's role never truly ends no, and they, they continue to take it seriously.


this game really solidifies like, okay, we have our Karasuno team, our ace is back. He kissed and made up with our Libro. We're going. This is for real now.


Our decoy is starting to accept his role as decoy. Yeah, and I do have a note here that makes me sad, where you know, I think I mentioned it earlier but Hinata kind of shamefully admits to Asahi that without Kageyama's sets he's useless. Yeah, which you know. It's just sad. But then Asahi is who is also a good senpai, because Karasuno is just full of amazing senpai. He's like hey, you know what, like I know, like you want to be like big and strong, like the ace, but like to get a setter to say to you what Kageyama said is pretty cool.


Yes, he's giving hinata his flowers and he also like and I agree with this like he's talking about how like the ace is. I think he kind of gives a technical definition of the ace that it's like the left wing spiker or whatever yeah so it's him and tanaka.


But he says I think the coolest thing is when you're the guy who makes the other people nervous well, and I love it because it's kind of a bit of foreshadowing here, because he's like, he's like, oh, every, he's like everyone's gonna be like, oh, look out for that short kid, which is what happens. Like you know, we haven't really gotten to what their numbers are, but you know, like Hinata becomes the number 10 and, like you know I don't think this is a huge spoiler that, like, once they start going to tournaments, people start noticing Karasuno as number 10 and they taught, like teams are starting to like get prepared for him, like Hinata really, and and I think that's such an interesting thing that Furudate does where, like Hinata seems to think the ace is the only position that can get that, and that's not true, because any player on the team, any position, can be really strong.


and the team works best when everybody is strong yeah, Hinata really has a lot to learn because he has just been kind of going off this one player that changed his whole life. But yeah, there's a lot more to it and thankfully he's got a really mean best friend to show him the way.


And lots of really good senpai. And I do have a note here about Daisuga being cute, because Daichi says something to Suga like you know, welcome back. And they're just so adorable and they're little boyfriends.


Yeah, I know.


Daichi was and their little boyfriends yeah, I know, daichi, it was very sweet to suga and then immediately he's like and then I guess we got this big wimp back. Oh my god, yeah, can we talk about just getting into poly shipping here?


I feel like daisuga asa doesn't get enough attention but, I think the three of them together would be really cute. If anyone knows of any fics, I would love to read them. because I I think that's like a fun dynamic to explore Because, you know, daichi is, like he acts all mean to Asahi, but like I think it does come from a place of like tough love yes for sure and like teasing and the way I think you can only be that way with people who, like, are in your class and are your age and who you've had experiences with Because, like you know, they've been together since first year.


Well, asahi has slept on. We talked about this and someone was tweeting about it the other day and I was like, yeah, I know, like I don't understand why the fandom and like people don't really ship people with asahi, which is crazy because he's just this giant, handsome, gentle giant, like I don't understand what the problem is, but that would be a fantastic ship yeah, yeah, I don't know like why we don't talk about asahi enough we should.


I want more asahi. Well, it's up to us, babe. You know what? That's right? okay, do we have anything else we want to talk about? As far as the episode, I think we're good. Okay, we talked about all the gay yes, obviously some versus dub thoughts.


I only have one, and it's that on the DVD Because, in case you all don't know, so I'm watching the dub, because I'm an insane person who bought all four seasons of Haikyuu on DVD so I could watch them dubbed. We don't need to talk about how much money I spent it was a lot, but it was worth it. I ordered them on the internet. Well, I didn't realize that the English dub is not on Crunchyroll. It's not. They have, obviously they have the original. They have the Portuguese dub and the Spanish dub, and even that, I think, is only for seasons one and two. So I'm not really sure what's going on, because then you look at something like other shows, I think, like JJK has, like everything, every language same with bungo stray dogs, it's like so it?


it probably has something to do with the production companies, because I know it's. It's different. So yeah, but on the dvd, this episode, instead of being called yearning, it's called the dream. that's they straight. They made it more straight by saying they yeah, they made it more straight for one thing, which is, you know, I find usually the dub makes things more gay and I just wonder if that's like a translation thing.




Like there could probably be something where, like the kanji for like, yearning or like, could also be translated as the dream or something like that. You know, I don't know if anybody knows, you know, write us and let us know. Yeah, I don't really have anything for manga versus anime. I would say this you know, it sticks pretty closely to it and I already talked about some stuff in the last episode. So I think we're ready to move on to our character spotlight.


Who's our big star of the day? Oh, it's a ukai keishin. Yay, I love you guys so much we actually. I at first I was like, oh, maybe we won't do anybody for the character spotlight, and then I was like, no, no, we need to talk about ukai. This is when he, like you know, this isn't when he officially decides to become their permanent coach, but this is like the beginning of him coach and like we really see in this episode, I think more than in the last one, we really see him thinking like a coach, yes, and thinking about like what do we need to improve? Like what can we do to get them ready to face Nekoma?


He was certainly the perfect pick. And he's also like he says to Takeda at one point he's like wow, this team's actually really good, why didn't you say anything? And Takeda's like I tried several times.


He's like actually I did, and there's evidence of that, and they're just like a fun little ship. I can't believe we haven't done Takeda yet for a character. Spotlight, spotlight. I feel like I failed. No, no, we'll. We'll find an episode for him. Yeah, we'll find a good episode for him, but you know I'm not that we haven't been giving him his flowers this whole time, yeah, so, yeah. So ukai, who we love, and I, I love the way he looks he's cool.


I would have probably had a crush on him as like a high school girl going to his shop after school.


I'd like absolutely. I currently have a crush on him. He's so hot he's like. He's like in his like late 20, mid to late 20s.


He's like 26 27, something like that yeah, and I want to just read a little quote here about his personality. he is quite competitive, agreeing to coach karasuno only so that he could beat nekoma in the practice match. ukai appears lazy and cranky, spending most of his time at work reading a newspaper with his legs on the counter or yelling at people for being too loud. However, he's shown to have strong coaching skills and is a hard-working individual. I think he also reads a lot of manga. I feel like there's a lot of like. furudate adds a lot of like shonen jump stuff, yes, which I love, which makes sense because I think Haikyuu came out in shonen jump weekly yeah, and Haikyuu is heavily influenced by a lot of like shonen yeah, so it makes sense.


Yeah, I think I think it works. yeah, and I just I love that read of Yuka. He does seem like lazy, he seems like he's just kind of a bum you guys.


Just I feel like he's in a rut, like I feel like he maybe didn't have a solid plan for after school and he's just kind of like hanging out and all of the neighborhood women are trying to set him up with girls and he's just not interested for some reason. I wonder why. Yeah.


So I did want to talk a little bit about his name meaning. So, from what I could see, ukai is completely made up, it's not a real name because the literal translation means training crows Shut up. That's not a real name. because the literal translation translation means training crows shut up. I that's what I found online. If I'm if that's wrong and if somebody wants to correct me, go ahead. But I found two sources that said that the crow trainer.


And then, his first name keishin, which I think I'm saying correctly, but I could be wrong, but it breaks down to kei, to fasten or tie, and shin, which is heart, mind, soul. So he's kind of like he is like tying like the the team together. He's like tying like the soul of the team together. Makes sense, so I really like that. And of course, he has a character sheet. He's 26. According to his character sheet, he's 5' 10". his birthday is april 5th, which means he's a, he's an aries. Does that make sense for him? I feel like? I think so. Yeah, yeah, his favorite food is yam balls, which are tamakonyaku yam balls. Those are probably fucking delicious, I'm sure. his current worry is he's not even 30 and already everyone is on his case about getting married. Yep, I wonder why you're so worried about that.


And then his abilities on the five point scale, his speed is a two, his jumping and stamina are threes, his intelligence, technique and power are all fours. Okay, and you know, we don't really get to see him play a lot. I will say that I kind of wish we could have, because we get to see the other neighborhood guys play but we don't get to see you, ukai. But I think that's the point is that he is not a player anymore, he is now a coach, but I and you know, I think it's important for his power, his technique and his, his intelligence to all be forced. I think that makes a lot of sense for him. Anything else to say about you, ukai? I love his hair personally.


Yeah, I like his hair. I like yeah, I don't know he's cool.


He's cool, he's fun. I'm excited for him to be part of the team now.


I do have a straight ship for him, but she's not coming in for a little while, so you know what?


Yeah, I do too, and we will cross that bridge when we come to it, because that is a fun one. Ok, I think we're ready to move on.


OK, everyone strap in. For who in Haikyuu? Today's scenario is brought to us by MB on Twitter. And it is what is their go to Mario Kart character on Twitter. And it is what is their go-to Mario Kart character side note Rainbow is very good at Mario Kart and she's a monster about it. I've never seen such a braggadocious person before listen.


Here's the thing I am not very good at video games and I'm okay. I don't need to be good at them like I really like. The games I play are generally more like farming, sims and like easy games. Like I don't like battle games. I'm not good at like first person shooters. I'm not good at like open world, like RPG, whatever. Like I'm not good at that kind of stuff and that's okay with me. Mario Kart is the only game I can claim that I am good at and I know for a fact I'm good at it and I know I can win. I also started playing Mario Kart when I was a teenager with my brother and his friends who were older than me, and they were all really good and I was really bad and that bothered me. I trained I cut my teeth on Mario Kart Wii but now I have a Switch, so we play Mario Kart 8 and I am really good and I'm proud of it.


She's fucking unbeatable. I am not Like I was not a video game kid growing up Kageyama, kenny, hello and like. So I do not have the fucking training that she does and it's impossible, even as I got better. You just, you can't make any mistakes with her because she is never making mistakes and is doing like the most at all times. So, even if you don't know, put your hand down, because I have things to say. Say it Anyway. No, no, that's really the end of my rant. No.


I do make mistakes. I will say, like there are other people who are like I'm not like completely unbeatable, like when we were home and like when my brother would play like you know know I was, I had some competition, and wasn't getting first place every time, and our our like old roommate was pretty on par with me. But yeah, I love Mario Kart. I've like toyed with the idea of like doing like a a game or YouTube channel where I just play Mario Kart. It would be called Rainbow Road 666. Obviously, obviously, but I probably wouldn't do that because I don't even know how to begin to do that.


So anyway, going back to our who and haikyuu scenario, oh yeah, okay so hinata, but I do want to say we are using characters from mario kart 8 deluxe, which there are a lot of them, but so we're gonna go through and decide those characters. What do you think? Hinata, I okay. So I I kind of want to do Hinata Kagehina as Mario and Luigi, just because Mario's shorter yeah, very true, they could do that.


I could also see Hinata picking like Donkey Kong yeah, I could see him picking.


Yeah, I could see him picking like one of the big scary ones, or like Bowser or somebody. Yeah, kageyama, notoriously not a gamer, but who do you think he would pick?


he'd probably try and pick like whoever has the best stats, or something boring like that well, yeah, but that's the thing is like the characters you don't like see their stat sheets. That would come in when he's picking, like his vehicle. I think he would just pick, like you know, because whenever you like start the game and it goes to characters, I think you just go to whatever the default character is. I don't think he would care. maybe he'd be like who's the best at volleyball and people would be like none of them and you'd be like okay he'd pick, like the generic male me or whatever.


Yeah, I was gonna say, maybe he'd pick, maybe he'd make his own me and that would be him yeah yeah, that's what I see for him. All right, and then we have asahi asahi would pick baby peach absolutely yeah, you're right. You're right, noya oh noya would be like he'd be like bowser jr or one of the like koopa kids koopa kids.


One, just one of the little creatures, like any creature, for sure yeah, any like crazy little creature, definitely.


Or I could also see him picking one of the big guys as well. Yeah, just because he's small to compensate. Uh huh Tanaka.


Tanaka would probably pick like a Bowser or a Donkey Kong, but he inside is Daisy. Yes, no, you're right, there's a difference between like what I think they would pick and what I would give them, and that's OK.


And we?


no, you're right, there's a difference between like what I think they would pick and what I would give them, and that's okay and we can talk about both of us, okay. And then we have daichi, who he?


honestly, is giving mario. Yeah, yeah, mario, or something like that suga is going for, like rosalina, okay, or I was gonna say waluigi, oh no, you're right, you're right, yep, just like our other old roommate, waluigi waluigi so unsettling yeah and then kiyoko. I think she's going for like a pink gold peach or a peachette.


Yeah, I want to give her rosalina, because rosalina's the baddest bitch that's true.


I always pick Rosalina and Rainbow always picks. Which peach is it?


So I was going with pink gold peach and I still love her. But recently, with the newest update, they added Peachette and I really like her. So I like to go for a peach or a daisy. Yeah, I always love. I mean, I got to be a princess. Yeah, I want to be a pretty princess. I used to. When I played Mario Kart Wii, I was always either Toad or Baby Daisy. but the the sizes of the characters are different for Mario Kart 8 than they were in Mario Kart Wii and it does like affect how you drive. So now I go for like a middle character. But on Mario Kart Wii I always went for a smaller character because they're faster, because they don't weigh as much and they're cute and they're just cute, yeah, and baby daisy makes the cutest. On baby daisy, I actually named my cat daisy, because after they.


Oh, I love that well, because my brother named his dog bowser and I was like, well, I will also pick someone from the mario universe. okay, so that was kiyoko. So yamaguchi, yoshi, yeah, yeah, nope, actually that's wrong.


Tsukishima is picking yoshi oh, oh, and then, and then he could be toady.


Yeah, yeah, he's toad yeah, so I'm sure yamaguchi, the first time they they play mario kart together, yamaguchi tries to pick yoshi and tsukishima is like absolutely not let me tell you, yamaguchi is always player two oh 100 yeah, ukai is he's giving like dry bones. Okay, I was gonna say wario. Okay, yeah, I could see that. I could see that too, but yeah, that's good, takeda is also picking a princess yeah he's a princess or toadette. I could see him picking toadette too, yeah or this, like ginger girl.


Who's this ginger?


oh that she's a squid kid. She's an inkling from splatoon okay yeah, which?


yeah, I didn't know that for a while oh wait, the little the animal crossing, isabelle, yeah yeah, okay, no, he's, yeah, I could definitely see him picking isabelle and then shimada I don't know enough, I don't know them as well.


either I could see him picking like Villager or Link.




And then yeah same with Takinoue Takinoue I could see him picking like Link.


Oh yeah, Link too. He's a popular one.


Yeah, yeah, and let us know who you like to pick in Mario Kart. We want to know who you're always playing, as, because I love mario and I love playing mario kart, and now I have the itch and I want to play some more and I am, and I you know it's a bit when I'm a dick about it, but it's I've like really I need to actually maybe stop, because I think I'm worried it will become my personal she said something this morning.


I can't remember what the context was, but it was like I'm like you want me to beat you.


We can just play mario kart yeah, yeah, and you know, but I don't you know and I do make mistakes. I'm not perfect, unlike what it was saying earlier once in a blue moon.


I will beat her once in a blue moon well, you know gotta, gotta keep your hopes up.


Yeah, you hear that that's what I'm talking about. Okay, moving on to our socials, before we get into the spoiler zone and before we maybe lose some of you people, make sure you know how to find us. we are on twitter, instagram, tumblr and blue sky as fly hq pod. That is f-l-y-h-q-p-o-d. You can also email us. We love to get an email at flyhqpod at gmail dot com. F-l-y-h-q-p-o-d at gmail dot com. Write us in, send us a carrier pigeon. Our address is Just kidding. But yeah, we hope to see you there and let's take a dip in the zone of spoils. The zone of spoils. You want to take us off?


Yeah, so I wanted to talk about hinata as the greatest decoy and kageyama as the king of the court and the way I have it here and I hope this makes sense they both see each other for who they truly are before the other is ready to see it themselves. Yes, like kageyama recognizes that hinata is going to be an amazing decoy and that he, like that is how he is going to shine, whereas Hinata, from the very beginning, recognizes that Kageyama is the king of the court and it's actually cool and it's a good thing, and like he has to learn how to own it. Yes, and I just think that's very interesting and just so soulmate of them.


Yeah they really literally drag the best out of each other sometimes, yeah, literally drag the best out of each other sometimes, yeah, literally drag it kicking and screaming, yeah, and then, do you want to talk a little bit about their fight in season?


two. I guess, just to get deeper into the point I was making earlier about kageyama's attitude of like with me you're invincible like that's gonna limit them in season two, because and he's just right like he can't keep going on like this, he can't always just depend on Kageyama, like they can still and I think what Kageyama fears is that's the only way that they can work is if Hinata just blindly closes his eyes and just lets Kageyama basically do all the work and be the stone top and Hinata doesn't want to be a pillow princess anymore and wants to also work for it.


so yeah, I just think, like again, even though it is a very romantic declaration, there's kind of problems with it and they will come up, because Hinata is always growing and always changing and you can't stop him yeah, that's the thing and I wonder if, like you know, because Kageyama, you know, he finally has found a partner to match up with him and that is hinata and I wonder if there is kind of an aspect of control to it there where, like kageyama likes that hinata has to rely on him, which isn't healthy, and so he doesn't want things to change because if they change he might lose what he has.


And for kageyama, like as we learn later, like loss is a big deal for him and like he has felt lost before. And I'm sure there is, like you know, you know, some sort of like trauma there of like I can't lose hinata, you know, like I lost my grandfather which, of course, it's not the same, hinata's not dying, he's just but he's really the first person who's been able to match him and been able to take him to heights in volleyball that he hasn't been able to reach before.


So I definitely get his fear and, yeah, I think there's just old bad habits of not being able to really trust Hinata to improve enough to be able to get to the next level. But, oh my god, the episode, the fight episode, is going to be very long because we're going to have a lot to say. There's going to be so much and then I think it gets very misunderstood, like Kageyama in general gets very misunderstood yeah, I think there's something there kind of what I was saying.


I feel like there are some people, like, when atsumu gets introduced, that they seem to think, like you know, I've seen this before and like I'm not trying to hate on anyone who ships like atsuhina, I'm an atsuhina shipper I just hate when, like, people say like oh, atsumu would have been better for hinata because, like he wouldn't have like been so controlling like kageyama and, like you know, he would have like let hina ta like grow on his own which I don't know if that's true like, yeah, atsumu, I feel like looks at spikers as like he can use them to his advantage.


but like I you know, like I I think people just overlook kagehina's like deep connection yeah and like how meaningful that is and how, like you know, that whole, like you're, you know, saying with me, here you're invincible is what hinata needed to hear in that moment. That's what helped snap him out of it. And like kageyama like understands that and he knows what to say to hinata to like get him out of it. But yeah, like I I think kageyama, for all of his talk of like you know, like you have to improve, you have to like get better and stuff, like he himself doesn't always realize that he has to change, yes, and that change is necessary.


I think change is scary for him and so he fights against it. And yeah, and I think what you said about him not trusting hinata is just, it's true, like he has so much he has such a hard time trusting hinata. Yeah, because they're opposites, because hinata immediately can trust kageyama, yeah, but kageyama doesn't have that immediate trust for hinata and it's it's a slow going process, but they get there, yeah, oh, and this episode's setting up so much, yeah, ah, but next episode is nekomo.


Yes, oh my god, y'all get ready.


I know you're excited I'm so sad that we can't record next weekend. I I'm gonna be sad not being able to talk about nekoma, although I probably won't be saying that when I'm like in pain but yeah, we're really excited for that and we we can't wait to talk about it with you all and, yeah, like, let us know what you think of this episode, of past episodes, of future episodes. We love the engagement.


Yeah, so I think that's it for this episode.


I think so too. It's always so sad when we get to the end of an episode.


I don't want it to be over, oh we miss you guys already, but until next time, fly high Woo.