Fly: A Queer Haikyuu Podcast

S1E18: Guarding Your Back

June 10, 2024
S1E18: Guarding Your Back
Fly: A Queer Haikyuu Podcast
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Fly: A Queer Haikyuu Podcast
S1E18: Guarding Your Back
Jun 10, 2024

"Keep tossing until I get it!" or something like that

Can AsaNoya finally overcome the Iron Wall of Date Tech?

This week, em and rainbow discuss season 1, episode 18 "Guarding Your Back" and talk about the coolest save in season one, the frustrating lack of Date Tech content, and Oikawa's obsession with Karasuno. For Who in HQ? they discuss the character's ideal first dates. Happy pride month to all!
45:09 - Spoiler Zone Begins

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If you have the means, please consider donating to one or more of the following LGBTQ+ organizations:

The Trevor Project

International Foundation for Gender Education

Global Action for Trans Equality

Outright International

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Palestine Children's Relief Fund

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"Keep tossing until I get it!" or something like that

Can AsaNoya finally overcome the Iron Wall of Date Tech?

This week, em and rainbow discuss season 1, episode 18 "Guarding Your Back" and talk about the coolest save in season one, the frustrating lack of Date Tech content, and Oikawa's obsession with Karasuno. For Who in HQ? they discuss the character's ideal first dates. Happy pride month to all!
45:09 - Spoiler Zone Begins

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Transcript available on our website, if not included in your podcast app:

If you have the means, please consider donating to one or more of the following LGBTQ+ organizations:

The Trevor Project

International Foundation for Gender Education

Global Action for Trans Equality

Outright International

Links for Palestine:

Daily click on

Palestine Children's Relief Fund

Doctors Without Borders


Decolonize Palestine 

Send us a message!


hello everyone and welcome to fly a queer haikyuu podcast. My name is rainbow and I'm almost said my real name there. What I also almost said is hi, welcome to queer a fly haikyuu podcast


I love that actually, queer, it's a fly podcast.


I didn't even think about it like that, you should keep that in


we'll rebrand, uh like a fourth of the way into the show.


Yeah, no big deal yes, but today we are talking about season one, episode 18, guarding your back, and I just have to say that in the dub, at least on the DVD, it's called back protection, which is a stupid fucking name sounds like a weird ointment for your back it does and I also was like I was like it feels almost sexual.


Yes, like I don't like this. Guarding your back is a better name, it's more accurate. I don't know why the dub is so stupid sometimes. But before we get into all of that, we have a couple things we want to talk about. I have two random shout outs. One is to nurses Nurses everywhere, nurses everywhere. You're fucking awesome, they're just cool. Nursing is a really important profession. It's also often like a female dominated profession, which means they don't get paid as much and they don't get as much respect, and that's absolute bullshit, bullshit. And last month in May, we missed National Nurses Day. I forgot to even bring that up. But you know, nurses are cool, they deserve recognition, they deserve higher pay.


If there's any way of you know to support a nurse, please do that yeah, I have a family member that's a nurse and I always really looked up to her because she took her job very, very seriously and really cared about her patients and that has shown in her work and it always kind of boned me out that it feels like nurses in the last few years have garnered kind of a bad reputation for being miserable or whatever, and I'm sure people have had bad experiences. I'm not denying that. But I think that ignores the very good work that they do and also maybe they're crabby because they're overworked and underpaid. Yeah, in a capitalist society.


if you are refusing to pay people a living wage and yet making them work ridiculous hours and making them put up with like the brunt of abuse that they get from patients, like in my experience with health care settings, like I am dealing with the nurse 95 of the time I see a doctor for like five seconds and they're usually telling me that I am wrong about something about my body and the nurse is the one who is like actually doing all the work and you were telling me about how nurses kind of led the charge with uh, identifying like domestic violence victims.


Yeah, so back in the late 70s and early 80s, nurses were the ones especially emergency room nurses were the ones saying, hey, you know there are. You can tell there are signs when a person is being abused by their partner and we should be on the lookout for that and we should start treating that. And it's really cool, nurses led the charge to identify domestic violence and change like the medical procedures around reporting and treating yeah, so we just want to give a little love to our workers in the field.


Yeah, absolutely you go. If nurses go on strike, you fucking support that shit because they're doing it for a reason. Yeah, ok, so that. So that's the nursing corner.


But, then I also wanted to say I can't believe we forgot to mention it in episode 17, but happy Pride Month everybody. We're recording this at the end of May but it's coming out the second week of June. I think we will have just finished with our Pride celebrations for the weekend. So we just wanted to say happy Pride Month and wanted to remind everybody out there that there is no lgb without the t? Um. Mind your p's and q's and keep in the t's. Yeah, it's just.


You know, even within the queer community, I think there are some cisgender, queer people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, um various other sexual orientations, who don't really think about the fact that transgender people you know they are part of our community, but their experiences are different and at least in the United States, they are under attack. It's very similar to the ways that lesbian and gay people in, you know, the 50s, 60s and 70s were treated, and now those exact same arguments and techniques are being used against our transgender community and I always find it really disappointing when I see people like you know. There's people who will take like the progress pride flag that has the colors of the trans flag and also black and brown, and they will cut that off of the rainbow flag and they'll be like I want a divorce which, first of all, like you're also cutting off, like the people of color in the queer community, and it's just. That's not okay.


And if any of our listeners think that transgender people don't deserve rights, you should stop listening. I don't want you to listen.


Well, the infighting is just really disheartening because it's just that that's what the terrorists want, especially like the very chronically online infighting. Like, if you get involved in that, just remember most people are more normal outside of the Internet. But like, at the end of the day it's against the straights people.


Yeah like we you know the LGBTQ community, lgbtq plus community like there are so many of us out there and we are so much stronger when we stand together, and I think that's something we should remember all year long. But Pride Month is a good time to remind us. Like, when you are marching, you are marching next to people who maybe don't have the same gender identity as you, but that does not mean they are less than it does not mean that they deserve for their rights to be taken away or their lives to be taken away. So, all of our trans, non-binary and gender non-conforming listeners out there, we see you, we love you. Non-binary and gender non-conforming listeners out there, we see you, we love you.


You don't need us to tell you that you're valid, but if you need to hear it, you are valid and just so. The lgbs too. It's like. You know, just because you don't maybe fully understand another person's experience doesn't mean that it's inherently wrong or there's something incorrect about it. Like, just try and always approach these things with kindness and like curiosity. You know, we're very in the grand scheme of things, we're very early on in the conversation about gender and we're really only just opening things up and like let's just, you know, let's just keep talking to each other and keep learning and growing and things are going to change and hopefully for the better.


So absolutely and just really quickly before we get into housekeeping. I do want to mention I was looking for like organizations you can donate to for Pride Month and I came across Trevor Space, which is from the Trevor Project, and, for those of you who don't know, the Trevor Project is a huge organization. They really focus on like protecting LGBTQ plus youth, and so they've created an online space for young people. I think it's ages 13 to 24. So if you are a person, especially a person who doesn't know other trans or other queer people and doesn't really have anybody to talk to, that seems like a pretty safe place for you to go. You know you can do your own research as well to make sure it's the kind of place for you, but from what I found online, it's a very positive, supporting community.


And we will link to that. We'll link to the Trevor Project, and then we're going to link to GATE, which is the Global Action for Trans Equality organization in our show notes today, and we're going to link to a few other queer and LGBTQ plus organizations throughout this month and throughout the rest of this podcast. So be on the lookout for those and always feel free to reach out if you have any questions about anything that we link to. Okay.


I think we're ready. I love it, as I shouted a lot at the last Pride Parade. It's good to be gay, it is Okay. On to housekeeping.


Yes, we have another shout out from somebody on Tumblr.


Yes, it is Wolf Starlights from Tumblr who sent us a lovely funny message that was enjoyable to read, and they gave us some insight into the German dub. Do you have the?


message up. I have the message up. I'm just going to kind of read this verbatim if that sounds good to you. Yeah, absolutely, because I can't paraphrase it.


Before we get into this, they are an Asinoya lover, an asanoya lover, and they I think they said that, um, the podcast like inspired them to get back into writing some asanoya, which I feel fulfilled in my, in my duties.


so that's awesome, you are doing true work for this community. We need more asanoya content. I honestly feel like I should be writing more asanoya content myself. Um, but kagehina live in my mind, rent free and I can't get them out. Okay, so this is from Wolf Starlights. This is just a piece of their message. Oikawa's Iwachen is usually translated in the dub as Iwalein L-E-I-N line.


We should have consulted with Daisy before we really should have. Yeah, apologies for the way we're about to butcher this language, which catches most of the meaning and even sort of sounds like a childhood nickname one might use to annoy an old friend. However, in the episode where seijo warms up for the match in oikawa is nice to everyone except awaisami he calls him klein schnuckle, clin snuckle schnuckle clinch.


I wish I had. I don't have it up in front of me, but that sounds fine klein schnuckle, clinch, um.


So for seemingly no reason at all, it's a bit of a butchered term of endearment and they didn't know how to translate it, and so when they put it into Google, they got little darling, which is close enough. But they tried to do the translation themselves and looked up schnuckle, and schnuckle means twink, so basically Oikawa called Owaisumi little twinkie, which is very ironic, yeah.


And they also yeah, for real I mean Oizumi is like two inches shorter than Oikawa and Wolf Starlight said it's objectively hilarious, which is correct. So pretty much in the German dub, oikawa calls Oizumi little Twinkie in one episode and I'm obsessed with that. So thank you so much, wolf Starlights, for bringing that into our lives. And for listening and for being who you are.


Yes, thank you, that was awesome.


Yeah, so I think that's all we have for housekeeping. Do we have anything else we want to talk about? The house is looking good. All right, we're ready to get the fuck into this Season one, episode 18. Em's going to do a recap for us, so are you ready? I'm ready. Alright, I'm going to count you down 3, 2, 1, go.


Toss Kure. It's the second half of the Date Tag match. As our crows do their best to break through the iron wall, we get some insight into Suki's feelings about his place on the team, and Asahi gets his revenge on Date Tag with the help of Hinata's monster quicks and Nishinoya's brilliant saves, proving himself.


I'm excited. This is a good episode. Yeah, which we say about every fucking episode.


We will continue to say every single time.


Yes, and I'm not mad about it. Yeah, so we start off in a game. We have Hinata being a decoy, tanaka hitting the ball, and then I thought it was cute. This is the first time I really noticed like Daichi comes up and like gives Tanaka like a little head pat as like the senpai, and Tanaka just looks so happy about it, he's so proud and I'm like, oh, it's so cute because, like you know, tanaka's such a good senpai to the first years, especially Hinata and so like.


But it's kind of cute getting to see him be the kohai and like I feel like he really like that's why he loves being a good senpai is because he loves the way he was treated as a kohai. I think that makes a lot of sense, absolutely, um, yeah, and then we just we're in the game and it's so fucking hype and I love it. Like I'm was watching the episode before I had started watching it and the way she was just like cheering and like yes, and I was like, and then I started watching it and I was doing the same thing and of course, we've both watched these multiple times, but you really do get wrapped up in it.


Well, and it's not because they really do a good job. I think of showing the way that, like, the crowd is reacting as well. We see, like the girls team, we see the coaches and they're really into it and it's like and that is the way it feels when you're at a game, especially with a team that's like doing so well we're at the end of the first set and it's set point against date tech and asahi gets it in winning that first set, which I think is important.


This is really asahi's redemption arc against date tech, this episode yeah, and, and the reason we did a shout out to wolf starlights on this episode they asked for it specifically because this is such a good asinoya episode and I wanted to mention so. I usually skip the opening because it's like I've seen it once, but this time I like it. Just it went and I was like typing a note and then I just kind of watched it and I was thinking about the fact that, like the lyrics because it had the English lyrics on the screen the lyrics and the animation match up so perfectly. Like there was talk of just like I put my, like I take a step forward, starting with my left foot, and it's like that line is happening while, like you see the team like lining up, all stepping forward with their left foot. So I just wonder what comes first, the song or the animation.


I do, and I don't know a lot. It could be different show by show, but I do believe in general at least the recordings of the episodes happen before the animations do Okay, so I would bet that the song happened first and then the anime to it, but I could be wrong.


I think that makes a lot of sense and I yeah that does make sense. It's just something I thought of and again, again, we will get into a full analysis of the opening and ending songs at the end of season one.


So hold on as the Seijo coaches note, uh, as they always do, and you kind of have a note about this too. I have a couple notes about this we'll get into it uh, the second set won't go the same way, now that they don't have that element of surprise on their side and Yukai starts with a different rotation to keep Aone from marking Hinata.


Yeah, and I was once again impressed with Furudate for coming up with these plays and these rotations. Like I wonder how much volleyball they got to watch as research. Like I wonder it because like I'm the type of person that is just like, well, I'm writing this story about fairy tales, so that means I should watch like movies about Disney princesses, right?


Well, you know now that we, we know we talked about that article, I think, last episode or so where uh Furudate did play. So, like you know, he, I think he is a big volleyball fan. So I think it must be a lot easier to kind of nail all of these little specifics and whatnot that are so like oh to us yeah, absolutely.


I'm just like throws my head through a loop, um. And then we have like a cute little speech from Asahi about like being the ace and like Asahi kind of just is charming the pants off of everybody with it. Like Suga, Daichi, Tanaka and Noya are all like blushy and there's like bright pink behind them. We're like, oh my gosh and I know it's not supposed to be like romantic or sexual or anything, but now I want like a little fic where everyone has like a secret crush on Asahi, Like not even like they want to date him, but they're just like because he is so beautiful. I think he's really beautifully animated in this episode and he's just and he is cool when he gets intense like that.


Yeah, no, I had a note that Daichi strikes again, because I think Daichi says something like I'm proud of you or whatever, and Asahi's like what are you, my relative?


Yes, honestly Like yeah, yeah actually that's your dad yeah, and then we have a little suki asahi moment, which I appreciated.


Yes, we do, well, I just also before we get into that, I just wanted to say during this moment, hinata promises asahi that he'll be the best decoy and once again we see hinata really embracing that, that nickname and like being he was.


he's very much inspired by what asahi has to say, and so I think asahi is really a big part of helping him accept his role as the decoy. We've seen it before in other episodes, and then I think this is just reinforcing it.


Yeah, because it's not like I think Hinata is accepted, like he's not going to be the ace tomorrow. Asahi is a very good ace and Hinata has his own very important role to play. So, yeah, it's all good.


As you're saying.


We see that we see the first literal metaphor of Suki being the moon and Hinata being the sun. Yes, and we have Suki talking to Asahi and I think it's kind of interesting and I don't know, maybe I'd love to see if there's like a character study or like a relationship study about Asahi and Suki, because I feel like throughout the show they're kind of like set up as like they are kind of like rivals with Hinata, like Suki as a middle blocker, like Hinata is kind of his rival, and then Asahi as the ace and Hinata wanting to be the future ace. It's like they are both kind of competing against him and you know Asahi like wants to try and he wants to do better. But it feels like Suki is just kind of saying, like well, you know we're never gonna be as good as Hinata, so, like you know, we just got to do what we got to do. But I love, love what Asahi like says to Suki. I think he says it a little bit later on, so we can get to that in a minute.


Okay, yeah, cause I think you know this whole thing happens because Asahi says you know, cause now Hinata is in the back, they move the rotation, like I said. So it's Asahi and Suki starting and Suki's just like no one expects me to score. You know, hinata's the star of the show. I'm just keeping things from getting out of hand until he can get up front. And I also think another thing. I think your point about them both being rivals of Hinata is a great point. I also feel like and he does say this a little bit later on but I think Asahi understands the importance of defense because of his little boyfriend Nishinoya, and Suki's strength is more of defense.


So like I feel like Asahi is kind of helping show Suki like baby girl, you're just as important yeah, that's good and we can go ahead and I guess just like jump into it, that like he's telling Suki, he's like, just because you're not this big star who's part of this freak quick doesn't mean that you're not an important part of this team. And I want to talk a little bit about that in the, because I think there's some analysis. We complex.


Oh, that he masks with his, you know attitude with his bitchiness. Absolutely, yeah, for sure, and then I have it.


Just a note here about how I forgot how obsessed the seijo coaches are with karasuno. Like I know it's a narrative device to offer exposition, but like jesus fucking christ. And then I had a thought. I was like well, you know, I guess with oikawa around the coaches don't have to worry because oikawa acts like the fucking coach. They. They're like oh, oikawa's got it, we can go and just talk. We can talk about this other team.


Yeah, I was just going to say, like, are you not watching your own game? Well, and it's not a game they're warming up. Yeah, I think that I got it. Yeah, it just feels a little bit like I don't know. I wonder, with some of these like more powerhouse schools, if the coaches like well, we've got really good players, so maybe they feel like they can be a little bit more hands off, and I don't know if that's the right approach. And then there's something happens with day tech. I don't know if it's like a block or a serve or a spike or something, and Takada says don't be getting cocky. Says that in the dub, and I love that. I'm like Takada. Who are you yelling at right now?


The other coaches, those teenage boys. Futakuchi says something that completely proves your point about how Aone is actually a little shit. He says to Aone we're usually cocky problem children, so at least during our matches we should act like good underclassmen, that's what I'm saying.


Aeon and Futakuchi sit in the back of the class and like Futakuchi is just talking shit about other people and Aeon is like nodding in agreement and like they're little shits. They're little troublemakers.


Yeah, because when he says this Aeon, just kind of like does a little evil smile and nods like he's not disagreeing. So yeah, your point has been proven.


Oh yes, I love being right. Um, I also have a note here. Um, we don't get a lot of Kyoko in this episode, but she, as the manager, she does sit on the bench with the coaches. Takeda is, like you know, he's like kind of worried that they can't get a lead and you guys don't like don't worry, like we'll get there.


And kyoko, like the look on her face almost read as like bored to me, but like maybe she was worried, but I was just it was one of those things where it's like I wish we got more from her.


Like I understand that it's part of her character to be quiet, but like, especially right now, as the only like female character that we see constantly, like I wish we could get more from her, especially because we have like commentary from the girls team, like with Michimiya. I don't know, it's just like the more I watch this, the more sad I get about Kyoko and the more I wish that she had more of an active role in things and I wish it didn't take so long for her to get that. Yeah, but you know, I think that has a lot to do with like the time that this manga was written and the fact that you know it's again, it's a shonen manga, shonen anime, and so the girls just don't always get what they deserve, right, the attention they deserve and then I also have a note about furukuchi knowing how to hype up his team.


He like goads, their number one.


Well, in the sub he's like. Are you hiding in aone's shadow? Are you scared?


yeah, he's, that's what he says in the dub and he's like hell, no. And then like they go for a block but it turns out to be somebody else hitting it and then number two goes for it to get that block and he's like yes, and I just I think that was very interesting. And then we have Moniwa I think that's his name. The number two no-transcript like. No, you know, don't worry about it, you'll get the next one, and I like getting to see the way the other teams interact and the way like this, the different dynamics work yeah, no, they're all pretty supportive of each other and then hinata misses a serve and daichi and tanaka are like don't worry about it, and kageyama is already coming up to yell and tanaka is like holding him back and like you're not helping. And it's just one of those times where, like it is interesting because we always say that kageyama, like they always know how to communicate with each other, but I think there is like kagema takes the yelling stuff too far.


It's like you don't actually have to yell at him every time he makes a mistake, like that's not a good thing, like, and he just he has to learn that we need to learn more communication, which is coming later oh, much later , and then, yeah, this moment that we talked about already, where asahi talks to suki again saying their defense is just as important , and that is proven when asahi finally breaks through on a one touch, and then they follow up with a successful block with him, and t sukki karasuno has a wall too, yes, and so they are at match point again on the second set, but hinata is in the back and it is up to asahi, yes, and this is a.


This is an interesting time because they also has. I thought that that I honestly has a thought which was really interesting to me, which is every ball is an opportunity, and this happens right before um, maybe one of the coolest moments in this entire show, oh my god well, and also Asahi's attitude this time around is just so much better like you kind of are afraid that he's going to get disheartened again, but he really doesn't at all.


Uh, but yeah, nishinoya is proving why he is the guardian deity of.


Karasuno yes, okay, I think when Asahi says that every ball is an opportunity thing, that's, he goes to spike and he gets blocked, yes, and the ball is going and, like, we saw another Noya save earlier, that was cool, like he jumped for the ball to hit it with one arm, yeah, and then there's another, uh, you know, the spike gets blocked and you see Noya frozen. I'm just going to go frame by frame if you don't mind.


Well, okay, do you have something to say? Well, I was just going to say, like, nishinoya saves it, and then Asahi and Aone are doing that duel. Yes, okay, I forgot about the duel.




Asahi loses the duel and is like when they both so in this specific instance Asi and Aone both come up for it and they're both like kind of struggling to get the ball over and Aone gets it through. But then we have Nishinoya who is frozen and thinks to himself like it's too far, and his little, his hand twitches, and then we get like the coolest fucking moment, his fucking foot shoots out and the ball hits it and like the animation is so cool.


You see, like his arm, and then his eye comes over and he has those cool, fucking intense Nisha Noya eyes. Is this the coolest save in the whole show? It's definitely one of them. I it's like. Yeah, like it's hard for me to rank and pick a favorite, but like, definitely I think of season one this is the coolest save that we get to see. It's so badass. So many cool TikTok edits have been made. Like if you don't know what we're talking about, you might be a fake fan. How can you not know about Noya's cool foot save? I have it like in all caps. It's so good.


And then we get, um, you know, a kind of a very like emotional moment with the last spike well, yeah, so Suga screams for one more, asahi calls for another, and then Kageyama remembers Suga telling him about Asahi's favorite kind of toss, and then they're all screaming. You know, ike.


Go yes, it's, and there is. So, like in the dub, suga says like one more. And then Asahi says he kind of repeats what Kageyama had said back in that practice match to Suga of like keep setting it to me until I get it, which I thought was very interesting, and that, yeah, and then you have Kageyama like kind of repeating what Suga said about the kind of set, yeah, that Asahi likes. And then he gives it to him and Takeda's like oh, is that really the kind of set that you wanted? And Yukai understands the emotional importance of this moment is like yeah, that's exactly the, the toss that we needed and this is when we have asahi in nishinoya's eyes as he's going for the spike.


I mean this is their moment, this is their revenge moment so fucking good.


And then we have asahi spiking and you see the wall. And then the wall opens and the sun is shining and I definitely don't have any tears in my eyes. What are you talking about? And he gets it through and karasuno wins, karasuno wins, and then they shake hands and then Aone like specifically seeks out Hinata to shake his hand. Like he's really like he really has recognized Hinata in this game. And I and that is something I love about Aone like you know I think he is a little shit, but I I do love that like he sees Hinata for who he is after playing this game.


Yeah, I like that approach instead of like being an asshole about it. He is after playing this game. Yeah, I like that approach Instead of like being an asshole about it. He just has, like this, respect for Hinata and it is well earned, absolutely.


And then Aone goes up to their number two Moniawa, I really can't remember his name. Anyway, he goes up to the number two and, like number two is just like hey, you know, I know we lost, but you know, you know, just, you just keep trying. And then he's like nationals he just snatched out in his face. And then this is where we find out that the third years for day tech are done after the inner high, and futukuchi even seems a little upset about that. He's like what do you mean? You're just gonna leave it all, you're just gonna going to abandon us. And it's like okay, futukuchi, did your dad leave when you were a kid?


oh, my god yeah, I thought that was kind of adorable and a little unexpected from those two that they would be so disappointed. But, um, you know, the their senpai says like you know, we're called the wall, but people have said the third years are duds. You guys are really the powerhouses and like, you're gonna have a new team and a new strategy and you're gonna you're gonna take back the night.


Yeah I almost I would like a little. I wish we got like an OVA about day tech. Honestly, like I love them. Why don't we have more information? Why don't we know why Futakuchi has abandonment issues For Odate?


I am closing in on your location.


So then we have you know. Karasuno is thinking going to thank the people in the stands, and Daichi was so focused on the game he didn't even notice the girls team was watching gay.


I'm sorry my gay agenda is peeking out because, yeah, in the in the sub, he's like oh, I thought I heard girls behind us and suga was like you didn't notice them.


It's like no, I was too focused on volleyball, volleyball quotations. I have a note you can tell oikawa is around by the screaming the sound of screaming fan girls, because like that's what they hear first is they're like going to walk out of the gym and then they hear a bunch of girls screaming. And then they look to the side and there's Oikawa getting ready to do a serve and he takes a second to taunt Karasuno. Like I wish we could have gotten a reaction from, like the refs or the other team of Oikawa, just like calling out Karasuno where it's just like, what about the team that's right in?


front of you. No, he, I, he. I mean they're already. You see the scoreboard and they're obviously going to beat this team. So he's just already getting ready.


But and that's the end of the episode, but right before that I just wanted to say we get a little bit of foreshadowing, because Kagehina talks about their signal and how Date Tech didn't catch on and we're not told what the signal is. But we'll find out soon. And S didn't think about that for yourself. And they're like yeah, it was Suga senpai.


And then we have a moment with Suga and Daichi where you know they're, they're happy, they won, obviously, but Suga admits that like he wishes his tosses could have been part of the victory, which I totally get because this is a redemption for the three of them, for Asanoia and Suga, and while Asanoia got to do that, suga just kind of had to watch on the sidelines, which I imagine is hard, hard, and even though you know he played his role in his own way, I think it's very human of him to admit that. And then he's embarrassed immediately and he's like don't repeat that to anyone, I'm just telling you my special boy. And Daichi's like no, like, I'm glad to hear that you still want to fight.


It's a very sweet moment.


And then, yeah, then we have Oikawa's fangirls and he's ready to eat kagehina for dinner once again. Yeah, in the dub he says the king and his little dark horse, which he's just so fucking obsessed with kagehina.


I'm gonna write a fic one day about him obsessing over them also like how such a theatrical bitch, like in another universe, he is like the mean theater kid who, like always, gets the main roles.


Oh yeah, in an american au of haikyuu. We should do that one day. For who in haikyuu? Who would they be in a classic high school setting? He is definitely he is. He is Shar-Pei, for sure. Um, yeah, and then I think that's kind of the end of the episode, but I do want to talk about um. M brought this up and I kind of agree that there's in the second half of this episode there's kind of a bit of a drop in animation quality, except for the noia save and the asahi spike. So I wonder if maybe they like their budget, like they kind of had to play around with it, and they put more into the noia save and the asahi spike, which I'm okay with. I'm okay with a little bit of a drop, a little bit of weird facial expressions from people if it means I get that cool ass noia save yeah, yeah, it is noticeable and it's too bad, like give Haikyuu all the money and make it all high quality.


This is why I'm excited for the movie, because the movie looks very high quality all around, even though we get a scant hour and 25 minutes. But that's fine. But yeah, no, I couldn't help but notice that and I was like, oh God.


Animation is really expensive and you know it's definitely different in Japan. Obviously, you know it's definitely different in Japan. Obviously, Like, anime is a different industry but like here in the United States, like animation is like it's really hard to get investors for that, it's hard to get funding. There's a lot of stuff that goes into that. It's all bullshit because animation you can do so much with it and I think it's like such a great way to tell stories and you don't have to worry about using shitty CGI.


Yeah, so I think that's kind of the end of the episode, unless there is there anything else you want to talk about. No, that's it, I'm excited.


We're getting into our last game of this season. Can you believe it? Yeah, it's really good. I was just saying I'm on the third and final disc of my DVDs We've got seven episodes left.


It's 25. So yeah, yeah that's seven episodes.


Yeah, seven episodes left, left. I did our planning out our episodes and I think the last episode of season one will come out the last monday of july. Oh, wow, um, so that's exciting. Um, we're getting, we're getting through this. I'm I'm really stoked about these. This next, uh, handful of episodes, yeah, it's gonna be really, really good. We're gonna get to talk about a lot of people and a lot of cool stuff and speaking of talking about people who is our character spotlight.


I love that transition. Thank you for that, um. Today we are going to talk about futakuchi kenji. Yay, I love, we love futakuchi, um, you know, I love that. He's a little asshole. From the wiki, a little bit about his personality. According to Moniwa, who's the number two, futakuchi is a problematic junior with an easygoing personality. He doesn't show much respect to his seniors but despite his flippant attitude, futakuchi does care about his team. He is shown to be affected when the third years talk about retirement. And then I don't think it's a spoiler to say that he becomes the captain. No, I impairment. And then I don't think it's a spoiler to say that he becomes the captain. No, I think, yeah, I think that's pretty natural progression. Like you know, we do get to see date tech again and furukuchi is the captain and as the captain he grows more responsible while still keeping his provocative nature well, it's funny.


You said that sentence and I thought to myself you know, furukuchi that's probably the disrespect thing is probably more prominent because of Japanese culture's emphasis on politeness and respect to senpais. But I feel like Futakuchi would be a very run-of-the-mill American teenager.


Oh yeah, Like he, I feel like he comes to everyone with like an American level of respect.




For sure, and then for his name, meaning his family name Futakuchi is two months, two months, two months. Don't know why, but his given name is kinji, which is to govern firmly, oh, which I thought was interesting, and we will definitely talk about that more when we get to see him as a captain. For his character sheet, he goes to uh date technical high school. He is in class 2a, which I looked it up, and he is in the same class as aone.


so they are little buddies and little boyfriends they're definitely terrorizing that class I just imagine them in like metal shop together like just fucking around I. We should write on american au um. His position is wing spiker. He is an, even six feet. He's a second year his birthday is november 10th.


Oh, that's the same birthday as yamaguchi really I believe so. Oh, I didn't realize that he's our scorpio. He's got that scorpio stinger.


Yeah, yeah he does that makes sense. His favorite food is sour gummies, which he's. A sour gummy like that fucking just makes perfect sense for him. His current worry is that he has to get his wisdom teeth removed.


Oh, buddy, do I feel you on that one? Yeah, I get it.


You all were here for rainbows wisdom teeth removal saga. Oh, he won't be able to eat any sour gummies. Also, now I need a sick fic of Aoni helping Fudokuchi recover after his wisdom teeth.


Oh, that is so funny. That's very. I mean, you're supposed to get them out, I think as a teenager.


So that's funny, I'm sure the third years are going to be so happy that you're not going to be able to talk for a few days, all right. And then we've got his five point ability parameters. His, he's pretty pretty, even overall. His technique, his intelligence and his stamina are all threes. His speed, his power and his jumping are fours.


Nice, yeah, power and his jumping are fours, nice, yeah. I mean he you know aona kind of really stands out because he's so big and strong, but futakuchi holds his own yeah, well, and I think there's something to be said about the fact that, like you know, he's a wing spiker.


He's not a middle blocker, but he is still an important part of the wall. Um, and I'm excited to talk about more about day tech when we get to season two and I we also get to see him a little bit more in season four as well, because we do get a new player, um for date tech. Oh yeah, I can't wait to talk about that anyway. Yeah, I think so, like tsukishima futakuchi, those are two of our meanest gays. Would you call oikawa mean gay as well?


of course he's like the great king of mean gay. That's true. Well, I can't believe I've been asked a question. Kageyama said it himself. He's even worse than T Suki. That's true, yeah.


So he is yeah, he is top mean gay. I would say it goes oikawa, maybe futakuchi next and then tsukishima. Yeah, because I think furuk, like tsukishima, is like well, it's different approaches. I feel like t sukki's a little more subtle jabs, that's true, that's true. And futakuchi. I just feel like furukuchi is more willing to go for the senpai yes than tsukishima that's true.


He sugita does seem to have a respect for his senpais that furukuchi lacks yeah, which you know.


Maybe that's connected to something with tsukishima's uh, personal life that we can get into. Um, okay, are we ready to move on to hunai q?


it's the world's favorite game. Who in haikyuu? This week's scenario was brought to us by taylor from twitter thank you, taylor and we're talking about the character's ideal first date. Theters we'll be discussing is Hinata, kageyama, asahi, noya, daichi Suga, tanaka, yukai, takada, aone, fudikuchi and Oikawa. Yes, so I think I just want to knock this out of the park. Hinata and Kageyama would both be playing volleyball.


Yes, there is a fic that I love. It's an AU and it's got professional volleyball player kageyama and reporter journalist hinata. I cannot remember the name. I wish I should have looked it up. It's really, really cute.


Um, and kageyama is pissed because, like you know, all the reporters keep asking him about a girlfriend and like he just wants to talk about volleyball. And then hinata is there and he's like he, he, he's. Why are you guys talking to him about girls, when you could be talking about the cool serve that he did or the cool set that he did? And so he's like Kageyama, are you ever going to get a boyfriend? And then Kageyama's like I don't know if I met the right guy. And then Hinata's like okay, cool, and then proceeds to talk to him. And then Hinata keeps coming to report on the games and Kageyama always goes to him because Hinata wants to talk about the volleyball. And then they start to hang out and they go, they like they play volleyball together in the park and then they have lunch and then, like Hinata is like doing some sort of interview with him and he like asks him like what's your ideal date? And Kageyama basically just says what they had done together.


And it's very cute and I will try to. I'll look up the name of that fic and post it. Um, when I post the episode? Um, because you should all read it. It's really cute, it's really good, yeah, um.


Anyway, enough about that fic, moving on yeah, so volleyballs followed by meat buns, and then a kiss, and that's. That's that for them. Uh, asahi, I think Asahi would probably like to do go ahead. I don't know, I feel like he'd be like go for a nice walk.


Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking. I think Asahi would probably like to do go ahead.


I don't know. I feel like he'd be like go for a nice walk.


Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking.


I think he'd like to go to, like a botanical garden yeah, maybe a beach, Beach dinner and a movie Just like a classic. Yeah, yeah.


Something very calm, not something too exciting. You know he would. I bet he'd look so cute for it. He'd get all nice and dressed up. I bet he'd worried about about his hair. He'd be a nervous wreck. Oh my God, that's for sure.


Yeah, for real. And on the reverse side, noya, would be like an adventure date kind of guy Like he'd want to go rock climbing or zip lining or something like that. Yep, oh paintball. Yeah, like, obviously, I'm going to pair all of these people. You know he would drag Asahi out and then they would have fun. It would be very 10 things I hate about you with the paintball, oh my.


God, yes, absolutely.




He'd want to go to like a rock concert. Yeah, daichi. Hmm, he is very classic dinner in a movie.


Yeah, maybe he'd take you to a game. I don't know.


I feel straight man with these things I could also see him doing like a rock climbing, like something physical for a date, you know, and this again, we have to keep in mind that this is a first date too, which I think, is different from other dates that you would have with somebody.


So, first date, I think I could see him playing it safe and being like let's get to know each other, let's do something. And also, I think, you know, I think he is a little bit like trapped by like what he thinks he's supposed to do, maybe for sure, um, and then suga, I feel like suga would take you to do, he would take you to like a like one of those smash places, like making smash places, where you make something, you have to destroy it. I want to do that so bad. Oh my god, I want to do that really bad. But that definitely seems like something suga would do. Suga would, yeah, suga would want to give you like an experience I don't know why.


I'm like zoo popped into my head.


Oh, I love that I did that for a pretty early on day. It's cute, just me projecting for a second. I like the idea of suga like having a bunch of random animal facts and like he has a fact for every animal.


Yeah right, um tanaka well, tanaka's such a girl crazy, you know. He has read up on ideal first dates yeah, he's right.


Like he, he's read so many like shoujo manga to figure out like he would like craft what he thinks is the ideal first date, but then everything keeps going wrong.


Yeah, like I mean, I think he'd pick kyoko up, he'd have a, he'd have flowers, they'd do like the very classic.


He'd be so nervous his axe body spray would be double time, oh my god. Um, I'm normally I don't seek out uh tanakio content, but if anybody knows of any fix about like their first date, I would actually read that it'd be cute. I think that would be cute. I'm very interested. I'm just thinking of him being like just so nervous. I bet he like gets a little too dressed up for it. You know sure oh, I love that.


Okay, you kai I think you kai would take you on like not a great first date like it would be like come to the shop and I'll make you a hot dog um, I'll warm, I'll keep a special worn, a special meat bun warmed up for you yeah, I don't know.


Yeah, I mean the fact that he I mean not to read people who are 27 single. Lord knows I've been there but like, since he's not, doesn't seem too interested in relationships. I just kind of get that vibe like he would smoke throughout the whole date.


Well, I'm thinking specifically because Takada is next on this list and I think Takada would probably want to do like a quiet dinner. Takada would want to read like poetry in the park. Here's, here's what'm thinking, because I think Yukai, I think if Yukai were taking anybody else on a first date, it would be like not very impressive. I think he would want to impress Takada. So I think he would like, I think he would maybe plan, like let's go to, like, let's go sit on this hill and look at the stars, and then Takada would be like this is exactly what I wanted. Here's this poem that I'm going to read to you.


Yeah, and yeah, I think takada would want to do that I can also see takada maybe doing like a uh like a who who in this list would take somebody to like a science museum?


well, tsukishima would, but he's not on the list, that's true, and I should have put him on the list. So, yeah, tsukishima would take you to a museum. Yeah, he would take you to look at dinosaurs, um, maybe to a planetarium or something like that. Um, yeah, but yeah, takada, I think would. Yeah, I think he'd like a nice, quiet dinner. I could see him taking you to like a poetry reading or something like that. Maybe a nice like paint and sip kind of thing. Yeah, I love that.


All right, aone isn't thinking about dates yeah, yeah, this is a hard one like maybe a concert, oh okay, yeah, I could see him taking some like you think it's gonna be heavy metal, but it's that. Um, he's taking you to cake from bob's burgers. He's taking you to cake hatsune miku, who is the, the software singer like oh, okay, yeah, yeah, he's taking you there.


I could see that?


yeah, I don't know it's a tough one.


Yeah, I feel like, yeah, aone is like well, and that's the thing. If it's aone and futakuchi, I like the idea of them being like friends. And then they're like we should date and it's just like, okay, we should go on a date. And then the third years are trying to like like oh, you should do this, you should do this, you should do this. And they're like do you just want to like order pizza and play video games?


at one of our houses. Do you want to go throw rocks at cars?


no, you're right, that's what they're doing. Hey, you want to go graffiti some stuff like how we're turning them into like full, like hooligans. Yeah, they're absolutely hooligans, yeah okay, yeah, so futakuchi, yeah, I think futakuchi be like. I don't know. You want to like go get some pizza. Yeah, you take you to like a diner? Yeah, it'd be very relaxed. Yeah, and then oikawa okay, so I've.


So there's two versions. If oikawa is taking one of his little girlfriends that he doesn't care about out, then he's like taking him to some. He's taking him to cheesecake factory, just talking about himself the whole time and that's about it. If he's going out with uwaisemi, then I think uwaisimi completely disarms him and is like very charming and maybe they go for like a walk on the beach or something where. What are your thoughts?


my thought was just I could see yorikawa. I guess this wouldn't be a first date thing, but I could see him definitely taking a girl to a volleyball game and not paying attention to her whatsoever.


100 absa, fucking luli um, and he's taking him to like a game with one of his rivals, so maybe like a shiratoru zawa game or something yeah, to like talk shit about somebody.


Yeah, to talk shit about ushijima, fucking absolutely. Um, yeah, and I think, yeah, I think he, I, I think he, I think he wants to impress awaisami really badly. I think he's kind of also like he's trying to plan things out and things keep going wrong, but then Awaisame is just like great about it and I think Awaisame does like something really heartfelt and like meaningful. Yeah, okay, so I like this one. Thank you, taylor. I like all of the suggestions yeah these are always a fun time.


Yes, it's always fun to talk about this, and if you have any ideas for ideal first dates for any of these characters or any of the other characters in the show even characters we haven't talked about yet, we'll definitely be going back to this one. I think we should almost.


I feel like in season two, when we get to like summer training camp park, I feel like we should go through all a lot of these we can recycle some of these with new characters for absolutely because we'll have new people to talk about um, okay, well, before we get into the spoiler zone, I just want to let you guys know where you can find us, and it's all over social media twitter, instagram, tumblr and blue sky. At fly hq pod. That's fly hq pod. You can also send us an email, a little love letter, perhaps some hate mail, who knows? At fly F-L-Y-H-Q-P-O-D at gmailcom. Flyhighqpod at gmailcom.


And I just wanted to mention so for Blue Sky. I'm not really posting on there a lot and I think I should start to. I think one thing is that I'm logged in to my Rainbow Reads Blue Sky on my phone and not the Fly HQ Pod one. I think I need to change it. And we do have one person who interacts with us on Blue Sky. I don't know if you want to shout out, so I'm not going to shout out your name or your handle or anything. But you know, thank you for you know interacting. I think you're interacting on like the same post because I haven't posted anything new. But you know we appreciate your interactions and you know I will start posting more on blue sky, since we do have some interaction on there.


Um, but yeah, write us in. We love to hear from you. And again, reminder, if you want a shout out on the pod, just let us know what name you want. Um, you know, optional, you can include your pronouns. We will default to they them. If you haven't put pronouns or if they're not in your bio, and if you have a specific episode you'd like a shout out on, go ahead and um, tell us that as well. All right, and now we're going into the spoiler.


I'll try to do it different every time put on your sunscreen because we're getting in the spoiler zone. That's right. Well, yep, we're going to the pool. Splish, splash.


I was taken aback um, yeah, so for this one I just want to talk a little bit about Tsukishima and like the way he talks to Asahi is it's like he's nothing compared to Hinata, and I just think it goes back to his inferiority complex and like the thing with his brother, where he's like I can't care about beating Hinata, because then if I don't, I'll be crushed.


Yeah let me tell you guys, not caring is not gonna, or pretending not to care is not gonna protect your feelings. You can try all you want.


It's not gonna fucking work. No, you do not have that much control over your emotions. All you can do is react to your own emotions, and Tsukishima's reaction is not going great, yeah it's not doing much for him and we'll see.


This is kind of like a foreshadowing of of, like the training arc we'll get more, way more of suki's feelings about, and like he just assumes that he will lose and assumes that he can't be as good as hinata and that's something that he has, that's his arc, that he has to overcome yeah, and I just think it's interesting the way that hinata, like he just sparks something in so many people.


So, yeah, I guess there's not really a lot for the spoiler zone in this episode. I mean, we're coming up on the Seijo match, we're coming, and you know we are coming up on. Oikawa says, when he has that little like sideline confrontation with Karasuno, um, where he says, like we're like basically like we're going to beat you and you're going to lose, and they do like they do lose to seijo because they have to like, yeah, they, they still have so much to learn, um, and like you brought up, we know now that, like kagehina are using a particular signal which oikawa clocks immediately.


Yeah, I'm, I'm very excited for when we get to that. I can't remember when we get to, when we get that moment of him like watching their game tape, because they don't have. Do they have another team to face before?


they face seijo. No, I think we're diving into it, so it's probably coming up soon yeah.


So I don't know, maybe we just watch like the end of the seijo match. I always feel like that, that moment where, like oikawa was like watching the tv in the in the darkness, fucking love moment. I always feel like that happens at the end of the episode, but maybe it doesn't. Maybe it doesn't happen at the end of an episode. I'm literally about to find out next week.


The people who are listening are like it's at this point.


Yeah, don't worry, I'll get there. All right, yeah, is there anything else we need to talk about?


I feel like datek was very much about like asahi's redemption and that was you know. That was all good and well, but there's just gonna be a lot more to discuss in the coming games.


Well and again because they will not give us any information about datek's personal life and like I feel like that would have really beefed up like this episode, and I don't know, maybe they just felt like they didn't have time for it.


I don't know what it is, but like just give me more and there's a lot more personal connection with oba josai because of kageyama and all that. So don't worry, the episodes will get long again.


Yes absolutely, we all have a lot of stuff to talk about we're very excited um and thank you for being here. And again, happy pride, happy pride.


It's good to be gay it's good to be gay, and until next time, fly high.

Inclusive Podcast
Analysis of Asahi and Suki's Dynamic
Karasuno Coaches and Players Dynamics
Animation Quality and Character Spotlight
First Date Ideas for Haikyuu Characters