Fly: A Queer Haikyuu Podcast

S1E17: The Iron Wall

June 03, 2024

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"An unstoppable force against an immovable object."

Date Tech is on the court and that wall is STRONG!

This week, em and rainbow discuss season 1, episode 17 "The Iron Wall" and talk about the strength of Date Tech's blocking and the team's unknown background. For Who in HQ, they decide which stores the characters would work at in a 2000's era American Mall. Happy pride month to all!
49:48 - Spoiler Zone Begins

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hello everyone and welcome to fly a queer haikyuu podcast. I'm rainbow and I'm m, and today we are going to talk about episode 17 of season one.


The iron wall is that what was called in the sub. I didn't pay attention, but I'm sure it is. Wow, really, really dropping the ball. Sub watcher. You know, fire me absolutely not quick chit chat.


It's been a minute since we talked about palestine and the genocide is still going on, and so I just wanted to briefly touch on that and, just, you know, remind everybody that's still going on. There's ways that you can support. We'll put donation links in our show notes, but I also wanted to mention, if you live in the United States and probably there's, probably this is happening in other parts of the world as well. There's a lot of like university encampments protesters are gathering in on university lawns and demanding that their universities divest from Israel, and that's going on all over the place. Columbia University it really blew up there because, like the NYPD, went in and arrested people. And then recently in California, the Sonoma State Chancellor was asked to resign because he decided to meet the protesters demands of divesting, which is just a bad sign.


Yeah, I was saying to Rainbow. It's like you know, a lot of these universities are going after the chancellors, which is all well and good, like go after them, but it does remind you like you know you think you're going after the chancellors, which is all well and good, like go after them, but it does remind you like you know you think you're going after the big fish and then there are bigger fish still.


that like we got to go all the way to the top. These people who are like asking for this resignation, or the university chancellors and deans that are refusing to divest, and are like calling the police on protesters, they're really showing their ass and like history is going to show that you were in the wrong here.


Yeah, students are typically on the right side of history, so you think we would learn.


But yeah, we did this before in the United States during the Vietnam War, and we look back on that and we're like, yeah, we shouldn't have treated those students that way. And yet we're doing the same thing again. But if you are near a university encampment if there's one like in your city or in your town, or even if there's one like in your city or in your town, or even if there's not you can find them on social media most likely, and they most likely will have like a Venmo or a PayPal so you can send them money directly to support them. You might be able to send them supplies or bring them supplies. If you're close enough, they might have a legal fund for those students who are being illegally arrested. But yeah, so just you know, look into it and see if you can support them.


These students need support in every way possible. They are, you know, really you know, risking their educations and their futures to stand up for the rights of the Palestinians who are being just viciously murdered by the state of Israel. So look for links in our show notes. You can also look online. I'm sure you can find lots of stuff there. Moving on, we've got some, got a lot of housekeeping. Today. It's a it's a thick section yeah, it's Saturday morning.


I'm blasting music. Get up out of bed. We have to clean the house. Yes.


Okay, so, starting with a note on Japanese pronunciation, I want to say a big thank you to so so, our Hina baby. They were listening to the episode on where we talked about inuoka, and we talked about him in the character spotlight and his first name so has an o with a line over it, and so I had and, and you know they snapped me about it and then I had them type something up to kind of explain the pronunciation there. And so inuoka, his name, is typed as S-O-U in Romanization, due to the fact that the O sound is often elongated by adding the U sound, which turns U into another O when we pronounce it First. Translations to English made this misconception, but there's actually no U sound. Every time we see the letters with a line on top, it means the sound needs to be elongated. So it's just s, inu oka, so it's not sao or like you don't add the u sound, which I think we kind of, maybe, like we were, we were like is it this?


one or that one.


Yeah, and so Hina Baby just cleared that up for us and clarified. So we appreciate that. If anyone else was curious or anyone else knew that we were doing it wrong and was frustrated, we understand now. Yeah, feel free to be like hey, stop mispronouncing this name. Yeah, fucking absolutely. please call us out when we're being stupid americans, okay. So that was it for the pronunciation.


I also have a few quotes here from some articles full disclosure. I have a google alert set up for haiku. I set it up when news of the movie started coming out a year and a half ago because I wanted to stay up to date and, honestly, there's so many articles that are just like kind of bullshit and it's just like the 10 best volleyball or the 10 best sports anime. But I did see two that came up that were kind of talking about interviews.


Furudate had given back in like 2014 with some quotes that I thought was interesting and could maybe enrich our understanding of the text. The first one is I didn't want to write a story about sports. I started this series because I wanted to write a story about volleyball. I was a member of the volleyball club when I was a student and especially during my high school days, I only went to school for the sole purpose of playing volleyball, which is very kagehina coded. Yes, and then a second quote. In fact, I myself didn't like volleyball that much at the start. However, it is precisely because of that that got me thinking. It's the sense of ease that comes with the act of being able to control the ball freely that makes volleyball such an attractive sport.


That's why, even if it's boring at the start, I want children to continue to play volleyball I have a lot of thoughts I would love to hear all of your thoughts well, I just, first of all, I think furudate absolutely succeeds in writing a story about volleyball and not sports, and I think that's why so many of us like it so much. Because, like I've compared this anime to that basketball one, which feels more like it's just about like the sport, like I don't know I. I just feel like I he really succeeded with all of these things and like his background makes a lot of sense. I feel like that's why we get all these different character perspectives of people who maybe didn't love volleyball at first or had to learn to love it. We also see that lesson, especially more in season two, about like, of course you don't like it yet because you're not good at it.


It's fun once you're good at it yeah, there there's something about like there's a quote that comes later, I don't think this is a spoiler, but like it's like more fun when you're free. Yes, and I thought that was very interesting and I would say like and like. Furu Date wrote a story about volleyball, but it's just a story about so much more than that, and maybe that's because Furu Date sees volleyball as just more than a sport.


Well, well, he fell in love with volleyball and I feel like the story is about several different characters falling in love with volleyball in their own way. I also think I feel like he must have had his own equivalent of and you know, I'm not saying it was romantic, but I feel like he must have had a partner of his own because, like we don't, we don't crave to that partnership, maybe because all I say that because we don't, we don't quote that exactly, but like something about how much he loved volleyball and how was his whole life. It's like I feel like in most things, like I don't know, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a person that that also helped bring that out as well, and that's why, like, I feel, like you know, it doesn't always have to be a person involved to make something sentimental, but I feel like usually that can be the case.


So, I don't know, I have a theory that he had his own, like hinata or kageyama or nekomata ukai yeah, yeah, I mean there are so many partnerships in that show and so, and I think it would also make sense, because there are so many partnerships in that show, like I just I just that's my own little theory, I feel like maybe he had, because I think kageyama is kind of based off of him.


I think so too, especially because in the prototype, manga kageyama was the main character and hinata was the deuteragonist, and we will talk about that one day. Yeah but yeah, and you know, I mean that's the thing. I think that makes sense what you're saying, because volleyball is all about connection, and you know, and that's connection on the court, but it's also connection between the players, connection between teammates, connection between rivals and maybe it wasn't a part, or maybe it was just like the whole team you know helped him.


Yeah, that like that camaraderie you feel with your team and I think Furudachi does an excellent job of portraying that. Yeah, but kind of speaking of rivals, that kind of moves on to my last piece of housekeeping, quick, personal thing. I've started Aikido, which is a Japanese martial arts very much about defense. It's very interesting. It's kind of got a spiritual aspect to it that I'm enjoying. I got a couple of books from my dojo and one of them was Aikido and the Harmony of Nature by Mitsugui Satome Apologies if I pronounced that wrong. And Satome is kind of the person who spread Aikido like internationally, was like one of kind of the big leaders of that. He studied under O-sensei, who's the creator of Aikido. It's very much like a Socrates and Plato thing.


Satomi writes this book and there's a chapter that's kind of focusing on like the history of like the samurai in Japan, because that kind of directly leads to like the, not directly, but you know, I think a lot of Japanese martial arts is very much based on like the not directly, but you know, I think a lot of Japanese martial arts, is very much based on like the samurai lifestyle and there's a part about like when two samurai are fighting each other and he says the enemy was not dehumanized by hatred and fear.


The enemy was glorified and hatred and love became one which really, like I read that and I immediately just thought of like the rivalry we see in shonen anime, like I think of, and I think it really applies to this episode we're talking about today, because we're seeing aone and hinata develop this like mutual respect for each other, and so I just thought that was very interesting and I'm not even finished with that chapter and if I see more stuff like that I'll probably pull it out because I think that's interesting. But yeah, do you have any?


thoughts about that.


Well, yeah, I just think that that that quote is perfect with the rivals because, like, they don't necessarily hate each other like they do in a way, but not like true hate, like it's, it is like respect and like love well, and I would say that the people who are truly like rivals, like they're, it's not like it's I don't know, like it's, it's not hatred, you know, I would say, like oikawa hates kageyama, but that's, that's kind of for different things. That's almost because, like he refuses to see kageyama as a rival, because he refuses to see himself on the same level as him, yeah, and even then I don't.


I don't think that's true hatred. It's like yeah, I feel like it's one of those things where it's like I like you so much I can't handle it yeah, and there's like jealousy there and stuff like that.


There's a lot going on oikawa was a complicated figure anyway. So yeah, I just wanted to bring that up. thought that was cool. I think we're ready to jump in. Recap by rainbow go the date tech match kicks into high gear, with both teams fighting for points. Kagehina finally bring out their strongest weapon, opening up the iron wall so the ace can score a point, aone starts to fixate on Karasunos number 10, and Hinata finally starts to understand the importance of being a decoy.


Very nice.


I didn't even read yours because I was afraid I was going to think mine was inferior.


No, my recap was like two sentences long.


This is very good. Okay, I felt like mine was a little short, but you know, I think I got everything. There's just a lot of volleyball.


That's the thing I feel like as we get into more of these like game heavy. You know the recaps might be shorter, but that's not a bad thing, yeah.


And also with Day Tech. We don't get any background on the characters. No not one. We don't get a single flashback to a childhood or like a middle school game, or even a practice where they're talking which?


is a shame, because I feel like child aone would be fucking hilarious yeah, that's like honestly furu date.


Don't even give me the slice of life 400 chapters. Give me like one manga that's about date tech. That's all I want from you. The episode begins.


Yes, so we start off with a little asanoya moment with asahi gripped by fear of the date tech in the beginning. We kind of it's kind of starting from where the last episode ended and we get Nishinoya's moment again of like, keep your eyes forward because I'm gonna back you up and everyone's like kakui yeah, kagehina and Tanaka think he's so cool.


I love that. Well in the episode like the very beginning of the episode is a flashback to the, the game from three months ago, where Asahi kept getting blocked right and that's why he's like kind of gripped with fear.


And then Noya does his rolling thunder again, again, again. Everyone's like, oh my god, he's so cool. Because he's like, don't worry, I've got your backs. And he does, yeah, and everyone believes that. So we're just kind of going back and forth between Karasuno and Datek and and I have a question yeah, datek's number two, is he the captain or is he the vice captain? I noticed that. Where's number one? Number one is the blonde guy who gets in the fight with Futakuchi later in the episode.


Oh yeah, I don't know, because number two is a lot more vocal and acts more like a captain. Maybe that's just their dynamic, you know. You know, I think sometimes maybe the vice captain step up a little bit more. It's like based on personality maybe.


Yeah, yeah, so I called him the. I call him the day tech captain, but maybe he is the vice captain. Anyway, he looks like he's related to Takeda. That's what I think. Every time I see him, I'm like are you like a distant cousin? That's Takeda's son.


Although that would mean Takeda had him when he was like 13.


was like 13. Oh my god, that would be an interesting fic. I also have a note here that the date tech coach looks like he hangs out at dive bars chain smoking cigarettes on the weekend. Absolutely, with his like slicked back hair, he looks like kind of reminds me of like Steve Buscemi from Reservoir Dogs or something like that. Like he looks like he looks like a scary figure.


And so we have Hinata facing off against the iron wall because and I made a note about this and apologies to everyone who is probably screaming at their phones when we were talking about the last episode and we talked about kagehina doing the freak quick, we like specifically said that they did the freak quick, but they haven't actually done their freak quick. They've done like a normal quick, with hinata with his eyes open and everyone's amazed because hinata can jump so high, but we don't see him do his free quick until later in this episode. They're really like holding that close to their chest, but hinata is still. He's facing off against the iron wall and like they are right in his face, but he does manage to like maneuver the ball.


Yes and he hasn't.


That wasn't the quick, the free quick yet no no, no, because he he keeps his eyes closed and he can't maneuver the ball yet when he does the free quick yeah and we kind of get into some terminology here, but which I think is kind of important.


so, the reason that they were day tech is the iron wall and they're tall and they're fast, and the big reason why they are there, even though he knows fast, is because day tech uses what's called a read block, which means that they go for the block after they see where the toss is going, whereas many teams use a commit block, where they, I think they kind of like assume where the toss is probably going to go and they just commit to blocking that person. And, as ukai says, in other words, they're not easy to trick with decoys.


Yeah, and they say that the read blocking for DateTech works because of Aeonis' speed and size. Yeah, and they talk a lot about that and that's kind of something I wanted to touch on. I didn't really put this in the notes and I just thought about it, but like that's something I think about a lot with, like the body diversity in this show is that we see like Aoni is like a big dude and there's just so many different shapes and sizes of characters, which is great because you don't see that a lot, especially in animation, and I think that's important for a sport is to show that like not everybody is going to come in the same shape and size, but everyone is capable of like training and growing. Yes, and there was oh, I was going to say when Datek's on the court, the library is open.


Yeah, really. So just a little bit of like some game play by play here, also. He then gets blocked, but his spirits are still up, much to futakuchi's disappointment. He kind of makes a comment like oh, come on, get a little dejected I have something to say, say it.


So his name is futakuchi and I even, like, switched over to the sub for a second to make sure, because vice captain or captain calls him futachi in the dub oh, yeah, and I was like how the fuck are you gonna say a


whole character's name. Yeah, that is like. I am like I really want to see if the dub gets better in season two and they get like, because it just is like they're really dropping the ball. I'm like, how can you mess up a whole character's name? That one really pissed me off anyway. But futakuchi wants the drama. Yeah, but asanoya are just cute boyfriends, because he wants like. He's like no, like you are, you're, I want you.


I want to see you two at each other's throats yeah, but no, because yeah, noya kind of rushes to reassure him and also he's, he's fine. He's like, yeah, no, I'll go for it again next time. He's not, he's not shook yet. Yes, um, and then tanaka gets blocked, but they get a point with a net violation, which Aone quietly bows an apology to his vice captain, for which I thought was kind of a funny direct contrast to how much Noya was just apologizing very loudly because I think, like he saved the ball but it was a little messy. But yeah, just Aone is just like he really personifies a wall.


Yes, and then we have a part and I think we both kind of had a reaction to this. There's a moment where, like, hinata is going to spike and he's like looking for where he can spike it, and that moment is so cinematic. It's like the camera is like swirling around him and then aoni like moves his hand to block because he sees where hinata plans to go.


Oh, and it was so good yeah, because like right before that also, he manages to get a point even after getting blocked with an out which, like I don't really fully understand how that all worked and that's fine.


I think. What happens is, I think if they hit the block, if they hit the blockers and it like hits the blockers hand and then goes out, that counts as like being like a hit on the other team. Yeah, and so they get the point.


So they're. You know, basically cross is kind of getting some lucky shots in and you know they're getting points, but dateko's, blocks are just too strong. And yeah, we had that cool shot with hinata and they kind of get into. You know, blocks are spirit breaking. That's the purpose of a block. You know you think you're going to get a point in and then you don't and that breaks the other team's spirit and then boosts their morale and you know, ione just really personifies all of that well, and the data coach has a quote that, like we take your point and make it our point, which kind of connects to another character, we meet in season three and I thought that was.


That was an interesting line and then we get a surprisingly soft Kagehina moment I feel like this is the softest they've been with each other where Hinata is frustrated but Kageyama calmly tells them you know, we're on to the next one, they'll definitely get the next one. And Hinata's all like, definitely, are we gonna do it the freak quick and like. Kageyama just smiles and he tells him do your best jump, you do your fastest fly. Which, like I don't know, is that the first time he tells, because he literally says tobe in the, in the sub I'm not sure.


I feel like maybe he said it before, but maybe this could be the first time.


It was just very loving.


It's like do you fly and I'll bring the ball to you yeah, and they're just, they're smiling at each other and they're so excited and I just love like this is really like a transformation for kageyama. Like think about the way he was in middle school and so angry and so snappy, and now like he just he has a buddy who, like, can hit his sets and he's so excited about doing it and he has so many tools to use and I just love them and they're just so in love. So they go to a flashback of the team talking. Like you know, they're having a little, a little talk sesh, preparing for the, the tournament, and they talk about why Nekama was so hard to beat yeah, and hinata's like because inuoka was awesome and you guys like not exactly.


And then, like kageyama mentions like oh, their middle blocker was able to adjust to hinata. And then you guys says, at least he says in the dub that they had another star player. That to that kid with the two-toned hair. They call him putting head in the sub yeah, and I just think it's so interesting to think of kenma as like a star player of nekoma, but he really is like and you know, ukai mentions like they were able to get their like strategy together so quickly, and that's because of kenma.


Well, he calls him their smart player and then we have kenma sneezing because they're talking about him I know.


And then, of course, the everyone's always just like oh my god, do you have a cult?


he's like shut up?


no, I don't so, but the point of that is their free quick is very strong, but not invincible, and what's important is how they use it, and that's what kageyama is thinking. and i made a note here because ukai says it's a deadly weapon but it's not invincible, and I said excuse me, ukai, but as long as they have each other, kagehina are invincible. Did you not hear what they were saying to each other?


yeah, are you not listening. So they do it the fucking freak quick. It shakes the fucking nation. Everyone is shook in the stands. The assistant coach of day tech immediately assumes that that was like a crazy like luck, like oh wow, they really just were doing everything they could to get past the brute force. But the main coach isn't so sure that was just luck, yeah, yeah, the.


In the dub he says like, oh, that must have been a fluke. And we get to see throughout this whole fucking game. We're just seeing the seijo coaches like talking about karasuno. It's like they're not even paying attention to their own team. And you also see Oikawa notice it and like he's like there's nothing. I hate more than a prodigy, because he's all pissed off about Kageyama and I was like shut up, oikawa, you love that quick.


Like how is the epitome of you want to kiss him so bad? You look stupid yeah he really.


Yeah, he really is. And we do get to see like a moment of like the senpai, like just being like ruffling Hinata's hair and being like good job, and it's just so cute and I just love them, yeah, so this is, you know, this is when Hinata really starts to grab everyone's attention, because, like I think, the day tech coach is like have you seen that number 10 before?


And they're like, no, who is she? Who could she possibly be? Yeah, and it is very much like from a cinderella story, where she just comes out of nowhere. Yes, so then we have tsukki, who cannot help himself. Speaking of people who want to kiss kageyama, so bad it makes them look stupid oh my god, they just cannot help but bitch at each other.


Yeah he comes out on the court and is like osama, make the toss a little away from the net. I don't want to be blocked, like kind of just of just like you know, telling him what to do and Kageyama's like whatever asshole he's like, huh. He's like I said sure, yeah they just can't, and Tanaka has to like split them apart because they have to be.


Yeah, well, and because Daichi is like about to get pissed at them, like tsukki also has problems with communication because he's just trying to tell Kageyama about the kind of set he prefers, but he's doing it in like a jerkish way, because he's just so mad that Kageyama is so good. Yeah, yeah. He hates that. Like, if I tell him this is the kind of set I want, he can do it.


And then he turns it around on Kageyama and is like what you don't like getting orders from peasants.


Tsukki would be a menace on twitter. Oh my god, yeah, I don't. Even tsukki would make everyone cry. yeah, and we have, like, we have aone just like noticing hinata more and more.


Yeah, because like, datek is like scrambling to kind of figure it out, because you know, kageyama does a normal toss to tsukki. So they're like was that just a fluke, or is it just that number 10 can do it? And yeah, we have aone. Just kind of like watching Hinata in a predatory manner.


Well and we have a couple of shots in this episode. We have one shot, kind of towards the beginning, where it's like a really small Hinata and a really big Aone and just talking about, like you know, like Hinata being so small compared to Aone. And then we have another shot that's like Aone like looking at Hinata, aone like looking at Hinata, but this time it's a little bit more like like there's you can still see the size difference there, but like it's. It's a little bit more just like you know they. You know a little bit more of like a, an intensity, I guess, and a little bit less like oh, aone is so scary, and a little bit more of like oh, actually Hinata is kind of scary. And then in the dubs and they might say this in the sub too, but I think it's I can't remember who says it, maybe ukai says about Kagehina or not Kagehina. It says about Aone and Hinata. An unstoppable force meets an immovable object, which would be a great name for an Aone-Hina fic.


Yes, it would, and I think in the sub they just kind of say like Hinata's quickness against the tall wall.


So that's a really good that's. I think that's a good translation yeah, I think that's excellent.


So, you know, will I write that fic one day, maybe. Yeah, aone and hinata are an interesting ship. They got the size difference. They've got the personality difference. You know it's. It's a rare pair worth looking into, I believe yeah, they've got a respect for each other.


I think there are a few fics on a03. I've booked some, but there's just not nearly as many, probably because we don't get to know enough about Aonix.


Yeah, really. So then again Noya just barely saves it and someone comments like oh, a quick would be impossible. But just as they do that, they fucking do the free quick again. And it's just like this episode is fun, because I just always get hype when they do a free quick, especially when it's for the first time against a team, and they shake everybody to their core and I also like we do get more love and appreciation for the free quick, like I think the Seijo coach says, like you know, that's not a quick you'll see anywhere else in the world. Like just reiterating how special and almost impossible this combination that Kagehina have and I love Kagehina's reaction.


After they do a freak quick, They'll often like both, be like yes. But this one is cool because Hinata comes down and he has that intense look on his face, that like kind of predator look, where he's like so focused. And then Kageyama is just so excited, he is elated, he's like yes, it worked, Like he loves doing it. And somebody says, I think from the stance, like is that number 10, even human? Yeah, and then we have I feel like it happens a lot where one person will be like oh, it's that number 10. But then somebody will be like no, it's the setter. Or like somebody will be like that setter is amazing. It's like I don't know that number 10 is amazing. It's like they're both actually amazing, they actually couldn't do a perfect match.


Yeah, exactly yes. So I wrote that move was so powerful and gay date tech has to call a timeout. And yeah, it's someone in the crowd. We kind of have like these two random guys from a pink team commenting and the guy says that you know, as you said, the spiker is crazy powerful. And then it's Iwachan who says oh, wachan who says oh, but it's the setter that's truly the genius.


And oikawa. Much to oikawa's disdain, he's like yeah, because he wants me, never misses an opportunity to give kageyama his props, which I love. Yeah, he like has to make up for oikawa refusing to acknowledge his skill in any non-shitty way. Seriously, yeah and then we have like a moment of futakuchi bullying his senpai. He's like talking shit to their number one, the blonde-haired guy, and he's like that's why you can't get a girlfriend.


Oh, futakuchi's just like oh well, we just, you know, we have to, you know, block their number 10. That's all we really have to worry about. And then the number one is like you have to take it more seriously.


And Futakuchi's like because that's not gonna get the girls, yeah, and then like the number, the number two, like they're, so they're fighting, and then the number two is like aone, you know what to do, and then aone like goes and like just pushes them apart and I love it. And like I love because in I think it was the last episode or no, it was the episode before where aone is like pointing at asahi and futakuchi is the one who can like. I love that. Like they like everybody knows that. Like they can like stop each other. And why don't we like are they childhood friends? Did they play together in middle school? Did they become best friends in first year? Because their second year is like, what is their deal? What is their backstory? I want to know more. I know we'll never know.


Well, it's just, it's all gonna have to be fanon, which I guess is like fun, there's lots of opportunities but it's just the fact that furudate usually does not miss an opportunity to give a random backstory, so it's just crazy that especially the first really big team they go up against, we just you know, I get it, there's a lot to cover and I guess you know that just had to fall through the cracks.


Yeah I don't know if maybe it's because, like the focus of date tech is really like asahi and noya, but it's just like I don't know, give us something. You know, I, you know here's my headcanon real quick. I like to think that they were like best friends when they were really young and then maybe one of them moved away and then they didn't get to see each other and then they like maybe one of them, the other one moved back and you know, and then they started like high school together and they just reconnected and they just that bond was still there.


It is just that bond was still there. It is fun. I typically like ships where I do have a lot of meat to go off of, but it is can be fun with ships that you don't, or you know pairings whatever doesn't have to be romantic where you don't have a lot of information psycho out. So I'm looking at you to really create a whole world of your own. So you know, both kinds of ships can be fun to play with yeah, absolutely, um, oh.


And then we have that creepy like number 10 reaction where everyone's like number 10, number 10, number 10.


Because now you know they've done a couple of crazy freak quicks and so, yeah, you know they. And which is exactly what Karasuno and Kageyama wants. Because now we have Hinata literally shining brightly, so brightly that he's blinding the blockers to the other. Because it's not just Hinata on that team baby, we got some powerful hitters that are about to get you yeah, I said falling right into Karasuno's trap, exactly.


And this is when we have the two guys from the Neighborhood League which we will see again and again, and then the girls team. They join to watch, and Michimiya notes that Suga's on the bench, which obviously is so out of the norm. I think the senpais really do just get automatically. But then she remembers what Daichi says about how they have some really interesting first years and if we can get the best out of them, we might, you know, be able to go far. And it's like oh shit they're right.


Well, yeah, because she sees like the freak quick and she's like, oh my gosh, that's amazing.


And then we see Aone finally blocks the freak quick yes, yeah, so they, they do get one more past the block with a normal quick, because now they're starting to fuck with them a little bit. Now they're doing normal ones and they're all like they're so on edge for that free quick to happen again. But yes, then aone is not fooled. He kind of follows hinata's eyes and he moves his hands and we get the first real big noise out of aone yes, oh, is this the part where he like jumps twice.


He like jumps to because he thinks Hinata's going one place, and then he jumps again because Takeda mentions like, oh, he jumps again. And is that where he does? What does he say in the sub? He just yells. He's like number 10.


Oh, that's at the very that's at the very end are we not at the very end? No, not yet. Okay, yeah, I always not fooled. This time he jumps twice and blocks it, he goes. And I also just want to note that nishinori, this whole time, is making insane saves.


Yes, like he is the reason they're able to keep going, that the training that he did the like block, the like blocked spike training that he did is really paying off.


And so then we get to the end yes, then we're at the end where hinata is successfully used as a decoy, and that's where aone shouts because he's so sure yeah, because and they've said this before where hinata is so genuinely, he always just goes for it and you always believe him and aone chumps and he's like juban but then he goes down and then also he comes from behind and you know they remember,, suga goes back to that flashback of like talion, please open a path for our ace, and he does and alsoi gets it in and I honestly teared up a little bit because Asi, he like, he's like, oh, oh, there it is the view from the other side, like I remember.


Now it's kind of like a completion of like that part of his arc yeah, for sure.


I mean, furudate is so successful in getting us to kind of fall in love with volleyball, as the characters do, because they go through these struggles and then they're, they are able to overcome them. So now we get to really see, because hinata has kind of been resisting this decoy nickname. He wants to be the ace, blah, blah, blah. But then he has a moment where he's like I didn't even score the point, but you know, and he saw how, aone reacted to him and he's like being the decoy is is cool, and and kageyama is like, smiling proudly. He's like, yeah, don't you see, it's really cool to be a decoy.


And he has kind of like towards the end. He has that like evil little smile that he has.


I love his little shit eating like evil smile, because it is just that's just like I'm proud of hinata's smile.


I know I call it like. It's like a little like wolfish grin um I also there's a note the technique that they use that like pipe, that Asahi does. They picked up from Nekoma and like this is like that. This is what Karasuno does.


They just take things from other teams and like put them in their arsenal well, yeah, I do like that Nekoma has had a kind of a shadow over this episode in a way, because they are, nekoma and Karasuno are like the ultimate rivalry and especially in the way that they seem to influence each other. So that really brings us to the end of the episode and ukai kind of says, finishes it up with like all right, all our secret weapons are out, now let's see how the rest, because we're almost we're not quite at the end of the first set, but we're close. So now it's going to be interesting. They don't have that element of like surprise anymore and you know, let's see how date tech adapts.


But that's the end of episode 17 once we get to tournaments, this is really where they stretch out the games and we really get a lot um, which I'm not mad about yeah, no for a date again.


I'm gonna keep sucking your dick, babe, like I think does a really good job, because you know some animes naruto really drag things on to a point that I find painful agreed like the games get like paused for, you know, development, but it's all like useful and necessary yeah, there's no yeah and I think there's something.


Yeah, naruto, sorry to get the sorry for naruto to catch a stray there, but my god no, it is like listen, you know, if you love that naruto takes five minutes to just have characters staring at each other, that's fine. You can like that all you want. Um, it's not for me. I do find it really hard. It to me it feels like almost like a crutch, like they're like we actually just need to draw this episode out longer. I need to watch naruto.


We've started a little bit. She has started to show me naruto because I've never really actually watched it the way. I need to watch it in like two times speed because TikTok has killed my attention span.


Yeah, I mean no, listen. Even like, as somebody who's like watched Naruto for most of my life, I find it hard. I'm like, okay, I don't need all of this, like I don't like, and the music is really pretty. I will say that I like the music that they use, but it's just like oh my gosh, we don't need this.


But we're about to get into some tuning exam stuff, so I'm pretty excited I know we paused for a while to watch a lot of like game grumps, but we gotta get back to naruto. Yeah, anyway, on to our character spotlight, and who is it gonna be today?


oh honey, it's the one, it's the only, it's the iron wall of date. Tech aone takanobu oh wow, I just realized.


I really did not know what his first name was at all, you know it happens a lot with these characters, especially from other teams.


I'm going to read a little paragraph from the wiki about his personality and then, as we've touched on in other episodes, I'm going to talk about the parts that I disagree with. Okay, despite coming off as intimidating from his physical appearance, aoni is actually very kind-hearted and even-tempered. He dislikes when his team members argue and is usually the one to stop them from escalating further, as shown when former captain okay, yeah, so it says former captain Moniwa relies on him to stop Futakuchi and Kamasaki that's the blonde guy from fighting. He is also very respectful. He's shy around strangers, minds the opinions of others about him. He's almost always silent, thereby surprising his teammates when he talks, and I feel like some of this is maybe a little bit more fanon than it is canon. Is he kind-hearted?


is he? I think kind-hearted is kind of a stretch. I don't think he's like a total asshole but, like we said, I think he's kind of like the silent version of futakuchi yeah, like I do think he is very even-tempered, I was gonna say that, and they do know. In the game we didn't really talk about this, but he's calm, so it keeps him from getting tunnel vision, which is why he was able to kind of switch up on hinata so fast.


Yeah and then, like he dislikes his team members, when his team members argue which it's like it kind of like almost contradicts itself, moni iwa like tells him to stop them. I don't think Ione would have gotten in the middle of that fight if he hadn't been told to by his captain. So I don't know. I think there's a little bit of some stretching going on here.


Also when it says he's very respectful. I feel like when you earn it. Because, pointing at Asahi was very disrespectful. Yes, but he's respectful towards Hinata because Hinata earned it. Yeah, but he's respectful towards Hinata because Hinata earned it, yeah exactly it says he's shy around strangers. I don't know where we see that.


I don't know, yeah, I don't know if he's shy or if he's just really quiet, like he's always silent. He doesn't talk a lot, again, because you know, if you don't have anything nice to say, yeah, don't say anything. No, but I don't think that's fine, because his boyfriend Futakuchi is always talking, exactly, always running his mouth.


His name meaning is sending me right now.


Yeah, okay, so his first name Takanobu means tall and stretch.


Tall tall, tall tall Big tall stretchy. Tall tall, big tall stretchy tall tall, we get it. How tall is he? Oh, always 6'3". Okay, tall stretchy, tall tall, we get it. How tall is he?


oh, always six three okay, yeah, spoilers, I know I'm character sheet, yet, um, and then his first name, aone, means deep blue, which I like, which ao is blue, so that makes sense and I like that and that kind of matches their colors.


They have like a deep blue. He's so tall. His character sheet is ridiculous because, like, his body is stretches so much, like longer than the the words. He goes to date technical high school, which is interesting, like a technical high school like. So it's probably more focused on like trade than on like like going to college, going to university, which is smart trade school.


There's nothing wrong with trade school oh my god, yeah, I could get on a soapbox. Unless you want to be a fucking like doctor or teacher, just go to a trade school.


Yeah, there's nothing wrong with just learning a skill, um, and like not having to go into a bunch of debt and take classes that will not help you. Um, his position is middle blocker, of course. Um, as m already said, he's six, three six, three and 194 pounds, which is I?


this man is supposed to be. What 16?


Yeah, like that's a big dude, that's a big boy. I usually don't like mentioning their weight just because it bothers me, but I do think for Aoni he's the kind of person where you can be like, yeah, 6'3 and almost 200 pounds. And that's muscle.


Yeah, I'm like, I'm not looking. I'm looking at the weight as like, purely from like an athletic. Yes, he's just, he's a big powerful guy no, and I didn't want to.


I wasn't trying to like call you out or anything, it's just I usually don't mention the weight, so I just wanted to like touch on, like you guys don't often hear the weights because but I feel like he is.


I think he might be our heaviest, our heavy weight.


I, and part of that is because he's so tall you know, Like when you're that tall, you're gonna weigh more because you just have more body. His birthday is August 13th, meaning he is a Leo. Does that make sense for him?


It's so hard? Well, actually not. I mean, listen, like I said, it's not all about the sun sign, I've got to get the whole chart to get the whole picture, but Leo's stereotypically, leo's love to be center of attention and all of that. So that is not aone, but who knows what his moon and rising is, so it's fine.


Yeah, his favorite food is kiri kiton, which is candied chestnut dumplings. That's hilarious. Yeah, I don't know what those are, but they're probably friggin delicious. His current worry is that when he sits down on the train, no one ever sits near him. Oh my, I specifically told him not to look at his current worries so we could get her full reaction oh my god see.


Yeah, this is another thing. It's like I wish we did have a little bit more about him, because you really don't know what's going on under the surface yeah, because it's like I get it he looks scary and he's all big and tall he kind of suffers from the same stuff as us.


Like he looks scary and I wonder if that's why like so we like we headcanon him as like a secret softy is because like he like looks big and tall but he's not actually scary. And it's like, first of all, he is scary on the court, he's terrifying as a blocker but and I don't mean to say that like I do, like I don't think he would like hurt anybody, I don't think he's out there like beating anybody up. I do think it's fucked up to like you know, not want to sit next to somebody simply because they're big and tall and don't smile yeah, I just don't like to sit next to anybody on the bus.


Yeah, I want to stay as far away from other people as possible at all times. And then on to his five point ability parameters his technique, his intelligence and his stamina and his jumping are all threes. Which interesting that his jumping in is is a three, but I think he's just so tall that it doesn't matter he doesn't have to jump that high, yeah, and because his speed and his power.


His speed is a four and his power is a five, so he's good to go and I don't think we see him spike at all in this one, not in this episode at least yeah, so he really is like he's doing a lot of blocking, but I I want to pay attention to when we see him spike, because I'm sure it's interesting. Okay, um, do you have anything else you want to say about aone?


tall king. I wish I knew more about you oh gosh, really do.


If anyone has any good like aone fix. Doesn't even have to be like with hinata or even with futakuchi anything where you've read it and you're like I feel like this is who Aeon is, yeah, send that our way.


I love character study type shit, yes, so yeah, um, all right. Well then, moving on to the world's favorite game, who in Haikyuu? Today's scenario is brought to us by Brit from an email. Bless you, brit. What stores would the characters work in at a mall? And today we are covering hinata kageyama, asahi, noya, suga, aoni, futakuchi and ukai not a lot of characters for this one. I think hinata would be in one of those like kiosks absolutely.


Yeah, hinata would be like the guy who's like every person walks by. Hey, do you want to try this out? Hey, do you want to try this out? Hey, do you want to try this out?


he would be good at getting people. Oh my god, now I want him to work at like a fucking piercing pagoda padoga I always fuck up the name. now I have a au now where hinata works at the mall.


That would be such a fun au where they all work at the mall.


Yes, I kind of want to like, that'd be like 16 the animated show, oh my god, 16. Yeah, seriously, and I kind of I'm kind of taking them out of the context of canon volleyball, just like with their personalities, where would they be in the mall? Yeah, yeah absolutely.


I think that that's the idea behind the who and haikyuu. It's kind of like an almost an au situation so yeah, I could totally see hinata working there. I also just like, just because of his name and his personality, I can see him working at a pacsun oh my god, yes, absolutelyaring a fucking polo and those like cargo shorts.


and what is it um the necklaces?


Oh, the like puka shell necklaces. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Oh my god, all right. Kagemo works at a sports store.


Yeah, yeah. Or like a GNC, oh yeah, and he is not. They keep him in the back because he's not good with the customers yeah, he's definitely doing a lot of inventory he's.


I could also. I think it would be funny for him to work at like a movie theater yeah as like the guy who's like sweeping up after, like he's the one like cleaning everything up. Yeah, um, yeah, I could totally see that for him. What about asahi? I feel like he would be like a high fashion store yeah, I could see him at like a, like a, like a high end store. He's like taking your measurements, he's working at the men's warehouse.


Um, yes, yeah, which is not high end?


we're actually.


There are very, actually very few truly high-end stores at malls also the way that malls are just a dying breed in general.


I know I was only I was like I don't think they're like old enough that like there are going to be people listening who don't know what a mall is. I think they're still like in the culture enough, but like we don't have a mall in our town, um, we have to go to the next town. Yeah, the mall in my hometown is just really sad, and that's where we used to hang out. Like the bookstore stayed open an hour later than the mall, so we'd go and hang out at the mall and cause trouble, and then we'd hang out at the bookstore for an hour reading and then one of our parents would pick us up yeah, the mall in my hometown also is very depleted and sad and now it's just like a jc pennies and a food court.


Yeah, honestly, yeah, we had a we had a belk and a dillards.


Dillards is very southern I was gonna say I don't know either of those things, okay I guess belk is probably pretty southern to the other department stores.


I'm just a northerner departo, so yeah, I think that's awesome. I think he's working in like a fashion place. He's, you know, um, noya is like manning, one of those like you know, those like little furry creatures that kids can ride on. He's riding them. Yeah, yeah, he's riding them around and like not actually working I was gonna put noya in a spencer's oh well, I wish tanaka was on here, because tanaka, tanaka and noya would work at the spencer's yeah, noya would unabashedly be like.


What vibrator do you?


need. Oh yeah, he would. Yeah, he'd be happy to like lead you back into the 18 only section I I could see suga in a barnes and noble oh yeah, I could see that I was picturing him in a food court, but I totally he's a he's at Annie Ann's pretzels. Yeah, I also. I also just like the idea of him being in like a Claire's, a Claire's store yeah, hell yeah.


Um, I want to put Kageyama in a Claire's.


Oh piercing little girl's ears when I yeah, when I write my Molly you dude.


Now we have to this. This is a fun one. Thank you for it. Um aone, put him in claire's. Aone is definitely mall security. I was just about to say he, he's absolutely just.


He's the one like when the like when the movies get out late and the mall's already closed. He's the one telling the teenagers no, you have to go out the front door, you can't or another funny one.


So in my hometown mall there was a carousel in our food court and he, I want him to operate the carousel, yeah, yeah absolutely. I love that for him um futakuchi is working out hot topic yeah, I was gonna say that are zoomies and like he is not helpful, but all the girls have a crush on him yes, absolutely.


And then ukai is working in the food court yeah, and he's been working there for too long yeah, he's been working there way too long. He hates everybody and everything he manages the sabaros and he hates it.


Oh, but then takeda likes loves to come to the mall. He comes to the mall to go to the bookstore and he always stops in the sabaro. Anyway, we're fully just writing this fic on air. Is there any other? Are there any other characters we want to talk about for this? Because I think this is like a fun thing. I kind of like was almost a little sad that I picked this one for this episode because there's few characters like. We see oikawa and awaisami in this too.


We also see michimia and he was definitely in like is like in Hollister. Oh my, he and Awaisemi is one of the guys because back in the day Hollister used to have guys shirtless, just like outside of the store.


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yeah, I was going to say Oikawa's like wearing is working at the Abercrombie that's across from the Hollister. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. This is really bringing me back If you have not been to a mall and experienced the Hollister or Abercrombie experience. It's dark. Yes, I also, my cousin worked at an Abercrombie briefly, and they actually, at the end of the night, they have them go around and spray the cologne and the perfume on the clothes and that's why it smells that way.


I never really stepped.


It took me a long time to step into a hot topic because I felt intimidated and I don't think I ever really fully stepped foot into a hot, into a Hollister because I had never felt more unaccepted in a space, absolutely also those clothes were so expensive, expensive for skinny the mean popular people at my school.


I was just like this is not my place absolutely.


Um, I basically lived in hot topic, obviously. Yeah, I was a big emo goth girl. I stole eyeliner and nail polish in my shoplifting days. You know that sort of thing. I got a lot of t-shirts with grr on them.


Oh my god, yeah, oh, was a happy bunny oh, oh.


That was also at claire's. I loved happy bunny.


I was so obsessed yeah to those who did not grow up in the 2000s and have no idea what we're talking about. You know what google exists. You can look it up um.


Just scroll through tumblr far enough back you'll know what we're talking about. Um anybody else like like I could see, like daichi working at you know daichi is also giving pac sun yeah, everyone is wearing a puka shell necklace and it's 2005 and we're reliving our childhoods. Oh god, I used to love being at the mall I the mall is really overstimulating to me.


Like I would get. I like that was just never really a thing, like my friends were not really mall rats ever. If I was going to the mall it's because I needed to get stuff and I felt insecure.


The entire time. Yeah, we would go and we, we always went to this. We would usually go to a movie and we would always go to Hot Topic Spencer's FYE, which is for your entertainment.


Yo, I miss the way. Fye is now just like a sad gift store, but it used to be a CD store, and I would. I loved that store because you could just go and listen to different CDs.


We would also, during prom season, we would go to the department stores and pretend like even before we were old enough to go to prom. We'd pretend we were getting ready for prom and try on all the pretty dresses.


And that was really fun Did you have a Deb.


I have no idea what that is.


I don't know if it was just that's where I got my prom dress. I don't know if it was just dresses. I think it's gone now, but it wasn't like. It was kind of like, you know, for your local Hot Cheetos girl. I liked it, though.


They were good for like my body type, because I was, I've always had big tits and a fat ass, but like as a teenager, also growing up in the 2000s, where, like the skinny jeans, the low rise skinny jeans were the thing I was just like, always so uncomfortable in my own skin.


Yeah, did not work. Yeah, like as somebody with thick ass thighs growing up at a time where thigh gap was the only way to go it, just like people out there who grew up in the era of the mermaid thighs you just don't even know.


Yeah it's rough. So Deb was like a store that was kind of friendly to my body type so we went to like we spent a lot of time at Charlotte Russe ruse. Yes, yeah, I like charlotte rousseau too.


Yeah, we. They had a really good deal on underwear and we'd get our like silly looking panties.


I still get my underwear from ari oh yeah, an eagle yeah, oh, my brother worked at american eagle for years, which was nice because they were like my family didn't have a ton of money, so like the american eagle, abercrombie, holster, like those kind of stores were a little too expensive. But my brother got a discount at American Eagle and I would get my jeans from there. Did you ever go to Aeropostale? Oh boy, of course we went to Aeropostale.


That felt like a friendlier version of like the Hollister and Abercrombie.


So that's where I would go. That was the affordable one, and then, of course, there was Wet Seal if you wanted clubbing clothes.


Yep, yep yep God Good times, this was a fun one. Thank you, britt. Yeah, absolutely.


And if you guys have any other ideas of other characters? Always write in. We love to talk about it. Yes, Want to hear it. Before we get into the spoiler zone, I'm just going to hit you with our socials really quick. You can reach out to us on everywhere Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and Blue Sky at FlyHQPod. That's F-L-Y-H-Q-P-O-D. You can also email us at F-L-Y-H-Q-P-O-D at gmailcom. All righty, Now get your suit on, get your swimmies, your sunnies, your two base and get in the spoon, and don't forget about your sun lotion. Oh yes, the ozone layer is going to kill you. Anyway, it's the spoiler zone.


Here we are you feeling a little embarrassed about that accent never. I just really didn't know where I was going. Sometimes I'm like Michael Scott sometimes I start a sentence and I don't know where it's going, but I just hope I get there you know you're better than Michael Scott, because you know when to stop don't just keep going um.


Okay, so for the spoiler zone before you get into what you want to talk about I just want to mention again that, like, hinata is like on his way to becoming the greatest decoy and accepting that, and I feel like this is just another step where he's really like. Yes, yeah, like, because I feel like he still wants to be the ace, but he's like. But you know, being a decoy is like fine for now, because I still get points and it still feels good. That's all I wanted to say.


Yeah, well, and because that really becomes his trademark as a professional player.




Is that romantic? And then I have. I want to talk a little bit more and this will relate to what I'm going to talk about. And OK, I'm going to say right now actually extra spoiler warning, because I am going to talk about the Haikyuu movie. We haven't seen it yet but clips are all over TikTok and I don't really care about spoilers, so I've watched. I've watched like the beginning and the ending of the movie and stuff like that. So I'm going to talk about it. So I would maybe hop off now if you really don't want to know anything about the movie.


And I will say if you've read the manga, you know what happens. It's just a matter of seeing your anime.


I'm just going to talk about the details a little bit, especially about the ending. So I just wanted to give you guys fair warning, because you know, I know the movie is not out everywhere yet, so I'm just being mindful. But so, going back to the beginning of the episode, when kagehina have that soft moment and, kageyama tells him tobe, that just like made me think about like in the movie. He tells him, like he, when he, when we, when you do the iconic, really high up the four toss, you know, kageyama says tobe and I just feel like that's such a romantic way to say jump, like it's just like fly, hinata is flying. Like that's just such a romanticized way to look at it yeah, he says like here fly like fly my dove oh my god


just get out of my face. But, I just wanted to like squee a little bit because, like and it was funny because when the movie first came out in Japan, I was like where are the leaks? Hello. And then I kind of forgot about it and in the last month, I think, leaks have really come out on Twitter.


I saw like pretty much the whole ending of the movie, from where Kenma says to Kuro like thank you for showing me volleyball. And Kuro's reaction is so emotional, he's like stunned and then tears, tears up, and Kem is like just like whatever walking along and he's like wait, you can't just say that. And like he's laughing and crying and his teammates are laughing at him because they know that Kuro's in love. Like what, how else am I supposed to interpret that? And then I just like I was watching this on the, I made a tweet about it. I was like crying on the toilet because it's just very emotional. Like at the end they're all like like shaking hands and and whatever, and takeda and coach nekomata are shaking hands and grandpa ukai is watching the television and he holds out his hand and it's like just this years of this, like rivalry and not being able to have this battle and finally having it.


I was crying real tears yeah, I, we are soon going to be purchasing our tickets.


Yeah, now I'm like I'm just itching, like we're a couple weeks, that's May 17th, right now May 18th, may 18th.


Wow, you really can't get the 17 and the 18 right today.


Yeah, and the way I earlier was like, oh, we're recording episode 17 on the 17th, and then I got I'm just all over the place, am I okay? No, but like yeah, now I'm really just like itching for it to be May 31st, I mean yeah, well, we have watched the movie by the time this episode comes out.


So, yeah, we'll have seen the movie by that point. Yeah, oh, my God, yeah. So by the time you're hearing this, we will have already seen the movie and we will have recorded our initial reactions in the car.




Because that is our plan is we're going to record initial reactions and then we're going to watch it again, um, and then record like an actual, I think, like an episode about it. So anything else that you want to talk about, for the spoiler zone for the movie, for hina ta being the greatest decoy no, that's it.


I'm just excited to keep going thank you everybody.


This was um a lovely episode. We hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for listening. Thank you for interacting with us, for writing in. We got to go because our cat is being an absolute fucking menace.


Yeah, she wants to get into everything. So until next time, guys Tobey, Fly high Bye.