Fly: A Queer Haikyuu Podcast

S1E15: Revival

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"Volleyball is just a metaphor for being gay."

They're back! Karasuno has arrived a the interhigh prelims, let the games begin!

This week, em and rainbow talk about season 1, episode 15 "Revival" and discuss the various reputations of Karasuno players, Date Tech's intimidation technique, and Daichi's insecurities about his body. 
57:31 - Spoiler Zone Begins

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hi everyone and welcome to fly a queer haikyuu podcast. I'm rainbow [and I'm em] and today we are going to be talking about episode 15 revival, which in the dub is called we're back. We're so back, which makes me think of that dinosaur movie that came out, do you? I have never seen this movie, but I just know about it. It's we're back. I think it might be animated and it's like a group of dinosaurs is like brought back from extinction and then they're I think they're given some sort of like medicine or like something happens to them that makes them really nice and so they don't want to kill people. I've never seen this, this movie. Anyone out there who knows what I'm talking about? Like I know that this is a real thing, that exists. I just have never seen it. Jurassic Park sister movie yeah, very much. It probably came out after Jurassic Park and somebody was like we should make a family-friendly version of this, which I mean Jurassic Park is totally family-friendly. It's about family. It's about a man discovering that, hey, maybe kids aren't that bad.


Yeah, fucking, literally, okay, well, that being said Before we get into our episode, and talking about Haikyuu, our cat has the zoomies.


Yeah, if you hear a little bit of noise in the background, that's just our baby. She's in a zoomy place right now.


We have an automated toy for her that she really loves and she's a genius not to brag or anything, but she knows how to turn it on herself. Yeah, she turns it on with her teeth. So we moved it to our bedroom, hoping that would distract her, but now she's out here running like crazy.


so She'll tire herself out eventually, probably as soon as we're done recording.


Yep, as soon as we're ready to interact with her again, she'll be like no, I'm sleeping, goodbye. But yeah, before we get into Haikyuu stuff, em and I just have some exciting work stuff going on. I have been working really hard for the past like month or so on this exhibit and so I'm just really excited about this exhibit and you know it's a topic that is really important and I'm just and I'm really proud of it, I'm very proud of you.


And then like, just for me too, with work, I enjoy what I do. It's not like a passion job or anything, it's just like a job to pay the bills. But I like my team a lot and like I've only been here, for I'm actually coming up on my one year anniversary and I got a call from my boss the other day just kind of complimenting like the work I've done and like I've dealt with some kind of difficult people and I really like risen to the occasion and I'm getting an award and like which comes with a little, a sweet little bonus. So that felt really good. Because I am very quick to undermine myself and, like you know I'm, I usually will just assume that I'm not doing a very good job or I'm doing a very average job. So that was that was like a nice little, like attaboy for me.


Yeah, I think it's very well deserved. I think you're doing an above average job personally. Thank you, Yeah, em is amazing and she really deserves this, and I'm just so happy for you we're gonna kiss after this.


Yeah, we are. So, yeah, we just had to humble brag. Really quick work. Stuff is going good. That's the thing we do to pay the bills and this is our passion.


Yeah, I mean, listen, if I could just get paid to do this, that would be cool, but that's not going to happen. We'd have to get advertisers and I don't want to do all that.


Who knows, Maybe one day oh.


I don't know.


We'll be famous anime podcasters. Oh, what a dream. And this will be in our TikTok edit one day. Yes, absolutely, they were psychic, all right.


Onwards and upwards. Yeah, absolutely. We really don't have anything for housekeeping. The house is clean.


We're doing good. Q&a episode is coming out soon. Well, it will be out by the time you hear this, but we're excited for that. We hope you guys like that.


Yeah, absolutely. But yeah, so we're going to get into the recap. It's my turn, all right, cap, it's my turn, all right. You want me to count you down? I sure do. Three, two, one. It's the first ever tournament for karasuno. Can the crows shake their ugly nickname and show the other teams they are no longer flightless? Asahi teaches hinata a strategy for overcoming his nerves, and our ace is haunted by accusations of his menacing past that are not at all founded in reality because, as suga and daichi like to remind him, asahi is actually a huge coward. We get a sneak peek at some of the other teams. Kurosawa will be playing for the rest of this season, and the game between our crows and their first adversaries begin with three solid attacks from Tanaka, asahi and Hinata very nice.


Yeah, so this is.


You know, this is kind of another in-between episode, like we're not in a game, we're getting ready, but this episode has some great moments definitely, I agree, and it kind of it picks up exactly where the last one left off, with Kyoko showing the banner and just being like so like embarrassed and blushy about like so much attention being on her. She's just such a good manager like I just like I want to cry, along with the other second and third years, about like how, like just dedicated she is to this team. She's so good at what she does.


She's amazing yeah, we love kyoko. The three senpais run into each other on their way to school, and asahi attempts to connect with suga and daichi, but it doesn't quite go as planned he talks about in the dub.


I don't know if he talks about this in the sub, but in the dub he's like I wanted to get the third year players together after practice last night for a quiet talk under the stars.


And I'm like Asahi, you're such a sap, I love him and I love that he does reference that because, yeah, at the end of the last episode they are and we talk about this, they're all looking at the moon together.


And like Daichi was like Kyoko's encouragement was all, the was all that we needed. What do you mean? Yeah, well, because Asahi's about to like, say, like, I guess this is our last tournament which is not true at all. Yeah, and they shut that down real quick. Yeah, daichi and Suga are like absolutely not. And then Daichi's like really nice to Asahi, and Asahi and Suga are like this of creepy.


Yeah, he's like Daichi being nice is weird. And then Suga's like maybe it'll snow in the summer. And then Daichi is like I can be stern if you want me to be, but yeah, they're just like this won't be the end. This is no time to be melodramatic.


Yeah, absolutely, and so they're running up to the club room and, of course, who's already there? But Kagehina?


they've probably been there for an hour yeah, they raced each other to school.


They've just been sitting there talking about volleyball. So then we just quickly, like we get to the gym where they're gonna have their tournament, which I don't remember what gym it is. Does it say sunday?


probably like this yeah, probably the sunday gym yeah, they're all gathering and, of course, again we have two you know npcs from some other team that are looking at the breakups of the teams and they start discussing. You know Karasuno and their their bad nicknames. They're the fallen crows, though. They once were champions, but no more. And then, of course, the whole team gathers behind them looking very scary, yeah, even Asahi looks scary, which I feel like it's probably just unintentional.


Yeah, and Tanaka, of course, is like what are you saying, punks?


daichi has to reel him in yeah, and then they're going in and poor asahi. Immediately people are talking about him, like oh, I heard about him. Isn't he like a thug who like had like his minions beat somebody up and like, didn't it? Doesn't he like sell drugs or something? And it's just so cute, like them showing like people's perception, and then what actually happened, and it's just Asahi being just a sweet little boy and being like, oh, no, a fight, let's call the authorities yeah like he's trying to hand a handkerchief back to some lady.


And just because he looks so scary, he's like what? I'm a big guy. What's wrong with one who'll look tough?


and wild? Yeah, because Suga and Daichi are like oh, it's the same old rumors, all based on his looks. And yeah, it is funny that Asahi is like I just like to look a little wild. And then Suga's like someone who's actually wild would not say that. And then Noya chimes in with something, and then Suga and Daichi are like now this is someone who is wild.


Noya chimes in to cheer Asahi up, because he always is doing that, constantly he's like, no, like, no, it's okay, asahi, like I think you look cool and they highlight the their opposite ways.


Which we've talked about before is how, like you know, noya is actually the wild one, even though he's small in stature and looks maybe more kid-like. And then, even though Asahi looks like an adult I love a couple times they're like that. One of the rumors is he's been in high school for like five years and that's why he looks like an old man. But yeah, no, inside he's just a gentle little man boy.


Little man boy he's just a gentle little man boy and then so yeah, so this is kind of just the other team sizing them up. People take note of oh, that's Nishinoya, that really good Libro. And then of course, people are like Kageyama Tobio, the genius setter, but he's not very popular yeah, I said I have a note that their reputations precede them and and I did they kind of when they were talking about kageyama.


You see him walking and he kind of has a look on his face where I like I don't know if he hears what people are saying about him or if he's just lost in his own thoughts. Because I'd imagine this must be like a weird feeling for kageyama because his last tournament was really traumatic. His last tournament was in middle school and he you know, know that was when his team abandoned him and like he was a very different person then obviously. But I'm sure he's got to have some feelings about that and then, if he does hear what these people are saying about him, I just wonder if that has any effect on him.


I know that he does hear them at first because he kind of gives them a look but, he's just very scary and intimidating looking and I'm sure he's kind of holding all those feelings inside because we really don't. He doesn't really talk about it in the episode or anything.


Kageima doesn't like to talk about his feelings. It's very hard for him.


He has to scream them, usually at Hinata yeah, I feel like that all comes out, with him being very quick to take throttle Hinata by the shoulders the way he just goes into like almost Hinata caretaker mode where he's like I, I have to make sure Hinata's not nervous.


I make sure I got to make sure Hinata doesn't act like he does during this Seijo game, like he's just like and you know, because it's Kageyama, it's not like gentle and caring, it's very much like I'm going to shake the nerves out of you.


Yeah, literally so, as they're sizing everybody up, they also, after Kageyama, they look at Hinata and they're like nothing to be afraid of yeah, in the dub somebody's like what about that carrot top kid like, is he some sort of living legend?


and they're like oh, I don't know that. I'm like he's not a living legend yet.


Yeah because he's he's very childlike and he's looking around all excited and he's also, you know, two feet tall, so they're like whatever little do they know? So then hinata is kind of like sitting there, a little shaky, and, yeah, kageyama really is like the caretaker and he's like you.


Better not be nervous yeah, well, and hinata has like another moment where he talks about air salon paws and kageyama's like what the fuck are you talking about?


and noya's like yeah, tournaments do smell like air salon paws, like it's just so adorable they're so cute, but actually we skipped ahead a little bit because before we get to this bit, oh yeah, we make we meet dateko, stay tech and they're very tall and very intimidating and aeon, my, I love him, my no eyebrow man, as sinata points out.


They come up and he just points at asahi very intimidatingly yes, and like the poor captain who's just like a little like curly haired guy, is just like trying to pull and I think his name is Aone Aone, yeah, Aone, okay. They tries to pull Aone's arm down and he like can't. He's like I'm so sorry about him. He just likes to intimidate the ace Like oh my gosh, and then he like calls like Futakuchi and he's like Futakuchi. Can you help me out here?


And me out here, and furikuchi is also being a dick but does manage to like get aone's arm down and I just want to take a second to talk about them. Yeah, furikuchi and dateko are the second years. Aone what did I say? Dateko? I sure did.


Furikuchi and aone are the second years, kind of the the strongest points of the team, I think yeah, yeah, and we, we get, we'll get to see more of them and we'll get to talk about them more. I just love like, because, like as they're, like you know, they finally get Aona to stop intimidating Asahi. And I think there's even a moment where, like whenever he first is pointing at Asahi, noya is about to step out and say something, and then Asahi stops him.


It's very cool because to just come up to a team and point at them like Well, and I think in Japan.


I think Japan might be one of those cultures where pointing at people is extremely rude. I'm sure that might be. I'd imagine that that's true. I think you're not supposed to point at people in the.


United States yeah, no pointing is just, I think, rude in general and like it does feel like a kind of like a challenge and I love the way that Noya kind of growls at him. It's just like what's your problem? And as he holds him back, it's very cool, it's super cool, yeah.


But then and so datek is walking away and like the captain guy is like talking to aone and futakuchi and he's like why?


do you?


guys have to be so rude and like that's when, like I love aone and I wish we got more of him and I wish we got more of his backstory.


But, like a lot of people, I think headcanon him as like he's like the silent type but he's actually like a sweetheart inside and I fully disagree.


And this moment right here is why, like if he really was just this nice sweet guy like I feel like they like like Futakuchi is seen as like the sour, like mean one, and Aone is supposed to balance him out and I'm like no, when they're alone, they're talking shit about other players like Aone. It like I feel like whenever Aone was small, his mother, or like one of his parents, said if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all and that's why he never talks, because he's only got mean things to say to most people. And like no shade, if you like, headcanon him a different way. But I love looking at him like that, like I love thinking about him. It's just like he is also an asshole. He just doesn't. He's not as like, he's not as loud about it as furukuchi is. And like this moment right here is like yeah, he like wants to intimidate the other team. He's like what's?


he's like the load-bearing wall yeah of of date tech and he's like I will defeat you and I just love that and I love furukuchi is the only one who can like handle him and like pull his arm down, but he's also going to be a dick about it, yeah no, I love their front.


I feel like they're the tsukiyama of dateko. Yes, yes, they are absolutely.


We also have daichi and his ex-boyfriend catch up from the first team that they're gonna go against this is the part where daichi I can never remember this guy's name daichi's little ex-boyfriend is talking to him and he's like you look bigger. And daichi's like oh, I, I think I've gotten a little taller. And he's like no, I don't mean taller. And then daichi's like you mean, I've gotten fat which is not the first.


This will happen again.


Daichi's very conscious about his weight he really is, and I do like people are just saying he's gotten bigger, like he's just gotten stockier, you know like he's filled out, he's put on more muscle. He's like probably he's 18 or 19 at this point he's becoming a man, he's becoming a man. But I did want to talk a little bit just about this whole thing because I will say, haikyuu isn't nearly as bad as like some other anime, especially like sports anime that like talk about weight and you know I mean content warning if any of you like are really triggered by, like anti-fat bias.


The position of this podcast is that any person of any weight or size is deserving of love and respect and should be treated like a human being. That is generally not how it works in the rest of our culture. I think it's this, I think it's similar in Japanese culture. I actually, from my understanding, anti-fat bias is worse in Japan than it is in the United States, which is saying something, and so I just, like you know, I wonder if Daichi like does have like some like concerns over his weight and like how much of that is like comes from his culture, and so I just really wanted to call that out and just say like, even if Daichi had gained weight, it wouldn't mean he's bad, it wouldn't mean he's unhealthy, it wouldn't mean he can't play volleyball.


I actually think that there is some interesting body diversity in the character designs for Haikyuu, but there aren't. There are like characters that are stocky and there are characters that are muscular, but I wouldn't say any of them really like. None of them have like a belly. None of them you could call like fat or even like chubby, which is like you know, there are people who play sports and like are fat, and the idea that, like, you have to be skinny or you have to be like quote-unquote fit in order to be healthy or to be able to be athletic is just like a really toxic idea. And you know, I just think it's something that we should relearn. And if you're listening to this and you're thinking, well, fat people are unhealthy, then I suggest that you just do some research into how true that is. I think you should check out the podcast maintenance phase, the work by Aubrey Gordon, lindy West, and just because the BMI, which is where terms like overweight and obesity come from, is like not really, it's not accurate. It was never created to look at individual weights. It was supposed to look at population weight. There's just a lot of fucked up shit when it comes to, like, the medicalization of weight and it's just really detrimental to our society and it sounds like it's.


These issues are happening in japan as well as the united states, and this is like the one time we really see it in haikyuu. You know that was one of my big concerns with yuri on ice. Yuri had gained weight and then victor was like really fucking mean about it, and like really bullied him into it and I just didn't like that and you know, I'm glad that we don't have a ton of it. Like nobody in the show is making fun of other people's weight, but just the fact that Daichi is so concerned like oh no, people think I've gotten fat, like I think it's just very telling about like cultural ideas, about like fatness and about weight. and I just wanted to touch on that for a second. Do you have anything you'd like to add?


no, I just yeah. I think that overall, Haikyuu has a really healthy relationship with food and it's all just about like eating enough for energy and getting bigger and stronger. But yeah, it is interesting that like Daichi is so quick to be like, do you mean I've gotten fat? Like yeah, but yeah, fuck that shit man. Yeah.


Sometimes, people.


You're just built like that and it doesn't mean that you're necessarily unhealthy really matter.


But yeah, I live in a society just like with gender. You can't look at a person and know their health status just by seeing them. You can't know a person's gender, you can't know their health just by looking at them. You just shouldn't be making assumptions about people and it's also none of your business if somebody else is healthy or not.


You know that's their business and that's the end of the story. I like to imagine that daichi gets a gut in his older age and he he comes to accept himself oh, you know what the way?


I would love to write a fic about that one day and Suga helps him. yeah, I did want to touch on something about Asahi which is like, after that Aone thing, like they turned him, they were like wow, wow, asahi, you took that really well and he just looks terrified and I think it's it's probably Noya who says how are you such a badass on the court but a wimp everywhere else?


yeah, he's complicated. Okay, yeah, he's.


He contains multitudes well, and there's also something to be said about getting in the zone like I'm sure, like the volleyball court is where Asi can kind of put all that away and we see that with a lot of players where the way they act on the court is very different than the way they're acting off of the court oh, we also get a little glimpse at the girls' team, at Michimiya.


The girls are all like, oh, we should have practiced more, blah, blah, blah. And Michimiya thinks back on her talk with Daichi and she really steps up as a captain and is like, yes, we could have done more, but that doesn't matter now, like we have to just go out there and do our best.


And they're like yeah, yeah and yeah, and it's so funny like me to me, as dub voice is like so over the top, she's really funny. She's just like. I wish I would have like written down the line that she says where I was, like okay, that was a little much, but you know, I do like I love me to me. I think we talked about her in the last episode like she's, she's really cute and she is like she's trying her best as a captain and I just like that we get this inclusion of the girls team and it's just like, hey, the boys aren't the only ones who are taking you know who like want to win.


You know the girls.


Like you know the team themselves, you know Karasuno, isn't taking it as seriously, maybe because they're not showing up to practice. But that doesn't mean, like all girls are just like not dedicated to sports.


Yeah, and I appreciate that. And then enter Oba Josai. Yes, they're walking up. The captains are curious about how, you know, karasuno has changed and you know, getting to kind of see them again. But the coaches you mean, not the captains. Yes, oh my gosh, you know. Can you tell it's lunchtime and I need to eat, but someone is missing.


Yeah, oikawa is like somebody is talking about the setter and I guess the coach can hear the other teams talking. They're like where is that setter, by the way? And the coach notices that Oikawa's gone and then I think it's Yahaba's like oh, he's talking to some of his fangirls outside. And then he's like the coach is like Iwaizumi and Iwaizumi's like got it, and he goes out and there's oikawa just talking to a group of girls who are like I think some of them made like cookies or something.


They really treat him like an idol. It's really insane. I also think it's funny how much he towers over these little girls I have that note too.


He looks like a fucking giant compared to them. I'm like how are you in like as somebody who is not into tall guys? It doesn't make sense to me.


But yeah, we get a really fun glimpse at Iwa Oi's dynamic because, you know, Iwa like throws a ball at the back of Okawa's head and he starts to kind of complain like you know, not even the coaches would hit me and then he sees it's Iwa and all Iwa has to do is like jerk his head to the side to be like let's go, and he's like okay, girls, I have to go, like I just love, because Oikawa is such like a smug little bitch. But all it takes is like a glance from Iwa to put him in his place and I'll eat that kind of shit up for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Well, and that's something fun about Iwaoi and I think what makes them such like a compelling ship is that, like everyone is kind of like under oikawa's spell, except for Iwaizumi. But Iwaizumi like loves oikawa deeper than anyone else, I would say, like he knows him and understands him and accepts him in a way that like other people won't. And I think oikawa lets himself be more of himself around Iwaizumi you know, because they're childhood friends and they've known each other so long and I'm sure oikawa feels very safe with Iwaizumi. But yeah, that means that Iwaizumi does get to call him on his bullshit, to be like, hey, you're actually not the hottest shit in the world and we've got a game to play. So let's go.


And I wanted to talk here a little bit about Compette in Oikawa, because I think we've talked about Oikawa and how we like really headcanon him as gay, like 100. He is a homosexual. and a lot of people headcanon him as bi, which I think makes sense. But for me, like, I don't think he actually like, likes girls romantically. I think he likes the attention that he gets from these fangirls for sure, and I think you know Oikawa is very like he. He probably it's, you know, compulsory heterosexuality, and so he really thinks like.


He's like, well, I'm a boy and, like you know, I'm very, I'm very handsome and all these girls like me, so clearly I'm supposed to cater to this and this is what I'm supposed to do. but I just feel like the way that he interacts with the girls is very like he's very nice. Yeah, he is very like he's very nice. Yeah, he's very fake, he's very, but yeah, exactly, he's very fake. It doesn't feel like it's the real Uekawa. He's just like acting the way he's supposed to act when he has these fangirls and it just feels like they're very much kept at a distance.


And this comes later on, but I feel like it's relevant where, like we'll get comments on his girlfriends and like he seems to go through relationships pretty quickly and I always think that that's like not always, but like sometimes. When people are going through combat and they kind of like date around a lot and have kind of a lot of meaningless relationships, that's usually a sign that like they're just kind of playing a part, yeah, more than like actually liking these people and having valid like and having real relationships with them. So like yeah. That all to me reads very gay, yeah.


And I mean you could definitely read it as like well, he's just so dedicated to volleyball. But, I feel like at this point, volleyball is just like a metaphor for being gay.


Volleyball is a metaphor for being gay. Yeah, that is another tagline for this fucking podcast.


yes, absolutely yeah, okay, so we have that wonderful moment and then we get to see more of seijo we hear hinata sees them walking up in the stands and he's like oh onion head.


And then kunimi laughs, which I love that he must, he must have like fucking screamed it, because they both like look and kindaichi's like who's turnip head and kunimi's like you, obviously, he's like who else could it be?


and then we get oh, we hear a little yoohoo yahoo and yeah, he's like tobio-chan chibi-chan, yeah in the dub he's like kageyama and small fry.


How's that cute little combo move coming along, oh man see he doesn't call him tobio in the dub no, because again the dub does not understand the significance of when a character is using a first name versus the last name. It's really starting to bug me now. I'm like you guys, better fucking fix this shit in the next few seasons. I know they get it wrong in season four with a particular character, but yeah, it's just it is like it, like he's calling him tobio chan for a reason.


It's showing like I think there's some familiarity there, but also like the chan, I feel like it's very like it's diminutive. I think he's like meaning it to be like a shitty way to call, to like, yeah, call him. And then, yeah, he calls him chibi chan, which oikawa and kuro both call him chibi chan which is I love.


And then Iwa smacks him in the back of the head again.


Yeah, and he's like what, you don't have to keep doing that.


But like, oh, it was so funny because he like picks on them and makes fun of them, but he's so into them, he's so obsessed with the freak duo, and we'll see a bit of that a little bit later on in the episode. And so then we have Noya reassuring Asahi yeah, I love that moment.


Well, he says, because like they're worried about date tech, because we get to hear like the, the date tech, like chant from the stands one of my favorite trance.


I love their chant, and so you know also, he is clearly, clearly worried, but that's not the team they're playing right now, and so noya has a line. We have to remain focused on the team in front of us, which is so important because often, like, these seasons are building towards a particular team that they're going to be playing, but there's other teams that come before and it's so important for them to be focused on them. Like I feel like Seijo is very much like there's like a shadow cast over the rest of this season where, like, we are building towards this game with seijo, but first we have to get through. You know, whatever team they're playing now with daichi's ex-boyfriend, they don't matter as much, it's fine, and then we have date tech, and then we have seijo, and so I think, but it's you know, they always have to.


You know, it's just that thing of, just like it's, you know, just focus on the next point, just focus on the team we're playing right now. Like you know, like you can always have it in your mind, that like where you want to go, and I think that's very much like Kageyama's philosophy, like Kageyama has dreams and he has plans and he knows what he wants to do with his career, but he is always focused on, or he's always trying to focus on, like the game they're in right now. Sometimes, I would say he even like, focuses too much on the game and then gets in his own head, which we'll see later in this season and, we're getting ready the.


The is coming. you haven't known about a banner and I haven't known about a t-shirt. You want to go first?


yeah, so there's just a random team's banner. I don't even know which team it is it might be the team that they're playing at the end of this episode, although the colors don't match. But I just loved, like this very rope. That's very like poetic, like slogan for the team which is together we can make the flowers of effort bloom the translations are so funny because I'm sure it's not like exactly accurate.


I think it's just. I think it. I think Japanese is just such a different language. Yes, very from From English, so like to us that sounds very like you know, forgive the pun, but like flowery. Yes, it sounds like a little bit too much, but I'm sure that the way it like that might even be like a common phrase in Japan yeah, that will read different to you, know, if you're a native Japanese speaker.


But also, like, on top of that, like I love the graphic tease in this show, because they show two girls just in the stands, just random NPCs, and one of them is like their shirt reads volleyball and nothing else, and then the other one reads only volleyball.


Yes, yeah, which, like I would like. Who are these people like? I think fan culture is something that's very interesting in Japan and we might have to like look into that at one point, maybe it might be like either extras that didn't make it onto the team or like other people, like whatever yeah like other people from their school, you know.


But like I, I do. I do think it's interesting because this is not like the last time we'll see like fans in the stands and the and we'll get more of like the shirts and their sayings and they're just only volleyball yeah, and so we just kind of we're, we're gearing up to start this game. I think it's very interesting.


We have a flashback to something that happened at the very beginning of the episode, because they're talking about like we're gonna show them that we're no longer the wingless crows yes, and the team is kind of looking at Hinata like that's the middle blocker and they're under mess, but underestimating, and I love this moment where, like iwa and kandaichi are both like yeah, you would think yeah, I love Iwazumi.


Iwaizumi is so cool. He just has no ego where. He's just like because kindaichi is just like. He's like clearly bitter about hinata, like getting the best of him, whereas Iawizumi is just like, oh, I can't fucking wait. He's so like, he's excited. I think he likes getting to see people react to Hinata. This is why I'm so excited to one day write my Seijo Hinata fic and talk about how much Iwaizumi is going to be such a good senpai to Hinata. So we get to see Takeda is giving a little pep talk to.


Karasuno, and he has. He always is speaking in metaphors and Hinata's like at the end of his little speech. Hinata, like is confused about what Takeda is saying and he like whispers something to Kageyama and Kageyama's like I never know what he's talking about that dub moment is fucking hilarious.


Yeah, kageyama's just like how should I know? And then Suga kind of tries to explain like oh, you know, we once were strong and blah blah, so we have like.


So we're kind of just seeing the very beginning of this game. We're seeing tanaka gets the first hit.


Yes, yeah, and it's funny because we have to see kageyama kind of deciding, like we need this point, who should it go to, and he chooses tanaka um and who then starts to do a lot of whooping and hollering and excitement with noya yeah, yep, noya was not a part of that at all, no, but they're. They're little besties and of course they're gonna start yelling and they don't shut up. And then daichi yells at them to shut up, and then they get a warning from the like ref guy to be like shut up. So they're in trouble immediately. Next one goes to asahi and they all get to see the power of the left, yes, and then this is where people start, like somebody shouts.


My favorite line from the dub maybe ever is damn, that's a grown-ass man you know, I I have to concede, the dub has its moments, but like it's just like because there's like three different and like it's like. It's like every time somebody says something, it's like a knife going into asa. He's back where, he's like oh man, yes, and then does somebody say something to him to like like I think that's your cigar.


Like you know, don't let that bother you. And then they think like okay, they see the power of the left, but they have more weapons. And then we have hinata is like wringing his hands and like looking at kageyama. He doesn't say anything, he's just kind of looking at him like my turn.


It's so funny because you guys like talking about like he's like they know, like they don't even know about the secret weapon we have, and so from the back we see hinata and he looks all intense and ready, and then it goes to the front and then he's just like um, could I also have a spike please?


and he doesn't even say anything, but kageyama is like shut up, I know. And then, of course, you know, and this is this is the end of the episode's such a great moment, and I don't know who says he's flying.


I don't know, just some random person.




Says he's flying. Because yeah, because Kageyama like it does, like Kageyama and Hinata like looking at each other, because Noya like gets the ball and it's a perfect pass to the setter, as always.


And always. And then what, what do they do? They do the free quick. Everyone is fucking shook. and then again we see, because everyone's like like shook, but oikawa is like smiling, like this kind of little crazed smile.


That's very reminiscent of hinata in a way, where like yeah, he's just like very interested I have a picture of that on my phone and I will post it when we post this episode drop, because I like this is the second time we've seen Oikawa like looking over at Kagehina with this smile, like he loves this free quick and I think he, like he's so excited to figure it out, to figure out how to overcome it like I think it's just like it opens up a world of possibility to him and it's it's again that thing of like volleyball is fun, it's like it is a game, it's supposed to be fun, and like the freak quick is a way for oikawa at least, and a lot of other players, I would say, to have fun.


And like it's fun for kageyama, it's fun for hinata. Well, the true volleyball monsters enjoy the challenge. Yes, exactly, you can always tell who like the real monsters are, because they see, instead of getting in like, instead of getting freaked out by it, they're excited and they can't wait and I just like this is such a good moment because of course, they're all the crows and they're all a team and they all work as one.


But I feel like hinata really symbolizes the whole fly concept because of course his jumps and everything but like he just takes them to that higher level well, and it's even kagehina because, like I think, when you you like, it's something when you combine the kanji and hinata and kageyama's name, like you can combine it to get hishu which means fly, yeah, like, that's, like it's, it's the two of them together and they're just yeah, and hinata flies and oikawa was so excited.


And then I took a picture of the like that last shot where, like kineta is slowly floating back down and like the feather the crow feather is also floating back down and then it does like a pause and it does a really cool like animation thing. I'll post to that picture as well. That might even I might even change that to be the episode graphic, because it just looks so cool and they look so badass and it it's just like, and I think somebody even has a line of just like, yeah, like, basically like they're coming for you, yeah, the Powder Blue team is not ready. No, no, no, not at all, nobody is ready. Nobody is ready for this, and this is like this is their first tournament. So nobody has, other than Seijo and Nekoma, nobody has had a chance to see what Karasuno is capable of. Oh boy, baby.


Oh, it's going to be so good, this is the start. The rest of the season is going to be this tournament, so buckle in. Yes, yeah absolutely.


Do we have anything else we want to say about this episode?


That's the episode. A couple of great moments. Good episode for Iwaoi.


Yeah, good episode for Iwaoi. I'm excited to get into the rest of this game and then I think we get some date tech pretty soon, so definitely excited about it. It's about to be a lot of volleyball. It's going to be interesting to see how our episodes go now that we're literally just like, and then the ball goes to this person. We're going to be sport commentators a little bit.


Yeah, absolutely. But I think it'll be fun and Furudate does a really good job of putting in a lot of heart and emotion. Yes, and like it, like every play, like means something for a character. It's ridiculous, it's really. It's just really good storytelling.


that's why we're doing a podcast okay, so that's the episode and who is our character?


spotlight you know what? We had trouble figuring out who we were gonna do for this episode, but I decided we're gonna talk about the person that made all of this possible, takeda itetsu. Love you, babe. I can't believe we've taken this long to do him for a character spotlight like. He's such a good character, he's so fun. I really love him. I thought he was a student at first. When he first showed up I was very confused. I was watching it with my friend and I was like what position does he play? And she's like oh, he's the coach. And I'm like I'm sorry, that's an adult man.


I'm sorry, wait, daichi is not the coach, I know, but yeah, he's such a strong advocate for Karasuno he is the one who's been begging for these practice games, like he is absolutely the reason why they are where they are.


Yeah, absolutely so. I have like a good chunk about his personality that I'd like to read that I took from the wiki that we can discuss a little bit. So takada is persistent, a trait that's helped him secure practice matches and a coach for the team. He has an optimistic attitude and is rather modest and clumsy. He is polite and respectful of others, as shown by his constant bowing to show gratitude and to ask for practice matches. Takada is generally cheerful, but can be very intimidating once he's angered. Despite his practice matches, takada is generally cheerful, but can be very intimidating once he's angered. Despite his modesty, takada has demonstrated on multiple occasions that he can be firm with his students and takes his job as a teacher and club advisor seriously. He also frequently delivers uplifting speeches and pep talks, while employing a wide range of analogies and imagery in order to inspire the team. However, he occasionally becomes self-conscious and worried that the concepts behind his speeches might be too confusing for the team to understand.


He's so cute. Yeah, him and Yukai are a really interesting like kind of parent pair. And we'll get this more in like in the future. But Yukai is really like that parent that'll just like yell at you all the time. But then takada is like the parent that is very sweet and nice all the time, but when they do get mad, that's. That's more scary than anything yukai could do.


And I kind of think that is very similar to daichi and suga's roles, because daichi is always the one who's being like. He's always being like, mean and stern and it's like and we see it especially in season three about like. But when suga is the one who like yells, that's when shit gets real, and so I like that. They have like that. They're kind of like mirrored in that way which makes sense. It's like the, the captain and the vice captain, and then like the coach and the assistant coach, and I love that like he's like. You know, as somebody who also loves to read and loves to, you know, get a little sentimental. I love that he has these like speeches and I think there's even a line in the wiki where it's like daichi is quick to say like, no, no, no, like we really appreciate it, but like clearly, like kagehina don't understand what the fuck takada is ever talking about they're simple yeah, they're just simple folk.


They're certainly not english kids no, absolutely not. But I I think for us it's really nice and I wonder like if that's like you know, thuorjate probably has that side to them and that really comes out in Takeda. But I like the things that Takeda has to say. Like Takeda gives this speech about like chemical reactions that I really like and you know, I just think he's like a fun character. I just think he's like a fun character and I love his persistence. I have a little bit about his name meaning. So his family name Takada means brave rice patty or warrior rice patty. That's very funny, very interesting yeah.


I mean, rice is like a very it's a staple of like Japanese food. I hear that and I think like, yeah, he is brave, but he's also very like a soft boy at the same time. Like he'll do the hard thing, but he's also very like a soft boy at the same time, like he'll do the hard thing, but he might pee his pants a little doing it.


Yeah, and then his name, first name, his given name is etetsu, which means one iron oh, which I think is interesting, and I read this in the wiki and it says furudate gave him the name etetsu with the idiom meaning very tenacious in mind. So I think etetsu is like part of some sort of like japanese idiom that's about tenacity, which makes so much sense. He is very tenacious and that's you know he looks like he would like very easily be like dissuaded from doing things because he's like he does look a little like small and meek, but like no, he's not.


And we see that determination in his eyes constantly, especially in those first that first half of the season where he's not. And we see that determination in his eyes constantly, especially in those first that first half of the season where he's really pushing to get ukai and he's pushing to get these practice matches. Yeah, so I have takeda's character sheet. He's a karasuno high school instructor and he's the volleyball club advisor. His age is 29, so he's a little bit older than ukai.


He's like two or three or four years older yeah he teaches modern literature, so I think that's like modern japanese literature. Okay, his height is five six, so you know a little guy.


I always think of him as the english teacher, which is a very americanized version of yeah, but I mean, that's basically if he if this were, you know, if we were to make an american au, he would be yeah, he'd be the english teacher.


But yeah, he's like, he's a lit teacher. He's five six, his birthday is january 10th, so he's a capricorn, another capricorn, a lot of capricorn. Do you think that fits with his personality?


oh my gosh. Well, a big trait for capricorns. They're the goat, so they keep going and they're very persistent. They get up to the top of the mountain so they can have that mineral. So I think that's very fitting for takeda.


Yeah, absolutely yeah, I could see takada being one of those goats goats that can, like, climb like the mountain ledges. You know they're like. Which is it's like? How is this even possible? It's like, give them any amount of perch and they'll do it.


nikujaga is the dish they talked about in that game grumps episode we watched I was thinking about that.


I have recently got into game grumps, thanks to emily.


Side note, let me tell there's nothing more intimate, I think, because, like I don't advertise that I watch streamers, because I don't know, I feel like that like my friends would tease me of like what are you, a 14 year old boy named Kyle, so like that's just not something I ever advertise. But like now to have Rainbow like watching these videos, because yeah, she's gotten into it and like these videos I've watched a million times, just like on my own, she will like quote them alongside them.


It's very cute, well, and I remember like she used to like, when you know, when we first got together, you would be like I'm gonna, I'm watching my silly youtubers and you were kind of embarrassed about it. And then slowly, like you got to the point where you felt like comfortable, like watching it around me and like I wasn't making fun of you and, yeah, like they it's really funny. It's two, two guys, danny and Arin, and they're really funny and they do like lots of fun stuff and they do a lot of um, like horror video games and they've done some like Japanese video games and one of the ones we watched last night had a character that was like the Nikujagu is in the fridge for you and.


I had the same exact thought. When I read that, I was like, oh, that's from the video game, so yeah, anyway, plug for game grumps, they're fun. yeah, so beef and potato stew probably delicious. His current worry is that one of his students told him his glasses looked dorky, which is not true. He looks cute in his glasses he's so.


He's just such a sensitive man he really is and his because you know they always have like a little sketch of the character next to this and this one's cute. He's like standing there, he like looks kind of sheepish, he's like scratching the back of his head, and then he's got like a book and like a like a notebook with him and there's papers falling out of it and it just looks.


He just looks so cute well, he's very humble and aware that he doesn't know anything about volleyball too.


I think that really contributes to his attitude as well and then we do have a five point ability scale parameter for him. It's very sad. Yeah, well, you know he's not a volleyball player, so his technique, his speed, his power and his jumping are all ones. His stamina is a two, which I think makes sense. His intelligence is a four. And then there's a note and it said this speed stat listed above is for normal situations only.


His bowing speed is too fast to be measured by this, this scale just just say he's a sub, you know like, just tell us, we know he's like yeah, you've already revealed it to us.


so yeah, so that's Takada Ittetsu GOAT best coach, I would say, out of all the coaches in Haikyuu.


Yeah, and you know I always think about how he is the voice of Levi and Saki-K and all sorts of great characters, so that's always fun. All right, are we ready for America's favorite game, abso-fucking-lutely?


It is.


Who in Haikyuu. This week's scenario is brought to us by Zale. Who would play which character tropes in a rom-com, slash, scary movie? Examples Bad Boy, heartthrob, hinata, kageymaa, kiyoko, ukai, takeda, iwa Oikawa, aone and Futakuchi. Yeah, all right. So let's start off, and I think we could do. We can do either, or so we could do both.


I think we could do, if it fits, I think, for like a rom-com. Hinata is giving like annoying little brother yeah, or like the the funny friend.


Yeah, absolutely. I don't know if he would be like the main character of a rom-com. I don't see him as that. No, in a horror movie, I feel like he could either be the first killed or the last survivor it depends.


I could see yeah, he could definitely be, and like last survivor, which is, like a gender neutral term but like in horror analysis, there is like the final girl trope, which comes a lot from slasher movies and there is like there are final boys and like I like Last Survivor because, again, it's gender neutral. But you know, if if anyone wants to hear me talk about horror movies, hit me up. I love to talk about them. I listen to a lot of podcasts, I read a lot of things, things I think horror is really fun.


I think it's a fun genre to explore, anyway, but I could definitely see Hinata being like the unlikely last survivor, especially with the way he has this like innocence about him and in like traditional, like slasher movies from like the 80s and 90s. The idea is that, like the it's generally like the very like virginal, like good girl who ends up being the final girl. So I think that I think if you were to put him in like a parody of, like a halloween or friday, the 13th movie, hinata would be the last survivor for sure and I actually have to adjust a little bit because, moving on to kageyama, for a rom-com, I and not this isn't really rom-com, but I could see him being pride and prejudice.


What's the guy's name? Is it darcy? Darcy, I think yeah, he would be darcy, and then hinata would definitely be elizabeth. Yes, like hinata would be the strong, independent woman and then kageyama would be the like grumpy man but who has, like, a heart of gold.


Yeah, that's your actually, while we were talking about like hinata being in a rom-com, I'm like, well, if it's a kagehina rom-com, yes, like, yeah, like they. That like that's definitely like a huge trope in rom-coms is just like we don't get along and we hate each other, but we're gonna get to know each other and then we're gonna fall in love. Like that is like haikyuu as a rom-com, very that it really matches the traits. It's actually making me think of that episode of bobsburgers where tina has to, she wants to find that boy that she likes and then she keeps like having many crushes on all of the other boys she meets. And there's that like one where, like she meets that guy in the bathroom and he's just like he's a jerk and then they have like this whole song it's the guy who wouldn't let her cut in line.


Oh, that's right, not the bathroom guy okay yeah, the guy who wouldn't let her cut in line, and then she's just like it's and then they're like business people and like they, but then they go on a trip together and they fall in love. I fucking love that episode. But that's Kagehina In a horror movie. Who would Kagehina be in a horror movie, you know?


The killer. I almost hate to say it, but like he could definitely be a psychopath.


I think, actually I think he'd be the red herring, I think he'd be the one that everyone thinks is the killer, but he's not.


That also goes for us. I, he who was up next. He would also be the red herring, but maybe he would actually like help save the day or something I could also see see him being like the first one killed.


Yeah, who would he be in a rom-com?


gay best friend yeah or like yeah, I don't know. I guess still that trope of like you know he might come off as this bad boy, kind of like the guy Heath Ledger from 10 Things I Hate About you.


Like there's all these rumors about him, but he's actually like.


he's not like that in real life. Okay, suga Killer.


Have you ever seen Urban Legend Suga? No, suga's that gross. Yeah, suga would definitely, but like suga would have like a really like complicated backstory where there's like a reason that he became the murderer and everyone thinks he's the good guy. But yeah, he's not.


I don't know about rom-com yeah, for rom-com, I've definitely read some interesting like daisuga au's that are like rom-coms. There was actually one that was the wedding date that, who's in, oh god, who is that Debra Messing? That Debra Messing movie where she like pays, a male escort to be her date to her sister's wedding because she's marrying the guy like her ex-boyfriend or something. Anyway, I read a rom-com like that. That was pretty interesting. But yeah, I don't know. I could see Suga being like the sassy friend character who like is like constantly like giving the main character advice yeah, yeah, for sure.


I feel like Daichi is the football player in that movie and I don't even remember what it's called. I don't think I've ever actually watched the movie where that that, where that trope comes from, where you take the glasses off and she's pretty oh, oh god.


What is that movie called? I haven't seen it either.


It's the very classic one where, like they set her up, to date the football guy.


And it's oh my God, yeah, I wish I'm. It's really bugging me that I can't remember the name of that movie. Now I want to look it up, look it up.


But Daichi is the football guy who's like actually nice or whatever. In a scary movie. He might like I feel like he would be somewhere in the middle, like I think he would do his best to survive and help people. I think he would.


Eventually he would be the one who ends up. She's all that. That's the movie, she's all that. Okay, she's all that from 1999. Yeah, yeah, so I think he is the one who ends up like sacrificing himself to save others. Towards the end, yeah, like in a zombie movie. He's the guy who, like, is holding, like he's like I'll hold the door. You guys run and then you turn around and the zombies are like getting him through the door. Yeah, rip daichi, bye daichi, sorry, we're killing you tanaka is the dumb blonde.


Yeah, tanaka is the one that's having sex and then gets killed, tanaka is like mid-thrust and gets like his head chopped off.


Definitely, and rom-com.


I feel like he is in 10 Things I Hate About you. He's the nerdy friend that like really wants these girls' attention, but he's just like has no riz.


Yeah, absolutely I could also see him being. Oh, if anyone has ever seen some kind of wonderful it's a John Hughes movie. I personally like it better than Pretty in Pink come at me, if you will. But he there's like a really like tough guy character in that who like at first is like he gets like detention and the main character gets detention and like he seems really scary, but then they become friends, and I think that's who Tanaka is nice.




Noya, I feel like is kind of similar to Daichi, where I think he would really fight till the bitter end, but he might be like the second to last one to die and he's definitely gonna be everyone's favorite character because he like gets really close, maybe, to he's like a badass and I think he gets close to to getting the one up on the bad guy, but it's just not enough, I could also kind of see him being like the funny guy definitely in the rom-com yeah, well, I'm thinking, like, I'm thinking of him as like I I don't know why, but I think of that episode of teen titans where they all watch the scary movie and then like spoiler alert for a you know 15 year old episode of a cartoon, but it turns out that like, and then they start getting like attacked and picked off one by one and it turns out being raven's powers, because she would not accept her fear, she would not admit that she was afraid, and so her like powers, kind of like created like a horror movie situation and Beast Boy talks about like it's always the funny guy who goes first, and like that.


I just picture Noya as that.


Noya is very.


Beast Boy coded very much. So, I'll say he, not Raven, but that's okay. yeah, I could definitely see him being, but I could also see him being like close to the last survivor, like he's one of the ones who's like fighting off the bad guy. And yeah, in a rom-com he's definitely like the funny guy, he's a funny friend. A lot of them are funny friends they are.


Well, we're gonna get into some different things, but yeah, those guys in a row are definitely funny friends. Kyoko is definitely that virgin last survivor girl.


She's, yeah, she's giving like final girl who like and like. A big thing about the final girl is she is usually, like, she's usually the more shy, nerdy one. Like, think, jamie lee curtis in halloween, yeah, she doesn't really want to go out with the boys. Like she just wants to do her babysitting on halloween and like, you know, she just wants to do what she can do. And also, why didn't she take that boy out trick-or-treating for Halloween? I'm so confused by that anyway, but I, yeah, then. But then at like, she, you know, she's slowly watching her friends get, you know, picked off one by one and then finally she has had enough and she turns and she fights off the bad guy. I could definitely see that being Kyoko in a rom-com.


I just feel like she would be a very stereotypical love interest.


Yeah, like me, yeah like main character love interest beautiful but quiet like yeah yeah, put her in a fucking I.


I want to put kyoko in like a in a three hour long fucking lesbian historical drama I mean, that's what I was thinking of.


I was like let's put her in like a lesbian rom-com, that would be fun, where she like finds her wild side.


all right, ukai could kind of be. I feel like there's an example that I can't think of like specifically, but like the adult you think you can trust in a horror movie, yeah, but yeah, and on the killing, or something.


Oh, he's to me is giving like the guy who gives a warning at the beginning, like in texas chainsaw massacre. He's like the guy at the gas station who's like don't go in that house, don't go in them, their hills, yeah, exactly, yeah, you stupid kids, them hills have eyes?


yeah, not, definitely that yeah, I definitely see him being that. But yeah, I could also see him like, being like the person you think you can trust, and then it turns out that he's the bad guy, which again it's also a little bit texas chainsaw massacre, talk it up. Oh, and you kind, do we see him in a rom-com at all?


I see him being like the like wrong love interest, you know, like the red herring love interest yeah, or you think the girl's supposed to be with him, but he's actually a little bit of a jerk to her mean girls is not a really a rom-com at all, but he is the gym teacher.


No, oh, that's no, oh no not no, the gym teacher is a predator.


I'm specifically thinking of the don't have sex or you'll die scene. I always forget that he fucking is fucking students, that's yeah he's a fucking groomer and a creep.


No, but definitely I could see him like being in, like a in like a teen drama, like in a teen rom-com. He is definitely like the teacher who's like trying his best. He's giving like we didn't really like bottoms, but he's like the teacher they would go to to be their advisor for their their girl fight club oh my god, so yeah sorry, you kind of mean to call you a pedophile.


takeda is.


Takada is also elizabeth from pride and prejudice takada is definitely yeah, takada, like I think a takei yukai rom-com would be fun, where, like they don't think they're gonna be, they're gonna, they're gonna get along and get together, but then they do.


Yeah, I think he would be kind of a pretty early to die, he would be like he.


He would be like one of the first to die before they even realize anything's going on yeah, yeah he's drew barrymore. Yeah, yes, absolutely. He's on the phone with the killer. yeah, he's annie from friday the 13th, where he like gets killed before he's even introduced to anyone.


Yeah, a wise of me he's another like darcy type for rom-coms, which, again, pride and purchase is not a rom-com but whatever romantic trope. And then I feel like, he's another one that like is fighting the killer.


Yeah, I think so too. I think he's definitely like getting towards the end. For sure he might even make it out, him and Oikawa are having sex in the horror movie and like the quick Oikawa gets killed, yeah. And then Iwaizumi is like now I have to get revenge. I think, Iwaizumi kind of is giving like if anyone has ever watched Total Drama Island, the first season, they have like a horror movie episode. He's giving like Duncan towards the end, being like I'm going to go and face off against this guy alone.


Alternatively, I could see Iwaoi being the two killers from Scream.


Oh, spoilers for the first Scream, but yes, definitely, he's definitely giving.


Who is Billy and who is him? Iwa is the guy from scooby-doo okay, yeah, no, yeah, that makes sense.


Yeah, and then a wise me is and they're like homoerotic, whatever the hell is going on there.


Listen, scream is so gay yeah, oh yeah, screams a gay culture movie.


Yes, aone, is aone the murderer I don't know what to call you. He's giving Michael Myers. Yeah, very, that.


At all times Just silently stalking around.


He never has to run. Yeah, he will jump on top of your car after he's escaped from the mental asylum. Yeah, I don't really see him in a rom-com. I see him as he kind of is giving from Legally Blonde, which also is not really a rom-com either, but he's giving like the guy who, like Elle, has to pretend she had like really great sex with because those girls are being mean to him Absolutely.


That's who he's giving me. I love that. That is genius, yeah. And then finally, futakuchi, futakuchi. I could see being the villain in like a psychological thriller.


Absolutely. Yeah, yeah, for sure. I'm trying to think if there's any specific movies I can think of funny games. Oh, I could definitely see him being a funny game that's what came. Funny games is, a really fucked up movie, but really good and really interesting. they actually they're. I think there's like a dutch version and then there's like a shot for shot, american remake or english language remake.


Yeah, definitely like a psychological thriller. Like he's just there to like, like, definitely like a home invasion movie which funny games is like. I could see him being the one who, like, breaks in and is just having fun torturing you all. Right, well, that was fun. Yeah, no, that was a good one. Thank you, zale. Yeah, I love that. We'll have to see, we might, because I he said rom-com, scary movie, etc. So maybe we can do this one again with like other kinds of movies, like sci-fi or like just more tropes yeah different, yeah, different tropes for different kinds of movies.


So yeah, thank you Zale, we'll.


We'll come back to this well again, and before, we dip our toes into the spoiler zones, and if we might lose some of you, here's our socials. You can find us on Twitter, instagram, tumblr and Blue Sky. I will admit, we are mostly on Twitter, so if we take a minute to respond to you, that's why. But we are FLYHQPOD Fly HQ Pod on all of those. You can also email us. We'd love to hear from you at fly hq pod at gmail dot com. That's FLYHQPOD at gmail dot com. That's fly hq pod at gmail dot com. Write to us, we're lonely, just kidding, and so, yeah, so that's that see you guys later who are leaving us and for the rest of you, cool kids, get in the pool.


It's time for the spoilers and we don't have too much [but you have a little something to say about the - ]yeah, I want to just talk about, I feel like, because this is our first tournament episode other than the one in middle school from the first episode. But this is our first, like karasuno is at a tournament, and there's just a couple things I noticed like, for one thing, like the crowd size feels pretty small, like the stands are like dotted with a few people and like some of the schools have like some people there to cheer them on, but overall, like the stands aren't packed and I feel like we see that like with the higher they get, the more filled out the stands become Especially for Karasuno yeah, especially for Karasuno, like I don't even think they really only have, I don't think they have anybody up in the stands watching, it's probably I think the volleyball dudes will come eventually yeah, I don't know.


Yeah, they show up at some point, I don't know when they end up, showing up, but they'll come but yeah, slowly we see, like slowly it gets filled out and like into the point where, like the the school is sent is coming to watch them. For like the shiratoriz awa match and you know they they get a lot more people but even like other teams don't really have a ton of people.


It's early and it's a lot of it's still a lot of like basic teams that are going to get knocked out in the first round yeah, so I think people come for like the more exciting games.


And this is still before we meet that old guy who used to come to karasuno games all the time yeah, who's like?


I think he like he's season three, right? I don't think we see him until then do we only see him in season three? I thought we saw him a little bit in season two no, I feel like he's, he's got, he's just in one season. But yeah, because the cross no kind of has to earn their audience back because they've lost them, because they're, they're wingless crows yeah, I also wanted to talk about how people's reactions to hinata change as we go on, because in this one, like he's, he's unknown, yeah, people don't know who he is.


And then as we get farther, we start to hear people oh, there's karasuno's number 10. Like oh, that's the kid who can jump really high.


Like, oh, he, like he stops being underestimated and starts being like anticipated, yes, and I think that's really fun and just it's just so cool like getting to see like he kind of like joins that level of like noya and kageyama and I love another, like just I love whenever, like we are reminded that noya is on the same level as kageyama yes, and that's just like so cool and hinata's gonna get on that level too and it's gonna be a new challenge because at this point they still kind of have the element of surprise.


Yes, no one's expecting that yeah, there's no like game tape of them out there yet, because I think there's like they talk about, there's rules you can't like do game tape of like practice matches to study, but you can watch like old, like teams, like old games yeah, which is something we see oikawa doing in the future very creepily, if I might add. I'm very excited to talk about that but yeah, so I just wanted to talk about that and just kind of like this is like a starting point.


I want to keep an eye on that as we continue, because they'll show us more shots and we can kind of see like the crowds filling out also, you know, people who are active in the fandom will know they there's like this one specific npc character design that shows up in every single team in the stance and it is really funny we'll find I might even have it saved to my phone, but somebody had there is like a meme that has it shows like the same exact character design in like five or six different team jerseys.


Like yeah, I think there's like even a joke of just like he's like the quintuplets that all went to different schools. Like it's yeah, it's really fun. So I'm excited to talk about more. I feel like we are like we're still a little transitionary and I'm excited to get to like date tech and say joe, and just to get to talk more about them. All right, is there anything else we want to talk about? No, that's episode 15 all right.


Well, I think that's it for us. Thanks for joining us and until next time. Fly high, love you.