Fly: A Queer Haikyuu Podcast

S1E16: Winners and Losers

May 27, 2024
S1E16: Winners and Losers
Fly: A Queer Haikyuu Podcast
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Fly: A Queer Haikyuu Podcast
S1E16: Winners and Losers
May 27, 2024

"At least we got to play volleyball."

It's  the conclusion of the first round of interhigh games.

This week, em and rainbow talk about season 1, episode 16 "Winners and Losers" and examine the seriousness Karasuno brings to all of their games and what it means to be an "extra" character in the Haikyuu universe. This week's character spotlight focuses on the one and only Michimiya Yui!
46:23 - Spoiler Zone Begins

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"At least we got to play volleyball."

It's  the conclusion of the first round of interhigh games.

This week, em and rainbow talk about season 1, episode 16 "Winners and Losers" and examine the seriousness Karasuno brings to all of their games and what it means to be an "extra" character in the Haikyuu universe. This week's character spotlight focuses on the one and only Michimiya Yui!
46:23 - Spoiler Zone Begins

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Speaker 1:

hello everyone and welcome to fly a queer haiku podcast. I'm rainbow and I'm m, and today we are going to be talking about season 1, episode 16, winners and losers. And for some reason it's singular in the dub it's winner and loser, which I don't know, feels rude one winner, one loser which isn't true.

Speaker 1:

There's there's definitely one. There's two winners, because they talk about day tech winning. Spoiler alert for the episode we're talking about right now. Um, there's lots and lots of losers. Yeah, there's so many losers, but there's two definite losers. I don't know, it just felt weird and it's just like I don't know. It was one of those things where I'm just like are there like a bunch of like men involved in this and they were like oh, we don't need to talk about the girls team, this is about the boys teams who knows, probably that's yeah, I mean, that's pure speculation.

Speaker 1:

We're not saying that that's what happened, but I wouldn't be surprised. Sexismism, am I right?

Speaker 2:

You're not wrong.

Speaker 1:

Before we get into the Haikyuu stuff, I just want to do another plug for something people should be thinking about and supporting.

Speaker 2:

And you're literally never going to guess what it's about to be.

Speaker 1:

You're never going to guess, because it's sharks. For context, as many of you who follow me on Twitter may already know, I started listening to a new podcast about animal attacks. It's called tooth and claw. It's really good if you like podcasts. Uh, it's got like kind of a true crime vibe um. But again it's about like animal encounters, but it's in a done in a really responsible way where they like are talking. There's an animal biologist as one of the hosts, so they talk very much about the animals and like their instincts and like why a lot of encounters turn into attacks and it's mainly because humans do something wrong, because we don't really know how to interact with animals, and they do like a little conservation corner at the end of every episode and anytime they talk about sharks, they talk about how endangered sharks are.

Speaker 1:

And I didn't know until I started watching this or listening to this podcast, because a lot of people don't like sharks. They're very afraid of them. They are scary looking and the idea of getting attacked by one is scary, but shark attacks are actually really really rare. They don't actually usually like to eat us. We're too bony for them. If they do bite, it's an exploratory bite, to see if that you know were something they'd be interested in. Not to say that sharks don't ever kill people. They do, but you know so do lots of other things. So do vending machines.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, sharks are really in danger. We lose, like I've heard it quoted as like 100 million sharks per year, but I've also seen 70 to 80 million Anyway, millions and millions of sharks. Tens of millions of sharks die every year due to overfishing mainly. Also, like people hunt them for meat, which that can be complicated. There are some cultures that like that is like a main food source for them, but then also, like in other places, it's considered a delicacy. And you know, sharks are just like. You know, if you're not living in one of those cultures that, like, does rely on sharks for a main source of food, just don't eat shark. It's probably not a good idea and you're probably not getting it from a sustainable source.

Speaker 1:

So sharks are really important. They're really, really important to the ocean ecosystem. They're an important predator and we should not lose them and like, even if you don't like sharks or you're scared of them, that is no reason for them to go extinct. And so I just think people should care about sharks and I would like people to support them in any way that they can, even if that means not eating them. So I'm gonna put in the show notes there's gonna be a link to shark advocates international and you can learn more and potentially donate to them. But you know, just if you care about the planet and you care about the ocean, you should care about sharks too. You know, and they're cool, they've been around since the dinosaurs. Ok, like they're awesome. They survived so long. Let's not let humans be the reason that this amazing prehistoric animal goes extinct.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, jaws really fucked it up for sharks everywhere.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, jaws started the trend of scary shark movies and, honestly, sharks aren't that scary? Humans are the bad guys. Animals never are.

Speaker 2:

I mean, they are kind of like. I remember for like a Girl Scout trip we went to an aquarium for an overnight sleepover, because for some reason that's what Girl Scouts love to do and there are these sharks in like a really dark tank and they would just like come out of the darkness and I did not sleep next to that tank.

Speaker 1:

I'll just say that no, I mean, that is truly terrifying and, like you know, if you want to avoid sharks, uh, don't swim at night, avoid early morning and late evening, avoid murky water. If you see seals or sea lions or dolphins, you know, just like, don't, maybe don't get in the water if you're really afraid of getting bit by a shark and try not to swim alone. Often the people who do die because of a shark encounter die from bleeding out, you know, because the shark necessarily isn't even trying to kill you, but they're huge and they have really big teeth and so they could, like, bite you and then you bleed out and often, having somebody else around who comes to try to rescue, you will get the shark away. And I sincerely suggest that you listen to Tooth and Claw. They give really good advice on what you can do when you encounter an animal, and so you know, from what I've heard, if you're in the water and you see a shark, if you can keep something like a pole or like a stick, something between you and the shark, the shark will hit that first, and then it might be like, oh, I don't want that. And then there's some sharks where, like, if you like, keep your eyes on them. You can even like put your hand on your nose and kind of like push yourself up over them, and then the sharks just like nevermind, this isn't worth it.

Speaker 1:

Like animals, like, if they are, they're either attacking because they're defending themselves they think you're a threat or they want to eat you. And often, if you show that, like, hey, man, I'm not trying to hurt you, they'll leave you alone. So, yeah, anyway, go sharks, they're awesome, they're cool, they're cool animals. They're terrifying, yes, but they're awesome and we need them and they're important. And humans are not more important than sharks, in my opinion. Yes. So now moving on to Haikyuu yes, first, we do want to say our cat was is kind of on one this morning and has been a little fucking terror.

Speaker 2:

Since we woke up, she's like chill now. So I'm like trying to like rush through this yeah.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully she'll stay chill. Maybe she, maybe she sees the mics go on and she just knows she does. It's quite like she.

Speaker 2:

you know she's a very good girl overall, but she is she's only five months, so she just gets crazy sometimes. Sometimes she just gets extra crazy. Yeah, she just really she's very exploratory, so so yeah we might have to be doing a lot of pausing, but hopefully she's.

Speaker 1:

She's hanging out right now so and em's really good at, you know, editing the podcast, so it's perfectly seamless and you probably won't even know.

Speaker 2:

You'll never know all right, let's jump into it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, do your recap babe, recap, babe. Yeah, Ready Three two one.

Speaker 2:

It's the first official match of the Interhype Prelims, as we learn about the importance of practice and keeping a positive attitude. We spotlight the losers as Karasuno wipes the floor with Daichi's ex-boyfriend, but an impenetrable wall in the form of no-eye rouse waits just ahead. Will the power of Kagehina and Nishinoya's charisma be enough under Yukai's guidance.

Speaker 1:

That was incredible, Thank you. That was. She did that like in like five seconds. She forgot to write her recap until we were like about to record and then she was like, oh crap, I gotta write my recap. And boy, oh boy, you do well under pressure.

Speaker 2:

It's the ADHD. So this is, I've said it for like the the past three episodes, but this is the episode I usually don't care about. This is the one because it does highlight about the losers and like as a casual watch, I'm just like, yeah, whatever, get to the good stuff. Yeah and m doesn't care about losers, I don't care, I don't care about losers, I am bakago, you all are extras, shanae, okay, anyway, have you thrown up yet? Um, uh, but you know, as we've said, like watching this now under such like deep analysis and for the podcast, like I was hooked and I.

Speaker 1:

We were both getting a little emotional so I wonder if there will, if we will get to any episodes that we are not excited to talk about, because I feel like thinking about it's just like oh yeah, I don't really like watching this one, but then, when we were analyzing it, because haikyuu is such a rich text, it's like, oh, this is amazing and I love this, and this has another, it has a good kakehina moment in it and it just it has some fun moments all around. It's a no skip album. The whole show, yeah, whole show, no skip album. Okay, so we get into it and we're still we're. I think are we at the end of the first set or?

Speaker 2:

have we started? The second set we have not started the second set. We're like in the middle towards the end of the first set okay, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So then, um, kagehina are, they're doing their quick, not the freak quick, but the normal quick. And tanaka in the dub says that's our dynamic duo, and I put a note that tanaka is the number two kagehina shipper because number one is yukai. You can't, for now, in season one it goes yukai, then tanaka, then probably suga. Yeah, I was gonna say maybe suga, um, and what you know, we'll get to season two.

Speaker 2:

We'll get, we're gonna meet a new kagehina shipper I also finally learned daichi's ex-boyfriend's name, which is ikeji ike. Jerry, uh, I think it's ikejiri ikejiri. Yeah, I'm sorry y'all, my pronunciation is horrible. Well, we don't speak the language. Ikejiri um, ikejiri Ikejiri Ikejiri. I'm just gonna keep calling him Daichi's ex-boyfriend, it's fine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's his real name yeah, so, uh, ikejiri, that's his name. We know him as Daichi's ex-boyfriend and we get to see the Seijo coaches talking about Karasuno. Do you want to talk a little bit about that?

Speaker 2:

yeah, there are. You know they got a close eye on Karasuno because I think their practice match really stuck with them. They're an interesting team and the coaches note that they aren't using the free quick, as we said, and that they seem to have, in their short time, have been practicing normal quicks. And the coach notes before they were a dangerous team that relied solely on brute force, but now they have knowledge and it cuts to Yukai, who is, you know, there really is. They're guiding light in a lot of ways, but their receives still need work.

Speaker 1:

Can't learn receives overnight well, and yukai notices the coaches noticing him. I loved that and he looks at me and I look at him. Why don't we ship yukai with the other coaches the way we shipped aichi with the other captains? Huh, what's up with that, I don't know. Is it because they're all different ages and we're cow, they're all adults, it doesn't?

Speaker 2:

matter. Yeah, I don't know you cry and talk to our my little lover boys.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that's. Another reason is they don't really interact the same way that the captains do. There's no like homoerotic handshake before the game, where Daichi is crushing their fingers yeah, exactly firm grip and then I didn't.

Speaker 2:

I guess I didn't realize that Daichi was the captain for his middle school team too, because he's just a good leader yes, yeah, we have a flashback to the middle school because you know Karasuno was whipping their butts and Daichi's ex-boyfriend reminisces on their middle school days and you have a note about how his voice is so squeaky. I think it's so funny like they really like Daichi's just like a smaller with a slightly higher voice version, but it's the same exact person.

Speaker 1:

it really is. It's so funny and I don't know, because I feel like his voice was like wasn't quite this squeaky in the other flashback we got in the last episode, um, but in this one I just really took note of it, where I was like oh my gosh. And then I have a few things for the dub throughout this, because Ikezuri is like thinking about something. I think it's still in that flat, oh, no, no, no. It's like. Sometime he says like oh, I think it's when they're switching, it's after the set and they switch, and Ikezuri is like wanting to say something to his team. He wants to be inspiring like Daichi, because Daichi was so inspiring in middle school, what Daichi was so inspiring in middle school.

Speaker 2:

What Daichi says in the flashback you know. So they, you know they win their first game. But then their second game is up against the powerhouse. And Daichi still has his hopes up. He says they're in junior high, like us. They're not unbeatable. We'll never win if we don't believe we can. And that's what Daichi's ex-boyfriend kind of ends up saying to his team, almost by accident. He kind of mutters it to himself.

Speaker 1:

Yes, mutters it to himself, yes, yeah, he kind of mutters it to himself and then, like, he, like, is all embarrassed and like he's about to say something more, but then he, he doesn't get a chance, it's time for them to go, and he's like thinking, he's like, he's like, oh, I can't give. I, how could I ever think that I could be inspiring like daichi man? And just the way he says it is so fucking funny. I was like I love because he does it like in the dub. He does have like a very like I would call it like a nerdy voice. He sounds like a little dork and it was so funny.

Speaker 2:

Well, in the sub. Yeah, he's. When he's all like embarrassed that he said it out loud. It's very much like, and he also says like. He says a similar thing when he's like. I don't have the charisma to pull off that line, so you know just not as hot and cool as my ex. Exactly.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then we have a montage of Karasuno absolutely destroying this game.

Speaker 2:

Yep, they are just doing. You know it is really no match. But as we get back to real time, daichi's ex-boyfriend does kind of have a renewed vigor. You know he's trying his best because you know you can't win if you don't believe that you can, and that's so true. So they lose the first set, obviously, despite their renewed energy, and they start off the second set with Kageyama serving, and my boy gets five service aces in a row on this team. It is merciless.

Speaker 1:

And you know what I'm actually actually gonna talk about, something in the spoiler zone that has to do with that. Yeah, no, it does show kageyama, just like serve after serve. I think it shows like a few other like plays where it's just karasuno, just like, again like destroying them and the only reason they get the point.

Speaker 2:

The sixth point is like on a technicality, like there's like a net touch or something yeah, I think it's like.

Speaker 1:

Oh, because I think it's like a duel, I think Daichi and Akejiri both go, um, like the ball is like right, like on the net, and so I think Akejiri is going to do, like, try to do like a spike, and Daichi is trying to do a block, and I guess, like Daichi like gets it, and then I, I assume he touches the net or or maybe he does that thing because, like, maybe it's one of those things where it's like he wasn't supposed to like go, he either does a, he does some sort of foul, and then Ikejiri's team gets it. And oh, and Ikejiri's team is Izumi Tate, I believe, or Izumi Tete, tete, um, it's Izumi Tate, I believe, is the name of the team. Then I think we move over to the girls team for a little bit. So now we're very much kind of like the two losing teams are kind of mirroring each other and we're kind of seeing Ikezuri and Michimiya, who are both people who have been inspired by Daichi.

Speaker 2:

But Michimiya also thinks back on words that Daichi said to her.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, when they were like having like a cute little practice between the two of them Wearing like boy and girl coated shorts, like michimio was wearing pink shorts and daichi was wearing blue shorts, and I was like, yeah, okay, yeah, like we get it. This doesn't actually have to be so gender normative, but sure, sure, sure, I guess it's 2012, yeah, and so we have the girls team and they're you know, they're not doing so well and it's clear that the their like looming defeat is really weighing on them and there's like a, there's a um, like a serve or a spike, and one of the girls like misses the receive and even the ref looks kind of like sad for them, is like pitying them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I also love that, like she, the ref is really just a female version of the male ref, like just with slightly longer hair.

Speaker 1:

They really did not try, which is fine, I just thought it was funny, no, and I didn't notice that I was paying too much attention to how much she was, how sad she was for the girls team yeah and you know I will say I'm really glad that, like later on and this isn't really a spoiler, because we don't really get to see girls teams play quite this much but we do at least get to see like a highlight of that of like other like girls teams that are really good, because the cross own cross no girls team isn't that great, but they refuse to give up. Like especially michi mia. She does her whole like slapping her cheeks again and she's like come on, girls, it's not over yet yes, and so then back to the, to our boys.

Speaker 2:

We're getting down to the second, we're getting down to it, and it's very clear that karasuno is going to win. But that doesn't mean that karasuno is phoning it in, and they notice this and they say they're taking us seriously, which I think that they're almost surprised at, and then karasuno, of course, wins.

Speaker 1:

Yeah well, and I just want to say, like karasuno takes all of their opponents seriously, I think, like karasuno is the kind of team and like I think hinata in particular exemplifies this, but like, even when they're practicing, they're like acting like they're in a game, and so when they're like playing a real game, like they have that same level of intensity and then Karasuno wins.

Speaker 2:

Karasuno wins and Hinata is shook. He's like looking at his reddened hands and he's like we won. And Kageyama's like uh-huh. And Hinata's like we get to, he's like putting it all, we get to play another game because we won and he's all emotional. And then it cuts to Kageyama, who has like who is blushing with shiny eyes and a wobbly little mouth line, because you can tell he's being affected by Hinata's emotions, because I think he relates and like this is a huge deal. This is their first official game that they both won, after both having experienced some pretty heavy losses.

Speaker 1:

I am gonna freak the fuck out. I love this moment. I always forget that it happens and I forget that it happens in this episode. But like, yes, hinata has never won an official game and he is always like he has always, like you know, always the one time like he was so excited about getting to play more games and I have a note about this later but volleyball not volleyball, but winning is about getting to play more volleyball and like that's how it is for Kageyama and Kageyama is seeing that that's how it is for Hinata and I just like I love his little blush and just his little moment of like he, like he is, he's excited, that Hinata's excited and they're just so cute and I love them and their little boyfriends yeah, no, it's very sweet, they're so connected.

Speaker 2:

Um, back to Seijo in the stands, kandaichi is wondering why they didn't conserve their energy in this game, since it's obvious they would win.

Speaker 1:

But the great king is glad that they didn't because they got to see them play seriously, even if they didn't get to see their freak quick well, and I think oikawa understands karasuno in a way that other people don't, and I think he especially understands kagehina, where he knows like it was important for them to give it their all in that game. It's important for them to always give it their all and I think he like I think he's probably a little disappointed he didn't get to see the freak quick again, because he loves it. I think he just enjoys watching them. Yeah, I think he likes watching them to play and I totally get it.

Speaker 2:

You know monsters love getting to see other monsters really recognize real, exactly, and the way that, like he just is staring down at kagehina, like he looks like he wants to eat them for dinner he does.

Speaker 1:

I could write so many fics about um, so yeah.

Speaker 2:

So then we get back to daichi's boyfriend and girlfriend and they're looking. They're both kind of like looking back and thinking about how they could have practiced harder, they could have done more, um, they could have done better conditioning, and they regret that they didn't work harder. And I'm sure, like a lot of athletes can definitely relate to that feeling where, like you know, maybe at the time you're like oh, practice is hard, blah, blah. But then, when it comes to the game, you want to win and you have to. Oh, practice is hard, blah, blah, blah. But then, when it comes to the game, you want to win and then you have to practice in order to make that happen.

Speaker 1:

Well, I want to say, because we get to see, you know, there's another girl on the girls team number 11, who's crying and she's like they kept going for my serves Like they knew I was a weak spot, and Mijamia is being like really good and really like she. She's being a good captain and she's really cheering her up and then, like the coach needs her, so she goes Well and just real quick.

Speaker 2:

Mijamia reiterates a lesson that comes up again and again in this is that it's not just one player. Their team was just stronger than ours.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

And so Mijamia goes to, like you know, go to the coach, and you know they're saying like, oh, mijamia is so strong, and then like her little, like girlfriend, as I like to think of her her best friend with the ponytails the vice captain I think huh, the vice captain the vice captain, yeah, she's like, she's like no, like she's holding it together for us, but like I'm sure when she's alone it'll all hit her and we get to see that moment and, honestly, like I started tearing up like I was about to cry because I've I've had that feeling, especially like playing volleyball. Like I've had those times where, like you know, like we did practice but like we probably could have tried harder, and like then we had a game and maybe it was against like a really good team and we really wanted to win and then we didn't. And you, just like that emotion it was so real and I think it was like really well animated and I think even the voice acting was good.

Speaker 1:

Like it felt like a real emotional moment and I'm glad we got to see that, because you know like it does suck to lose and you know, when we see how much michi miya cares, yes, and then we have michi miya and ikadri. Both have this, like like you were saying, like oh, if only we'd practice more, if only we did this, and I heard that and I just started thinking of the song from holes.

Speaker 2:

If only, if only the woodpecker cries. I'm not gonna sing the whole thing, although I would.

Speaker 1:

So that was like a fun moment and I was like good, because I'm I'm in tears right now. And then I have the note here about winning is all about getting to play more volleyball.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we have ikedri like going up to daichi to say something in front of the whole team very brave very brave and very extra, like the way, and you know, sometimes haikyuu is so serious in these moments and I'm just waiting for someone to be like chill the fuck out, because like he's like grabbing daichi by the arms and he's tearing and he's like win and win again for us and it's very like it's so dramatic and sincere that of course my ass can't help but try and make it jokey, because he's like he says in the dub he says please keep winning for my team too, which I really like and I do.

Speaker 1:

I really love that moment where, like Akechi like says, like Saramara, and then like Daichi like turns and you see Karasuno behind him, and I took a picture of that because I think they all just look really good, like I just love shots of like the whole team together and like I like that they turn as a team yeah to like look at him, yeah, and then like I like the moment because, like Ikedri is like it is very dramatic.

Speaker 1:

But like Ikedri is like holding on to like his shirt and Daichi like pulls his hand down, to like shake it as if they're equals, he's like no, you don't need to beg me for this. Like we got you and like you know, karasuno is playing for all the other underdogs out there.

Speaker 2:

Pretty much. Yeah, the team does know, like in the middle of the game, like Kar Carlson is not fallen, like they're on a whole other level and they have this presence when they walk together. That you really feel.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then we have some fun little meta commentary.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this episode gives a moment to the extras, as we say. So you know, daiti's ex-boyfriend kind of says, if this was like a fictional story, the people who go to nationals would be the main characters and we're all just extras. And they give this like montage moment to all the people you know who lost that day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it just kind of shows like all the different teams like talking to their coach, or there's like one kind of hit me hard and I also.

Speaker 1:

This also made me very emotional, um, but there's like one team where it was like the girls, like a girls team, thinking like the crowd for cheering them on, and there's one girl who's so upset, she's like on the ground crying because and this is also the first game so like for some of these people, especially the third years, who maybe aren't coming back in the next season, like this is their last game, this is their last chance to play a real game.

Speaker 1:

Because I and I don't know if we've talked about this before, but but like it seems like in Japan, or at least in the world of haiku, like it's not like in American sports where it's like you just have a season where, like, you have a certain number of games you're going to play, and then there's a tournament and then it's like you might be out, like you know for us, like, if you're on a school team, it's like you know you are going to play, that all of you're going to play, probably all of you're gonna play, probably all of the different schools, and like you're just gonna play like normal games, and then it gets to a point where it's like, okay, now there's a bracket, but for Japan that's all they get. They get like practice matches, yeah, and then they get these tournaments. So I think it's very interesting. So it really is like they're done after this yeah, it's very do or die.

Speaker 2:

It's very final um and, yeah, during this um, this very touching little montage where, yeah, I got a little emotional edit too. You know, they both go. We got to play volleyball and I just feel like, yeah, like I think the fact that we give a moment to the losers and like haikyuu is not like if you go to nationals, you're the protagonist. This anime and this manga is about volleyball and every side of that. So it's not just about, like you know, we're going to go like the winners, it is about all aspects and I really I like that a lot.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I said, you know, in Haikyuu, every team player is important, even if they aren't the main characters, and, like, everyone kind of gets their moment, no matter how small, and everyone kind of like has a story in it. I don't know it just it's really beautiful and I think, like you know, this haiku really is like a love letter to this sport and like sportsmanship, and I just think that's so lovely and I think it's something that's so important to think about, that like, even as you're out there, like you know, having your story go on, like other people are having their own yes moments, okay.

Speaker 1:

So we get through some really emotional parts and then we have Ikejiri turning and walking away and the rest of Kurosuno continues on their way, but Hinata stops and looks at him and there's this really cool moment where you see Ikejiri's back walking away, reflected in Hinata's eye, and he knows exactly what that kind of defeat feels like, like he has been there before and I just like and like it's. It's a reminder to him, I think of like why he is fighting so hard. Yeah, for sure. Um, and then we get to see the weird face on the Sendai gym wall. Yeah, and the little lobby. I love they always like I probably, because it's like it's a it that's like um, it's probably like a very well-known thing, like, that's like a good sign of like this is where this is. Yeah, and when we go to Japan, we have to go to Sendai and try to go to this gym. I want to take a pic If this face is even still there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just a Haikyuu tour of Japan, yeah, honestly. So now you know we're waiting for the second game. Hinata overhears people walking by him he's got this goofy little smile on it and then he sees kageyama looking at him and he immediately gets defensive and he's like well, I'm allowed to be happy about that. And kageyama doesn't mind, he's pleased. The more they're wary of hinata, the more they'll bring the best out of him. And then you have a note about what he says. Um, this is one of our very first like very creepy kageyama smiles where he's just like it's very wicked and and he says this and hinata's like I don't really get what you're saying, but you're scary when you smile. And then you know kageyama is just like pan face and and grabs his head.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, and then the dub hinata's like I don't really know what you're saying, but it seems kind of evil and I need a fic about high school kageyama, just wanting hinata to say something nice about his face, but not understanding why, oh my god I think that would be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because it's just like so funny, like the head grab, and I know it's just like a fun, like teasing thing, whatever. But I just like the idea that Kageyama is just like why do you not like my face? You should like my face more. Yeah, really yeah. And then we have I guess they have like a break between games and we cut to just like Kagehina, having like their own little personal practice outside and talking about their next match because they're little boyfriends.

Speaker 2:

So Datek is up next and the senpais are on edge. Now we have a moment where, like, asahi is kind of sitting there and Daichi and Noya kind of go up to him and like, are you ready? And there's a very intense look on Noya's face.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that look on Noya's face is so like. He is such an intense person. I love him so much, but he like it's very cool and it's very like well drawn. I would say he's just like, are he's? It's this look of like. Are you ready, are you?

Speaker 2:

going to be able to do this. Asahi, yeah, and Suga goes to Kagehina out practicing and kind of implores them to do their best and he even like bows to them a little and I think Kagehina are a little shook at this, because that's a major sign of respect and the fact that he's the senpai, but it just shows, I think, how serious and how badly he wants you know their help. And he says you opened. He says to Kageyama you opened the way for Hinata, Please open the way for our ace.

Speaker 1:

And Suga just cares about Asahi so much, and I wonder if he's still maybe trying to like make up for their last date. Tech matchup again.

Speaker 2:

Well, you guys says it's only been three months since this defeat happened, so that's pretty fresh in all the second and third year's minds.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely. And then we go back to in the gym and Hinata's like all excited about the game and date tech walks by and I and Hinata's like all excited about the game and Datek walks by and I guess like Aone like bumps into him accidentally and then like turns and glares at him and then Hinata goes to like hide behind Tanaka, who's just like what's happening, and I just love that. I want a fic of like them going through like a haunted house and Hinata like trying to hide between all the Karasuno team he's so cute and Yukai worries.

Speaker 2:

You know, as I said, about the second and third year's confidence since they're fresh off this defeat, but no matter, because nishinoya is here and they're practicing receives and it's not as his goofy ass rolling thunder again and, like you know, he just like has a way of pumping up the whole team. Uh, kageyama, hinata and tanaka are all like like they're all like blushing not because of the rolling thunder again.

Speaker 1:

They make fun of him for that but, then he says like, oh right, because he said he had. He gives like a speech about just like. I'm here to like receive them, I'm here to keep the ball off the floor for you. And I have two notes. Which is um noya is the only character who knows he's in a shonen anime. That's so fucking um. And then he's the true hero of haikyuu, he's the true hero of karasuno, he's the true ace of karasuno. I would even say, yeah, you could definitely make that argument I continue to make it every time and you guys says we have an outstanding libro yeah, and every other team thinks noya is cool.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you know, and in the dub you guy has the line he kind of like comes for him where he's like he may be short and his hair ridiculous which is funny, because all he says in the sub is he may be small, but he has like charisma, yeah basically, and so I don't know why they had to like throw in the hair comment that makes a lot of choices.

Speaker 2:

I don't understand.

Speaker 1:

Yeah really, um. But then you know, like we do get to see, we get to hear date text chant, which I love it in the dub because it's it's let's go, date tech, date tech, here we go, oh, interesting, and I really like it, and I think you know this is kind of a quiet thing that isn't really touched on until later. Um, but like the importance of having people in the stands cheering you on, and I think date tech is the first team where we really get to see that happening and we get to see them being supported by more than just, you know, their manager and their coaches well, the vibe has really flipped because the first team was kind of wimpy and whatever.

Speaker 2:

But this is a really serious team. Even like they're tall, they're thundering footsteps as they get on the court and and Takada does note like it feels like Date Tech has taken over the court.

Speaker 1:

When I think they even mentioned I think maybe it's Seijo, when they're talking about Karasuno winning their game, I think somebody also says like oh, the other game finished up too. And like Date Tech like wiped the floor with that team no-transcript else. You know, it's just kind of like you know they do their little. Like you know, arigashimasu, yeah, yeah, yeah, they're about to.

Speaker 2:

They're like right about to play, so we're gonna get into it next episode. So that's episode 16. Losers you know what you're. Winners in your own way you know what?

Speaker 1:

yeah, you know it sucks to lose and it it, but defeat never tastes very good, but the important thing is that you keep trying. Speaking of somebody who keeps trying, it's time for a character spotlight and, ladies and gentlemen, and they's and them's and everything in between, we're talking about michimia, you, you yeah, you, you, you, you, you you.

Speaker 2:

How many times can we say this? I don't know, you're gonna have to cut a lot of that out.

Speaker 1:

They're not gonna like it um, we're just gonna talk about michimia, and you know we love michimia. She isn't in too many. This is kind of like her, only one, I think, in season one. We see her a little bit, I think, in the rest of these episodes and we see her more, I think, in season three as well, but she's fun.

Speaker 1:

I have a little note about her personality. She, you know she's a very active person, always smiling and cracking jokes. She's also very determined and cares a lot for her team. You know we see her giving them emotional speeches and she tries to stay composed in front of them, but she lets herself cry when she's away from her teammates, which is, you know, like I get that. But also, I think there's strength in a leader being able to like, show their weakness in front of people. But you know, I do like that moment and then. But she herself has stated that she isn't strict enough on them, and you know what? That's fine, yeah, it's it. You know what it should really be your coach who's more strict on them. I think let's talk about the girls coach. Do we even get to see the girls coach in this?

Speaker 2:

do they have a coach? They must right yeah.

Speaker 1:

So anything you want to say about her personality, I think she is fun. She's really like bubbly. Yeah, she's very bubbly, she's, she's adorable. She kind of like is giving a little bit like a female suga, yeah, a little bit. Yeah, I get that. And then we have her name, meaning um, which isn't like too tied to who she is, but I thought it was interesting. So her last name, michi mia, is a roadside shinto shrine, which you know what. Maybe that will come up later and we can talk about that.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, okay, yep, yeah, so we'll we about, you know, put a pin in that for now. And then, yui, yeah Means to tie up or braid hair, which I don't know if, like that's supposed to be funny, because she has short hair that you can't tie up or braid.

Speaker 2:

Or like because you know, volleyball girls have to tie up their hair.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know, it might not have much meaning at all. Yeah, it probably doesn't. It's probably just like a cute name or something. Maybe there's somebody in Furudate's life or another character that Furudate enjoyed that have that name. But yeah, so that's the name meaning. Um, and then we have her character sheet, which this one looks a little different than the other ones. I had trouble finding an English language version of this, so hopefully this is all right. It looks like it is so. Michi miya is the girls volleyball team captain. She's a third year in class one so she's a smarty pants.

Speaker 1:

No class one is not smart.

Speaker 2:

Oh, class one is not smart, she don't know.

Speaker 1:

Just kidding everyone, oh yeah, that's right because, like hinata and kageyama are in like classes like one and two and then like smart people like tsukishima's in like class four, yeah, um, okay so you know, maybe she's not studying super hard. Her height is 159.3 centimeters, which is about 5'2 okay um, I had to look up that conversion because they gave me the centimeters here that's rough, yeah, you know it's really hard.

Speaker 1:

Um, I do hate that we use the imperial system and I wish we used the metric system in america, but I know you know, maybe one day we'll make that transition for ourselves. Yeah, um, her birthday is august 1st, meaning she is a leo yep, and do you feel like that matches her?

Speaker 2:

I mean yeah I guess it's hard with characters that we don't have like a ton of you know, but like sure I'll go for that.

Speaker 1:

She's got the fire in her yeah, I would say yeah, I would say that that makes sense, especially with the way she's like always slapping her cheeks. Yeah, like she burns with that like fiery passion. Um, her favorite food is, uh, natto with rice. Her current concern is that she's been told that her thighs are sturdy, and I have a couple things. First of all, don't make comments about people's bodies. It's unnecessary, yeah. Second, she's a volleyball player, so sturdy thighs are a good thing. She should want her thighs to be sturdy. You need 30 sturdy thighs. Okay, you're doing a lot of squatting. You're doing a lot of moving with your legs. You're doing a lot of jumping. It's good to have sturdy thighs. And, okay, you're doing a lot of squatting. You're doing a lot of moving with your legs. You're doing a lot of jumping. It's good to have sturdy thighs and, honestly, she looks great, so shut the fuck up about her body.

Speaker 2:

I feel like Haikyuu does suffer from casual sexism. Like I didn't like and you know, maybe maybe I'm doing too much, but I didn't love the way that I felt like the volleyball girls were always crying, Like that just felt a little. And then, yeah, this little comment about the sturdy thighs and the fact that she even gives a shit, which, like I, I'm not.

Speaker 1:

I'm not holding that against her. She's a high school girl and, like you know, she's being told by every single thing around her that she has to care more about her body than anything yeah, so like that is very eye roll inducing yeah, it's just, it's annoying.

Speaker 1:

But again, this is a mainstream, very popular manga that came out in the mid-2010s. So that's going to happen, but that doesn't mean we're going to let it slide. We're going to talk about it every time. Yeah, Okay. And then her ability parameters her technique and her strategy are twos.

Speaker 2:

Her jumping is a three, but her stamina, power and speed are all, are all fours yeah, it sounds like she has a lot of like power but, like you know, maybe you know, maybe the coach sucks, maybe she doesn't have a lot of good guidance I think that's and you know, I feel like that's not touched on enough in this of like how much and okay, that's wrong.

Speaker 1:

it is touched on a lot how, how much of a difference a good coach makes. Yeah, I just wish we could have kind of gotten a hint of the girls' team coach, and maybe there just wasn't time or room for it and that's another thing.

Speaker 2:

When I talk about, like the casual sexism, it's like you know, I'm glad we got to see the girls' team at all, but it was very surface level. You know, and I get it. We're about the Karasuno boys' team, whatever, but find out anything much deeper. You know she served a very. This team served a very specific purpose and it was to highlight losers.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, and it's very much about like michi miya and michi miya's like connection with daichi and like it's like very much in service of like daichi being like such a good leader and being such an inspiration for other people, and you know, that's just like the way storytelling goes. Unfortunately, it's it's a boy's anime.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, it's a show, and what are we gonna do? Yeah, give, give us a girls volleyball anime please. Oh my god, because I love, like the, I like the character designs of the girls team.

Speaker 1:

Um, there's the one that comes to tell her about the coach has like the short hair and I just I want to know more about her well, and I think that's something that's very interesting, and I think that's very common in japan of when you are a girl who plays sports, you cut your hair short.

Speaker 1:

It's probably very much like you know, so it's like out of the way but, I also wonder if there is something of like making yourself like more masculine, because it's a sport and sports are more masculine. I'm always interested in, like other countries and like their feminist like readings of things and, like I, I'd be very interested in knowing, like, what's the analysis of that, what's the social, sociological analysis of that phenomenon?

Speaker 2:

All right, are we ready to move on? I am To the world's favorite game. Who, in Haikyuu this one comes from our very own Rainbow Came up with this idea, and the scenario is what kind of YouTuber, slash influencer would they be? Today we're going to discuss Hinata kageyama daichi ikijiri tanaka noya asahi suga kyoko michimiya yukai and takada hinata.

Speaker 1:

I think would be well if we're talking about, like high school hinata I think we can kind of, you know, feel free to age them up if we want to, because I think hinata would be kind of like a wellness influencer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think he'd be very much like.

Speaker 1:

Here's my morning routine. I make my green juice. Yes, very much that or like you know just about, maybe more about volleyball, but like, yeah, I could see him be like I meditate and then I exercise and blah, blah, blah yeah, absolutely, I totally see that for him and I see him getting like a lot of followers and just like people naturally like flocking to him because of his charisma, I could see him having like an Instagram and a TikTok and just like everyone wants to see his bright, sunny face. Yeah, okay, kageyama.

Speaker 1:

Kageyama would be a horrible YouTuber, slash influencer he would be it would be like accidental, he would have to be teamed up with somebody. I could see Kageage hina together making a really good team, like I could see them doing like a game grumps type thing. I could see them doing like reactions to volleyball, yeah, um, where they're like reacting to games and like people really liking their um dynamic together. But kageyama on his own, first of all wouldn't even try.

Speaker 2:

No, and if he has fans, it's in spite of himself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah it's because they just like think he's like so hot and they're like, oh, he's so dark and moody or like they think he's he's funny, like he's funny.

Speaker 1:

But not on purpose. Yeah, he's unintentionally hilarious. Yeah, daichi, daichi. Yeah, what kind of and like it doesn't just have to be influencer. It could be like youtuber. Is he reacting to things? Is he like playing a game? Is he like I? Okay, daichi is giving you the tips and tricks for how to like do things around the house. He's giving you practical life hacks. Okay, he's like here's how you fix this thing. I could see him being like one of those like middle-aged dudes who's just like hey, did you not have a great dad who taught you how to do things? That's what I'm here for. Oh, I love that. Okay, yeah, yep, or like just giving like inspirational speeches. I could see him like keep up your positive attitude and like, yeah, like kind of just like life tips and stuff. Yeah, and then ikezuri. I know we don't really know him, but I wanted him in here I feel like he would be kind of like your danny mata person.

Speaker 2:

He would just like watch things and comment on them, maybe, yeah, so just full disclosure.

Speaker 1:

I don't do a lot of YouTubing stuff. I don't like. I don't really have a ton of YouTubers that I follow now Game Grumps because of Emily but like, the only other YouTuber that I've ever enjoyed is Danny Mata. He does a lot of anime reactions. Right now he's reacting to Hell of a Boss. He reacted to has Been Hotel.

Speaker 1:

I think he's really funny. I think he does really good analysis. I think he's also very respectful and just very cool and I enjoy his stuff and he's got a huge following. So, like he doesn't need you to follow him or subscribe to his Patreon. But if you're looking for somebody who's reacted to some fun anime and some fun animation, check him out. He hasn't done Haikyuu I don't know if he ever will but he's done JJK. He's done Bungo Stray Dogs, he's done Chainsaw man, he did Blue Lock on his Patreon and I think he did Food Wars on his Patreon and, like I said, has Been Hotel and Hell of a Boss nice anyway. Sorry, quick plug for somebody who doesn't need a plug um Tanika is reacting to rap beefs.

Speaker 2:

I could just see him reacting to the Kendrick and Drake rap beef and stuff like that yeah, absolutely having a big reaction.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I totally see him doing that. I also see him trying. Oh, I could see him doing like workout videos too, of just like here's how you lose, here's.

Speaker 2:

Here's how you get like really swole biceps or something yeah, and then maybe he tries to make a video about how to talk to girls and it goes viral in the wrong way. Yeah, um, noia would do like travel vlogs. I think that's an avi one, yeah absolutely he.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he'd just be like here's what I'm doing today, yeah, um, and I think he would get like a really good following. I could also see him being the kind who, like, if he like edits, edits his own videos. He's adding in like a lot of like extras. He's adding in a lot of like random commentary and like boom, boom, he's doing a lot of like extras. He's adding in a lot of like random commentary and like boom, he's doing a lot of like weird, like filters on stuff oh my god, yeah, that's totally him.

Speaker 2:

Meanwhile, asahim would be the exact opposite. I think his types of videos would be very calming, with soothing music.

Speaker 1:

I think he'd be giving like tutorials on how to make certain things. I won't go too much into detail, if you know. You know, yeah, um, you know, but he would definitely be and it wouldn't be like his face, it'd be very much like his hands doing the thing. Yeah, um, and he'd be like hey guys, welcome to my channel. Today we're gonna be talking about how to make this thing. He could not read the comments at all. I think he'd have to have somebody there to like, go through and like here are the really nice comments please do not look at any of the mean comments and I think he'd feel very he'd be like, you know, if people were really nice to him, he'd feel like he doesn't deserve it. Suga would be unhinged, yeah, and he, I think he, I think he would be like a gamer. I could see him being a gamer youtuber.

Speaker 1:

He does like scary games he did, yeah, he does really scary games and I could see him like making very much like game grumps he could. He would make daichi like watch him play really terrible, terrifying games.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you'd be like I don't want to do this, I'm leaving definitely uh kyoko kyoko, I think would also be like asahi, where like it's very chill, I don't know, maybe maybe like wordless, like no commentary, like day in the life type videos that I fucking love watching on tiktok, yeah I could see her doing those really cool like.

Speaker 1:

I could see her doing really cool like photography and posting on Instagram. Yeah, what were you gonna say? Like a study with me video?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh yeah, I think she would give people like good study tips. I think, you know, I think she would just she does like have like a natural, like draw to her. I think people do feel drawn to her, so I think she would get a lot of followers, but she wouldn't be out there like pushing to get more of them. I think she would get a lot of followers but she wouldn't be out there like pushing to get more of them.

Speaker 2:

I think they just naturally flock to her. Michimiya, michimiya, I feel like, would do like, just like vlogs, follow me around on my day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I think she'd probably also try to give like tips and stuff. I think her videos, I think she would like try to do like certain like trends and stuff and like fail at them, and it would be really funny I could see her and her little like vice captain yeah doing stuff together. Yukai doesn't know what an influencer is no, you can have anything.

Speaker 2:

Is having like a podcast that makes you like we need to stop giving men podcasts like he's just saying he's just making cancelable take.

Speaker 1:

Cancelable takes left and right yeah, I think if anything like people try to to like pull him in, to like doing social media and he's like I will not do this, yeah, uh. And then takata is definitely doing like literary analysis.

Speaker 2:

He's doing like a five hour long video picking apart pride and prejudice, yes, I just had an explicit idea, though, of takata going from like these very innocent like you know, maybe he puts like his lectures on youtube or whatever, but then he gets so many comments about how cute he is and then he falls into the camboy pipeline.

Speaker 1:

I yeah, I'm also imagining him doing like who would do asmr? Who would do like really?

Speaker 1:

good asmrs, yeah, I don't know I could see suga getting into that yeah I could see suga being the kind who does those like, oh, I'm gonna like play with weird food. And it's just like, oh, this is a weird video, but it's secretly. It's just like check out my page and go to my only fan to see more. But I do love that idea. I love the idea of Takeda's like slowly getting into camming, and now I'm thinking of a Yukai Takeda cam boy. Au, I'm gonna think about that for a while. Will I ever write it? Probably not.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, thank you for our who and IQ scenario. Rainbow, you're welcome, I thought that was a fun one.

Speaker 1:

We'll definitely do listener suggestions for the next few, but I think every once in a while when we come up with an idea, I think it's fun to just do it, I think the kids will understand.

Speaker 2:

I think so too. So before we hop into the spoiler zone, let me just hit you with our socials. You can find us on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and Blue Sky at FlyHQPod, that's F-L-Y-H-Q-P-O-D. You can also send us an email if you want to chit chat. We love to talk at FlyHQPod at gmailcom.

Speaker 1:

F-L-Y-h-q-p-o-d at gmailcom. All righty, and now I think it's time to go into the spoiler zone. Get in the deep end, jump into the pool.

Speaker 2:

We're going to the pool later today uh, it's like a hot one today and we're going to the pool with our friends and we're very excited oh, I can't wait.

Speaker 1:

All right, uh, but not in an actual pool, but in the spoiler zone pool. Yeah, so you had a note.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I just thought like because in the flashback with Daichi in middle school you know he's like the one person, like his ex-boyfriend and I'm just going to keep calling him that says, like you know, when they lost, a lot of people were like they accepted, they expected it and also they were kind of relieved because they wouldn't have to do any more tiring practices.

Speaker 2:

but Daichi was like the one person who was very upset and I just like had the thought of, like I'm kind of surprised in a way, that Daichi didn't go pro, because he always seems to have he seems to have like the same amount of drive and passion that Kagehina do maybe a more human version of Kagehina, because they are on their own level but he really, like, has always just really given a shit, and so I was a little surprised, but I also guess it's realistic. Most people, even if they are really passionate about the sport that they're playing in high school, will just go on to live like very normal citizen lives.

Speaker 1:

Maybe that's just like daichi's like dedication and like he just is like dedicated to things and it's not necessarily like oh, I just like I have to keep playing volleyball because like it is in my blood, but just like I don't want to lose and I want to keep playing and like I'm sure there's some pride wrapped up into it. So I do think that's interesting and I think, again, it's just like statistically speaking, even the fact that they have three players who go on to like become pro and semi-pro like from one team. I think that's pretty amazing and I think that's even commented on on in the manga of just like oh, the monster generation.

Speaker 1:

Like it's so crazy that like so many kids from like the same like two or three years in high school like went on to become pros yeah so I think it, you know, it just kind of had to happen that way, you know, and we've talked about it before, but you know, maybe he could have chosen another career field yeah but whatever, I'll let it go.

Speaker 1:

Just kidding, I never will. Um, do you guys like it when I whisper um, yeah, so anything else you want to say about Daichi? No, that was just. That was just a thought I had about him. Okay, and I don't have a ton for the spoiler zone either. I just wanted to say, going back to that moment of Hinata, you know being, you know, all excited that they want and getting to play another game, you know he just keeps proving himself to be Kageyama, someone better Like I think that's probably another reason for the blush is Kageyama was like oh my god, this guy.

Speaker 2:

He really cares about volleyball.

Speaker 1:

He really, he really loves volleyball.

Speaker 2:

So much, he's just like me for real really loves volleyball so much.

Speaker 1:

He's just like me for real. Yeah, did you like that? Um, I also you mentioned this. I actually thought about it just as we were, um, talking about it. But you say, like, kageyama does like five service aces in a row and that's what he goes on to do in the real olympics. He gets five service aces in a row against France, and so I don't know if that's supposed to be a mirror moment or if that's just a coincidence, but our boy has always been a boss. Yeah, oh, kagema is so cool, he's such a good volleyball player. No wonder Hinata loves him so much.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I think that's it for the spoiler zone. I think when we get into the games like this, I think it's going to be hit or miss whether or not we have a lot to talk about for the spoiler zone. I wonder if there will ever be an episode where we don't have anything for the spoiler zone. It could happen. We'll have to see. Stay tuned. You'll just have to keep listening to find out. Yeah, I think that's it. I should have said this up in the spoiler, or no? I should have said this up in the social media part. But you know, feel free to subscribe to the podcast if you like listening to it.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I guess that's it, anything else that you want to say Um, you know, I no, I had nothing.

Speaker 1:

You could have just said no you know, sometimes I just think of things. That's true, you are very quick.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes I don't. You've got a quick wit All right, everyone. Well, thank you for joining us. We'll see you next week. Do you have anything else? No, I just said that you have a fine ass, as you were saying. Thanks for joining us, thanks for joining my fine ass. Woo, all right, we gotta go. All right, everyone. Thanks for joining us. We'll see you next week and until then, fly high.

Sharks and Haikyuu Discussion
Analysis of Haikyuu Episode Recaps
Discussion on Volleyball Game Dynamics
Haikyuu Inspires Love for Volleyball
Character Spotlight on Michimia
YouTube Content Creation Ideas