Fly: A Queer Haikyuu Podcast

S1E24: Removing the Lonely King

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"Do you think our team is weak?"

This week, em and rainbow discuss season 1, episode 24 "Removing the Lonely King" and talk about how much Kageyama has grown - and how much more he has to grow to beat Oikawa. They also break down the most angsty KageHina moment in season one. 

52:22 - Spoiler Zone Begins

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hello everyone and welcome to fly a queer haiku podcast. I'm rainbow and I'm m, and today we are talking about season one, episode 24, the penultimate episode of season one, removing the lonely king a collective sigh, oh, from from the whole fandom we all know we all know what's coming well there is a sector, sector of the fandom that I think really loves this episode because of what happens at the end, yeah, the conclusion of the game.


, I do want to note I think in the dub the episode is called lonely king, no more, which I don't know why those translation differences happen. Like, I guess it's the same thing, we just have to be different, we just have to be different, and I don't know, maybe it's the dub, maybe it's the sub that's wrong, because I have heard the anime.



Anime subtitles are notoriously bad like Like how hard is it to find someone who can translate? I don't know.



Sorry, I'd love to know.



I wish I could tell you. I wish I could tell you, but I can't.



Before we get into this devastating episode, yeah, we have a few things to talk about. First off, up top, free Palestine. Yes, let's's not forget, yeah, just don't forget. It's been a long time since the occupation of palestine began in the 1940s,and it's been a long time since, october 7th, which is when this latest, really terrible spat of israel attacking palestine and gaza. And you know, just don't forget about it. Keep sharing, keep donating, keep talking about it. And also talk about Sudan, talk about Congo, talk about the Uyghur Muslims in China, talk about the entire global south, which is being ravaged by climate change. We just want to use this platform to remind people that you know as much fun as it is to sit here and talk about Haikyuu. There's a lot of terrible things going on in the world and I think we can hold both you know we can hold joy and we can also hold sorrow.


So you know, just remember those things are going on. You know, especially with the internet, we can at the very least you can raise awareness. A retweet doesn't cost you anything, shouldn't cost you anything. We have links for Palestine and all of our show notes. Now I think we've done that for the last few episodes and we'll continue to do that. We are also going to link to ways that you can donate to Sudan and Congo, and I might try to include some educational stuff in there. So if you're like, what's going on in Sudan, what's going on in Congo, what's going on in Palestine, you know we can give you that information as well, so that you're armed, because knowledge is power. And when people say, especially when it comes to the Palestine thing, when they're, when people try to, you know, argue with you about, you know well, israel has a right to that land. Whatever you can say, actually, here you go. Here's all the reasons why that is a bullshit argent.


And on that note, I did want to point people to a podcast that I started listening to recently called Bad Hasbara. It's hosted by Matt Lieb, who is an anti-Zionist Jewish comedian, and he kind of started it shortly after October 7th because he's been anti-Zionist for a while and so he comes from a place of like he used to be a little Zionist. He did like the birth trip, the birthright trip to Israel in his 20s, which is something that people with a certain level of like Jewish heritage are able to do, and so he's just very aware of the propaganda that's coming out of Israel and kind of it's very much like a conservative right wing project of, like, you know, making Israel like seem untouchable so that they can do horrible things to people and get away with it. And then, you know, anybody who tries to point out that what they're doing is horrible, they get accused of anti-Semitism.


And that podcast is a really great way. He brings on a lot of guests to talk about the issues. They talk about pieces of propaganda that they've seen. So it's just a really good way to kind of educate yourself and kind of arm yourself with the knowledge of how to, you know, talk about these things and, you know feel,you know talk about these things and you know feel like you can talk about them. So yeah, bad hasbara. Look it up, it's on there. Hasbara is spelled h-a-s-b-a-r-a. Let's move on to housekeeping. We have a listener shout out yes, this person, lausanne, I believe.



Yes, lausanne. I'm sorry if I am totally killing that pronunciation, but they asked to be specifically shouted out in this episode because it is a favorite of theirs and I cannot blame them whatsoever. It is a very good one, do they say. Do they get into why it's?



their favorite. Yeah, they talk a lot about it. When they started watching Haikyuu, they said they enjoyed it, but this is the episode that really made them fall for it.



This is kind of what hooked them in and they were like this is, this is the one I could see that it's a very emotional ending of this episode and you really, you're really right there with karasuno, yeah and they, you know, and a lot of this stuff that they point to is stuff that we are going to talk about, okay as well.



So you know we'll get into that.



But yeah, shout out to lazam. Thank you for listening and we hope you enjoy this episode.



Yes, absolutely Enjoy. So we do have one other bit of housekeeping, which is just a quick reminder, that we are going to do kind of a bonus episode between seasons one and two, similar to how we did between 13 and 14. And this kind of break episode is going to be about ships. We're going to focus on the ships that we met in season one and we're going to kind of go into detail and talk about them and we'll see how long it takes us to do that. Will it be a mini episode? Will it be a full-length episode? Who knows our first three hour long episode? Honestly, I could talk about kagehina for three hours alone.



So you're really gonna have to. This whole podcast is pretty much us talking about kagehina, so so you know.



Yeah, so that's going to happen. So you know we're not going to jump directly into season two, but it's only going to be a week and then we'll jump into it and we're very excited. We just like doing, we'd like to take a little breather.



Yeah, you know we're not going to jump right in.



Let's have a break. Let's have a snack. Experienced exactly,yeah, okay. So now that that's over with, is everyone ready for im's recap? You guys aren't ready. She definitely didn't write it right before we started recording yeah, I didn't forget to write it, or anything that's never happened to either of us. All right, all right, do you want me to count you down? Yes, please, okay, and the three and the two and the one, the biggest deuce of the season.



Kageyama sheds his lonely king status because not only does he have a found family, but a scary little boyfriend. Gay recognizes gay and Oikawa reads their final attack, cinching the win in a devastating loss for our crows. Does losing mean you're weak? Hell, no, the game is over, but the journey is just beginning.



That's amazing,  I saw you react to my deuce. I was not. I didn't read. I don't like to read the recaps, I like to get them fresh.and I wasn't prepared for the biggest deuce of the season. It is for this. I don't know if, maybe some people don't it's not well, it is, it's there. They just keep deucing back and forth with each other, deucing back and forth forever.


I didn't know this episode was going to have so many poop jokes, but here we are. No, that was good. I also like gay, recognize gay. That was great. Yeah, I mean, you're really good at the recaps and you know, you have that ADHD superpower of like I'm under pressure.



I can do it. Thank you, senpai you're welcome.



Okay, yeah, so are we. Are we ready to get into?



this episode. Yes, so we start at the deuce again.



We're already at point 24, it's the same that this episode begins with them tying at 24, like this third set is so long. I also have a note that it sounds like the jurassic park music when Kageyama is doing his one-handed set to hinata the orchestra is really putting their whole pussy into this episode.



For sure they absolutely are.



So, yeah, we're just getting into the game. I did make a note that everyone on the sidelines is yelling for tanaka when he goes up to do a serve and Tsukishima is just in the background. Just not Tsukishima, not participating he's not engaged.



, we have Oikawa checking in with Kunimi and Kageyama is off to the side thinking about how Kunimi is actually going for the ball he. He flashes back to how he would yell at Kunimi because he'd kind of like give up. You know, he's the type where if it's obvious he's not gonna get it, he's. He's the polar opposite of Hinata. He's not gonna kill himself to get every little ball. Hinata interrupts his flashback to tell him that he's going to go for as many broad hits as it takes, which I think again, is just like a direct composition to his relationship with Kunimi was so stressed because they just had very different attitudes about the game. Meanwhile, hinata has the same attitude, if not more intense, than Kageyama.



Well, and that's the thing, and I think that's part of Kageyama being selfish is he kind of thinks his way of playing? Volleyball is the only way it's kind of the same issue that Tsukishima has with Kunimi or has with Kageyama, where it's like hey, you're not the only person who's thinking like, but you're constantly yelling at us that we need to be doing better because we're not playing the same way that you are for sure you know, and Kageyama is a little spoiled because he does get hinata, who you know, is the exact same as him, is the definition of matching your freak yeah.


And I like Oikawa reminds his team to stay calm and they're like yes, sir, yes, coach, yes, yeah, really. And then we have Oikawa going up to serve and he says I will not let you have control of this game.



No, which I love.



And he's focused he's ultimately focused on beating Ushijima. He's not thinking of the team in front of him. He's thinking about the next opponent he wants to face, which isn't even going to be the next team he faces. He's like my ultimate goal is to be Ushijima, and that's what I have to think about. And then the serve goes out and Noya recognizes that.



Because Noya is amazing, ushioi anybody yeah no, him being so focused makes him flub the serve and I just I want to just take a second because I love the way that Nishinoya just simply moves his head to the side. It's just so cool like he reads it and he's like, oh, and then it's out. And yeah, the neighborhood league guy on the sidelines is like maybe Oikawa's panicking, . But then in a stunning iwaoi moment, IIwaizumi gets the next point like it's nothing and tells Oikawa that that point nullifies it. Let's keep moving on. And I said, okay, husband, and like everyone in the team was like you're so cool, and Oikawa's like I feel like I just lost to you and o Iwazi's like when did you ever win?



, it's, yeah, it's just serving cunt that whole time. I love it. Yeah, iwazi's great and like he, just he knows what.



Oikawa needs. Yeah, the coach observes Iwa saved the team from crbling with that little move. Because, yeah, I mean, Oikawa's serve is usually such a powerful thing for them, so that would be a really easy way to kind of derail their morale.



And he was like, hold on, let daddy take care of things well, and it's just kind of another thing where like a wise to me is not under Oikawa's spell, the way everyone else is like. Everyone else is like it's almost like they're tied to Oikawa and like, oh, Oikawa didn't do as good, like maybe we won't do as good, and a wise and he's like no, fuck that like I'm gonna fucking get the spike in and everyone's gonna be impressed, and I'm not even gonna make a big deal about it because I'm the coolest.



I'm one of the coolest people in this show he's definitely the guy who walks away from explosions and doesn't look at them oh yeah, yeah absolutely so then we have like a little mini montage. They're going point after point with no one taking the lead. We have Kiyoko clutching her journal as she watches, which I really like. Like that's kind of a good audience, kind of stand-in of like yeah man, this is fucking like they're on edge this entire time.



Well, and everyone is focused, everyone, even the audience members. We see like they have a laser focus. It's really cool. It's one of those things that makes me almost wish I was athletic. I was like like I want to feel that.



Yeah, no, I definitely nothing. Haikyuu has really taught me the merit of sports more than anything else, more than any early morning softball practice I had to go to, I'll tell you that much.



Well, listen, I would say I get that focused when I'm playing Mario Kart, but that's about it.



You get something when you're playing Mario Kart. So now we're at 31-31 and Oikawa is back for another serve. They've done a full rotation in this big old doozy. Iwaizumi warns Oikawa he better not be thinking of ushijima jealous, no, simply that he has to focus on the opponent in front of him, which calms Oikawa down. He does that thing where he turns back and he's like so to not I just love them.



Like Iwaizumi knows what Oikawa needs to hear and he says it to him. He knows he's like he can tell and I like that. We don't get any kind of like Iwaizumi like we, you know, like we get with Kagama and Hinata. Where we get Kagama like thinking about Hinata and being like, is he gonna be, is he this, is he upset, blah, blah, blah. But like we get Iwaizumi, just like we just kind of can know that that's happening in Iwaizumi's head because of his actions. Like you know, he's like, even if he doesn't want to be, he's paying attention to Oikawa. Well, they're an established relationship.



so as he, as Oikawa, goes for the serve, we go. We get these flashbacks of him as a child, with Iwaizumi learning how to serve him in junior high, with Kageyama watching him in the background and and he does an amazing serve and Shimada thinks how it's the best serve he's done today, all because of his husband's encouraging words. It's fine.



We'll talk about it. We'll talk about it in two episodes. And then I love that this episode spotlights Kunimi, because he's kind of been, you know, Kindaichi at the kind of at the beginning of the game. There was like some focus on him and you know, kind of his relationship with Kageyama, and I think that makes sense because he was kind of the main and he was definitely the main antagonist for Kageyama.


But Kuni, you know, we also kind of got to see him interact with Kageyama a little bit and now we get to see, like, what his true strength is and how. And I think it's it's it's a testament to Kuni as a player, but I think it's also a testament to Oikawa as both a setter and a captain that he he recognizes like, okay, this kid isn't putting in a ton of effort if he doesn't think it's going to be worth it. But that means that when the rest of us are tired, he's going to be able to, he's going to be able to get the ball, he's going to be able to do the spikes that we need him to do. And he's like, and he even like it's even like going behind the coach's back, where he's like, hey, that assistant coach is going to yell at you again if he notices you're slacking off. So, like you know, be better about slacking off and then be ready, because I'm going to use you, yeah, when the time comes.



Again, it's really just showing that he's another level as a player and that he knows how to use all of his spikers efficiently.



Yeah, like Uekawa's going to make an amazing volleyball coach someday if he can figure out how to talk to young people in a way that doesn't traatize them. Yeah, really.



So, yeah, he's able to use Kunimi towards the end because he's been able to savor his strength and yeah, like I said earlier, not a bad strategy for Kunimi. It just doesn't match well with Kageyama. Kageyama is shook that, after playing with Kunimi for three years, he never saw this side to him because, like Kunimi gets some points, they're smiling together and Kageyama has never been able to bring that out.



Yeah, very sad, yeah, sad, yeah. Well, the exact line in the dub is we were teammates for three years, but I've never once seen Kunimi smile during a game, and it's like let's take a moment and reflect on that. Kagama, do you think he wasn't smiling because you were yelling at him?



yeah, because you're always yelling at them, like you know, poor boy. So yeah, he's kind of staring at them across the net, not even recognizing his old teammates spacing out, when hinata, of course, is the one to pull him back to Earth With the plain truth. He says of course the Great King is better than the King. It's in the nickname. He even looks smarter than you?



Yeah, just Hinata bullying Kageyama to get him out of his head. And I love how, like Hinata goes up to Kageyama and he's like are you about to freak out or something? And Kageyama grabs his face and then hinata like bats his hand away and then he says the thing about the great king. And then Kageyama goes to like hit him again, and then daisuga are ultimately the one who like, actually help him, yeah, remind him yeah, as hinata is dodging these hits.



 Daichi apologizes to Kageyama and says that he'll get it to him better next time. Suga yells from the sidelines for Kageyama not to hesitate. Everyone on our team is, and Tobio finishes the line with strong, as they should be. Suki in the sidelines asks Suga if Kageyama is scared of the great king and Suga laughs, saying it's fine because he's not the lonely king anymore. And this is when we have Kageyama ripping off his little king cape and joining his team, which I feel like this moment really signals the ending of like the biggest character arc of this season, which is Kageyama learning to shed this like this dictator king mindset. Like he's really, by playing his old teammates, he's seeing really the error of his ways and how he was the problem and now he has a team that like supports him and that he can he can trust.



Yes, exactly, yeah, yeah, and that's that's touched on later. Yeah, I know it's amazing, well, and I like that season one really is like we kind of see like hinata developing his skills to a certain degree. In there it is a lot about hinata, but ultimately this first season is about the king of the court and it's about Kageyama learning and you know that kind of continues. But I feel like season one is where it's the most in focus for like the longest amount of time. Like we've there's been several episodes of Kageyama being the king and what that means, and so that was the end of the first part of the episode.



Right, then we go to the commercial break commercial break and then, when we get back, things start to happen really quickly. Oikawa thinks to himself tobio, I might actually lose to you, since you evolved so quickly.


The great king is acknowledging tobio's growth, which again, I just think, proves the point  that he's growing and we finally have the moment and this is very interesting because they're getting ready to do the freak quick and tobio says the exact same things he said the first time they ever pulled off the free quick which is in this position, with this timing, this angle, and he gives it to Hinata. The orchestra swells, hinata smacks it over and it's blocked, triple block.



Well, and here's the thing is, everything is speeding up. Karasuno is struggling to get that, you know, to get that final point or to get match point.


And then Kagama goes to set to Hinata and we see Oikawa yeah we see, like Oikawa knows, we see like an almost evil, knowing look in his eyes and then it's almost like it's hard because I, you know I watched this, I've watched it so many times. But it's almost like I, you know, like watching it for the first time, I feel like you can almost feel it, you can almost feel that, like this isn't gonna work yeah, you know, Oikawa finishes his thought from earlier tobio.



I might actually lose too, since evolved so quickly, but that won't be today, yeah.



And I think it's important that Hinata gets a triple block. It's not just like one person managing to catch up, Like they knew, yes, and they all three different blockers, marked him.



They fully stopped him. Yeah, you really like they. I just want to talk about the emotion of this because it's very impactful. They have the bright spot of Seijoh cheering, and then the darkness in the front of Krasno Kagehina are on their fucking hands and knees, the sidelines. They're all just kind of shocked and quiet. You just feel like, especially after working so hard and being in that long ass deuce, getting up into the 30s, just to lose is like a punch in the gut.



It's so heavy. The whole moment is very heavy. And you see, like Kageyama on the ground and then you see Oikawa, like turning around and looking at him. Yeah, I love this and you know, it's karasuno's first loss and, I think, hinata in particular. I think for him, I think he'd convinced himself that they couldn't lose because, like you just see it on his face, like he is in disbelief, he's shocked that they blocked him so thoroughly. Yeah, like he's absolutely shocked and I think for him, like he was like my team's so strong. Like you know, we just keep winning.


All I do is win, win, win, no matter what but then they lose and he goes to apologize to Daichi, but Daichi tells him there's, there's no need to apologize. Yeah, that wasn't a mistake, so don't apologize.



Iwaizumi flashes backwhen Kageyama was like watching them and having that realization that he doesn't know his teammates at all. Oikawa was telling his team that next time karasuno uses a quick, it'll be the godlike quick. And then we get back to the present and Iwaizumi asks him how he knew that would happen. Oikawa tells him it's because toby was learning to trust his team.



When backed into a corner, he only had one choice and that's a moment that happened earlier with iwaoi, where Kageyama thinks to himself when Oikawa's back is against the wall he's going to set to iwazami.



He did exactly what Oikawa would do in that situation tossed to his volleyball soulmate like precisely because Oikawa realized that Kageyama could read that, yes, that he would then do the same thing because he's learning to trust.and I also love like, while they're having this conversation, there's a shot of kagehina walking down the hall with their nine and ten, and it just hits.



I don't know well, and I really love kagehina. They tend to face rivals together in a lot of ways. It's very like it shows at some point, it shows like when they're I think when they're crossing the court, it shows like Oikawa like in front and then kagehina behind him and you know, you see Kageyama's angry face and then, yeah, it is very much like Kageyama like share these rivals and even though Kageyama has this history with Oikawa, it's still the two of them at the end of the day.



I really like that also to add to the devastating mood of everything you know. Karasuno is still kind of in shock and the next team comes on to play and it's like that reiteration of hinata's fear. It's like well we lost, so we're done now and it's just over.



They literally, it's literally. They can't stay on the court any longer. Oh, furudate, you're so good. So this episode is full of so much amazing. Like just small. Is it metaphorical? Metaphoric moments like that where it's just like. It's like yeah, like you know, if you want to stay on the court longer, you have to win. And it's literally Seijoh is going to play their next game. Like they're going to take a break and then they're going to play in the quarterfinals. Like they get to stay on the court longer. Yep and all all. Hinata wants us to be on that court and now he can. It's been taken away from him and you know we're about to get in to the moment. Yeah,before that, I do want to say that one thing that Oikawa says when he's talking to IIwaizumi is that karasuno isn't a one-man show yes, because IIwaizumi was like weren't you gonna like rub it in their face or something?



he was gonna rub it in his face like, oh, if one person's good, you know yeah. But he says like well, tobyo's not alone, he's not the only good one, they were a strong team.



Yeah like they. They had lots of good players and Oikawa recognized that. Because that's the thing, is like everyone wants, and that's it's like everyone wants to act like. Oh, it's Kageyama's like Kageyama's the only reason karasuno got to where they did, and that's not true no, they're full of strong players, I mean.



And then even the audience, the Seijoh girls clap for them. Everyone, even people who probably weren't specifically there for karasuno. They all clap for them and tell them it was a good game, because it was well, in Takinoe, at least in the dub, he has that line.



He's like I always hated when we were told we did a good job when we lost and he's like, but now that I'm up here I have nothing like I can't think of anything else to say. Like they did, did play a good game. It just you know the other team. They were able to keep the ball in the air for one point longer than Karasuno, and that's what it comes down, I guess technically. Two points longer, that's, that's what volleyball is, and it's, oh, it's just so great.



And so now, now we have this intense little fucking moment. So they're outside and I just want to note the little detail that so it's kage hina there and Kageyama has his head under the faucet and just just running water under his on his head and tanaka and shiNoya in the background are running off and I like to think that hinata told him to go on ahead and that he'd wait for Kageyama, and hinata quietly just says like the meeting's starting, and tobio, after a moment, finally like stands up and is like sorry, they read me like a book and he does not appreciate this he, yeah, he yells don't you apologize?


and then he grabs him, yep by the collar runs down the fucking lawn and tackles him into the ground and says stop making it sound like setting the ball to me was a mistake.



Yeah, I have more to say about this in the spoiler zone. Okay, yeah, I have. So I have stuff to say about this in the spoiler zone. Okay, yeah, I have. So I have stuff to say about it right now. Because in the dub he specifically says sorry, Oikawa, read me like a book.


And then you know, hinata is clearly taking it as like don't apologize, stop making it sound like setting the ball to me was a mistake, which I think is a reflection of his own internal feelings, like I think the fact that he tried to apologize to Daichi shows that, like, he does feel like this is his fault, and then hearing that apology from Kageyama, instead of hearing that as Kageyama thinking like he did the wrong thing, hinata is still taking it as like no, it was me, I was the problem, I'm the reason we lost, and I don't want to hear that from you, Kageyama like don't you know? And you know, probably thinking back to Kageyama saying at the very beginning you know, I won't set to somebody if I don't think they're going to help us win, and so I wonder if there's even some fear in there, of Hinata being like what if Kageyama doesn't want to set to me anymore?



because, I.



I lost that point and so now he's like telling him. He's like it wasn't a mistake, like keep setting to me. I think that's what's happening from hinata's perspective. But I don't think that Kageyama was apologizing for setting the ball to hinata. No, I think he was apologizing for getting beat by Oikawa and Seijoh. He's apologizing for losing, like hinata called him out earlier in this game and said promise me that you will not get beat by anyone else. And then Kageyama gets beat by somebody else and I think that's what he's apologizing for. I think he feels like he has to atone. He's like I let Hinata down and it's just like a miscommunication between the two of them. And now Hinata is like has Kageyama on the ground, is like looming over him, like shouting at him. It's so intense, like couples.


Counselor Takeda shows up just then I am so obsessed with this moment. Takeda is amazing. We already knew that Takeda was an amazing coach and an amazing sensei.



This is one of his best moments, one of my favorite moments for him. He tells them that it was a very good game and they played well. And Hinata says but we lost. And Takeda says does losing make you weak, which is definitely something that Kagehina struggled with? Yes, Like, yeah it. Yeah, it does. And he says these are the challenges that are going to happen when you're knocked on your hands and knees. Not getting back up is what is truly weak.



Yes, if you just stay lying down forever, that's what makes you weak. I was tearing up over what a good teacher Takeda is.



In this moment it really hit me hard kagehina stand up, because they're not going to be called losers in any capacity no, they're not weak and they have. There's just like this little moment where the camera they have them standing tall and I also just wear arhina to shoes.



His shoes are off well, you know, he's a sweaty boy?



he probably. Yeah, I'm sure his feet. Oh my god, the dogs were probably barking after that deuce.



I can only imagine what like the smell of their knee pads I'm just thinking about, like my own time playing volleyball, or my brother played soccer all through school and the way his like shin guards would smell after a game or something like it's something, it's something, yeah.



So yeah, hinata has no shoes on, because that's very hinata, yeah they get up talking to smiles and then yeah, then our credits start, but the episode's not quite over yeah, I, I want to talk for a second about the class reading of Haikyuu, if we can take a moment to do that.



Because you know and I think we've talked about it a little bit before that like you could kind of read Hinata and Karasuno, as, like you know, there's a lot of inequity in this volleyball world and I think for me there are certain things about Haikyuu that, like that doesn't always necessarily match up with my own viewpoint. You know, like, if you just stay laying down forever, that's what makes you weak. And I think there is this idea that like, well, if you're like born into poverty, like you just have to keep fighting and fighting and fighting and then eventually you'll like get out of it. Like that's not really how that works. So, like that, that to me is kind of where the metaphor falls apart a little bit. But I do, like what Takeda is saying here and I, I think that's true, I think Haikyuu has a very, I think a very like healthy view of failure and of losing and like and what strength really is, because strength is not just, like I am the most powerful, it's, you know, it's about so much more than that.


Yeah, and we'll and we're going to get to talk about that a lot more. And I do think there is something very satisfying. You know, haikyuu is an underdog story, and we love an underdog story. We love the idea that you know somebody who a person or a group that doesn't have much is able to like gather the resources they need and kind of like like pull themselves up. And I just want to say that that is not how society is really built, especially here in the West, like it's. I'm not saying that this is what Haikyuu does, but I think those stories reinforce kind of an idea that, like you know, oh, you just have to keep trying and trying and trying. But ultimately, in volleyball, yeah, that works, I was going to say it works fine. In a sports, it works, yeah. But when you try to apply that to, like people who are in poverty or who have inequity, that's when you have to start.


You have to look at the system and you have to really analyze that and then decide is the system working the way it's supposed to, and does that, does that work for everybody, or is it only working for a small group of people? This is turning into a little bit of a rant here, so so I'll stop, but I just kind of wanted to put that out there that when you, you know what Takeda is saying here works definitely for sports, but when you try to apply it to other things, I think it can get maybe a little toxic and a little unrealistic. So, yeah, I just that I had that thought. So yeah, so then we get the credits.and I want to. I will.



I'll talk about those a little bit later so, as the credits start, we do have and I don't think I really I probably didn't notice this, but whatever Karasuno watches Seijoh beat the next team in straight sets, in straight sets, and then the credits go on as normal. And then, after the credits we have, Ukai treats them. He's like come on, we're gonna go get food, my treat. And Daichi's like like, oh really, like it's kind of sad that they're surprised because they lost, they wouldn't get a meal after practice. But like I think you know, even though they lost, first of all, they fucking killed it out there. So, yeah, Ukai feeds them and I don't know why I love it so much.


Maybe because we have such a toxic relationship with food in general in society, and I've definitely talked about this before. But y, but you guys, little spiel about the running and the jumping that you've done tears the fibers of your muscles. Right now, like after a match, your muscles need repairing the most. So that's why you have to eat, eat a proper meal, and it's just like it is as simple as that and that's how you get stronger. Yeah, and also I feel like it's kind of a metaphor for failing, like you've been ripped apart. Now you heal, you take care of yourself and you come back stronger.



Yeah, and I think it's. You know, I think it's important too that they're they come together as a team to share that meal and to share in their sorrow. Like you know this is something Lazam talked about in their email was this moment where everyone they're eating and then they start crying, except for Tsukishima. He still looks sad but he's not crying. Yes, but, and and I, I, this is the first time I really paid this much attention to this scene. But we see, slowly, people start to eat and it shows kage, hina, and you know they'd all they've all just said, you know, itadakimasu, thank you for the meal. And then hinata kind of quietly says it to himself, like thank you for the meal, and he picks up his chopsticks and he starts eating and, like Kageyama, like turns and looks at him and then Kageyama starts eating and I'm just very like, what do you think that is? Why do you think?



that happened. I don't know, I just think. I think Kageyama are probably the most put out about everything that happened and the most like, not traatized, you know. But you know what I mean the most upset the most upset and they're just. They're just partners. And also that was very baby brother coded of Kageyama, I think you know he's just like he's kind of like.


He's like well, I'm the youngest, all I'm the last one to eat yeah, and like I don't know if he was actually like thinking about that, but I just, yeah, it is a cute little moment that he kind of like watches hinata eat and then he follows suit.



Well, and I wonder, you know, I wonder if in some way Kageyama was maybe a little bit worried about hinata, because like he did, he was, you know, takara and Kageyama were the only ones who witnessed hinata's outburst like that, and you know that's not usual like that kind of like that, that level of anger from hinata is very unusual. So I wonder if Kageyama was maybe a little bit concerned about Hinata and maybe and he also knows that Hinata isn't great about taking care of himself- and maybe that was a little bit of just like I want to make sure this run gets his food.


And then as soon as Hinata starts eating he's like okay, I can start eating. And just like the quiet ways that I think Kageyama care for each other in their own way.


But I also like your reading of just like a little baby brother moment of like I'm the baby, so I'm gonna wait for everyone else. He is the baby of the team he is. He is the youngest out of all of them. At the very end we kind of see the whole team together eating like they're all crying and like we see the coaches at the end. You know who's not there, who? Kenoshita and narita are not in that shot. It has a noshida. It does not have the two of them at the table at the table.


We see Kiyoko like they're there at the table, I think, but just the way that, like that, that part is animated, it like cuts them out and I'm like we don't even get the back of their heads, you can't even pull. It's like it's not, like it's a camera issue, where you couldn't get the camera back that far. Like you, you are drawing this, like just draw, but give me the back of Narita's head, give me, like, the side profile of Kenoshita, or vice versa something?



No, these poor NPCs, they do not matter at all.



It's like why are they even there? Why do they even have to be there, just so that Hinata could be number 10. Fucking, yeah, they're just so filler. Anyway, justice for kenoshita and harita. But yeah, that's the end of this episode, and of course it's. It feels like this would be the last episode of the season. There's one more, though, I know. Yeah we gotta experience the emotional fallout now. So are we ready. Can I move on to my ending song and animation breakdown a special segment of rainbow.



Breaking down the ending theme song yeah, so I was.



You know, I was planning to wait until episode 25 to do this, but the ending animation for episode 25 is different, I think, because it's the season ending. So I wanted to talk about the ending we've had for the last half of this season and I think the song is the same. So I'm gonna point out a few lyrics, but I'll probably get deeper into like the full song lyrics next episode. But I want to talk just a little bit about the animation and the song. So the tongue is, the song is . I would pronounce it leo, but it might be leo for Japanese. Yeah, leo for Japanese,and it's performed by Tassica T-A-C-I-C-A yeah.


I'm not sure either.japan doesn't use the a c that way, in my experience as much. So anyway, apologies if we've pronounced that wrong. I probably should have asked so. So first, sorry, hina baby, correct me later, but I really wanted to talk about the animation, because this little animation, like the whole time, is Kageyama practicing alone in the gym. It's like mostly white with just a little bit of animation. Don't be reading those lyrics. You were, weren't you?



yeah, I didn't know, I wasn't supposed I told you not to I said don't read the lyrics.



I want to say them to you. I have no memory of that. I'm sorry I'm sorry you were.


Probably I should have like made sure that you could hear me. You were probably getting set up or writing a recap or something anyway. So yeah, so the animation is Kageyama practicing alone in the gym. He's doing his serves, he's sitting against the wall, he's surrounded by volleyballs, he's running alone and then, like a lone volleyball, sits on the court and like this is very it's like we're really like sitting in these moments, which I really appreciate, and I think the music works really well with it.


And so this volleyball is alone on the court. Kageyama goes to pick it up and he stares at it and it it's almost a little bit reminiscent of like him, you know, after his team turned their back on him and then he gets hit in the back of the head with a volleyball and he turns and he's got his scowl in place and then his face shifts into this like small, genuine smile, and I'm sure you could argue that he's smiling at all of karasuno. But I'm coming in with my gay agenda to say that he's smiling at Hinata, and my evidence for this is that he was hitting the back of the head with a ball. And who else is doing that? Tsukishima might be sharp with his words but he doesn't get physically violent.


Yamaguchi, no, none of this empire doing that. Hinata hits Kageyama in the back of the head with that volleyball and like I think that's just so symbolic of like he was alone. And then, like Hinata came and found him and like maybe, yeah, maybe, it's Hinata hits him and the rest of Karasuno is there with him, but like I just, you know, I want to make that into a Kagehina moment and I will. And then I took note of a few lyrics that stood out to me because once again, folks, gay, gay as fuck let me it, I haven't read them.


Em has no idea what's coming, but I'm feeling a burning emotion that continues until the morning, so I close my eyes. This emotion may burn without singular purpose, but its name is you. What does that?



have to do with volleyball.



I want you to explain to me. What does this mean? I have another one. Will someone ever run relying solely on your tail lamp? Your method for never losing your way again is nothing more than forming a pack forming a pack.



Forming a pack like a promise, like a problem?



no, it's not packed with a t, it's packed with a k like oh  not to bring omega verse into it, but no, but I think I think that means it has do with honestly. I should have saved that first one for last, because that's definitely the gayest, and then another one, but once the imagery comes tumbling out, will anyone continue its path? If I can swear to never lose my way, I wonder if I'll be able to smile again.



I know it's probably just a translation thing, but they're always so focused on smiling. This is a big thing. If you guys watch my Hero Academia, they're always so focused on smiling. This is, this is a big thing. If you guys watch my hero academia, they're always talking about will you smile again.



What's the smiling obsession? I don't know. Anyway, yeah, I'm sure it's like a cultural thing. Yeah, yeah, no, that first one is very gay. Yeah, I'm just gonna read it again just to reiterate. But I'm feeling a burning emotion that continues until the morning, so I close my eyes. This emotion may burn without singular purpose, but its name is you, I. The ending songs are Kageyama to hinata yeah, yeah.



Kageyama is up all night thinking about hinata. That's the only takeaway I have. That's what's happening. Anyway, I have to go to ao3, right? Now anyway, anyway, anyway.



All right, moving on. Are we ready for our character spotlight?



Yes, and we're going to talk about our weird haircut. Little boy.



Kunimi, not as weird as those guys from that BL we were watching.



Oh my god, yeah we started a new BL, guys. It's called what is it called? Twilight Out of Focus. It just came out the first episode.



It looks very, it looks pretty good, anyway, yeah, listen, if you watch it you know about the haircuts we're talking about.



Anyway, Kunimi, akira's haircut is not nearly as weird as that one. Oh, his first name is Akira, it sure is. Do you know that TikTok meme where it's like Akira Dang, ah, wait, hold on. It's worth me doing this, leave me alone. I can't Kunimi to me when Kageyama's like why aren't you going for the ball? Okay, anyway continue.



So a little note about his personality. This is from the Wiki Quote he is quiet. He is a quiet and indifferent person, though it's mostly out of laziness. He is quiet. He is a quiet and indifferent person, though it's mostly out of laziness.


However, he does smile when needed. He occasionally skips practice as well and doesn't seem to put his full effort into matches. However, his truth strength lies in his late game plays because of his quote conservative nature. Kageyama has also mentioned that Kunimi is smart, though it's unknown if that refers to his game sense or general studies. What do you think?



Well, I'm skipping ahead to look at his character sheet and it might mean both.



I think so too. I think it's probably both, and actually that kind of applies to his name meaning as well. I'm gonna skip ahead for a second to his given name, akira, which means intelligent he's, he's smart, he's just he's. He's almost a little Kenma. I've actually seen, you know those like this is what your Haikyuu fave means, that that trend on TikTok. I've seen Kunimi. They call him like low rent Kenma or like he's basically just Kenma. He's similar. I see that. Yeah, I kind of see that for him he's kind of like wing spiker Kenma.


His family name, Kunimi the literal translation is country c as in, s, e, e as in to see which. I was like that's weird. So I looked it up. I said what does Kunimi mean in japanese? And there is a japanese practice of Kunimi which literally means viewing the realm. It involves client, or it used to involve, I think it's I like. I said it's an ancient practice, so involved climbing a mountain to survey the land, often before praising it in song, and so I thought that was interesting, viewing the realm, and so like, maybe that has to do kind of like with what he like. Maybe. Maybe he does have some observation skills that we're not seeing. Yeah, maybe anyway. So I thought that was interesting. So yeah, the ancient japanese practice of Kunimi. And now on to his character sheet. He does, he's giving Kenma with this little face he's absolutely.


Yeah, google his character sheet because he's giving Kenma in his stance and yes, he's like slouched. Yeah, absolutely,he's a sleepy boy. He's Aoba Johsai, class one, six.six is pretty high. I don't yeah, but we don't know if they're, if the way, if it works the same I think he's smart I think so too, it could.


Yeah, maybe it does work, like it does at karasuno. I just know, like another anime I've seen, it's been like oh, you're in class one six, that's for the dummies. I don't think that's the case for Kunimi also, some of them instead of numbers they have letters, and I don't know what that means. Maybe one day we'll look it up. Maybe one day we'll do research. Yeah, his position is wing spiker. His height is six feet. I forget that he's so tall, probably because he's slouching. Slouching. Yeah, he's six foot, but shailene five eight. Anyway, if anyone else has watched tignitararo's latest special, he's a first year in Aoba Johsai. His birthday is march 25th. Oh, that's my best friend's birthday. That's an aries for you. So he's an aries, yeah, how do you feel about that?


well, he's certainly not really acting like one yeah like stereotypical aries, I guess so I'd be interested to see his full chart.



Yeah, his favorite food is salted caramel a lot of sweet tooths and oba joe's you know what that's fair?



his current worry it's hard to stay awake in class that boy has no energy, hasn't even checked his iron levels well and you know, I wonder if, like, part of that is like he's so intelligent, maybe he's bored, he's like, yeah, I know all of this already.maybe he should have skipped, skipped a year. Who knows what he wanted to say with his boy Kindaichi. Wow, okay, I'm actually like really looking at his ability parameters here on the five point scale and his technique, his speed, his power, his jumping and his stamina all threes he's so average across the board, but then his intelligence is a five which I think, says I, like you, know they don't hand fives out like candy.



So I think that really does speak to. I almost feel like we don't see enough of that intelligence. All we really know is that he holds off on, like doing too much, until the end yeah, you know, and we'll have to, maybe we'll.



Maybe, now that we have this information, we can pay attention more in the next Seijoh game that we get to watch, and then even in later we, you know we'll see Kunimi more,  for sure, and so maybe we'll get the chance to talk about that and kind of see that a little bit more. Yeah, anything else you want to say about Kunimi, I ship him with Kindaichi yeah, I like that.



He's always his main. His main job seems to be telling Kindaichi to stop caring about Kageyama. So much, yeah, honestly.



I love them and I mean I know like they're like that's a fun little ship I could also just like for me. They could also be platonic, but yeah, I do like them as a romantic ship.



All right, everyone. It's time for the world's favorite game. It's who in Haikyuu? This week's scenario is brought to us by Zale, who believes in aliens. Slash cryptids Bonus. What kind of creatures do they believe are real? Today, we'll be discussing Hinata, Kageyama, Oikawa, IIwaizumi, Kunimi, Daichi, suga, asahi, Noya, tanaka, yamaguchi, Tsukishima, Kiyoko, Ukai and Takeda. I've got thoughts.



Yeah, so Hinata, I think he probably, I think he's like afraid of the idea of all of those things.



For sure, and I think, especially in front of Kageyama, he would put on a show of like. Obviously that's not real, but then, like you know, if he's alone in the dark he's like oh my God, what was that?



No, he'd put up a show in front of Kageyama, and then he'd hear a weird noise. And then he'd hide behind Kageyama precisely, he'd hide behind his big, strong boyfriend, Kageyama isn't giving much thought to this.



I not much thought. I think baseline he wouldn't, but I think he could be convinced pretty easily by his senpai yeah, yeah, I think so too I.



I think they would just have to tell him a scary story yeah like okay I believe it do you think bigfoot wants to play volleyball with me?



he'd be a really good blocker because he's so tall yeah, he's thinking about which cryptid would make a good volleyball player.



He's forming a team in his mind.also, these are probably going to be a lot of European and like North American cryptids we're talking about yeah we don't know a ton about japanese lore or anything. If I think of anything, I'll you know, and like we can, I guess, throw ghosts into this as well. But I know that japanese folklore has a lot of really cool creatures and stuff.


So if anyone knows of any and they think of any that the haikyuu characters would believe in, please write in and let us know.  Oikawa canonically believes in aliens. I think, oh yeah, that's like a fandom thing, right? Yeah, I think he has like an alien keychain or alien like pajamas or something in one or something. See, he's like maybe wearing an alien shirt in like an episode where we see him out of his uniform and so like people have glommed on to that.



But I totally see Oikawa like believing in aliens yeah, and he gets into argents with them about IIwaizumi, who doesn't believe in anything. I'll just say that, except for godzilla but then, like, IIwaizumi will try to bring up this belief in front of girls and then Oikawa pretends like he's like what are you talking about?



yeah, absolutely like. I've never. I what are you talking? What are greys? Excuse me, I know anything about them. But yeah but he's like definitely staying up late into the night going down Wikipedia rabbit holes, you know, like he was at Area 51 Naruto running. Yeah, Iwaizumi doesn't believe in any of that stuff, you know, he definitely is probably logicking his way.



He wishes.



Godzilla was real. Yeah, it tears him apart knowing that godzilla is just a character in a movie yeah, Kunimi, he's too smart.



He wouldn't believe in anything unless he could see it with his real eyes counter.



He's super into it. I like, yeah, this is total. Maybe not projection, but this is total like headcanon stuff. I just love the idea of Kunimi being so like quiet and lazy, but then he does secretly have like he like people are just like oh, the Yeti, and he's like no, the Yeti is totally real. It's definitely real. We can't explain this. Maybe the Yeti is like at one time were Sasquatches, but they moved up north, similar to polar bears. Polar bears were brown bears at one point, but they kept going for, yeah, super cool evolutionary thing. Polar bears were brown bears but they kept going farther north and things got colder and so they evolved to and adapted and, like their skin, they evolved so that their skin changed and I think it happened like relatively quickly. As far as evolutionary evolution is concerned, don't quote me on that. Might that might not be true, but I do know polar bears evolved from brown bears.


Interesting and maybe that's what happened with the yeti Daichi. Does Daichi believe in cryptids or aliens?



I feel like I could see Daichi, like having a strong belief in one of them for some reason I was kind of thinking that too.



I think I think he would have more of a belief in aliens than cryptids, you know, but in kind of like, kind of like me, where it's just like it just doesn't seem possible that we're the only life forms, yeah, in the entire universe. That just doesn't make any sense. Anyone out there who doesn't think aliens exist, like I, I don't. I don't get how you could think like. Or I don't understand how people can be so sure that aliens don't exist at all, like, have aliens made contact with planet earth? That I'm not entirely sold on. I don't know if that's true.


I think the idea that the government knows and has kept it a secret is really overestimating the government's ability to keep it a secret well, they have kind of said that aliens are real yeah, I mean, at the very least there's, there's like there's got to be like single-celled organisms out there exactly you know, and I mean, the universe is so vast and our ability to view it, especially the farther we, farther away from us, is like so limited, like yeah, like, do I think, yeah, do it, yeah, I don't know. Anyway, suga, I think, yeah, suga, wholeheartedly, even if he doesn't actually believe in them. I think he likes to pretend that he does to annoy Daichi.


Yeah, for sure, like he's just like yeah, man, I've met one, yeah, oh yeah, he's definitely like I am an alien.



I feel like Asahi says he doesn't believe in them, but he doesn't like talking about them too much because it scares him yeah, he's, he's afraid of the very idea of them.



He's like I don't want to believe that they're real, so I won't. Yeah, . Meanwhile, Noya is traveling the globe trying to find proof of the loch ness monster, the yeti, sasquatch, every, every legend out there.



He's trying to get proof of it  tanaka, I think I definitely believes in all this stuff, yeah yeah,I think yamaguchi does. I think yamaguchi believes in the possibility of them yeah, and then sakishima do we feel like he believes in aliens?



I don't think so. I don't think he believes in I he might, you know, I don't think he believes in cryptids. He might, he might be like you know, he might be like.



I mean, yeah, sure, there is a possibility of aliens,but I don't think he believes in cryptids at all maybe he'd want to believe in the loch ness monster, because it's the closest thing to a dinosaur I can think of yeah I don't know yeah, I could see that Kiyoko,I think she believes in aliens.



Yeah, I could see that. I I always want to make Kyoko into a weird girl, because I love the idea of her like having like a closet with like a bulletin board with red string and like grainy pictures of all of these cryptids and she's like no, it's real.


She like brings Tanaka over after a date and she's like put your clothes back on, we're talking about bigfoot I lied, you kind of doesn't have time to think about these things you guys like, yeah, the like boys, ask him one day at practice and he's like what, go do drills yeah, maybe there's like one old tale that like his dad told him or something of a local thing that he believes and I could see that, yeah, yeah absolutely Takeda I feel like Takeda is a ghost believer yeah, I think, yeah, I think Takeda and I'm sure he waxes poetic about the universe and how we don't know what's out there yeah, I agree, all right, I think that's it for hoon haikyuu.



Thank you, zale. That was a fun one and, like we said, if you can think of any others, especially  things and cultures that we didn't mention Write in, let us know.



Yeah, we didn't even talk about the Chupacabra, the Chupacabra.



Yeah, we have that board game that has all those cryptids and whatnot.



Mothman Mm-hmm.



Others Banshees.



Yes, yeah, I want to play the European version sometime too, vampires.



Yes, anyway. So before we dive into the spoiler zone and maybe lose a few of you, catch us on our socials. We're on Twitter, instagram, Tumblr and Blue Sky at Fly High Q Pod. That's F-L-Y-H-Q-P-O-D. You can also email us your long rambling emails. As you all claim, this is a running thread with our emails. You all apologize for your rambling, as if that's not exactly what we want which to be fair.



As somebody who has sent a few emails to podcasts, I also get long and rambly and then feel the need to apologize we love getting them, so please don't apologize yeah listen. We really, cherish the parasocial relationships we have with people. We think it's fun and we want to read your thoughts and your opinions and we want to hear what you think of our show, so ramble away, and you can do that at fly high q pod at gmailcom.



Fly hq pod.



And now, without further ado, the spoiler zone splish and splash and only two more episodes of it be in a pool. You have to come up with a new metaphor next season.



Yeah, we gotta change the. Yeah, I'll think about it yeah, we're splish, splish-splash.



We're taking a bath. We're in the spoiler zone. You said you have something you want to talk about.



Oh, I think was it with Sakishima, not Karu no.



I think it was with Kagehina and their fight.



I have a few things, yeah, so the Kagehina moment.



You know, if you put it in the notes.



I know I'm really bad at writing down the spoiler zone notes. I'm like I'll think of it, but anyway, no, I remember this. I think plants the seed for the big fight in season two, because, yeah, there's this like miscommunication and also, I think, you know, hinata's a little bit more right than maybe Kageyama Like maybe Kageyama it incorrectly, and that's why we lost whereas Hinata doesn't just want to be the demon club, he wants to be a demon himself and he knows that's where his frustration really lies is that he can't stand on his own without Kageyama yet. So I just felt like that moment birds the seed well, and I think it's very important that we see Hinata.



He goes, he has his eyes closed, he hits the ball and then he opens them and he sees the block. He would have seen if he could spike with his eyes open. He would have seen the block and he could have figured out what to do. And that's where his issue lies, is he feels like he's not strong enough, he's not good enough. He needs to grow.



It's the first real reality smack that this is not an unbeatable move that they have and they have to keep improving, which is going to be an issue for our boyfriends. Yes, . And then I just thought, you know, the fact that suki is the only one not crying again, you know, just because you close yourself off emotionally is not going to save you, but that's kind of what he's doing right now. You know he's not as affected as everyone else because this is just a club.



Yeah, well, season two is coming up. Baby, you're about to unlearn some toxic lessons from your childhood. I have a couple things as well. Did you have anything else for the spoilers?



Take it away, okay.



When Oikawa says you know, Kageyama evolving might be my downfall, Not in this game, he hasn't evolved enough yet. But we they play Seijoh again and they're going to beat them and I know a lot of people don't like that. I've seen people like why can't Seijoh win this game too? And it's like, because that's this? The show isn't about Seijoh.


I know you want them to.


I know we want Oikawa to win, I get it, but you know it's just that's the thing is like.


We have to show. We have to show Karasuno's growth, karasuno's growth, and I think between season one and two, them playing the same team is a great way to show that growth, especially because when they play Seijoh in this game, Seijoh is already such a well-formed team,and then when they play them again, Seijoh is still a well-formed team and they have, you know, some new tricks up their sleeves. But karasuno has evolved even further and now they have become a well-formed team with new tricks of their own and they're able to overcome Seijoh. So I think it's very important and you know and Oikawa's right, like it will be his downfall that Kageyama evolved so much and you know, it's one of those things where Oikawa's probably pissed that Kageyama's evolving so much and it's like bitch, you did this, this is, this is partially your fault and everyone likes to say well, that is your son, that is your kohai, exactly, exactly, nothing less from Oikawa's junior yeah, and then I have something else.


So when Kageyama and hinata, when they do that freak quick at the end and Kageyama does his right here, this timing, this angle, we see that in season four with the mia twins yeah and it's like kind of the same thing that happens where it's like right here, this timing, this angle, like the Mia twins, yeah.


And it's like kind of the same thing that happens where it's like, right here, this timing, this angle, like the twins quick, and then they get blocked by Kagehina, yeah because, okay, so you pulled that move really quickly, but you haven't done the lesson learning of season one and two.



That it's not unstoppable. And who knows that better than anybody? Kagehina, did we just fast forward to the end of this fucking show? Yes, but hold on, tykes.



I know y'all love those fucking fox twins, you know the whole point of that is that speed is an important weapon, but you can't rely on it solely, and that's what they're doing here and that's kind of why I mentioned you know things are speeding up at the end of this game, and you know that's. You know because Kagehina learned this lesson. In this game, and in future games they're able to beat the mia twins when they try to do their speedy.



Yeah, yeah, I think that's all I have, though it was a heart-wrenching game, but of course, our underdogs can't win right away. They've got to earn it, and I think that season one really sets up a lot of stuff for season two really well. Again, the writing in the show is amazing and, yeah, we just have one more episode left to kind of wallow in our sadness, and we just keep moving forward. So thank you for joining us for episode 24. We'll see you next week for 25. And baby, even though we lost today, you still better fly high bye.