Fly: A Queer Haikyuu Podcast

S1E22: Evolution

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"I don't ever want to be your friend, Oikawa."

This week, rainbow and em discuss season 1, episode 22 "Evolution" and talk about the unbreakable bond between Oikawa and Iwaizumi (stop trying to deny it, Iwa!), OiKage's troubled past, and the ways Kageyama has evolved since coming to Karasuno. 

48:57 - Spoiler Zone Begins

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hello everyone and welcome to fly a queer Haikyuu podcast. I'm rainbow and I'm m, and today we are going to talk about season 1, episode 22, evolution. Evolution, that's right. 



Haikyuu, not a creationist show it's taking a firm stance on evolution and you know what. 



That's fucking right. Science is correct. Yeah, so I don't think we have anything really to chit chat about today. I think we're just ready to get into this episode. Yeah, pretty much. Okay, we do housekeeping to do. Yeah, we do have, uh, some quick housekeeping. 


I want to give a shout out to one of our listeners, doyce, from mainly. I've interacted with them mainly on blue sky, but they said that they are mostly on tblr, so I think we'll see them a lot more on tblr and they've interacted with us on blue sky. They're one of the main ones. , I think mb as well interacts with us on blue sky and blue sky. I treat it as like a backup for when twitter inevitably crbles under the weight of Elon Musk's giant ego. We're going to keep posting on there, but don't feel like you have to rush to Blue Sky to keep interacting with us. We'll stay there no matter what. We're still mainly going to be on Twitter, but Doice has always been very interactive, so I just wanted to shout them out. They also had an idea for Noya's ideal first date that we didn't think of. That, I think, is perfect, which is a boardwalk amusement park. , yeah, going on the tilta whirl, eating lots of candy, riding the roller coaster over and over again. 



Poor Asahi's hands are frozen to the bar yeah, I wish we lived near a boardwalk town yeah, me too, especially as somebody who grew up on the ocean front. Oh, I'm so jealous of you. 



Yeah, well, you know, tourists suck, so don't be too jealous. Yeah, yeah, but I think that's it for housekeeping, unless we have anything else. 



We've got business to get into, let me tell y'all it is going on 3 pm, which we usually do in the morning, but Rainbow had book club and then I had some technical difficulties and nine times out of ten it's storage space on my goddamn Mac and I will say I've gotten really good at staying calm because this has happened to me a couple times now and I downloaded like a clean my Mac thing I deleted I have so much crap from my old job on my computer. I system updated and now a couple hours later we are here and ready to go and after this we are going to reward ourselves with getting a little high and going to the pool. I'm really excited. 



Luckily, Kiki is now officially asleep on her bed. 



Yes, that's the one good thing is now she is fully in nap mode. 



Yeah, earlier, when we tried to do this, before all the technical issues, she was tearing apart one of her toys in the living room and now she's just being so cute and taking a nap and her little ear just twitched. 



All right. 



So let's just get into our recap, let's dive right into it All right, em's going to be doing the recap and I'll count her down whenever you're ready, ready. 



Three, two, one. Kageyama is back in the game and raring to go. The battle with Seijo continues as Kageyama learns how to go from a dictator king to a decent king, working with his spikers and not being so focused on the blocks. Iwa gives us some more insight into Oikawa and Kageyama's background with each other, and Iwaoi is like super gay. In this one, the team with the best six players wins. Who will take the second set? I? 



love that. 



Iwoi is like super gay in this one. This is a very strong Iwoi episode. 



Yeah, this definitely is Like I feel like if you didn't ship Iwoi before you ship them now. 



Yes, and first there's just we're going to get into it. This is another very meaty episode where I basically had something to say for every line of the show. 



Yeah, Im has a lot of notes. I don't have as many, but that's mainly just because Im took so many I can just comment on. I really like to give you all a play by play. Let's dive into this. It starts off with Kageyama trying to smile. 



Yeah, so you know it leaves off where we were last, where Kageyama is back on the court and he looks at his team and he thinks about Suga's smile that he gave to everyone and he tries to imitate it and it doesn't quite work. 



It's definitely going to be the episode graphic for this episode when I release it, because it is so funny. I also, you know, I just a headcanon of like because I do think Kageyama has a little gay crush on Suga. I don't necessarily ship them as in game or anything, I don't even think they would date, but I definitely think like Kageyama like admires Suga in the way that I used to admire the older girls in school. That at the time I did not realize was gay. 



But looking back I'm like, oh wow, that was so gay for sure, and I feel like Suga is like the nicest person to him so far that we've seen. 



Yeah, yeah, that's the thing Because, like Hinata isn't exactly nice to him, they just have this like irrevocable bond with each other. But Suga is just so. It's not even just niceness, he's just kind to him, he's so caring with him and that's kind of something this episode is really about is the way that Suga has affected Kageyama is really about is the way that Suga has affected Kageyama. 



Yes, because Kageyama is back and ready to go. What's really also like my favorite part of this scary smile is everyone's reactions to it. Yeah, and I love you know, everyone looks scared, except for Noya, who is smiling because he's just delighted he sees what Kageyama is trying to do, and Hinata like backs up way too far and is like what are you up to? I won't let you get away with it. Yeah, he's like you must be planning something evil, and Tanaka was like you're too far away. And then Noya goes, like I think he's trying to smile maybe, and Asahi's like don't say maybe okay. 



So in the dub, like I don't remember what Tanaka says, but Noya says like Kageyama's trying to smile for the first time ever, and then Asahi is like I, I know you didn't mean it like that. And then, and then, like Kageyama yells at Daichi or yells at Hinata, and then in the dub I could not for the life of me figure out what Daichi was saying. I went back several times, I turned the vole up. Im saw me like switching over to the sub so that I could read the subtitles. 



I can attest because she played it and it's so quiet and like mbled. It was really weird. But basically Daichi is like oh, I'm so proud our grpy setter is trying to, you know, thinking that Debbie's like he's learning to show his feelings. 



And Daichi's just a proud dad, yes, which is very adorable, yeah. And then it's Kageyama up to serve. 



Yeah, so well. And also I just wanted to note because I thought this was cute Hinata asks Kageyama if he heard about the signals from Suga and Kageyama confirms. And then he, like Kageyama, raises his fist towards Hinata and, like a sign of camaraderie, I actually think that's the signal for the freak quick. I think that's Kageyama telling Hinata like we were gonna do the. I'm so glad we're having these conversations because I just thought he was like you, bae, yeah. 



Yeah, it was like a moment, like, yeah, here we go, we're gonna do this. No, it's. I think that's the signal because I think they show it in later episodes where, like Kageyama will kind of like hold it, like he'll turn his back to the other team like, hold the fist up to his chest, and that's their signal cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. 



Anyway, I'm glad I brought that up, though, because I've always thought that that's what that was. I thought it was just like yeah, brother, yeah, so yeah, it's Kageyama's serve, and he is adorable, oh my god he's. 



So I have it in all caps that his little smile is so cute. He just loves playing volleyball and he's so happy to be back on the court. And I did note that he does his normal serve routine because we had seen him like in the last episode or the episode before like gripping the ball really hard because he's like so frustrated by Oikawa, and in this one he's much more calm. He's just like you know what this is? Volleyball. I love playing volleyball. I'm gonna go out there and I'm just gonna have fun and I'm gonna do it. And so he does his normal serve routine and his service fucking fire Service ace, that's fucking right. And then Oikawa I think even before he serves, Oikawa recognizes he has this like moment where he's like all right, guys Kageyama's back and he is better than before. 



I think this break is exactly what Kageyama needed. Yes and yeah. And it's funny because Takeda even is like Kageyama relax you. 



And he's like, oh, I guess he's fine. Yeah, so he does that service ace. And then Tanaka holds up both hands for a high five. Kageyama is like what's happening and Hinata, his handler, has to explain it yes, Hinata's. 



Like it's a high five, you idiot, which I think does a test. And like let me tell you I don't throw around the phrase like autistic, coded lightly like Kageyama is absolutely giving that with. You know his tough time reading social cues and like this high five thing too is kind of astounding to me and I think it's partially that but also partially kind of depressing in the way that like this boy has been playing volleyball since second grade and he doesn't he's never connected with any teammates. Like we know he had a hard time in junior high but before then, like were kids always kind of intimidated by him? Did that always separate him? Like he has never had like high fives and camaraderie with teammates since seven years old. I'll kill myself I listeners. 


Rainbow's heart is breaking because like yeah, we don't know what a fucking high five is I'm so like a coach never gave him a high five. 



None of his senpai ever tried to high five. I've never thought about that before, ever. I want to cry like this poor boy, like he's just has been like emotionally neglected by every single person in his life until he gets to Karasuno. Yeah, like it's such a found family story for Kageyama. Like he has found like true, like love and caring in Karasuno and I'm just, I'll never look at that moment the same again. 



I know that that only occurred to me this past time watching I'm like, oh my God, I never thought that deeply about it, but it is fucking depressing. Even Kandaichi from across the net is like Kageyama gave someone a high five, like this. Boy has just really been on his own, I think, since the beginning. So now Seijo is waiting for that out loud signal from Kagehina, but it doesn't come and they're able to get a quick pass to them. 



Yeah, and then I don't know what he says in this sub, but Kagehama remembers Hinata talking about how Suga always praises them, and so Kagehama in like the most constipated way ever is like Hinata proud of you. 



And Hinata's like uh, thank you, that part of you is really cute in the well, the sub titles say good job, uh. And then Hinata's like what are you, my boss? 



which I think that's like a common, like response in japan, whenever somebody likes, I think it's like what are you, my boss, like, what are you, my dad, what are you my mom? 



, yeah, he's just. He's just so awkward about it. He's really not a team. He's never been a team player and he's learning how to be and it is fun to watch. Uh, suka says Hinata is sharp as ever, and tobio and I'm interested to see how they did this in the dub, because he says tobio is playing like a fish in water, and then we have sukiyama in the background are like Kageyama tobio, and tobio means like flying fish. So how do you do that in the dub? 



it kind of the same same thing, I think he said. I think he says, like you know, like oh, yeah, he's like a, he's like a fish in water. And then I think they think that like oh, flying fish, and it has like the little flying fish with Kageyama's face on it , yeah, and then so it's tobio, but it's spelled t-o-b-i-u-o is what I saw. And haikyuu loves a pun. 



Yeah, and I'm here for it Oikawa very coolly tells his team not to panic, they just need to get one, and iwa tells him that face and pose pisses him off Because Okada's kind of doing like the shrug emoji. He's very like it's okay, guys, we're just gonna get one in. I just love that Iwa never lets him live for a fucking second. 



Absolutely not. Yeah, it's so funny, like, stop posing like that, it pisses me off. Oh God, yeah, it's because youyama is around. 



Yeah, suga thinks to himself. Kageyama, you told Hinata, as long as you're around, he would be the best, but it's the same for you. With Hinata's attacks, you're the best, but it's the same for you with Hinata's attacks, you're the best. Like they. Just, once again, they bring the best out of each other. It is a symbiotic relationship. It is yin and yang. One cannot exist without the other. Get out of my face, yeah , is there? 



do we know? If there's a fic out there that's like karas, every member of karas, no shipping kagehina. Because if not, I need to see that. I just want a little, a little tiny vignette of everyone just like seeing them and being like, oh, wow, yeah, so they're in love, okay. 



I feel like there has to be. 



I mean, that's pretty much what haikyuu is. 



That's what haikyuu is every character realizing kagehina are in love with each other pretty much uh, Hinata holds up his hands for a high five and it's funny because there's kind of like a challenge in his face when he does it to Kageyama. He's like I dare you to fucking give me a high five and Kageyama hits pretty hard. There's a fake and I think it is Kabedon't by Asel, which is a fantastic fake. Go look it up. And I think it's that one where in the fake, Hinata thinks about how Kageyama hits too hard because he thinks it's funny and I adopt that as canon truth. 



Yes, so then we move into some Tsuki Kage stuff going on. Yeah, Tanaka immediately and like yeah, it's like Kageyama is like looking at Tsuki Shima and he's like I don't want to have to be nice to him. And then, like Tsuki is like looking at Kageyama, and then Tanaka comes in, like hey, when did this become Tsuki Shima versus Kageyama? 



Yeah, no, they just can't. Well, I mean, tsukishima's been a jerk and they're also, I think, similar in ways that they don't like. So you know, we know, they rub up against each other. Tsukishima thinks Kageyama's really hot and he's mad about it Again. He's mad that he wants to kiss him and Seijo is clocking that Tobio doesn't really use Tsukishima. When Eleven comes up, he doesn't really use the center and they don't seem to. And of course, Oikawa already knows they don't get along. We have Kageyama, who you know, he really I love him. He is really trying to take all of Suga's advice to heart and he's trying to read his spikers expressions and he's looking at Tsukishima and he's like, but all I can think about is how his face pisses me off. Yes. 



Well and I think we see a little bit before this we see Kageyama does a toss for Asahi and then afterwards he's like Asahi, like how was that? He's so earnest, yes, which you know. We can maybe talk about that a little bit in the spoiler zone, okay, Because that comes back around. Yeah, but yeah, I just love that. He's just so like earnestly. Just like you know, if you adjust your sets for the spiker, like per spiker, you're going to get the best out of them, and so now he's trying to do that. But when it comes to Tsukishima, he doesn't even know how to start that conversation. 



Yeah, no, they don't like each other and that's hard to get over, and this is the part. 



So when Oikawa is talking to the rest of Seijo about how Tsukishima doesn't and Kagema don't like each other, that's when Matsukawa is like I don't ever want to be your friend. Oikawa, like you analyze people too much. And Oikawa's like what I'm just trying to win the volleyball game. 



Yes, he's pretty much like creeped out. He's like you'll know all of our weaknesses and Oikawa in the sub was like why would I need my teammates' weaknesses? But I totally get what Oikawa's saying, like again he's got that. He's playing 4d chess. 



he's very observant and it is a little scary I gosh part of me wants to do like a character study of Oikawa, like in high school and like Iwaizi being his only true friend and him feeling like he's not close to anyone else because and like there he can't figure out why other people don't want to be close to him, except for the like the girls who are just obsessed with him. Like if only I could actually write every fic idea I've come up with while doing this podcast. If only is this where we get Kageyama like going up to tsukishima and trying to like start that conversation with yes so it's so funny. 



So again, Kageyama is being very literal and trying to just read suki's expression and suga kind of has to go up to him and be like well, you have to also talk to him. And I also note that suki isn't hitting with all of, with all he's got, and that's going to be something that we keep running into, where suki is giving about 50 but Kageyama does. He goes up to suki and asks how that hit was that he gave him, and he says it in a way where he sounds like Tanaka and suki is like why do you sound like Tanaka? And then Tanaka is like what do you mean kora? 



yeah. So in the dub he says was that last set decent enough for you punk? And then tsuki, she was like why do you sound like Tanaka and Tanaka's like what'd you say? 



punk oh my god love yeah because he's so begrudging, he does not want to deal with tsuki's bullshit, which I don't like. 



Blame him because tsuki's been really fucking mean to Kageyama for no reason tsuki came out of the gate bullying Kageyama like literally bringing up, like not his greatest traa, but like his most recent traa. 



Yeah, and just like you know I get why he perceives Kageyama as a dick, but like Suki's, like the worst twitter user with no nuance and just wants to hate yeah, suga's like quote retweeting everything with a bitchy comment and subtweeting everybody. 


He knows yeah, fucking so. Suki's like it's like you're saying here's the toss commoner, now hit, hit it. Suki's quite prideful himself in his own way and I think he's almost offended by Kageyama's way of just like pinpointing the set. He's almost like trying to make the decisions for the spikers. And this is what pisses suki off. And suga sees, you know the way suki's talking to him and he's like come on, we don't have time for a fight. And he tries, he starts to go up to them. But then kagyan was like all right, well, what do you mean by that? And and suki kind of explains to him. 


Like you know, I want you to have a more consistent toss to me, because you're not the only one that's thinking. You know, I'm trying to think things out as well and I want to basically have options in the air. Yes, and kagyan was like all right, let's try it, and suki's like you're being agreeable, and Kageyama's just like, yeah, well, you know, and it's great, because then suki kind of like runs off and his face is just like he doesn't know how to handle that Hinata too. 



Hinata is like mind blown like this. He's like what? What's happening? Kageyama isn't being a jerk to suki shima of all people, and I love Hinata just being in the background for these Kageyama moments where he's like, just like observing, he's like how's my boyfriend doing? He's always watching, that's for sure. Yeah, always, always on his, always on his mind. 



So Kageyama listens and he gives suki the toss he wants and uh, with fruitful it bears fruit. 



Yeah, well, because this is where we see suki shima does it three times in a row when he gets the ball where he does like he does. 



, I think it's called a dink oh, okay, they were calling it a faint. Okay in the sub, where it's when you like like kind of look like you're gonna really hit it, but then you just hit it a little bit till it gets down in front, and then they have to kind of rush to the front to get it. Yeah, he does it a few times in a row, to the point where our little audience commentators are like accusing him of running away from the blocks in a way but suki's smarter than that, because suki is I think he's got the some of the. 


He's almost like the kenma of the team with his strategy level. 



Yes, because he's setting up a trap yes, he is, and I, and Kageyama realizes that he's setting up that trap because I think I think I don't remember if it's somebody on the court or if it's like somebody watching from the audience who's like oh, Kageyama should give the ball to this person next. Because like and I don't even remember why they say but Kageyama knows that if he gives the ball to tsukishima, like the, the libro is already going up he's like okay, it's going to tsukishima, I've got to go up because he's going to do another dink. And I think it's a wisemi who recognizes. He's like no, don't, no, it's the coach yeah, it's the coach. 



And then Tsukishima yeah, he gives it his all Well because Kageyama gives him the toss and Tsuki even looks a little surprised to be trusted. Because that's what it is. Kageyama is trusting him with the toss and he slams it in and that little trick works. 



Yeah, I love that moment. I always forget about it. But that is like with Tanaka, where I was just like I don't really care about this guy, I don't really want to pay attention to him, like whatever, so I just didn't pick up on those things with him. But like Tsukishima, like there's very subtle hints about like his play style, yes, and we really don't fully get to see every like, we don't get to see every part of Tsukishima until, like, season three but yeah, I know this is kind of a good hint of that. 



And then I love the senpai's reaction, like Tanaka and Noya. Tanaka goes to Sugi's like you really pissed me off, kind of thing, because he's so good. And then we have the classic nuff, nuff, nice. Kageyama can't even say you know nice, and Tanaka has a good laugh at Kageyama's struggle to give compliments in general. 



Yeah, he's like are you emotionally constipated or something? And it's like, yes, Tanaka, yes, he is. 



Well, kurosaner just needs one more point to get the second set. But it's Oikawa's serve. Oh yes, it is, and this is the time for a gay flashback. 



Well, actually, before that gay flashback we have, I think they try to go for like a. They try to go for like a spike, or maybe they're trying to block. Anyway, awaisi has a cool line where, like they think they're about to get the next point, and then Awaisi is like no, it's not, I'm not going to make it, I'm not going to, it's not going to be that easy for you. And it was just like one of those moments where I was like Awaisi is so fucking cool. He's a cool guy. 



Awaisi is the one who narrates this story, which I always forget about. But this is when we get more pov of Oikawa and Kageyama in middle school. 



Well, and kind of like even before we get to Kageyama, like it is very much like it's about them. But like we see kind of awaisi, almost like lovingly talking about Oikawa and how like he trains really hard. 



He opens it by saying Oikawa overall is a pretty silly guy. Oh, it's starting with when Oikawa is getting the best setter award and he's got that genuine smile. 


And he says there was a time he wasn't smiling. So I think that almost adds to the comment, because it was like, oh, wow, a real smile for once. And I think, on top of the fact that Oikawa is kind of fake, it's been a while, I think, since he's seen a real smile and, yeah, it gives us this background that you know, Oikawa had a more athletic build than the others. 



He had really great skills, but there were still walls for them to climb and I love that and I noted, because I think there's like, I think you can see a lot of Hinata in Oikawa and I want to talk about that a little bit in the spoiler zone, but like I like that they, they specifically say like he always had a wall in front of him and we see that wall is Ushijima. 



Yes, this is when we get Ushijima kind of standing over him and we learn that, you know, he has really brought Shiratorizawa as, like, the best school in the prefecture and every year, throughout junior year, they're unable to beat him. So the frustration is already building in Oikawa. He feels like he can't, you know, beat this wall. And then here comes Tobio A genius appeared at his back, which is just adding to an already very pressured Oikawa. 



And can we talk about how fucking adorable little baby Tobio is? Little baby middle school, he's still got his little baby fat on him, his fucking egghead. Yeah, he's so round. 



And again just earnest, like he's just so excited to play and and get to play with someone who's as cool as Oikawa so iwa. We have iwa aggressively caring for Oikawa. He's demanding that he stops overworking himself and literally kicks him in the ass and like drags him off of the court and I have. 



I have something here. I kind of thought that, because why is it me? At least in the dub he mentions that like he's talking about Kageyama and how good he is and like Kageyama always seemed like he was having fun with the game. 



Yes, he's like. 



Above all, he was happy to be touching the ball so much exactly, and so, and then Oikawa, when he starts seeing this, he stops having fun. 


It's almost like a reverse of what happened earlier in this match that they're in, where, like Kageyama stopped having fun with the game and then he was, he started to lose. And that's the same thing that happens with Oikawa. He's not having fun, he's focusing too much on how he can beat Kageyama and like, surpass him and like, stay the best setter. Because again he overhears the coaches talking about, like oh, he could be in any position, but like, ultimately, he's going to be a setter. And then Oikawa feels threatened by that. Yes, because he's like, well, I have to beat ushijima and like I have to be the setter and I have to like I have to beat this little kid who isn't doing anything to me. But you know, I get like it's. 


But Oikawa is a child and like he's, he doesn't know how to deal with these emotions. And you know who should step in and talk to him, speak on it his fucking coaches. That's it. That's right, everybody. We're going back to hating on the kitagawa jaichi coaches because they fucking suck. They're not doing their jobs. If you are a coach for children, you are not just teaching them the skills. 



Like you have to be a teacher, you have to be a mentor, you have to it's I wonder if it's a side effect of them being a strong school with a big team they just don't have the attention span, I guess, to give to everyone, or they kind of take for granted and they're not thinking about the emotional well-being of their fucking kids and I mean, and that could just also just be like a cultural thing, it could be a gendered thing. 



They're boys. We don't have to worry about boys emotions as much. There's a lot of things here, but like ultimately and I you know, we can talk about it after a little bit more, after we get through what happens here Oikawa is panicking and he's it's starting to affect him on the court. 


He start and he gets eventually subbed out for Kageyama yes, and that is such an interesting moment and I want, I want to see a side by side of Hinata, like after he loses in middle school, Kageyama after he gets called out and middle pulled out of his game in middle school, and then Oikawa sitting on the bench after he gets pulled out yeah, it's all very similar, all very similar, because Oikawa, like you know, Oikawa and Kageyama are very similar in a lot of ways and getting pulled out of the game is like the worst nightmare. 


And again it's again that self-fulfilling prophecy where Oikawa was like I don't want to be replaced by this kid, I don't want to be replaced by this kid, and he's so focused on that that he gets replaced by this self-fulfilling prophecy. 



That's the term I was looking for. Yes, it's exactly that. And now we come to the one of the most controversial, heart-aching moments of the series, where toby, where Oikawa is now practicing relentlessly after school. Thankfully, iwa is around and Tobio out of fucking nowhere. It's like a dark gym with just the three of them. Tobio comes up and is like brother, won't you, won't you throw me a toss? And Oikawa, literally just like, starts to see red. 



So and I think Tobio specifically asks him like, can you teach me how to serve? 


Like he clearly admires Oikawa's serve and he wants to learn that he's so earnest and he's so innocent I said, with no idea what Oikawa's mental state is right now, like this is not the time, no, and he, yeah, he has no idea and, like, Kageyama has not done anything to Oikawa, like it's not. And that's the thing is, Oikawa is like very much like displacing his rage, because he, you know, he should be mad at the coaches, but he's also ultimately angry at ushijima and he's seeing Kageyama as Ushijima. 



Yes, and I wonder, if that wasn't a thing, you know, if their relationship would be? I feel like there would be competition there, but it wouldn't be quite as hostile. 



Yeah, I think you know, I, yeah, see, that's the thing is the coaches. If the coaches had were, like, better at their jobs and could see and like, would check in with their players and recognize that there's an issue between, like, this new kid and their main setter. Like you know, when you have to pull a, pull somebody out of the game because they're not doing well, why don't you like, like I think Ukai did that, yeah, and Suga did that when Kageyama had to be pulled out of this game, where they were like, hey, here's what's going on, here's why you got pulled out. 



they clearly didn't talk to him because Oikawa goes to swing at Tobio and Iwa catches him in time and kind of tells you know, tobio, like go, like now's not a good time, like head home, and Iwa's the one who tells him like you got subbed out so you could cool your head, like pull yourself together, basically. 



Yeah, absolutely. He headbutts him to the point of Oikawa getting a nosebleed. Oh, and right before this though he does. 



Before he sends tobio away, he says calm down, dbass. Which is bokeh and I'm gonna just again be on my bullshit of this is where Kageyama like picked up bokeh and how to treat your volleyball soulmate, , so yeah. So then you know, Oikawa is like I need to do this, I need to win, and we have, yeah, iwa headbutt, headbutts him. He's like I this, I that Shut up. Do you think you're fighting by yourself? There are six players on a court. The team with the better six is stronger. 



Yes, and he's saying like I don't think any of us one-on-one could be Ushijima, but that's not what's happening here, and I think this moment really helps Oikawa become the setter that we see the better. 



Six line absolutely gets through to him yes, yeah, he definitely. 



He hears that, he believes that and that and he like laughs and always means like, did I hit you too hard? 






And then Oikawa says I suddenly feel invincible, which is a mirror moment for kagehina and I don't know if this is a spoiler alert, but we learn later that Tobio overhears this entire interaction. Yes, so that is another thing he picked up about your volleyball soulmate. 



He learned how to love by watching Iwo Oe. He did, he learned. 



He was like, oh, I just like realized that in this moment. That is so. No, I didn't realize that in this moment. I realized it watching this episode that, like Oikawa says, he feels invincible after Waizi reminds him he's not alone. And so when Kageyama has an opportunity to tell Hinata, like you're not alone on this court, he uses that word invincible. I'm gonna throw my head through the wall this continues to my theory. 



Oikawa starts to tease Iwa about. Is Boke the only insult that you have? And that line in particular really confirms my head getting for that. But yeah, and so then Oikawa is kind of back to normal and it's funny. I love the composition of the shot of the coaches saying like, oh, he seems to be okay as Iwa is walking across the screen. 



Oh yeah, I didn't even notice that. That's good, that's that film school degree right there coming through Finally being put to use no, but there coming through finally being put to use no. But I, I really, yeah, I do like that. , and I want to talk a little bit, I want to kind of pull out a little bit and talk about, like, what I think is one of the main themes of haikyuu, which is the importance of community yeah and how. 


Because Oikawa is not like, he's not considered a genius like other people. Like, I think, like Hinata, Oikawa has had to work really hard to get where he is. Like, yeah, he has like the physique that he needs, but like, ultimately, like he, he trains a lot, sometimes he overworks himself, but at the end of the day, like, no matter how hard you alone work, that's never going to be enough. Like you have to have a strong community, you have to have a support system, and I think that's a big part of Haikyuu is being like, hey, you're not just an individual, you're part of a group. Like you're an individual who is a part of this group and like you all have to be. You know. Like you need the support of everyone if you're going to thrive and you have to be willing to support others. It's not just everyone needs to get behind you and support you, but you have to be equally supporting each other. 






And I think that's a really important message and it makes my anarchist little heart very happy. 



Well, Oikawa has still not learned how to be supportive of others, because we do. In this flashback, at the very end of the flashback, we have Tobio, a very brave boy, asking for yet another set and Oikawa like pulls his eyelid down and is like no buck buck. And I just want to say too, because this is such a controversial moment and I think most reasonable people in the fandom understand like you know, they're both just kids and Oikawa was under a lot of stress or whatever but there are people who really villainize Oikawa for this and just to say like, first of all, he didn't hit him while he was stopped, but still like, clearly Tobio is not that affected and I don't, I even wonder if, like, do you think tobio even, like, realized he was going to get hit? 



like I think he saw that something was happening, but I don't know if he fully understood what was going on in that moment. 



I don't know if he really understood the weight of it. I think like he. You know that hand was coming, but he didn't really understand why. And I feel like he because then it's like now that's spoiler. I think we get it in the next episode, where we have Kageyama overhearing this conversation. He's like eating a little onigiri, like he's fine. 



He's absolutely fine. He's not like traatized by this and you know, like impact is important, like, of course, Oikawa's intention was to hurt Tobio, but like the impact was just that Tobio was like. I can only asse that Tobio was like wow, I guess Oikawa senpai is mad that we lost today, like he doesn't know what's going on. He has no idea. 



Yeah, and clearly like Oikawa was comfortable not still not being very nice to Tobio even after that. So like it's just, it's like you know they're kids, it's fine. 



Yeah, like they're children I think that's a really important thing to remember is like they're in middle school and like yes, Oikawa is older than Kageyama and, like with the senpai kohai relationship, like there's a certain amount of power that Oikawa has over Kageyama and like I you know, I feel like abusive is a really harsh term. That's a yeah it's too much of it's. It's a little bit too harsh, but you know, like he's just being a dick, yeah, he being an asshole, like he's being a jerk to Kageyama. 



Also, I think a lot of people don't really take Ikawa very seriously, and what I mean by that is when then they go to the graduation thing. Where or not the graduation? But when, when he's getting that pretty, that pretty setter, when he's getting the best setter award, and he's like crying and he tells Iwa like we're going to beat Shiratorizawa, and then he turns to Tobio and he's like I'm going to crush you. And Iwa's like blow your nose before you deliver the line. And then Tobio like fishes a tissue out and is like do you need a tissue? And he's like shut up. And then he takes it Like yeah, he's not very nice, but they all, they just like they still have this kind of like back and forth. It's very interesting. 



Yeah, I've definitely seen fics where, like you know, post time skip, you know, Kageyama and Oikawa have been able to like reconcile a little bit and like there are more on friendly terms. And I, you know I like to believe that that happens. Eventually I have a. Maybe one day, maybe in a Patreon episode, I can talk about my headcanons for how they reconcile All right. 



So after that life-changing Iwaoi flashback, we're back on the court, and Iwa reminds Oikawa the second person you want to show, whose boss is right in front of you. 



The first person being Ushijima. 



Oikawa slams it in and NishiNoya saves it. And NishiNoya is very impressed by the fact that Oikawa would do a serve like that at such a critical moment in the game. Suki figures that Oikawa is going to skiff to the center because that's kind of like the I guess the cliche move to do. But Kageyama knows, backed into a corner like this, that Oikawa is going to serve to Iwaizi that's what I would do and they block Iwaizi and get the second set, because Kageyama is not only thinking he's gay. Yes, oh, I have. 



Oikawa's back is against the wall, so he does exactly what Kageyama would do send it to his boyfriend I mean, that's fucking what they're saying, and I have another thing in the spoiler zone to talk about. 



But uh, so yeah, they get the second set. Oikawa's laughing and iwa threatens to hit him and Oikawa's like, stop always saying that you'll hit me. And then iwa this is very shippy, but it was like I'll only. I only say that to you and I won't actually hit you. Yeah, which you will again, again. 



There's such like an older kagehina where it's like well, I'm only gonna hurt and threaten you they, yes, they are kagehina, if kagehina like we're childhood friends yes, and so Oikawa says not only was tobio methodically thinking, he read the situation and the perfect trust between between him and Iwaizi and yeah, so in the dub he's like, he's like, and he also noticed the unbreakable bond that we share and Iwaizi's like we don't have that and I'm like Iwaizi stopped denying the unbreakable bond of trust you have with Oikawa. You have it, just accept it. Yeah, don't waste your breath with that bullshit. 



And then we have Oikawa being so excited, I was going to say so villainous Like his voice gets so villainous in the sub at least. Because he's like what did Mr Refreshing teach Tobio the dictator king is somehow trying to become a decent king? And he's like like what's this? I'm pissed off, but hurry up and bring the next set. 



Yes, I love it. He's just, he's stoked. I have, is this the game, the birth of a monster? Is this, when Oikawa like evolves into a true volleyball monster because he has that like fire, he has that, and that's something I think karasuno brings out in a lot of teams? Yes, for sure, but like I just, yeah, I love that moment. I think it's great, and maybe it is a little villainous and maybe that's part of why I like it, but it's just it's great and it gets me like so stoked for the next episode. 



I'm just like, yes, Like, Oikawa is fired up and we can talk a little bit in the spoiler zone about this moment and what I think it means for the the end of the game. Okay, so now for our who and hike not our who and hike you, our who's our character spotlight this week, babe? 



Today we're gonna talk about Hanamaki Takahiro. We're gonna continue to go through the stage. Oh boys, yeah, we. , we figured, since we did Matsukawa last week, we can do Hanamaki this time, because they're often paired together. Yes, , they're, you know, they're two little besties. His personality is this is from the wiki he's usually calm and collected. He is observant and perceptive, able to read the game situation quite well and doesn't talk much during games. Despite this, he does have a sense of hor, especially with the third years, and generally gets along pretty well with the other team members. He is shown to be particularly close to matsukawa, which could mean nothing, pause, that was good. 


Yeah,  yeah so and I think I think that's pretty, pretty well done. I think  matsukawa and hanamaki are two characters who, like I think they get a little bit more characterization than some of the other yeah, seijo players, but they're still like a little bit more background. For his name, meaning his family name is hanamaki, which means flower roll, uh-huh, , and I always think of hanahaki disease, that like fictional disease, yep, where, like, if you have unrequited love, like you like flowers grow in your lungs or something, and like you have I was looking it up that's like, yeah, the official like thing on wikipedia was like you like start to cough flowers and you have like a plant that like grows in your lungs and eventually, like you die because you can't breathe anymore oh, I thought it was that thing where, like, they get hit with sex pollen and they have to fuck I don't think that's what that is no, it it's not. 



That's a different fanfic trope, never mind. 



Moving on Hanamaki means flower roll, and then his first name, takahiro, means precious, so instead, of precious cinnamon roll. 



He's a precious flower roll. 



I guess. So he's a sweet boy. All right, now his character sheet. He's nber three, so it goes. So the Seijo four is Oikawa is nber one, matsukawa is nber two, hanamaki is nber three and awazami is nber four. Takehiro hanamaki he goes to abajosa high school. He's a third year in class three. His position is wing spiker. His height is 184.7 centimeters, which is about six feet tall. His birthday is January 27th. Aquarius An Aquarius Just like me. His favorite food is profiteroles. 



Do you know what those are? 



Profiteroles. It's called profiteroles. It's , I think it is. I've never heard of that. It's like a , it's some sort of like sweet treat. Oh, yeahance, and italy. Oh, it's made from shoe pastry. It's almost like a little pastry sandwich. So it's it's shoe pastry, which is a special kind of pastry, and then it's got like cream in the middle and I think they're usually pretty small, maybe like bite-sized or two bite. 


So those are profiteroles. Look them up if you don't know what they are. Just like we did. , so those are pretty good. He has a little sweet tooth. I love that. His current concern is he can't beat awazami at arm wrestling, no matter how hard he tries awazami is the alpha of the seijo four. 


I don't even usually like talking about men in those terms, but he is. He is like, he is the example of what I wish alpha men were, but unfortunately they are not. Yeah, okay, and then hanamaki's five point ability parameters his speed is a two, his technique, his jumping and his stamina are all threes, and then his power and his and intelligence are fours. So a pretty well-rounded character. I would say yeah, , yeah, do you have anything you want to say about him? He's got pink hair. 



I just like I do like his character design, I like his face and I like his hair. Yeah, and that's about all I got to say about him well, we just don't get nearly as much. 



I feel like even matsukawa gets to talk a little bit more than hanamaki. Hanamaki is very much in the background there's more seijo content like manga wise? I think so too, and then I think we get to see a little bit more in season two as well. , I like in fics, when matsukawa and hanamaki are a little like chaos gremlins yeah I see that a lot. 


That's kind of how, like, if I'm going to have them in a fic, that's what I want them to be. Yeah, I think they're fun. I also see a lot of people do like a poly ship with the four of them and I'm here for it. Even though, canonically, matsukawa does not consider Oikawa his friend and does not want to be his friend as we learn in this episode, are we ready for the world's favorite game who? 



in Haikyuu? This week's scenario was brought to us by Alexis. If they were in a world with superheroes like Young Justice, who would be their superhero or supervillain mentor? And this can be any superhero, it does not have to be within Marvel or DC. And today we're talking about Hinata, Kageyama, Oikawa Iwaizi Tsukishima Yamaguchi Daichi Suga Tanaka, Noya, Asahi and Kiyoka. So, starting off with Hinata, you know what. I'm going to start off strong and I'm going to give Hinata all might. Okay, Because, Hinata is the Deku of Haikyuu. 



Yeah, I could totally see that and I, to be very clear to everyone, I am much more of a DC than a Marvel person. So, like I know, like you know, I know the Marvel characters that you know have been in the Avengers movies, but I'm not like as super into them. I know a few. I know a lot more DC characters. I think Alexis, when they suggested this who and Haikyuu scenario, they said they could see Hinata being with Green Arrow, who is similar to Batman. Green Arrow does not have superpowers, he just has like really cool arrows, but he, like he is really hardworking and like I could see them being paired together. I'm trying to think of other Justice League people. If Hinata had superpowers, he's totally like a flash. 


Yeah oh total, total flash, like Wally West especially, although maybe that wouldn't work as well because they they're so similar. 



So maybe Barry Allen anyway, yeah don't get too nerdy with this, because I I am not a superhero person at all. I'm going to probably be doing a lot more Boku no Hero Academia. 



Well, and that is OK, I'm here for the nerds, so if you know, you know? 



Yeah, no, I'm sure you're appealing to at least a good chunk of our audience. 



All right, Kageyama, Well Kageyama kind of gives me like Batman vibes. That's what Alexa said, too, said too and I totally agree with, like the intelligence and the like the darkness. I had a thought recently I think even posted it about it on Twitter but a , kagehina Batman Joker AU, where Kageyama is Batman and Hinata is the Joker yes, which I'm very into, let me live. 



, yeah, so I could definitely see Kageyama being with like a Batman type, or yeah yeah, I would say Batman type , and we could also do super villain as well, we're coming up on Oikawa and I feel like I want to give him a super villain. Okay, who are we giving him? I don't know. 



I want to give him a villain. 



I just don't know who. Yeah, I'm trying to think one huh, a flamboyant one. 



They're all of them. , so many of the. The Joker, maybe I could see him, maybe a little bit. Lex luthor, especially with the way he's like I have to take down Kageyama because lex luthor's so fucking obsessed with superman. Yeah, also, if you've never seen the harley quinn animated tv show, that's on hbo max uh, give him harley quinn oh, oh my god, Oikawa is harley quinn. 



Oh my god. 



And Iwaizi as poison ivy oh, my god, yes, Iwaizi as poison ivy's little minty and Oikawa is harley quinn's minty. I would love that. Yeah, I love that so much. , yeah, watch harley quinn on max. It's amazing it is very good and they may, they do a lot of, they make a lot and they make fun of a lot of male superheroes and supervillains. And it's the best Tsukishima, that's a Lex Luthor. He's definitely a Lex. 



Luthor, I don't know Whatever the brainy ones are. 



Yeah, definitely Like. Yeah, like Brainiac, for some reason. I do love how so many of's uh, villains are just like really smart ones, because, like you know, superman is braun, so he's always going up against the brains. I also want to go back to Hinata real quick, and this could also work for Noya when we talk about him later. But spider-man, yeah, oh yeah, Hinata and Noya spider-man would be good spider-man ones. 


Yeah, suki shima, I'm trying to think of who else. I'm trying to think if there's a superhero that I think he would be good with, maybe like Green Lantern, but the not Hal Jordan, , but Jon Stewart, I could see. I could see that working. Definitely not fucking Guy Gardner. I fucking hate that guy anyway, yamaguchi. 



Yamaguchi would be like. Ant-man, yeah, I could definitely see him like Ant-Man  Plastic man, something Kite man. 



Ant-Man yeah, I could definitely see him like Ant-Man Plastic man oh God, something Kite. 



Man. Yeah, just something, maybe a little lame. 



Yeah, daichi is giving Superman. Yeah, daichi, yeah. 



He's a classic, holy Superman. 



Yeah, suga Wonder Woman, I mean, please. There was somebody else I thought. I thought Suga would also be a good like Harley Quinn one. Yeah, as well I could see that. But yeah, definitely I could see Suga doing, being like Wonder Woman. I could see Suga being a good mentee for like Martian Manhunter Sure, I think that's a good one. I know you don't. There are so many of these fucking heroes. Oh my God, out baby. You should watch justice league unlimited these, yeah, and we're not even like touching on the marvel universe very much at all. Would any of them be iron man that we've talked about, yet, oh my god, yeah,  I can see, honestly, Oikawa. 


Yeah, that's kind of because of like, especially with tony stark's personality. Yeah, I think so, for sure I've also. I also think I read a fic where Oikawa, like it was like a marvel cross, marvel au, and Oikawa was definitely the iron man. So I could definitely see that for Oikawa, for suga, I'm trying to think if there's somebody in marvel that I think he could mentee for, can't think of anybody. 



Tanaka, he's giving bane explosions, yes, that is what I was looking for yes, I was thinking like sandman from  the villain from spider-man spider-man 3 yeah yeah, yeah, I could definitely see that Tanaka could also. 



I'm trying to think of a hero too, because those are both villains. Bane is a hero in my eyes I mean his and bane everyone's hero. I'm trying to think of a quote from dark knight rises, but I can't think of any  you think the dog can save you. There you go. , yeah, I'm trying to think of like a hero, maybe like the hulk yeah, yeah, like, just like the big db ones that are like strong yeah I mean, bruce banner is smart, but the hulk, though, is just the hulk is yeah, the hulk is a he's. 


Yeah, he's just mad. I haven't watched. 



I watched most of the who's the hulk though, is just the hulk is, yeah the hulk is he's mad. He's, yeah, he's just mad. I haven't watched. I watched most of the who's the hulk before mark ruffalo. 



There was one with  edward norton, and then there was one from longer ago, and I don't even remember who that guy was okay, we have Noya spider-man, which I'm just kind of happy with that , yeah, I could also see him thor well, I mean because of rolling thunder also he looks more like thor, that's true, but also he does not have that personality. 



Oh, loki Oikawa, oh he's just getting all the cool ones. 



Yeah, yeah, I could see Asahi. You know what I honestly could see Asahi more as like a hulk one. Is there an invisible one? I feel like he'd be. 



Yeah, I mean there's definitely ones who become invisible. 



There's the chick from the fantastic four, uh, Tanaka I could also see being the mentee for the han torch. Oh, yeah, yeah, . And then Kiyoko. I want to give her a shira. Oh, a little different, that is a little different. Okay, I like that. Oh, also, he is bow from shira, he's giving bow, yeah, but, yeah, Kiyoko, I could definitely see shira. You know, I want to give her a wonder woman too. Okay, that was, uh, that was. This was really fun. Everybody, especially people who like marvel. , if you want to give your suggestions, please write in or, you know, if you can think of things outside of the normal superhero worlds, you know yeah, yeah, other superheroes. 


Oh, I was thinking who's I gonna say for the tick? I like Hinata or Noya for the Tick, or if we're talking about like the Tick and Arthur, that's definitely like an Asahi would be an Arthur, just real nervous about stuff all the time. The Tick is a show. Yeah, the Tick is a show. I think they made one in like the 90s or early 2000s. I think it was originally a cartoon and then they did another version on Amazon which, cruelly, was only two seasons and did not have a high enough budget. It's really funny. It's very much like it's the kind of show that's like it's satire more than anything. It's really like kind of making fun of modern day superhero movies and tv shows and it's. But it's really good. It's got good story. , it's got Griffin Newman from Blank Check. , we're wrapping it up. We're wrapping it up, alright. That's it for who and Haikyuu alright. 



Thank you again, alexis, before we lose some of you, before we get into the spoiler zone, you can find us on Twitter, instagram, tumblr and Blue Sky. Our handle is fly haikyuu pod. That's F-L-Y-H-Q-P-O-D. You can also send us an email at fly hq pod at gmailcom. Again, that's f-o-y-h-q-p-o-d. 



At gmailcom all right, and it's time to go into the spoiler zone. I got some things to say. Yeah, all right, so do you want to start off with your? 



thing, sure. So karasuno wins the second set because Kageyama clocks iwa oi gayness, and this parallels with. That's exactly how they're going to lose. The third set is because Oikawa clocks kagehina's gayness. He clocks that Kageyama's gonna give it to Hinata. Right, that's pretty much how it goes down I'm pretty sure. 



Yeah, I mean we'll, we'll see it in like two episodes from now. But yeah, I think that's what happens is like he. Yeah, because? Because Kageyama says like you know, sorry, they read me like a book like they knew what I was going to do and, oh, I can't wait to talk about that moment. Yeah, no, I totally agree. 



Oh, and that was the other thing. Oh, and then you can have yours. But so we were talking about, like, Oikawa and Kageyama kind of becoming at least friendly, if not friends, because, like, there's such a love hate I think that is the perfect way to describe it. Because I wanted to also bring up, like in the like future manga panels, the one where we basically know because, like, Kageyama does a power curry commercial and he's very awkward or whatever, and Oikawa watches it and, like, watches it several times and then also watches all of Kageyama's games. Like you are obsessed, you are subscribed to the premi Kageyama plus subscription, so don't tell me you hate him, you fucking are obsessed with him. 



Yeah, I think that you know, because you know we, we know that Oikawa and Hinata grow closer after brazil and I like to think that, like Hinata and Iwaizi grow closer, and I think Kageyama and Iwaizi grow closer, like through the national team, and I think Iwaizi and Hinata kind of like work together to try to get Oikawa and Kageyama to reconcile. And you know, I don't think we'll ever get that from Furudate, but that's what fics are for well, their personalities are so different. 



They just have like almost like this older, younger brother thing going on yeah, yeah, absolutely, and I just love them for it. 



and I think that's like you know, I've seen a lot in like ships where, like oisuga are shipped together, where it's like suga's kind of like hey, you have to be nice to Kageyama now and I was like fine, I guess I will. But yeah, I think you know, I think if they could, you know, I don't think they'll ever lose that antagonism they have towards each other, but I think it could become more playful and healthier than what it is now, more love than hate. Exactly, talking about Hinata and Oikawa, I just want to talk about how I think it's very telling that they are the two that meet in the time skip at the same time, that Ushijima and Kageyama are playing on the same team. I think that's very telling. I just wanted to point that out. 


I also wanted to say, when we see Kageyama, like asking Asahi, like hey, how does that set work? Is there something else? I think this is when he becomes kind of a goody two-shoes, as Atso points out to him, because this is the same behavior that Atso recognizes and then is like a dick about. Yes, so I thought that was interesting. Also Tsukishima's little speech about how Kageyama isn't the only one on the court who's thinking. We really see that in season three when he's like learned more blocking technique and we kind of see him like analyzing and thinking about everything and I'm just imagining that like the ball in his eye and right before he goes for that block and he sets up the ultimate trap. Yes, ball in his eye and right before he goes for that block and he sets up the ultimate trap. Yes, oh, my god, it's so good. Yeah, so that was just little things that I thought it was fun to point out. Anything else we want to talk about, or can we end this? 



and go to the pool. Yeah, we have to always turn our ac off when we do this, you guys, because it runs in the background and we were trying. 


You know this is a homemade out of love, but we're trying our best to make it sound as good as possible, so we're getting hot. I need to put my teeth back in. Let's wrap it up. We'll see you guys next time for another installment of this game. How will set three? Go hold on to your pussies because we're gonna find out and until next time, fly high.