Fly: A Queer Haikyuu Podcast

S1E14: Formidable Opponents

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"Even if it takes 10 or 20 years, I will beat you someday."

KageHina dedicate the rest of their lives to their rivalry, which is a super heterosexual thing to do.

This week, em and rainbow discuss season 1, episode 14 "Formidable Opponents" aka the KageHina confession episode. 
59:30 - Spoiler Zone Begins

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Speaker 1:

hello everyone and welcome to fly a queer haiku podcast. I'm rainbow and I'm em, and today we are going to be talking about season 1, episode 14, formidable opponents. But before we get into that we have a few other things we want to talk about. First, just a quick thing to get out of the way. I watch haikyuu on our dvd player and today, I think, was maybe the first time, our cat kiki was um like around for me to open the dvd player and she was fascinated. She like watched it open and close and she it was very clear that she was like what the fuck is happening? What is it doing? What is that thing? Does it move on its own? And so she was like going from like the bottom, trying to like look at it, and she kept climbing on the tv, stand to like, try to like look at it. And it's a little hole. And she was. She was a little bit of a wild one while I was trying to watch and do my notes, but she's adorable.

Speaker 2:

She gets into the tv sometimes. I think all the colors and the sounds get her attention. But she loves to like hop up right in front and then like bat at it and I just see visions of her knocking it over and getting hurt. Like, please just watch it from a distance. But she's a very curious baby and that's okay.

Speaker 1:

We just redirect yep, we just pick her up and we put her somewhere else every time and then you have a little PSA for something that's quite close to your heart.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I just want to say that libraries are cool as fuck and you should go to the library. We live in the United States and libraries public libraries in particular, but also school libraries, maybe even more so. School libraries are under attack from like what I consider to be like fascist organizations, or really it's like maybe like one or two organizations that are really going after libraries and trying to get them to take books written by and featuring characters of color and LGBTQ plus characters. They're trying to get those books off the shelf pretty much anything that they consider like diversity, equity, inclusion. They're trying to like get those off the shelves and they're going to like school board meetings and like taking over school board meetings and like like kind of like online like attacking school librarians and public librarians about having these books on their shelves and it's really, it really fucking sucks.

Speaker 1:

Public libraries are very important. I mean, it is an institution and I'm sure that there is like a history of some libraries being like discriminatory and like segregating and stuff like that, but like overall, especially in the modern age, I think libraries are generally run by people who care a lot about other people. They care about education, they care about media literacy, they care about access to information. The library is one of the few places you can go where you are not expected to spend money. You can just spend your time there and as long as you're not doing anything like completely off the walls, they're not going to ask you to leave until they close. A lot of unhoused people go to libraries, especially when the weather is really really hot or really really cold, like when there's extreme temperatures. The library is a place that they can go to cool down or to stay warm and to just be out of the elements. So yeah, public libraries are awesome.

Speaker 1:

You most likely have a local public library and you know, in the digital age, you can often get a digital library card and you can get e-resources, you can get ebooks, you can get audiobooks, you can stream music, you can stream movies, you can stream television shows and it's important to get library cards, because I think those numbers help keep libraries alive yes, if you go, even if you don't plan on using the library, just get a library card and that's going to like just bump their numbers so they can go to the state when you know like funding, you know when the fiscal year ends, they can go to the state and say, look, how many people have a library card, look how many people are using our library. You need to keep us open, especially at a time when libraries are under attack. I read a really interesting book called Libricide that was about like so there's genocide, but before that there's ethnocide, and Libracide is a part of that. And so Ethnocide is where you are trying to like. You are trying to like get rid of, like the culture of the people before you actually start taking their lives, and libraries are a big part of that. There was actually a huge library in Berlin in Germany that was for it was I can't remember the exact name of it was like a like. Basically it was about like homosexuality. It was like an institute that was studying homosexuality and like transgender, like being transgender, and I mean it wasn't perfect, it was back in like the 1900s, but they were like. It was like actively, like a place where people could like go to learn about homosexuality, and you know I, you know I think they called it like transsexuality at the time, and that was one of the first places not one of the first but like the Nazis burned the books in that library and tore that place down. So like the fact that there are groups in the United States that are going after libraries, that's a really bad sign.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, please just go support your local library, support your school library. It's a really you know, I'm a library worker, I'm a future librarian, so I am biased. But you know I, you know, in the media I feel like librarians are kind of like really like seen as like dragon ladies and like I don't like the way librarians portray are portrayed in a lot of ways. I do think that's changing. But libraries are a great place and like I think it's very rare for people to feel unwelcome in a library. I'm white, though, so that could be different for white people. You know, if you're a person of color and if you've experienced racist microaggressions or discrimination at a library, like that sucks and that's not what libraries should be and that's not supported by, like, the American Library Association's mission. I do find that the American Library Association is trying to do their best. So just go support your local library. You can find information about them online. Like I said, you can get so many things for free. If you are currently not a subscriber to Disney Plus because of them supporting the genocide, there's probably a lot of those old movies that you love. They probably have them on DVD. We borrowed Frozen 2 from the library the other day. We currently have Holes. So if you don't, if there's a movie that you want to watch that's on a streaming service you don't pay for or isn't video on demand, you can probably find the DVD at your library or through one of the library streaming services. So, yeah, go support your local library. I love them Beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, moving on to housekeeping, we want to shout out our listener, alexis, who sent us a wonderful email. I also want to apologize, because we'd initially said that we would shout out Alexis in episode 13. And then I forgot to put it in the show notes and we completely forgot about it. So apologies that you're getting this technically now, two episodes late. But shout out to Alexis. We really enjoyed your email and I also wanted to mention I know we've interacted with a lot of people via email and Twitter and even a few people on like Tumblr, instagram and Blue Sky, and we don't necessarily feel comfortable shouting people out just if they've interacted with us, unless we have like full enthusiastic consent for that. So if you do interact with us and you'd like a shout out, you know, just like in, you know, include a little note that's like hey, I'd like a shout out, use this name, you know whether that's your display name, your handle, your nickname.

Speaker 1:

As an option, you can use your pronouns. We will defer to they them if we don't know for sure how you identify. But if you want us to use specific pronouns, say that and then if there's a specific episode you want to shout out on, you know, just go ahead and tell us that and we can do that. So that's how you can get a shout out. We don't want anyone to feel left out. Like if you have interacted with us and we haven't shouted you out, it's just mainly because we're just not sure if that's really something you want and we don't want to be saying your name on the podcast if that's not what you want.

Speaker 1:

And then the last thing I have for housekeeping is many of you may have noticed that we do put links to organizations that you can donate to in our show notes and we're kind of like reusing a lot of the same ones, which they're not bad organizations like Palestinian Children's Relief Fund, international Rescue Committee, like the Uyghur Humanitarian Rights Project, stuff like that. But we, you know, we'd like more organizations that we can point people to. So if you know of an organization that is, say, supporting Gaza, people in Sudan, people in the Congo, people really in the global south, organizations that are helping to stop the effects of climate change, stuff like that, anything like that Like, we'd love to point people towards those organizations. We do tend to look more for like international organizations, because we know a lot of our listeners are international. So yeah, but go ahead and send us any ideas you have for organizations we can point to, even if they don't like accept donations. If it, if it's something you really think like people should know that this work is being done. We could also do that.

Speaker 1:

Um, we will vet the organizations, especially if we're going to point to them for like a donation we are going to like.

Speaker 1:

Do, like, we're going to look at charity watch. We're going to look at Charity Watch. We're going to look at like Charity Navigator or Charity Watchdog and we're just going to make sure that, like, the money that gets donated is actually put towards the cause, because there are charities out there that are like, donate this money and then it's really they're a very small percentage of the donations actually goes towards the work that they claim to be doing. So if you have any of those ideas, email us, dm us. You know, just reply to one of our tweets and we will be happy to include those. I have a running spreadsheet of those and there are sometimes I'll try to do like episode specific ones if I feel like it's appropriate, but it doesn't have to be episode specific. Just if there's an organization you think they deserve money or attention, this send them our way all right, sounds good and with not further ado, shall we get into our episode recap?

Speaker 2:

yes, I think we should. All right, it's my turn, this episode. So here we go. Karasuno gets ready for the inter high prelims. Everybody wants a piece of daichi, and while some team members think about the challenges ahead, tanaka imagines how he can look tough in front of the girls. Shimizu offers support in her own way, and the episode ends on an epic promise between hinata and kageyama the crows will fly once more. Oh, I'm so excited.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, this is a real like transitionary episode, like now, like you know, we're getting ready for the inter high prelims and, yeah, it's quite a dramatic one and I think we both kind of I think you mentioned this and I think I kind of did this too that like I tend to kind of skip this episode, I forget that it has that amazing kagehina moment at the episode, but it just feels like it's like I don't you know, do we really need this one?

Speaker 2:

they're just there's like two montages you know what, though I will say? I think I confuse this one with the first game that they play against the team. That's not so great. That's the episode I really don't care about. This one is has a lot of cute stuff. So, um, we jump in and we meet daichi's ex-boyfriend yeah, his middle school boyfriend. Yeah, it's like it's another school and they're talking about like the inner high and they have the match-ups already for what's gonna be, and they're like who is this? Torino? You know the kanji is weird, I guess for karasuno. And then this kid who I don't do you know what his name is, I don't remember.

Speaker 2:

Oh, fuck, I do not remember daichi naka's boyfriend is like oh, I know someone who was supposed to go to karasuno. I wonder if he'll be there and it's just like, very like I don't know there's there's a few moments within this episode where he is like wistfully looking into the distance, thinking about daichi, and I'm just like this is a lot of energy for like your old junior high classmate.

Speaker 1:

But go off, queen well, you know, we only get to see like one conversation the two of them have, you know, and you know, maybe they spent three whole years together, maybe they were tight a beautiful summer youth romance.

Speaker 1:

Um, and this is the first time I think we hear well, maybe not the first time, but we hear other people calling them like the flightless crows, the fallen yeah, yeah, well, yeah, I don't know if we've heard I think we've heard from like the third years that like, oh yeah, they call us the wingless crows, not anymore. This might be the first time we've actually heard another team refer to them as that which, like again, it's like the volleyball world is so small, like what do you mean? You know that they're the flightless crows. It's so, uh, it is dramatic. Yeah, I think that's one episode.

Speaker 2:

One word that describes this episode is just yes and yeah, we'll get into into why soon. Um, I also think like this team is excited because they're the known as the fallen crows. They're like, oh, maybe we'll actually win one for once, but little do they know, they got some newbies on the block.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're not gonna be so flightless anymore. Exactly, yeah. So then we get into karasuno practicing, and I have a note here that I think you guys kind of a great coach for Hinata. He like, really like knows how to push him. He also has a line that I thought was very interesting and just again kind of relating back to that food thing, where Hinata isn't like following through on his receives and Yuka says at least in the dub he says go for every ball, like it's the last piece of meat oh, I don't think he says that, but it's.

Speaker 2:

It's along the same lines of intensity of like you know no, like if you don't go for it, like that could be the point that costs you the match kind of well, yeah he says that too, I think later.

Speaker 1:

Um, I just I really like thought it was interesting, like the last piece of meat thing and like how so much of like this story is about food as much as it is about like actually training he knows, those boys are food motivated and you know what, what teenager isn't motivated honestly in some way? Okay, and then after practice is when we get. That's when they are looking at the volleyball magazine, right?

Speaker 2:

yes, this is when we first hear about ushiwaka, who is, of course, ushijima watoshi. He is what one of them calls like the strongest ace in their prefecture. He is a monster, and Hinata, of course, can't miss an opportunity to remind everyone that Shiratorizawa, that's the school that Kageyama couldn't get into yeah, I have that note too.

Speaker 1:

It's like, of course that's what you think of. Like they didn't. They talked about how they were like the best school in the prefecture, blah, blah, blah. They like he knows other things about them. Yeah, but he thinks of it as the school Kageyama didn't get into and Kageyama's all mad.

Speaker 2:

He's like, hey, yeah, and then I think Tanaka teases him like oh so if you had gotten in you would have been yelling at Ushiwaka, yeah, the way that he talks to Hinata, hello. And also, could you imagine if Kageyama had gone? Because we'll get to know Ushijima um more in season two and season three, but he is. He's a lot like Kageyama in a lot of ways, so like they would have had a very interesting dynamic, I think as teenagers with like the unhealed version of Kageyama yeah, I think there's actually a fic out there that has seijo hinata and then um shiratori zawa kageyama, which I think is pretty interesting yeah, that that would have been interesting for sure.

Speaker 2:

So, uh, I think it's yukai who's like. You know, there are other strong teams though, to worry about wakatoni. And then this is where the dramas really start, that, like the, the music sounds like they're getting ready to go to war. So we also bring up date tech for the first time. You see Asahi's face, yes, yes. And Kageyama has this little thought monologue of like oh, is that the one from back in March where they lost and you've got this music? I think it's like the date tech music where it's like dun, dun, dun, dun going, and then where it's like going.

Speaker 1:

And then, of course, you know, there's oba josai with oikawa, who is the all-around best player in the prefecture, according to yukai and like when they're showing each of these teams, they're showing like a little like card that has like the team on it and they're looking cool and like the day tech one is like the iron wall and the one for seijo just has oikawa looking so smug.

Speaker 2:

He just looks so smug and I was like god, I hate you I love you, but I hate you I love when they do the cards and stuff like that. Like I want to. I want to collect haikyuu cards that have those images.

Speaker 1:

They got to be somewhere but also I want to talk about when, um, they're talking about ushiwaka, daichi says something like yeah, he's exactly what is what an ace is supposed to be. And then like side eyes, daichi. And then it just cuts to like Asahi is like overstanding against the wall, like forlorn and Noe is just patting him on the back like a good little boyfriend.

Speaker 2:

He's like it's okay, you're an ace too, because, like the way that Hinata cannot miss an opportunity to raz Kageyama, daichi really can't seem to miss an opportunity to give asahi a hard time. It's, it's great, it's it's why I ship them lightly. So after yukai outlines these teams, takada comes in with the matchups and confirms that you know they have date tech and seijo in their seed, so it's possible that they can go up against them yeah, and this is where my ignorance really shows, because I was like I don't understand the, the seating and the bracket stuff.

Speaker 2:

I said me dumb at sports ball but you figured it out and wrote it out. Do you want to explain to the people?

Speaker 1:

yeah, yeah and I mean I, I copied and pasted this so I looked it up. I was like what does seating and bracket mean in sports tournaments? And here's what I found each spot in an elimination bracket match has a seed number associated with it. These seed numbers determine where a team or player is placed on the bracket and then, furthermore, a seed is a competitor or team in a sport or other tournament who is given a preliminary ranking for the purposes of the draw.

Speaker 1:

Players slash teams are planted into the bracket in a manner that is typically intended so that the best do not meet until later in the competition, usually based on a regular season, and I think I, I it was it went on at one point to say that that started with tennis and then like was like in other sports. So I think the idea is like and seijo is like the number one, they're the top seed and they mentioned that Date, tech is number 16 because they like lost in the last tournament. They lost early on to Shiratorizawa. So I think the idea is like Seijo is a really good team, so they're in one one, they're in one bracket or one seed, I guess. And then, like, shiratorizawa is another really good team, but they're in another seed, so that.

Speaker 1:

So that I guess it's the idea is that so like the really good teams are going against each other towards like the end of the tournament rather than at the beginning. It almost seems like they're kind of like, well, let's let all these big guys get these little teams out of the way so we can have really good matches at the end, which you know what. That kind of makes sense. Yeah, I kind of get that. So yeah, and so just kind of like bad luck that they ended up in the seed with Datek and Seijo, like two teams that like they have a personal at least one person has a personal connection to that team. So yeah, that was very interesting.

Speaker 2:

The importance of the inner high is, of course, you. You know they got to go up against all these strong teams in their prefecture for the chance to go into nationals and, more importantly, a chance to face off nekama in those nationals. And that's what they kind of bring up during this whole section.

Speaker 1:

And they're all like tanaka. Tanaka and noya and kage hina are all like, yeah, we gotta beat those guys. Like the rivalry is there now.

Speaker 2:

Like yes, they are in it and it's just fucking great so then we move on and we meet another newbie, um micha mia, the coach of the girls volleyball team.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I actually kind of love micha mia. She's adorable, she's so cute, she's really cute and she's also so. Im was listening to the sub version earlier and I heard Michimiya's voice and I was like I know that voice from somewhere. So I looked her up and I wasn't expecting this. The voice actor in Japanese for Michimiya is Asami Seto, who is also the VA for Nobara in Jujutsu Kaisen.

Speaker 2:

And I can't believe I didn't clock it. I'm gonna have to listen to her closer next time.

Speaker 1:

I can't believe that I did clock, that I recognized her voice. I was like I've heard this voice before. I cannot possibly place it. And so when I looked her up I was like, oh Nobara, there we go. And she's. Asami Saito has been the voice actor for a lot of different anime characters. She was born in 1993, actually, so she's not that old.

Speaker 2:

What am I doing with my life?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, well, you know, but so she's been the voice actor for a lot of different characters. There was no one else that I really recognized her, that stuck out to me, other than Nobara. But I mean, I think she does a great job. She does a great job as Michimiya. I love when she punches daichi in the stomach and he's like holy shit, um, because haikyuu knows that women are strong, yes, and she's very high energy.

Speaker 2:

So she like comes and finds daichi and this is why I said in the recap everybody wants daichi. I almost called it. Uh, daichi's bisexual like dilemma too, because you've got the ex-boyfriend which I'm saying facetiously, if that's not clear, she's just an ex-kid that he used to play with. And then we have Mitsu Miya, who very clearly has like a crush on Daichi. She comes and finds him and asks him about if he's ready for the pep rally, because we do have a moment later on where, like, the teams kind of present themselves during the school's prep rally.

Speaker 2:

And then she is kind of struggling with her confidence before the match a match and she says that like the girls are skipping morning practice and she's not very good at being stern and she's not like, like I said, she's not feeling very confident and I think she gets embarrassed by that. Um, because I think there was like a game last time. But basically daichi is like stand up, girl, and she gives him a punch and then she slaps her own face to like kind of snap herself out of this like moment of insecurity and she's like I'm good now, like she's just she's a fire cracker well, and I think she mentions I think they went to middle school together because he's like the speech that he says she's like oh, you sound just like you did in middle school.

Speaker 1:

So like they're, they've clearly been friends for a long time and I mean we do get to see more of micha, mia and the the other girls on the karasuno girls volleyball team and I'm excited to get to that and just to further my gay agenda.

Speaker 2:

I just do think it's kind of interesting because I mean, like a lot of these boys they seem to be into uh Kyoko and stuff, and like Michimiya is a cute thing, like she's the volleyball coach of the girls team and obviously is crushing on Daichi and like Daichi just like kind of seems not interested at all, like yeah, they're friends and he obviously likes her in that way, but like and there will be more of them coming up and I'll get deeper into this but like he just does not seem particularly interested and I just thought that was kind of interesting yeah, yeah, and it's not.

Speaker 1:

And like I don't like when people because I feel like this happens sometimes where, like we have our gay ships and we love them but then, like, if there's a girl introduced, people kind of like hate on the girl because they're like no, she could, she might like come between my game ship and that's like not what's happening ever in Haikyuu.

Speaker 1:

No, and I think you could argue that it's because you know, everything is about volleyball and like Daichi's just distracted by like wanting to win volleyball.

Speaker 1:

He's too distracted by volleyball to like notice that Michimiya has a little crush on him. But you know, I mean, either way, they're good friends and he's nice to her and she's nice to him and I love to see it and he, like you know, and there's no like looking down on girls and like it like thinking that they're bad at sports or worse at sports than boy, than boys, and I don't know how much, I don't know if that happens in other sports anime, but like it's. I've definitely seen it in other shonen anime, like the battle anime, where, like the girls are just like they're always weaker and they always need to be saved and that's really annoying, um, and that isn't a lot of like older anime, I would say, but like Haikyuu, yeah, it's like. Everybody kind of gets a moment, even the girls team, which I appreciate, and it does make me wish there was like a girls volleyball anime where I could just like root for a girl's team the whole time.

Speaker 2:

Are there any like girl sports animes out there?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there definitely are. There definitely have been some. When there's a rock climbing anime on Crunchyroll that I want to watch, there's actually. I think there's an older. Um, there is a volleyball anime that's about a girl's team, I think it's older. I think there's. It might be a movie, it might be a whole show and I think there's a few others. Definitely, send us some recommendations. I'm always down for girl sports anime. I want to watch that rock climbing one. I've been meaning to Just send us any suggestions, if you have them.

Speaker 2:

So then this is kind of when we get into just like a little bit of a montage where, like, different characters are just like they're kind of just thinking about the challenges ahead.

Speaker 1:

We have another Kageyama moment with the vending machines, where he pounds two buttons at once and I don't know if he's trying to accomplish getting two things yeah, I think that is what I've heard, that like, that's something like that, if you because it's like the same thing, it's the same kind of thing that he's getting and sometimes if you punch both of the buttons at the same time, the machine like fucks up and you get two for the price of one he is too funny.

Speaker 2:

Well, now I have new headcanons that he's a real couponer and a budgeter and stuff. But anyway I love it because, like, people in the background are always like a little like scared when he does that. But like you know, he's got a very like stern face on and of course he's thinking about no one other than Oikawa and how he might have to face him. And then, and then we have Noya going to make sure that Asahi goes to practice.

Speaker 1:

He shows up and in the sub he's like Asahi, go practice yes, yeah, pretty much, that's how he's in the dub, and I think in the dub somebody's like wow, that was really rude. Um, who is this kid? Um, and yeah, asahi's super cute and it's just like you don't have to come and get me, noya, I'm gonna come to practice, I'm not gonna quit again, and I just I wanted to point out the parallel between Asahi and Kageyama here. It's interesting. I think those are two characters. We don't often see them paralleled, but I do like that. They both have these like kind of looming like shadows over them that are, like you know, really taking up a lot of space in their mind and like teams or like players that they feel like they have to be yeah so then we go to the club room.

Speaker 2:

Yes, uh, suga made signals and gave them to Hinata, because you know that's his own way of fighting and they're getting ready to do that and Tanaka is being Tanaka. Yeah, you want to talk about?

Speaker 1:

Tanaka. He's so ridiculous. First of all, he's ripped, which I wasn't prepared for. I always forget. He's like I'm like why are you? You're like 16. I don't think 16 year olds look like this, but okay. But he's like everyone else is so focused about like the game and about their own like personal issues. And he's like I wish I had a girlfriend to cheer me on. It'd be so much more meaningful if I had a girlfriend to win for. And Enoshita is so over it. You is. And then that like it's like Tanaka's like like having a conversation with himself where he's like oh, tanaka, do well, he's like I will, babe. And it's like really weird and dumb. And then at the end, like is that like Tanaka in drag? Yeah, it looks.

Speaker 2:

That's what it looks like, and I don't think he's literally in it, but like I guess that's from Enoshita's point of view, that's what he's giving or in Tanaka's head. Tanaka's giving the performance of a lifetime. I kind of love this a little bit because like it's not so much of like an incel vibe with Tanaka, it's kind of almost like the stereotypical, like girls being obsessed with boys. But that's subverted when like Tanaka's just like kind of girl crazy.

Speaker 1:

He definitely is, and it's not like in a weird creepy way I don't think Like it is funny, it's just like it's silly and it's funny and it's like and I do think it's probably purposeful to like because there is a lot of tension, especially with the Asahi and Kageyama stuff. So I think that's just there to be like the comic relief and give us something funny to to look at and like and the way that's. One thing I appreciate about tanaka and noia and them being so girl crazy and you know noia being the pervy character, is that everyone else is so over it and thinks they're so dumb for it. Like it's not encouraged, like a no shit is like you're a fucking idiot and just leaves.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's like, keep that up and I'm gonna take your spot, and oh yeah I love that he's like, yeah, keep it off, I'll take your spot.

Speaker 1:

And oh, yeah, I love that he's like, yeah, keep it off, I'll take your spot. And that's a ship I don't think we've talked about, but people do ship Enoshita and Tanaka, and I see it.

Speaker 2:

So now we get back, now we're practicing.

Speaker 1:

I because at some point we see the board where you guys drawn up all the different plays and I just think it's really impressive that, like furudate, but really any like sports anime mangaka is, or sports manga on uh, is like working through these plays and like coming up with this, like I could never, like I can't keep up. Like sometimes, when I've read the manga, there have been like oh, there's a correction, it's just like, oh, we had hinata in this spot but he actually would have been in this spot for this game, and I'm like who is noticing that?

Speaker 2:

well, I don't know if this information is out there for me to just find on my own, but I don't know if, like, if furudate just knows this stuff and is a huge volleyball nerd, or if he has, like people on his team, probably a little bit of both probably a little bit of both.

Speaker 1:

And I thought didn't furudate play volleyball in high school himself probably? I think that was.

Speaker 2:

I think that's part of the lore yeah, I know very little about the mangaka's lore.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know a ton, and part of that for me is just like I don't need to know that much about the creator to enjoy something. Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2:

It's more like I'm so obsessed with this that I just want to know everything kind of thing. But yeah, I know that's got to be like one of the toughest feats I know. When I write my fan fiction, I'm either like not working with canon or if I am, I'm not trying to get myself to write out games because I don't fucking know no, I definitely just passed by.

Speaker 1:

I think it's very impressive fanfic writers who can write, yes, about the games, like that's super cool. Props to you. Yeah, I can maybe write about them practicing, like I can write about like Kagehina, like doing the freak quick for the first time, maybe I could like fudge it a little bit, yeah, and I can talk about like the feelings, but like you're not gonna see me writing about a game, um, I just want to shout out boom, turkey on ao3. I think they're really good at writing volleyball scenes.

Speaker 1:

That's like the one author who I'm like wow, I actually am following this pretty well um yeah, and then so we have yukai being a good coach, and yukai seems pretty tired and takeda asks him about it. Yeah, yukai's.

Speaker 2:

He's working the farms early in the morning for the store, I think, and then works his family's store and is and also has coaching now on top of it. But you know he believes in those boys.

Speaker 1:

It's worth it, baby well, and I don't actually know if the farm is for the store, because he says something in the dub at least and maybe this is just the dub and maybe it's not canon. But he says, like you know, I have to stop like relying on my parents pretty much, and it seems like this experience of this coaching experience is maybe helping him grow like. Maybe he was just kind of like almost like a failure failure to launch situation where he was like, well, I'm just gonna like live at home with my parents as long as I can, and maybe that is more common in Japan anyway but like it seems like this is really pushing him to like do more yeah, I think we talked.

Speaker 2:

I feel like like Yukai was in kind of a rut. I do think the farm is part of it because they are, they do it's a market and in the sub he says like it's the family business you know.

Speaker 1:

Oh okay, yeah, all right, that makes sense. So then the dub. Just, you know, fucked it up, because that's what the dub does so.

Speaker 2:

now they're practicing and Hinata and Suga are starting to really sync up, well. And then Kageyama is practicing with Asahi, and Kageyama is being, of course, intense as always, and is like was that good? If you have any little criticism, you just let me know. And then Asahi is like fearfully, is like, well, you can go a little higher and further from the net. He's like, okay, let's do 10 more.

Speaker 1:

So he's like oh, oh, should I do 20 more? Like in the background, yes, and I have a note here that only Hinata can handle Kageyama's level of intensity. Everyone else is like I, um, this is terrifying, like you know, and honestly, he is already a scaredy cat, so like them as a matchup is just so fun. And this is like not the like last time we're gonna see Kageyama and asi having communication problems. Yeah, and we kind of get um like towards the end of this little part, towards the end of practice, suga sees that kyoko is leaving and he's like hey, kyoko daichi's gonna buy us all meat buns. Do you want to come with? And she's like no, I've got something to do and I love that. I just love like in her. She's at hard at work, in her own way.

Speaker 2:

She's such a good manager, she's so dedicated and I think you know she believes in the team too, like I think she's excited about it and yeah, so they all get meat buns, except for Except for Yamaguchi. This is the beginning of Yamaguchi's arc, because he has gone off to go to Shimada Market to go visit one of the neighborhood volleyball team dudes to ask him about that jump float serve and wanting to learn how to do it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and again, like and I think Yamaguchi has mentioned this before, but it really tears him up that he's the only first year who's not on the starting lineup, who doesn't get to play, and, as he is now, there's no reason for him to be on the court. And I think it's very smart of him to recognize, like, if I can do some sort of like unique serve that nobody else can do, they'll bring me in as a pinched server and he goes, he goes out and does this on his own. As far as we know, he doesn't talk to any of the coaches about it.

Speaker 1:

yeah, I don't think even he really tells Suki what he's planning on doing yeah, and well, and I wondered about that because Suki's just like, oh, yamaguchi said he had something else to do. So do you think he's like embarrassed to like show that he's trying so hard to Suki, or do you think Suki like knows about it and just doesn't want to make a big deal about it?

Speaker 2:

it could be that, because that would be very Suki. But I could also see Yamaguchi maybe just wanting to kind of quietly go on his own path here, because, yeah, that's got a sting, especially since his best friend is on the lineup too and all the first years are. So yeah, he might just want to like go on this journey, at least at first on his own, and also it'd be cool to just like suddenly whip out this cool trick.

Speaker 1:

So I get that yeah, and so then we kind of go into another montage here, and there's a few things that we noticed. One of them is we see suki shima in his bedroom and his jersey is hanging on the wall like on a hanger. Do we see that in anybody else's room? It's possible. I just don't know if that's like a like a thing that people usually do in Japan, like they hang their, like I just don't know why it's not in his closet and like I don't know what does it say about Tsukishima if that's not like a typical thing, like what does that say about him that his jersey is like on his wall?

Speaker 2:

I feel like that's a hint of how much he actually does care. And like and maybe it's hanging on the wall because this is like I think, like well, maybe it's not the night, is it the night before? I don't know what point it is, but it's getting up to. So maybe it's just like you know, maybe his mom ironed it and it's going to be in use soon.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that could be possible. I just noted it and I don't think I'd ever really thought about that before.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I feel like that's just a hint, that like oh no, he cares. And yeah, we have Kagehina bump into each other outside of a bathroom and it's wordless. But like Hinata is obviously like practicing those little signals that Suka gave him and Kageyama just like goes through the signs rapid fire and then walks off and Hinata is like stunned that he already has it and of course, that's another win for Kageyama yeah, well, and of course, kageyama.

Speaker 1:

You know that's his volleyball intelligence coming through, like you know. Ask if he knows how, if he's memorized anything from like science or history class? Absolutely not, but it's volleyball. So his brain is like, yes, his volleyball, it's like I. You know, if you think of a brain as having compartments, I know that's not how brains work, but like normal people, like everybody else on the team except for Hinata, like their brains probably have, like they've got the school compartment, they've got the friends compartment, they've got the home compartment, they've got the volleyball compartment. They're all pretty probably evenly spaced and Kageyama is just like almost entirely volleyball compartment and then like a tiny little bit of like hinata compartment.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and like pork curry. Yeah, yeah, absolutely, it is volleyball food. And then hinata, but he'll never admit it. And same goes for hinata, yeah, honestly.

Speaker 1:

And then we also see takada um counting down to the tournament, which this is not the last time we'll see this. This is a common thing. Every time they're getting towards like a new, like a training camp or a tournament, we get to see it counting down, which is like fun and like I do kind of love that in shows and movies when we see like slowly, it's like and it's just like a smart way, I think, to show that time is passing and that they're getting ready.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we get some clips of the prep rally. We see the girls team and then the boys team and like it's really quick, we don't hear anything actually, but you have, I think Tanaka is like it throws up a little peace sign and Suga like slaps his hand down and Hinata's all like nervous and shaking and Kageyama's just giving him the side eye. Yeah, very typical Kurosawa behavior. The team looks at the moon together.

Speaker 1:

I saw that and like so I saw that note before I'd actually gotten to that part and I was like they look at the moon together. And then I got to that part and I was like, yeah, they are just looking at the moon together.

Speaker 2:

And then I got to that part and I was like, yeah, they're just looking at the moon together. It's just like I just love them so much Again, just like the drama of it all, and they're just like you know they're looking towards the challenge ahead.

Speaker 1:

Well, and I wonder if that's some sort of symbol, because it's a full moon, they're looking at.

Speaker 2:

I think they're just you know, they're looking towards a common goal.

Speaker 1:

You know, and then we get a really nice moment with Kyoko.

Speaker 2:

Yes, she has a surprise for our boys.

Speaker 1:

And I have a note here that Kyoko, while she's beautiful, she's pretty awkward, like she's like very quiet, she's like I don't know really how to talk to people.

Speaker 2:

I feel like we really get the first real look at her personality with this, because, yeah, she is like, okay, I did this thing, and then, like she just kind of runs off, I did this thing, um, and then, like she just kind of runs off, and her and Takada, basically Kyoko, dug up their old banner and, uh, they hang it over the railing and tell me why. I legitimately got emotional, as the banner was like flapping down and the fly came into view.

Speaker 1:

I was like, oh my god, it is a very like, that's a very nice gesture, I think well, I think in the background you hear somebody say and I think it might even be one of the third years who are just like we have a banner, like I don't think they've had this, I don't think they've gotten to have a banner like the other teams and we'll see later on like that's like kind of a not an important part, but like that's always in the background of the games or the team banners and so like it just really is, like it's another step towards, like karasuno coming back from, like moving up and coming back from what they used to be yeah, and so so they show this banner and I think some of the first years might start talking, but then daichi's like wait, she's not done.

Speaker 2:

And then we get more of this awkwardness because she's just like and they're like, and then all she says is gun beret, like you know, good luck. What does she say in the dub?

Speaker 1:

um, I think she says like like you can do it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, so which is?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's basically what Gunbury means.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then she runs away?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because she's embarrassed and she's so like blushy and red faced and I think it's like it's just because, like I think, for Kyoko talking in front of that many, she's a good manager um and the.

Speaker 2:

I love the difference in the reactions between the older kids and the first years, because they all all the older kids like have a moment and then they burst into tears and because I don't think kyoko has ever said that many words in front of them before. Um, and they're very touched by it and all the first years are just like are y'all okay? And that's because all the first years are gay and they don't fully understand. Yeah, honestly, but yeah, that's a very sweet moment and yeah, they're all like now they're all hooping and hollering and they're all like resurged with energy, they're gonna do it. And she's very blushy and embarrassed and it's cute. And now it's time. Now we're at the end of the episode and gosh, I forgot this happens. And before we get into the good stuff, this is our first kagehina race, I believe it's not the first one, not the first before school race.

Speaker 2:

I think we've had another one, I think we had another one way back in like episode, like two or three oh, maybe this is a response, because, yeah, hinata gets to school early and he's just like kind of tottering along, and then kageyama, you know, you hear the thundering, and he whips past them and they race to the club room as they do, and I think this is the first time, though, we know that they are keeping tally a win-lose score yeah.

Speaker 1:

And so kageyama says that's 31 wins for me and 30 wins for you, because he's like, yeah, I win again. And then hina says, no, you're wrong. And kageyama is like what? No, I just won that, like I'm ahead.

Speaker 1:

But hinata is like no, no, no hidata is counting their very first match together and that was his very first loss and he reflects on that promise he made to kageyama before all of the karasuno stuff happened, that one day he was going to beat him and I think he even like repeats what he says and it's almost kind of like a mirror moment because he's standing like a few steps up and like he repeats it, he says if you're the king of the court, I'm gonna be the one to beat you.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and then he continues on and he says I am going to beat you one day. Whether it takes 10 years or 20 years, I definitely will beat you. And he jumps up in front of kageyama and, the way that you know, kageyama says a lot of words, but they all mean promise yes, do you promise to do that?

Speaker 1:

because he's basically he's like. He's like oh so you're going to stand on the same stage as me and it like cuts to this. Look on kageyama's face that I think the first time I watched it I didn't necessarily clock it, but he's like waiting. He's like waiting for hinata's reply. I think he's like. I think he's a little like scared. He's like what if hinata says no?

Speaker 2:

yeah, because he goes, yeah, he says you know, so you'll be playing on the same stage as me, japan, the world. And then Hinata kind of has a moment of like the world like intimidated. And that's when we get that look for Kageyama, where he's like kind of angrily, like impatiently, like waiting for him to confirm this. He's like right, yes, like you're going to stand on the world stage with me. Hello, we're promising a life together confession.

Speaker 1:

This is, this is the equivalent of a confession.

Speaker 2:

There's a really great fic and it's. It might be when the world stopped turning, and I'm sorry if I got it wrong, but there's a fic where uh kageyama's older sister is involved and she's like talking to another person on the phone and she's like they had this promise together, like they've built their whole lives on this promise and just basically a your game moment. I always think about it because like, yeah, you're agreeing on a career path together, basically, yeah, like.

Speaker 1:

And kasinata says he's like, yeah, he's like. He's like, not confident about it at first, he's like he like hesitated. He's like yeah, yeah, I'm gonna stand on the world stage too. He's like I'm gonna beat you and it's just, we're gonna get into the spoiler zone, we're gonna talk a lot about it.

Speaker 2:

And kageyama looks at him and then he grabs his head and it's I feel like this is almost a more like just almost almost. I mean it's hurtful, but it's also kind of affectionate. He's like don't call me the king. And then he turns and he's like all right, let's take our first step towards this goal.

Speaker 1:

Yes, what the fuck yeah, I almost like I wish he would have said our girl, our goal. But it's fine, towards that goal, it's fine yeah, it becomes their goal.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, from that day forward, I mean it's kind of official, especially, like you know, hinata meant I'm gonna beat you in high school before he knew they were gonna be on the same team. So now it's become well, I guess I'll become a professional volleyball player and beat you someday oh man, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.

Speaker 1:

I wish we could skip right to the spoiler zone to talk about it but we won't Hang on tight.

Speaker 2:

Well, that is the end of the episode.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I have something I want to talk about because you know, in episode 13, we talked about the beginning and the endings, like the opening theme song and the ending theme song, and for this episode it has a unique one. It's not the same one that we had, um, for the last 13 episodes, but it's also different, like the animation, maybe even the song. I can't remember um, but like, definitely the animation is different for this than it even is for the next one. And it's very like kagehina focused. It shows like kagehina in middle school and then it shows like each of them in their karasuno jerseys. It's like they, they, their special moment, moment gets a special ending and then it does like eventually show like everyone else.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of like almost a recap of the characters. It's, um, like we're kind of getting to see, like it kind of like shows little, like little moments, kind of from throughout the first 13 episodes. It unfortunately does include like a butt shot of kyoko from the episode where we first meet her and I'm like, why are we doing this again? Why does that? Because it shows like, I want to say it shows like basically like three screenshots from everybody, like it shows like also he's spiking, it shows him like it shows the like scary face from that training camp episode, you know, and it shows like um, it shows suga like setting, it shows him like with his cute smile, and then it shows like kyoko and it shows her like talking to somebody and then it shows her butt and then it shows her like unfurling the banner and I'm like I like can we just move past sexualizing Kyoko and making her an object?

Speaker 2:

I was going to say when the show sexualizes the teenage girl.

Speaker 1:

They love to do it. They really love to do it. So that was the only thing about that that annoyed me, but I did like that.

Speaker 1:

It was like Kagehina kind of get like a special little ending for their little special moment. And I think just kind of like, I think it is kind of like now that we've met, you know, we've kind of met all of almost everybody on Karasuno, um well, everybody who's on the team, there's still one person who will join oh, I'm acting like I'm brand new, okay, yeah, I know who you're talking about so yeah, so you know, but like we've kind of met everybody, the coach is in place, like everybody's kind of in their places and ready to go.

Speaker 1:

We still aren't really talking about the npcs. They're still very background. They're like anoshita, I think was in this one. I don't even know if we saw narita or kenoshita or kenoshita.

Speaker 2:

Thank, you, I can never. Well, it's not your fault, because they are truly just treated as mpc. It's just, I don't understand, as if we don't have time for those characters, like there's not a million characters on this show but whatever I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

if we can focus on kyoko's tits and ass, yeah, we can focus on these fucking characters that barely have speaking lines. Give them something to talk about. Yeah, anyway, so that was that. So now we're at the end of the episode. Time for our character spotlight, character, spotlight. And who are we talking about?

Speaker 2:

today, emily Sawamura, daichi Daichisan.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it's Sawamura daichi, daichi-san. Uh, yeah, so it's sawamura daichi. Um, and yeah, we really don't hear sawamura, sawamura a lot. I feel like maybe we like here, I feel like there's like a few players who say it. I think the ex-boyfriend says it. Yeah, I think the ex-boyfriend says it. I think, like, later we, we meet some characters who call him that, but yeah, everyone really calls him daichi and I mean, why do you think that is? What do you? What do you think the deal is? Do you think he just prefers that?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I mean, I can't say for sure, I've never been immersed in the culture, but I feel like it does sometimes come down to, especially because, like nishinoya, for example, told hinata he can call noya, whatever. I think you know, like anybody else, they just have their preferences and it's like there probably is like the default is you would go by the last name, but he probably just tells everyone, like, you can call me daichi like I think some people just don't care or like just prefer to be called by their first names yeah, I do think like some.

Speaker 1:

You know, I feel like just because kaki ama calls him daichi right, I feel like he just calls everyone by their like.

Speaker 2:

I feel like he calls everyone by their very proper like last name, yeah he's very yeah, he's, he's very formal, like that.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, but I think in general, daiichi's cool with that, which you know is like cool. Like you know he could be like a dick. He could be like I'm the captain and you treat me with respect and you speak to me as if I am above you.

Speaker 2:

But he's a cool dad.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's like I'm a cool dad, so I do have a note here about his personality. I pulled to read this off and then we can kind of comment on it. Um so daichi is a very caring and responsible captain who always puts his team first. He is also very patient and understanding, but becomes terrifying when angry. Though he only shows this side when necessary, he becomes very strict when his teammates are out of line. Nevertheless, his actions have always been for the best interest of the team. Due to his devotion to his team and his command, he is both well respected and feared. I think he is a great leader. I think daichi is just fantastic, like a great example of what a team captain should be, and they're just so lucky to have him yeah, he's only a dick to us, are he really?

Speaker 2:

he's nice to everybody?

Speaker 1:

yeah yeah, he is. It is a little bit like, is it too much? But I think it's kind of, I think it's appropriate, let's get into his name meaning yeah, his name meaning. So his family name, sawamura means village of the swamp, um, it's not an uncommon family name and I saw some um speculation that like village of the swamp, um, like refers to, like his, his depth as a character oh, I was just thinking about shrek get off my swamp.

Speaker 1:

Um, I love that. Okay, um and daichi. His first name means great land or earth you know what?

Speaker 2:

I think that makes sense for a lot of reasons. One, he is stable like the earth, and I'm I'm skipping ahead really quickly, but I think it's relevant. His birthday is december 31st and so he's a capricorn, which is an earth sign. You know, I gotta get into my astrology moment, and earth signs are typically known as very grounded people, very like.

Speaker 1:

They can be stubborn, but they are very like, steadfast and reliable, which I find to be true yeah, I think that's appropriate and I think you know we'll see this later, but I think that there's a lot of like visual symbolism that goes along with that with daichi, and we can get into that when we talk about those episodes. So, moving on to his character sheet, unless you had anything else you wanted to add about his name, meaning no, okay. So daichi is in class three, four, which means he's pretty smart. He's the volleyball club captain, as we know. His position is wing spiker. His height is 5, 10, so not a shorty, pretty like average height. It seems he's pretty average height and weight.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, um, he's a third year. As we know you just mentioned, his birthday is december 31st, which I do think it's interesting that he's a new year's eve baby. His favorite food is soy sauce ramen, which I think is called shoyu ramen. That sounds right to me, I think so. I could be wrong, it could be pronounced differently. But yeah, soy sauce ramen, which is fucking delicious. I will say so. I'm with you there. Um, his current worry is he's being plagued by nightmares of the vice principal's toupee flying off over and over again this poor kid.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't even his fault, but he had to take the responsibility of it oh yeah, he did okay.

Speaker 1:

And now his ability parameters. He really is like a good all-around player. His speed, his jumping and his stamina are all threes. His power his jumping and his stamina are all threes.

Speaker 2:

His power, his technique and his intelligence are all fours he's kind of like almost a nekoman where, like, he's not really outstanding in any way, although his defense is really good. But yeah, he's just dependable and like a solid uh player yeah, he's reliable, yeah, definitely okay.

Speaker 1:

Um, anything else on daichi I love daichi, I think, and he's one of those characters I feel like you can ship him with quite a few people. He's very like versatile, like suga, I think, even asahi. We've already talked about kuro dai. I think you could probably ship daichi with every other captain if you really wanted to.

Speaker 2:

People like to put him with the captains for sure, which I get I understand. Okay, so we're moving on, moving on to america's favorite game. America, the world's favorite game. Who in the world psycho? Uh, who in haikyuu? This week's scenario was brought to us by iwa from uh, email, uh, and this one is it might be eva, I really don't know.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I think no, I think it is Iwa. Apologies, you can correct us if you want. I think they said Iwa or Eva, so maybe.

Speaker 2:

Eva, eva, a little Wally moment. Either way, I'm giving you a kiss on the forehead and saying thank you for your email. And this week's scenario is going to be the characters shower habits. Do they shower, yes or no? No, so, and today's we're going to be talking about hinata kageyama, kyoko daichi suga, tanaka, noya, asahi, enoshita yukai and takara uh. Hinata took a while to get out of the baths because he likes to play with toys in the bathtub and sing songs. He's definitely singing songs. Oh my, yeah, you gotta wash your butt. That is an. That is an em original. I like doesn't sing little songs, that's just a little bit of lore about me.

Speaker 1:

Em has a little bit of hinata in her with her little song singing. They're all bangers thank you.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna come out with my album next year, please do look for it on spotify anything to add to that?

Speaker 1:

um, yeah, I think you know I mean, we're mostly talking about teenage boys here and you know, I think hinata is probably the kind where, like he maybe like needed a little bit more, like, a little bit more, like, hey, you should like wear deodorant. You know, like I think he probably like doesn't realize how smelly he can be. You need to wash your ass. Yeah, I think somebody really had to like talk to him and be like you gotta open those cheeks and wash between them.

Speaker 2:

Are we getting too intimate? No it's fine. I feel like Everybody bathes. You should at least, please, do Kageyama. I feel like's just like as fast and efficient, like I don't think he's cutting corners. But you know, I don't know, I don't, I don't really see any like specific habits, I just think he, you know I think he's like you know, I think hinata and kageyama, especially in high school.

Speaker 1:

I think they're both very much using like a three-in-one shampoo, conditioner and body wash. You know they're not moisturizing.

Speaker 2:

I will say, kageyama does have a sister who is in like hair cosmetology, so you could believe that maybe she, like you know, makes sure he has decent products, like he does have shiny, beautiful hair.

Speaker 1:

So that's true. Yeah, so maybe, but I don't think it's like. It's like she like puts that in the bathroom, is like this is what you, what you're gonna use, and he's like sure, whatever if it was up to him, it would be like a two-in-one, probably for sure um kyoko I think kyoko probably has a great skincare routine yeah, I think she's very, I think she pays attention and I think she like is you know?

Speaker 1:

I mean not in like an oh, I don't think she's overly obsessed with it, but you know she's definitely like. You know I and you know I like to think that maybe she like does some self-care or I don't know if that's right Maybe some pampering and does some like me time and like takes like a bubble bath and is like, you know, like lights a candle and just really has like a moment. Am I projecting, who knows? Yeah, so I think you know overall, I mean she's also got shiny, beautiful hair and nice skin.

Speaker 2:

Apologies, for our fucking neighbor's dog. Daichi is definitely, I feel, like a three-in-one boy and, if we keep going with the headcanon, that he has a lot of siblings like. He takes very fast showers, I think, because in the morning it's probably really crowded yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I bet he uses like actual soap on his face instead of face wash, because he doesn't know that you're not supposed to do that. Which, if you don't know, don't use hand soap or like body wash on your face. It has a different um, like oil, like different, different needs for your face. Make sure you use an actual face wash. Suga I think suga also has a skincare routine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I feel like sugo takes care of himself and does he dye that hair gray, gray? He has?

Speaker 1:

to right. I don't know. That's like a thing in anime and honestly, I think that's in real life. I think there are just people who have like gray hair even before they're old. It's definitely an anime thing for some characters to have great gray hair even if they're not old, but I don't know. I think he definitely, like takes care of his hair. I can imagine him using like the like fancy, like korean skincare stuff that you have to get at the specialty market, like that kind of stuff. I think he does like face masks every once in a while. Yeah, I could see that for that for him. Yeah, all right, tanaka doesn't wash his ass right now, not in high school no but, he's another one with a sister.

Speaker 2:

So I feel like if it was up to him he would just use a bar of soap on everything. He doesn't even really have hair, so just bar of soap to take care of everything. But then maybe, like once in a while, he gets like curious and uses his sister's products. He's like this smells good because I feel like I feel like tanaka going back to, like you know, the girl craziness. I feel like he's in touch with his feminine side a little bit and I think he'd like to smell good once in a while.

Speaker 1:

I bet he uses a lot of cologne, I bet, like I don't think japan had axe body spray, but I think he uses the equivalent of axe bodies, whatever the equivalent.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's definitely an axe boy, all right no. Noia, you know, I think he's another like fast one. I feel like he doesn't dry off properly before going about his day. Yeah, but he does have to do his hair to keep it up.

Speaker 1:

He does, yeah, he does do his hair. I wonder if he like blow dries it and then like spikes it up with the gel, or I don't know what. The deal is Kind of like Pauly D.

Speaker 2:

yeah, for all of our jersey shoreheads out there um also he, I think, is gonna use nice products for his long, luscious hair.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, you don't get beautiful hair locks like that without taking very good care of them.

Speaker 2:

He probably does like a deep conditioning every once in a while, and because he's a grown man with like a five o'clock shadow, he's gotta keep the beard trimmed I think, yeah, I feel like you know also, he's's the type that does good grooming, I just imagine that he smells really good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, definitely. You know he gives me like everything about him, says like, oh, that guy smells amazing. He's a gentleman that smells good. God bless him. Yeah, inoshita, I think Inoshita's taking care of himself. He kind of reminds me of daichi. He's probably like in and out, quick and dirty, not quick and dirty, quick and clean. Quick and clean, quick and clean, you know. But he's not spending too much time on it. Yukai does dye his hair as of right now anyway.

Speaker 1:

So he definitely is using like purple shampoo I think he smokes while he showers.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes, yeah, yeah, absolutely, he like switches the cigarette between hands to get to certain places.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. He probably is taking baths, and I could see this is probably something Tanaka would do too, but I can see him thinking that if he just soaks in the bathtub, that's enough. Yeah, and he's like I don't know. He's just sitting there like smoking, reading a manga and then just like rinses his hair with purple shampoo.

Speaker 2:

He probably has to share a bathroom with his parents.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, purple shampoo.

Speaker 2:

He probably has to share a bathroom with his parents. Yeah, all right. And lastly, takada. Takada is another one where uh, you know soft english teacher, definitely gay he's.

Speaker 1:

He's doing well with the grooming, he's taking care of himself, he's using pretty decent products not to say that gay men can't be unhygienic and don't know how to take care of themselves.

Speaker 2:

Excuse my stereotyping, um, but like I could also see him, like you know, maybe once in a while, treating himself to a bath and he, like, reads a book in the bath.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely after like a really hard day or something. Yeah, I totally see that for takara, I think. I think he's taking care of his skin, I think he's moisturizing properly. You know he's good. This was a fun one.

Speaker 2:

When I first read it I was like huh, but no, I like these little, like intimate details about, like their life.

Speaker 1:

I think it shows a lot about their personality yeah, well, and I think it's like one of those things I think we've talked about it before where, like Furu Date thought about including more about characters, home lives, um, but like was worried people would think that was boring or wouldn't be interested, so kept it to the volleyball, which it's just like you know what he?

Speaker 2:

they hooked us in, so now can you give us their lives?

Speaker 1:

yeah actually, what if you just did a slice of life that was like everything outside of the volleyball, I would, I, I'd, I'd, purchase the mongas I would get like the numbers of how big the fandom is, because it feels like it's large, but I don't actually know yeah, are we just in an echo chamber and like, really not that many people actually care about haikyuu, although in japan, like it was great, the movie was breaking records, I feel like it's, it's very big, so yeah, and it's definitely like supported by like japan itself.

Speaker 1:

Like they do like a bunch of stuff with the olympics that have to do with haikyuu, like there's like haikyuu expos, like I think it's probably pretty big. But you know, I understand if furudate, you know, is kind of done with haikyuu and like doesn't necessarily maybe wants to move on to other projects.

Speaker 2:

I mean, that's fair, they keep dropping these like little one-offs, so I think you should come back and write 400 more chapters. But that's just. That's just me, all right, anyway. So that was our huen haiky. Thank you again to Iwa Eva. Before we head into the spoiler zone and maybe lose some of you, I'm going to give you our socials real quick. As always, you can find us on Twitter, instagram, tumblr and Blue Sky, and I just want to reiterate, we are mostly on Twitter Also, like Rainbow has like the immediate access, like I never check the Instagram, I check the Instagram and the Tumblr.

Speaker 1:

I am starting because I know we have a lot more people on there now who are following us still not at nearly as many as on twitter. We definitely have like probably like seven times more or ten times more followers on twitter than we do on the other platforms, but I do know we have people who are following us on there, um, and so I am starting to post, like episode, at least episode title cards for people so they can keep updated with that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you, just to say, if you reach out to us without like, not through email or twitter, if it takes us a little bit longer, that might be why, but we are trying to keep up on that. But our handle on all of those is fly hq pod, that's f-l-y h-q-p-o-d. Send us an email, if you so, please, at fly high q pod. Fly hq pod at gmailcom. We can't wait to hear from you.

Speaker 1:

And now, the spoiler zone get in that pool.

Speaker 1:

Um, okay, so we have to talk a lot about the kagehina proposal in this episode. Oh my god, um, and that will be the majority of the spoiler zone. But first I do want to talk about there's like a mention of you know, oh, if Kageyama had gone to Shiratorizawa, he would have played with Ushijima, which I don't know feels like maybe it's not exactly foreshadowing, but like that is what happens, like they play on the Adlers together and they end up being a good. I think they end up being a good pair. But I do think Kageyama going to shirito, shirito, shirito, razawa, as he was coming fresh out of middle school, would not have been good no, and ushiwaka talks about that in season two, episode one, one of my favorite episodes.

Speaker 2:

He's like oh yeah, you wouldn't have, you would. You can't keep up with the dolls, honey. And kageyama's kind of like gobsmacked. But yeah, because another thing is, ushiwaka is very thirsty for oikawa, because Oikawa is the type of setter who setter, who can bring out the best in his spikers and Kageyama was still struggling with that in high school and yeah, he definitely would have had a hard time like. Kageyama very much needed Karasuno that was the team for him to really grow and heal and and just to like. Ushiwaka and Kageyama are such similar personalities in the way that they're very stoic, they're very autistic and just like. They're very blunt and matter of fact and like very literal. And there's a point where like, uh, hinata like compares kageyama to them in that way, but kageyama thinks that hinata's complimenting him.

Speaker 1:

He's like oh, you think I'm such an amazing player like ushijima?

Speaker 2:

oh well, I wouldn't go that far you're both just socially inept actually, or no? You're both just mean yeah and.

Speaker 1:

I would say that Ushijima doesn't quite have Kageyama's anger.

Speaker 2:

No, no, Ushijima is very calm, he's just very like. There's just no frills with him. He says exactly what he means, whether for better or for worse.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm so excited to get to season three. Oh, season three will have a lot of good characters for us to get into, tendo, okay. So now, yeah, let's talk about that moment between kage hina and how like I I think I said it to you earlier that I feel like that is the moment where kage ama really accepts. I think there's like been some part of him that thinks like, maybe hinata is my someone better, maybe that's who this is, and like I think he's always felt this draw towards hinata. And then I think, like and I think that's why he had that like kind of almost look of anger when it seemed like Hinata maybe wasn't going to agree to stand on the world stage with him, where he was like I think that was a very vulnerable moment for Kageyama and I think what he was saying subtextually was like will you be my someone better? Are you going to be that person who's going to fight to beat me? Are you going to be the person my grandfather promised would come and find me?

Speaker 2:

well, marriage proposals are very vulnerable, you know, um, yeah, no, from the get-go he's definitely known that hinata has the stuff. I think it was just a question of whether he was going to be disciplined enough, like you know how he had to learn the receives before getting the set and all this stuff. And now that they are, they're becoming a quite an established team and they are really starting off their first step towards this goal. You know, this is just kind of confirmation, like all right, well, are we gonna go all the way to the end and they fucking do bitch and they like this show, like I think, watching it, like going throughout the first time I was like, oh, it's all about hinata, it's all about hinata.

Speaker 1:

Until you get to the time skip, and you especially get to the jack adler's game, and like the very end of the manga where you're like, oh no, this is about Kage Hina, this is about the two of them. Like, yeah, hina does the protagonist, and like he's ultimately the one who has to learn, like the big lesson with, like his fever and stuff, but like this is about the two of them and their shared goal and their relationship. Like you can't, even if you don't look at it sexually, like these two people love and understand each other yeah, yeah, chip it or not, like they are soulmates in that way.

Speaker 2:

I mean, the very, very last panel of this manga is them with the epic fist bump for the olympics?

Speaker 1:

it's no, it's not. It's them meeting each other on the international stage just kidding.

Speaker 2:

That is a huge spread, but that isn't the final one.

Speaker 1:

The final one is them meeting on the it's, yeah, it's, yeah, it's Hina to say, it's both of them saying like this time I'm going to win.

Speaker 2:

Which is just like such a like they lived happily ever after moment. Yeah, like, go fuck yourself. Also, I just wanted to say real quick, since we're in the topic of kind of like the time skip and all of that After the Jack Adler's game, when they win, and you know, kagehina like talk to each other. There's two different translations that I see and I didn't know that one was more accurate than the other. So you'll see kageyama say like you made, you made it. And then he just says yeah, I'm here now. That's not correct, apparently, and maybe I've read a wrong source, but apparently the direct translation is like you came, I came, which pause, but also pause for laughter. That's just another well, that's Well, that's like a term of if you say something gay, like double entendre, you go pause, so pause, but also like that's them mirroring each other again and it's like yeah, no, the story is about the two of them, which is why I sometimes get impatient with certain sections of the fandom that don't give a fuck about Kagehina and Karasuno.

Speaker 1:

It's like I get you can have your faves, but this is what the story is about, mama. Well, yeah, that's, the beauty of fandom is that we can take it and we can make it whatever we want. So, like I understand, like you know, it's just like, but it is like, if you're talking about the canon, like you have to talk about kage hina, like that's what this is all about. It's about the two of them growing and learning side by side and this rivalry they have and how that makes them better, and how Kageyama sees he meets this boy in middle school who, like he isn't ready to believe it until I think this moment that, like this is the person I've been waiting for.

Speaker 1:

It's literally like we've said it like, whenever he's like what have you been doing the last three years? Where have you been all my life? Like will you stay? You know, are you going to go all the way to the world stage? Like, are you going to stay by my side? And I think, for Kageyama, I think especially now that he and Hinata have had this freak quick and they really like had this amazing chemistry on the court and like Kageyama has had so much fun getting to play with Hinata and getting to like figure out new spikes with him, like I think he's like I just want to keep doing this for the rest of my life. And he's basically like, and hinata's basically telling him like if it takes 10 years, if it takes 20 years, like I'm gonna be there, go like beating you and like fighting you. You know to be the best.

Speaker 2:

And kageyama's like and like you said, he's just like promise yeah, because like you can almost read that as just bluster, like hinata's just challenging kageyama, but like there's a kernel of him that actually really means it. I think when kageyama like challenges that, he's challenging that and he's like oh damn, I really do love you well, I think that's the thing I think for hinata.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it, like you know, I think hinata like I don't think he's being insincere, but I think it is a little blustery and he is just like. It is almost like just words. And then for kageyama to take it so seriously, I think that kind of surprises Hinata a little bit. He's like, oh wow, like you're like serious, like even, like if it takes 20 years, like we won't even be in high school in 20 years. But he's like you know what? Yeah, yeah, I do you know what?

Speaker 1:

I will go to Brazil and train and think of you for two years and then meet you on fell first and hinata fell harder. I think this is like I think you can do. I, you know I'm I just am always switching them up all the time with them, so I I think you could see it both ways. Um, but like this to me is a moment where it's just like oh, kageyama like fell in love with hinata from that very first jump that he saw in middle school and he was just resisting that and resisting that and this is him kind of accepting and like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I think it's also like bonding them together as friends and teammates even more like, even if you're looking at it from like a non-romantic standpoint, it is like this is like they they're, this bond is strengthening, yeah, anyway, they're gay, they're gay for each other, they love each other. Like just what do you mean? You're 14 years old and you're promising that 15 years old, and you're in 10, 20 years, you're still like, no matter how long it takes, you're gonna work to beat him, and then he does, and then he does, and they're both excited about it. At the end of that jack adler's match, like hinata is like yes, and you see, kageyama has to bite his lip to stop from smiling so big because he is. He's so happy like this was the moment he was waiting for and this is why we are here making this podcast, people, yeah this is why, because I read that and then I just screamed in my room for five hours because I was so excited.

Speaker 1:

Oh, did she make a cute noise?

Speaker 2:

she's, she's been yelling at us, I think, for being so talky. Yeah, kiki's a little mad.

Speaker 1:

She's been like taking a, I think, for being so talky. Yeah, kiki's a little mad. She's been like taking a nap at the top of her cat tree this whole time and she's like will you calm down, will you please shut up? No, you don't understand. Kiki, kageyama and Hinata are soulmates, mamas are working okay, yes, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

That wraps up episode 14. And you know we're going to get into some real game, heavy shit, but it's going to be a lot of fun and we're excited to get into it. We will see you next time and until then, fly high. Love you, Bye.