
Fly: A Queer Haikyuu Podcast
We look at Haikyuu through an intersectional, queer lens.
Fly: A Queer Haikyuu Podcast
S2E5: Greed
"Domain Expansion."
This week, em and rainbow cover season 2, episode 5 "Greed" and talk about Hinata's hunger for evolution, Karasuno's reluctance to let him try, and the most devastating fight in anime history. Over in Who in HQ? em indulges in her current obsession.
48:20 - Spoiler Zone Begins
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hello everyone and welcome to fly a queer Haikyuu podcast. I'm rainbow, they she and I'm am she her. And today we got an episode to talk about. Yeah, we do. We have a lot of things we're gonna say because it's season two, episode five. Greed not ready for this, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine we're gonna get through this together.
I'm gonna hold your hand when I tell you this. We're watching greed, but first we have a few things to get out of the way.
We got some chit chat. We got some chit chat. I just want to say, for those of you who follow me on twitter, you probably know I had some personal family stuff that was going on. We actually didn't record last weekend, like we usually do, because I just was not up for it, had to take some time off, work, a lot of stuff.
I'm not going to go into details about it and thank you to everyone who was so kind to me and, you know, helped keep me distracted and said it was okay for me to be on Twitter and distracting myself during my time of grief. I really appreciate every single one of you. Thank you so much, and thank you for the DMs, the replies, everything. But my biggest thank you goes to my wonderful partner, em. She has been so wonderful to me during this time, just really taking care of me, reminding me that it's okay that I need to be taken care of right now, and just doing a wonderful job. She is amazing and incredible and gets you a partner who will do whatever they need to do to make sure that you're okay.
Listen, it's been a crazy couple of weeks. There's something fucky with the planets, I think.
Yeah, and I'm paying the price. Yeah, but no, emma has been incredible and I love her so much and everyone should give her a big round of applause.
Oh my god.
You know, for those of you who are wondering, you know like I'm doing, okay, I'm definitely getting better. Things are not quite as crazy and hectic as they were the last couple of weeks, and you know, it's just, I'm oriented to this new reality and we're gonna be okay. okay, so that's that. There's that. I just wanted to give him her flowers because she deserves them. I also wanted to talk about we. Have we caught up on twilight out of focus?
we had missed two episodes and there is a uwu little twink I have to tell you guys about the new twink on the block, the new twink on the block.
He's so uwu. He's pink hair. He joins the film club because he just wants to find a boyfriend.
In short, it looks like the third pairing of this BL is going to be Bubblegum Pink and Goth, and I'm just so excited and we're here for it.
We were like we started out and we're like, oh, because it like it's, they give you very much, give you a red herring, and we're like I don't know if I like this. And then we're like, no, no, no, we know what's happening, we know how these ships work. So, yeah, if you're not watching Twilight Out of Focus, it's really fun, it's really good. It moves at a very quick pace. People are kissing, people are fucking, people are imagining themselves fucking After all of the quiet, slow-paced gay dramas I've watched this is my kind of pace.
Let's go. We have no time to waste. Yes, we are trying to get in bed as soon as possible. yeah, toilet out of focus is really fun. please scream at us if you're watching it, because we want to talk to people about it. I think that's all I have for chit chat. Do you have anything to add?
nothing for chit chat, all right but m has some housekeeping, so last episode I forgot about manga versus anime. So I was going to catch up on that in this section. But guess what? I read the section and there's really nothing to say. It's pretty similar to the episode. There's nothing of note. So my update is there's nothing, but there's going to be some manga versus anime to talk about with this episode.
All right? Well then, it looks like it's time to move on to our recap. I versus anime to talk about with this episode. All right? Well then, it looks like it's time to move on to our recap. I'll count you down. Are you ready? I'm ready?
Three two one go. It's the worst episode of the entire series as Hinata's feelings about getting stronger come to a literal head on the court. Tensions rise when he crashes into Asahi in a blind chase for the ball and announces to Kageyama that he'll be keeping his eyes open during their quick, leading to the worst Kagehina fight we've seen yet. Kageyama wants to focus on the power they have, while Hinata knows that in order to get better, you have to evolve so many thoughts. This is a rough fight because, like they both, I mean, I think Hinata is more right, but Kageyama has some rightness, but it's just like.
Yeah, they both have their points. Well, we will get into it. We'll get into it. It happens at the end of the episode. We have a lot of other stuff to get through. First, my very first note, because literally when I started the episode, I took a deep breath.
I was like okay.
Strap in, and here we go Four in pause, four out, it'll be okay when I would rewatch this.
you know a a couple years ago, when I was deep into my haikyuu phase like I would always kind of dread this part of the series and it's, it is a really good part, like it's good meaty content, but it's, it's, so it's stressful.
It's great for the purposes of this podcast, because there's so much to talk about and so much to analyze and like for sure, yeah, but it is. It's rough and it like it just hits you emotionally. It's so well animated, it's so like the voice acting is really good, I would say, for the sub and the dub. So, yeah, I mean I think we should just kind of get into it yeah.
So we're at the training camp and they're facing off against their ultimate rivals Nekoma, that's the people to really drive Hinata over the edge.
That's the challenge one, especially after in the last episode he meets Lev and you kind of see they have this like thing like there's very much like an implicit challenge from, actually an explicit challenge from Lev, where he says I'm going to like I can't wait to stop be the first person to stop your quick, even though he isn't. Hinata's quick has been stopped before. That's what happens at the end of the Seijo match his quick gets stopped and that's how they lose oh, I thought he just meant like in the day.
Oh, like I'll be the first one tomorrow to do it. Oh yeah, maybe I misread that, because I was gonna say his words are ringing in Hinata's head at the beginning and he is the first person of the day to stop that quick.
I think they mentioned that kagehina haven't gotten to play Nekoma at this training camp yet. This is their first time because, you know, Karasuno as a whole has when they were gone right, but this is the first time since they got back and then even before they start the match. I do love getting to see like what the managers do like part of their function, because Kiyoko's like she's going through their stats. She's like this is how many blocks they got, this is how many hits we got in. Like this was the final score, this is how many sets. I love that. That's what she's doing.
Yeah, for sure, because when I first started I was like what is her job actually? But it is all good information to know what you need to work on and all that stuff again.
It makes me wonder, like did somebody point out to Furudate? Like hey, you've got this manager here, but all she is is a pretty girl for them to talk about. Like what is she actually doing? And in season two you're really seeing, like this is everything she does.
She's not just there to be like a little cheerleader, she's there to help them yeah, well, maybe she didn't have much to do before our first years joined and now she does.
She's getting put to work. Yeah, and she is stepping into that fully. Is this where we see Saeko?
waking up hungover. Yeah, I wrote down. Saeko has an alcohol problem. She was drinking with the teachers last night. This is a common thing with her she's always out drinking till all hours of the night.
Well, and I love because they show like a flashback of it and it's Saeko Nekomata, Saeko, Nekomata and Takada just happily drinking, and Ukai and the other coach I think his name is Naoi, I have no idea Naoi, so it's like it's Ukai and the other coach are just like they are on the table, like I love that these three, Takeda, Saeko and Nekomata can drink, these two like mid-20s men under the table they're like you guys are lightweights compared to us. Yeah, so now we get into.
We're in the game, right yes, and so love is the first one to stop Hinata, like he promised. So then Kageyama says to Hinata like we'll switch to normal quicks for now, and immediately Kenma on the other side of the net is like hey, love, I think they're gonna switch to normal quicks, so we should read block.
I love that, because Kenma's like you should start read blocking now. And Lev's like, okay, got it. What is read blocking? Again like you're. So he's so dumb. And Kenma is is good, he explains it. And Lev's like, okay, I got it. And also, at some point we go to another pair of coaches I don't know which coaches it is, but they're like all they're commenting on the game and one of the coaches the one with, like the weird sunglasses inside, for some reason it looks like he's in the FBI, and I'd actually, just as I was saying it, I was like I wonder if he's hungover, because he went out drinking with Nakamata too, and that's why he's wearing the sunglasses, because he'd got way too drunk and the lights in the gym are too bright, that's probably it.
Yeah, that makes sense. So Lev does start re-blocking, right yeah?
so he's getting stopped. And then we have this moment where Hinata has like this weird little like shivery moment, where he's thinking about with Lev and Ushijima and like all these strong people and how he needs to get stronger. He's like what is this feeling?
He's like he's leveling up, yeah, well. Well, he's like I need to get stronger so I can beat them, and one of the people that we see is the back of the little giant like his ultimate goal. He's like lev and ushi jima.
These are stepping stones to get to my ultimate goal, so I can be better than the little giant. I can be Karasuno's ace, because he's still very much like this episode because of what happened in the last episode. He's focused, focused on like I need to be the ace, I need to be scoring the most points, and in order to do that, things have to change.
And Kageyama notices this weird little moment that Hinata has.
And I thought it was interesting because usually I feel like when Hinata has those moments where he's like fired up in face of a challenge, I feel like Kageyama is like hell yeah.
But in this one he almost seemed kind of worried to me. Did you kind of clock what his reaction was? He's just, I think, yeah, wariness, I don't think at this point he definitely doesn't understand what's going through Hinata's mind. He doesn't really see. He doesn't see the same problem that Hinata does yet. Yeah, so he's probably just like hmm, why is this guy clutching his chest and smiling to himself?
yeah, and so then we get some more Nekomata commentary, and I clocked this in the dub. He says evolution does not come to those who do not seek change and Hinata is the only one who's really seeking change at this point oh, we're gonna have a lot to talk about at the end of this episode. Because, yeah, Hinata knows he's like. He goes up to kagiyama and he says not yet not yet. Okay, yeah, you have more to talk about before.
So he's got the, we have his little shivery moment and then he the next play. He kind of just blindly goes for the ball with everything he has, but asa, he also was going for the ball and they crash into each other. Yes, and it kind of shakes up the rest of the team. And Daichi also puts it in words that Hinata made them all bring to the surface what they've all been thinking and that they do need to change and things have to happen.
And Asahi even feels like Hinata's on his heels, like he's going to get devoured by Hinata if he's not careful because, Hinata is kind of the first one to really take that extra step and try and push into evolving and they know they need to do it, but it's scary.
Yeah, that's something I clocked. Is that you know? First of all, as soon as it's over, Asahi's like oh my god, I'm so sorry, Hinata, are you okay? And then Hinata immediately was like I'm so sorry, that was so rude of me.
He was totally blindly just going for it, and Ukai even says it too.
Yeah, but then, but Asahi recognizes. He's like, wow, Hinata is trying to evolve, Asahi notices it, Ukai notices it, Suga notices it. Later, as we'll talk about, and then, yeah, we have him saying naKageyama. He's like, you know, during our that one quick, I'm gonna start keeping my eyes open and everyone is like whoa, what?
even you kind of talk it out. They're like wait, you're, you're gonna do that. And it's interesting, like the contrast, because it was such a big deal the first time he did it with his eyes closed, because they were like, whoa, dude, you had your eyes closed, that's crazy, you weren't even looking. And now that he's like now they're so used to that him wanting to change and do it with his eyes open, they're like what is that even possible? That's where we leave off with the episode, or not with the episode. That's where, the commercial break comes right. Yep, because usually when we go to commercial break we get to. You know, when we're leaving for commercial break, we get a little spike moment and then when we come back, we get another one, but for this one, instead of a little spike as we're leaving the episode, we get an empty nest, an empty crow's nest with a feather falling down I thought that was very interesting.
I love the imagery there.
It really is signifying like arc change in the story.
So then we come back, and Hinata is explaining himself to Kageyama.
And you have his quote that he says written down Out of context.
This is a wild line. He says we can't keep doing this, it isn't working anymore. That's something you say to somebody when you're breaking up with them. Breakup coded it's so breakup coded.
When he says that, I feel the panic that I think Kageyama feels in his stomach, because imagine when Hinata starts talking about how we can't do this anymore. It's not working. What do you mean? This is our superpower.
Yeah and well, what Kageyama says to Hinata is just like okay, but like we're not doing it that right this second. We're in the middle of a practice match.
Which fair enough. I will say right now Hinata's not wrong, but I think he's not being very like. He's just so in the moment and he's like I need to improve. Right now let's go, and it's like I get your frustration, but we can figure this out in time?
Yeah, he's. It's like he's still so haunted by the end of the Seijo match that he's like I have to do it right now, like I want to beat Nekoma I think he is getting ahead of, and then we'll immediately start doing it.
And it's like we know you have amazing physical prowess, Hinata, but you can't just like make miracles happen overnight.
Yeah, and Kageyama recognizes that and we'll talk about it because I do think. I think it shifts at the end of the episode where, like it's like I understand Kageyama that right in the middle of a practice match and maybe even during this particular day of like training is maybe not the best time of like training is maybe not the best time, but like it's going to have to happen and I think Hinata recognizes that, kageyama doesn't, and and everyone else's seems pretty nervous about it too they're like is this really the time? And so I think that's kind of the end of the gate, end of that practice match yeah.
And then when we have Takeda's moment and he very outright says you're the weakest team here by a margin and he's like are you going to look at them all just as opponents or as like teachers and opportunities to learn?
exactly. Yeah, he kind of like is you know something? We talk about a lot like the importance of rivals and how you can learn from them. So Takeda says that and then it kind of shows Nekomata like looking at him and smiling kind of proudly, like I think Nekomata recognizes. He's like yeah, Takeda knows. This whole time Nakamata is kind of thinking in his head as he does, as the other coaches always do, with Karasuno where he's like what are you gonna do, Karasuno?
are you gonna evolve? Are you gonna change like? Are you gonna be able to do this? And I think Nakama sees Takada and is he's like they're in good hands yeah, so now we're in the alleyway.
Kageyama and Hinata are having a moment to talk with their senpai Suga, who has to be the couples counselor.
I was just gonna. That's what I wrote down. Suga is being a couples counselor and they both say just really good, like points I wrote down.
Hinata says I'm the one who lost, so I don't want you to apologize, talking about the Seijo game and how Kageyama was the one who took full responsibility for their loss, when Hinata is the one who Spike, didn't make it through and is the one who turned and saw the ball that got blocked fall, and he's just like so for you to apologize. I'm just not involved in this quick yeah, well, that's the thing is.
Kageyama is focused on his ability to draw out Hinata's potential. He's not thinking about how it's Hinata's potential, it's not your potential, kageyama. I think it's still Kageyama being, to a certain extent, that dictator king where he's like I am the setter, control this. I'm the control power tower and it's up to me to draw the best out of you. And he's not thinking about okay, but what can he need to do to improve it? It's not just you.
Is it the dictator King thing? Or is it like he's just like focusing on the wrong things? Because he does say he like that's what he picked up from the Seijo game is that the setter is the one who draws the most out of his spikers. So yeah, he is still very like self-absorbed in that way of like it's my job and that. And he says that quick is your ultimate weapon, your will is not needed. He's stuck on like no, it's my job to get it over, and you know this is how I do it.
Maybe it's not so much dictator king, but maybe it's like overbearing, like it it. I think he might be right.
And Kageyama makes this point too of like, well, the things that Kageyama are saying are not technically wrong and it's like that might be kind of true.
but that's not really the point. Yeah, and then Ukai comes out and says something like even talks to Hinata and is like listen, Red, we can't do that right now. And it's almost kind of posed as like what is better for the team overall versus what is better for Hinata.
But if Hinata improves, the team will improve. Yeah, I think they just have little faith in them being able to make a difference in time.
So this is where Hinata explains to Ukai that when he is up at the top of the net and he can like when he's going to spike, if his eyes are open, he can see the other side of the court, he can see the opponents, and he talks about that moment during the Seijo practice match where he can see Oikawa, and he looks him directly in the eyes and I remember always clocking that of just like whoa. Hinata has his eyes open and he looks at Oikawa but Ukai's like oh, and he like Ukai isn't understanding him. He's like well, you just think you can see it. He's almost, it's not quite gaslighting, but it's just like not really understanding it feels like he's not really listening.
Yeah, a little bit yeah, well, and I think with Hinata, because he's so silly and he, like he isn't as skilled. I feel like this is them not taking Hinata seriously. I think that's the issue is they're not understanding that this is so Hinata is so fucking serious about this and they're just like no and like maybe they do think. It is just like, oh well, he just wants to like, he just wants to be able to hit spikes better, because, like, he just likes hitting spikes and he's like no, I need to be able to do this so that we don't lose, we as a team do not lose again. Exactly, and then Ukai gets hit with one of Hinata's predator stares yeah, he gets chilled by those eyes I love it so much.
And then, when they're back in the gym, Ukai subs Hinata out to chill out a little bit.
Yeah also I have to say, like I think Ukai says something before they go back into the gym of just like you know, I know you want to do this, but like now's not the time for us to be trying out new stuff, and I'm like how is a training camp not the place to be trying out new stuff?
it just doesn't make any sense you just can't be yellow bellied.
So I really feel for Hinata because he not only is he the like, he's just the only one and it's so hard when you're right and the only one yeah, and so then I think we skip ahead to like the end of this day of training and we have Nekomata talking to take Ukai about how they're coming back for like a full week of training.
They're gonna come back and do it again. The summer training camp arc is on its way. It's almost here. Yeah, it's like this is kind of like just like a little, a little baby training camp. This is like because I think this is just like they do like a day trip, right or no, they stay one night yeah, I feel like it's an overnight, maybe a weekend yeah, they're doing like a like two days and then they come back for like a full week and I love.
Nekomata threatens to take Takeda Ukai drinking every night with him and Takeda does like oh yay and Ukai's like oh god no and I do love that.
On the bus ride home, kage and Hina are sitting separately, very, very on purpose. There is an empty seat between them yeah, like they're not sitting.
They're sitting in the same row but and of course Kage is on like the side with the single seat and then Hinata is on the other side and he's got an empty seat and they're like looking out the window, not looking at each other. Breakup coded, so breakup coded. I did want to say before that we have like a little Hinata Lev interaction where they're, they're being all challenging and stuff I did have the thought of like I was like I kind of get people who ship them like I get it, I I get it sure, for everything I said about Lev in the last episode, it's like I, you know, I can see, I can see why people like that. It's not for me, they they're both kind of dumb, yeah, and I think this, the height difference, is a big thing.
Like Liv is so much taller. Yeah, like I don't ship it in a romantic way, but if you want them to, you know that's fine. Yeah, that's totally up to you. Ukai mentions an annoying relative is coming home.
Who could it be? Yes, I wonder, I wonder. And so then we get back to the school and everyone's so tired. Also, he looks like he is falling asleep, standing up Ukai or not Ukai, but Takada has. Like you can see, he's got some like not quite bags under his eyes, but you can see the tired in his eyes.
Well, and remember, this is a four and a half hour drive and they played too.
Yeah, like they were up all day and day and then Takeda was the one driving them back, so he didn't get a chance to rest while he thinks about his relative coming home like Ukai did, and yeah, so everyone is tired except for kage hina of course, Hinata asks kageyama for some tosses and, despite the tension earlier, kageyama says yes yeah, because he's like well, I'm always gonna play more volleyball and Yachi shows up, yes and they rope her into helping with the tossing and and the practicing and whatnot in the gym yes, oh my gosh.
And, and this is this is where it happens.
This is where tensions start to rise immediately they're doing the tosses and Hinata is trying to do it with his eyes open and he's missing every single one yeah, and Kageyama is only thinking about what Hinata is doing wrong and thinking about like no, this isn't going to work because he's doing he's.
He's only paying attention to the ball. He's not going like, he's not using his full power, he's not like jumping to his highest height, but he's not thinking about what Hinata can do to overcome these shortcomings. He's not thinking about, ok, like what can Hinata do so that, like he can pay attention to the ball and hit it at the same time? He's so that, like he can pay attention to the ball and hit it at the same time. He's only thinking, no, the only way to do it is the way we've been doing it. Where I have the control.
Yeah, when I was watching this I was like say it out loud, like work on this together. This is what this is, why he's doing this like it's so hard, because their communication, like in verbal, sucks yeah, and this is like the this is the first time they're not able to use volleyball to overcome that.
Yeah, yeah, it's. It's really sad and I always forget with this that Kageyama is kind of the one that makes the first physical move here, because Hinata like says like okay, one more after a lot, a lot of misses, yeah, a lot of misses. We the the floor is littered with volleyballs that Hinata could not hit. And Hinata says one more. And Kageyama says why are you focusing, like, why are you? Why are you trying to work on something you can't do, when we have something that works? And he grabs him by the shirt and is like yelling in his face and he's like would you rather have a perfected quick or a quick that doesn't work at all?
and again, he's not wrong. He also brings up how he has a mountain of stuff to work on which he does even basics Hinata still needs to work on, and here he is trying to make an already insane trick even more insane yeah, that's what he's saying.
He's like we need to, we should work on there's like other things you can work on blocking, serving, receiving. And Hinata says but if I I can't do this quick, there's no point in me being on the court. And I think what Kageyama doesn't realize is Hinata is still convinced like if I can't do this quick, I don't get to play right, and then I don't get to help us win, I don't get to stay on the court. If they don't evolve, they're not going to get to nationals. No, and yeah, no, absolutely not they. They need to. And like it's Kageyama doesn't seem to understand it, you kai. Like nobody seems to understand it except for Hinata, and he's so frustrated that none of them agree. Like understand where he's coming from and so you know. Kageyama has him by the shirt and like Hinata says like if I don't, if, like, if I don't approve, if I don't improve, like I'm not going to be able to keep playing. And kageyama like throws him on the ground.
He says your selfishness is gonna throw off the balance of the team and throws them across the shim, yeah, and that, yeah, he's like he's calling him selfish, and I do get where kageyama is coming from, because I do think like there is a certain selfishness to it where it is about, like Hinata being able to stay on the court. And so my note that I said is it's true that Hinata wants to get better so he can stay on the court, but why can't anyone see that if Hinata can do a better quick attack, that's better for the whole team? Like he's trying to be the greatest decoy yeah, that's what and like he's not framing it that way, but that is what he's trying to do he wants to be the greatest decoy and this line from Kageyama highlights a fear and insecurity left over from junior high, where he might be hyper aware of being too self-centered.
I think he's very much trying to keep the team dynamic in mind and with that in mind, I absolutely see his point. But then again, ultimately it sounds impossible. But this is what you have to do to evolve. If you don't do this, you'll actually have the opposite result you want. Hinata is right.
Yeah, that's the thing, and I don't know. I have in my notes that I think kageyama is being a little selfish here too, which maybe he's not, but yeah, okay do you mean to be?
but he is. Yeah, I think it is selfish of him to be like no, but like, this quick is working where I am in control and I want to keep that control and I think it's also a little like cowardly. I think he's afraid. I think he's afraid if we keep trying this and I don't know if maybe this isn't voiced and this is pure speculation, but like, maybe Kageyama is worried that if the freak quick with Hinata's doesn't work, maybe he won't get to play as much either. Maybe they'll bring Suga in more.
I think there's a lot of fear with Kageyama that he's not seeing as fear and of course it's all going to come out as anger because he's Kageyama. But like, imagine he came to Karasuno he wasn't sure how it was going to go. Here's Hinata. Now they have this thing, like they have a real chance. He has a connection. I mean, he has a partner too, and that's a huge thing for Kageyama. And now Hinata wants to do something that won't but could put it in jeopardy in Kageyama's eyes and I think he's just so afraid to take that big of a risk. He's special sweetheart. Why do you want to fuck with it like it's not broke, don't?
fix it. Yeah, and well, he and this is Hinata wanting to take the lead, where kageyama has usually taken the lead, and I think that's for me why it goes back to the dictator king thing is because, you know, when he was with kitagawa Daichi, he was trying to take the lead and it's kind of what Tsukishima has an issue with. Where he's like you are setting, like you get to decide where the ball goes and you're not the only one thinking on the court. And Hinata wants to be able to do that. He wants to be thinking how he can get the ball where it needs to go when he's up in the air, and he can't do that with his eyes closed. But Kageyama just isn't accepting that, isn't seeing that he's. I think he's afraid absolutely.
Fear and insecurity is ruling Kageyama, and ambition is kind of like blinding Hinata here. So then kageyama delivers an emotional blow of I'll toss to anyone essential to winning. I don't feel any different, even now. Breakup coded, breakup coded. Even now, even though I, even though we love each other now and we're partners, I'll still stop tossing you if you act like a fool.
This is when we have Hinata going and he runs and he grabs kageyama around the waist and like, grabs his face and is like going after him and kageyama's like let me go, and he's like no, not until you toss to me it's such a realistic fight too because, like when you see fights in movies and he was like, no, not until you toss to me. It's such a realistic fight too because, like when you see fights in movies and it's like people like punching at each other and it's like, no, like an actual fight between two 15 year old boys is them literally just grabbing at each other and that's what they're doing.
And then I do like kageyama does that spin where he like, spins him off of him, and I'm like, did kageyama do some sort of martial arts? Do you think?
this was yeah, no, this is a really proper scrabble and like poor Yachi, like the whole time they're fighting.
She's like let's all just be friends, let's get around, let's get along nay they both have completely forgotten Yachi's existence in this room.
Hinata is like, desperately trying to explain himself and saying like you know, when seijo they stopped me. And blah, blah, and and kageyama again, he's still making it about himself. He's like are you saying my sets were bad? And he's like no, they were perfect. And it still didn't work. I need to get better or we're not going to be able to face stronger opponents. It's like what?
Hinata is trying to say is like no, you're doing great, I need to get on your level. And I think for kageyama he still doesn't believe that Hinata is capable of that. He he's still underestimating Hinata. I don't think Hinata would admit this, but I think that hurts him, I'm sure. I think that hurts a lot, especially hearing those words thrown back in his face again of like I'm not going to set to you if I don't think you're going to get us points, and he's like saying he's like, and you're never going to be able to get us points unless you're doing exactly what I need you to be doing. No, that's got to be really disheartening to hear. Yeah, so then Tanaka comes in and saves the day.
Yes, and I just want to say too quickly, because Kageyama is thinking to himself like why is he still holding on? Everything I'm saying is right and it's like let go of being right. Yes, maybe, and listen to what your partner's saying.
I don't know, haikyuu lesson of the day If you are fighting with somebody and like you are angry and you're like I'm right, I'm right, take a step back, reflect, decide, like are you right or do you just want, not want, to be wrong Also?
like is that what's important? Actually, yeah, how like technically?
right, you are. No, that's a really good point too. Yeah, sometimes even you are right, but that's not what's happening. That's not what the issue is.
It's not about whether you're right or wrong. It's about you not listening to the other person. Also, you're fucking wrong, Kageyama. Yeah, oh yeah, although you are still wrong.
Like it's like yeah, that's the thing. It's just like yeah, right now. And but he, I was gonna say like yeah, right now, the freak quick is working as it is, except it's not. It's literally not it. They lost the match. They keep getting blocked by other people. They're going up these, they're the weakest opponents. And they're yeah, they're the weakest opponents at this training camp. And Hirata is saying I want to do what I can do to make sure Karasuno is better. Yeah.
It does feel like they're all just they don't want to kind of quite face that they have to do this.
I think it's scary. I think it's a really daunting challenge for them to evolve like that. And I think Kageyama, because he's just gotten to the point where he has somebody who can keep up with him. I think he's afraid of losing that For sure, and so he's lashing out in anger. It's very emotional, and then we kind of just see Tanaka coming in and like punching them both in the face, right, yes.
He's like, oh shit, what do I do? I'll hit them. Yeah, really, a very older brother coded. And then Yachi walks with Hinata to the bus. He's walking hard to the bus stop.
Yeah, and Yachi is like basically like are you OK, Hinata? Yeah, he tells Yachi that he and Kagama played in middle school and Kagama beat him and he vowed that he would beat Kagama. And then then of course they ran into each other in in high school and you know, at first kageyama was really mean and it was hard for him, but you know, when they were on the court it's like he kind of knew what he was thinking. He's basically talking about their connection. And then he says for the first time I had a partner, not just a friend, and Yachi cries and then Yachi cries.
And I cry and M cries and we all cry because it's very emotional. And then Hinata cries as he's biking away. You see the tears falling off his face.
I really like this insight into Kagehina's relationship because, as much as we speculate, whatever, this is some canon insight into how they at least how Hinata feels about Kageyama, because we know that they're little rivals, we know that they piss each other off, but there is this connection, and I love that Hinata says it's like I can, I know what he's thinking. There is this indescribable. I mean, they are soulmates in that, in volleyball at least, it's nice that Hinata does also kind of acknowledge a friendship, because he says not just a friend, but a real partner, yes, okay, but so they are also friends. But in the so that's what they say in the sub. In the dub they switch it though, which I think makes it a lot less meaningful, because he says instead of just having a partner, I have a friend, which it's like that doesn't even make sense.
I think it's one of those instances of the dub not really understanding. But then again it's one of those things I wish we knew japanese and I wish we could like hear, hear it ourselves, yeah, like understand it for ourselves, because maybe the sub is getting it wrong and the dub is like the correct translation. We don't know. I refuse to believe that. I don't think that makes as much sense, because I do think I think what he's saying there's I have a volleyball partner I have an Oikawa to my Iwaizumi, I have a Suga to my Daichi, like he's like I have a partner.
I say this all the time. In middle school Hinata had a lot of friends, but he never had teammates, he never had volleyball players to play with, he never had a partner who he could play with. He had a bunch of friends. And so for Hinata it's like yeah sure, kageyama is my friend now we've established that. But it's not just that he's my friend, it's that he's my partner and he, he wants his partner to understand where he's coming from and he wants his partner to accept that it's time for him to grow. And Kageyama isn't doing that and that's very upsetting for Hinata.
And I think for Hinata he's like I can know what Kageyama is thinking on the court, like does he not feel that way about me? Does he not not have that same connection to me? Is this one-sided? I have to go to 803. Right now. We have tanaka telling the third years about what happened. He tells the senpai yeah, and so you know Asahi and Suga are like I love this because Asahi and Suga are like talking to tanaka about it and they're like oh my god, they fought.
And then we have Daichi, who loves to stare wistfully out of a window you said this, you were watching the dub and you're like Daichi loves to look out a window and I cracked up because it's so true, he does.
He's always like. He's like leaning through the open window looking at the sky and he, he kind of, is the one who's, like you know, kageyama and Hinata bicker all the time like this, isn't that? It's not that crazy that they fought?
I love that Daichi fully understands from the get-go that he's like they'll be fine, They've got to work through this.
Yeah, he's like it's going to be okay, like this is what they. Well, and because Daichi was the one who recognized in the very late in the second episode when they first joined Karasuno, he was the one that recognized, like, okay, these two are fighting, but they could be good together. So you know what I'm gonna push them out. They're not gonna join the club. They have to work through this, and he just understands that. That's how kagehina works, like they bicker and they get in each other's faces, but they can work through it if given enough time and the space to do so. And then we go to Ukai in the shop smoking a cigarette and thinking like his head is so full of volleyball yes, just trying like considering what Hinata has been saying and all of that.
And then Hinata shows up and he asks coach, because coach is his adult figure in his life how should he practice now?
yeah, now that he is single because, no matter what anyone says, no matter how hard Kageyama fights him, no matter what happens, Hinata is determined to improve. He knows he's like no. He uses that persistence and that stubbornness that he has and he's like no, I need to practice this. And he and that's the thing is like. He keeps saying, like we need to do this, I need to do this, but he doesn't know how. And so, finally, he goes to and he's like okay, I'm doing this and you're going to tell me how to do it.
Hinata's unwavering will to reach his ideals. It's something that Sukuna would really like. I'll tell you that for free. Jjk haiku crossover it's coming soon. One of these days I need that fucking t-shirt that has jutsu, kaisen and it's lettering and stuff, but it has like Suga and Daichi okay, and that's the end of the episode it's over.
We can only move forward. The only way out is through. Breakups are hard. Yes, they are. So we're on to manga versus anime. Yeah, so now I do have some things this episode. So first point in the manga. In the manga, Ukai gives a better reason for subbing Hinata out, because in the anime he's just like you need to chill out, like we're not going to do anything new today, but I feel like it's more thorough. So he says to Hinata the freak quick is impressive enough, but if it's like you say and you think there's some way to improve it, I think I'd like to see that. Not that I have any clue how to make that happen, but I can guess you'll probably have to kill that. He'll. Let me hit it feeling you've built up first, meaning that like urge that kageyama is gonna, you know, be there with the toss. So no more games for you today. Sit it out on the sidelines.
And it's almost like I feel like you guys, almost telling him like you and kageyama need to take a break from each other well, and I think it could also be like hey, and you also ran into the ace, yeah, so maybe you, you're, you need to rein it in a little bit yeah and I'm gonna force you to do that and I you know Hinata is obviously upset about being taken out, but he, he seems to understand.
Yeah, and then the only other like really big difference is that they cut out in the anime.
There is a few that is in the anime kageyama going home. You see him walking home and he walks by the poster of the youth volleyball thing and he looks at it. It's different in the manga, okay, so what happens in the he?
goes home. You see the kageyama home thing. He goes through his doorway and there is a poster in his entry oh okay, yes, okay, so they just swapped it out. They just had kageyama walking home and he sees just the poster, like he he sees the poster on like a random street, but in the manga it's in his home. Interesting Because I think that the so it's a poster for volleyball classes and I think that's where someone used to teach that it was related to Kageyama.
Oh, so it's at like the gym near his house. Oh, ok, that makes sense.
Yeah, okay, that makes sense. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Okay, but I just, you know, I'm a kageyama stan, so any little glimpse into his life, even if it's just his entryway, I'm excited about and I think it's noteworthy. So, yes, so that's manga versus anime character spotlight. Who are we talking about?
today we're gonna talk about Nekomata yasafumi. I love you, I love, I love Nakamata. Yeah, we decided today was going to be a good day to talk about him. I didn't know that Yasufumi was his first name. I did not realize that. A little bit about his personality, for one thing, grandpa Ukai calls him baka neko. Okay, which I will talk about a little bit when we get to his name meaning. But from the wiki we have quote Nakamata appears to be a laid-back and carefree person most of the time.
He's been shown to be rather competitive and childish, especially in regards towards his longtime friend and rival, Ukai. I wish we could get like a whole ova about young Ukai and Nekomata, like that's what I want, I know, oh, if I had all the money in the world. So for name meaning, I usually start with the family name and then talk about the given name. But there's some stuff I want to talk about with the family name, so I'm going to say given name first, which I think is very appropriate. His name is Yasufumi, which means to educate or raise. It also means history, so I think that is super appropriate. I feel like sometimes you can tell when a name has like way more meaning baked into it.
Some of the names are just like oh okay, rice field, cool, right, yeah, but like this, one is like to educate and raise. And then history, that's what Nakamata does. And then his first name. Nakamata means cat forked, but Nakamata is a kind of cat yokai from Japanese folklore, and a yokai is a class of supernatural entities and spirits, and this is from Wikipedia. There are two very different types those that live in the mountains and domestic cats that have grown old and transformed into yokai. Nekomata are often confused with bakaneko, which is what Ukai calls him. Since the edo period, it has become generally believed that domestic cats turn into Nekomata as they grow old and mountainous Nekomata have come to be interpreted as cats that have run away to live in the mountains, and it's mentioned there that in japan they actually don't think you should keep cats for a long time, I think, because they'll run away to live in the mountains or something like that fascinating yeah.
So I thought that was really interesting because I typed in Nekomata and I thought I just thought for sure it was gonna, because usually Google's like, oh, do you mean a haiku character? But this one I like I typed in Nekomata and was like Japanese folklore and I was like, oh, interesting, and I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who already knew that, knew about that. I'm sure you can find fix where that's referenced, but this was my first time learning about it and I thought it was really interesting and I thought the rest of you would enjoy.
Thank, you for rainbow's learning corner rainbow likes to teach.
And then for his character sheet. He actually didn't have a full character sheet like the rest of them do. His character sheet was split between him and the Nekoma assistant coach, and I cut him out because we don't need to worry about him, but that does mean we get a lot less information for him. He's the coach of Nekoma high school. He's the head coach. His age is 68, which honestly he looks older than that. He, in my opinion I don't know, he just like, he, just looks like he should already be like he's giving 74 at least yeah, but he's 68, um.
And then his current worry is that his assistant coach, now a, is a bore to go drinking with because he's too easy to drink under the table, which we see that in this episode. I'm sure he was so glad to find Takeda who can keep up with him. And then I couldn't find his birthday. But I was reading in that Wikipedia article that and you know this, I think this is what it was saying that the first appearance of Nekomata, those cat yokai in Japanese literature it mentions the date of August 2nd, like 1233. So my headcanon for Nekomata is that his birthday is August 2nd, which makes him a.
Leo, and that's my brother's birthday.
oh, I didn't realize that yeah, so how do you feel about nakamata as a leo?
I feel good about it. He's, you know, he's cat like. I feel like, yeah, to be the lion would make sense yeah, I didn't even think about that, yeah but yeah, so that's nakamata.
Any thoughts?
anything you want to add.
Maybe the drinking is what's aged him yeah, the drinking and the dealing with teenagers for his career. Fuck yeah, yeah. So I mean I love Nekomata, I think he's fun, I like that. He's almost like he's like another coach for Karasuno, in a way he's got one eye on selena with Karasuno.
He's just keeping an eye and he's like this is what you need to do. I'm not gonna tell you that though.
All right, so can't wait to see more of him. Wish we could see more of young him with young Ukai. We know they're in love. It's fine.
We gotta go to ao3 right now all right, it's a time for the world's favorite game. You know it is who in haikyuu. This week's scenario was brought by me and if you follow me on Twitter you know I've been on my Jujutsu Kaisen train. I kind of want to say sorry. But I don't want to say sorry because I fully believe you can do whatever you want on your Twitter, but I know how it is when a moot gets really into something totally different than what you followed them for and you're like what the fuck is this? Janice? I'm sorry but I've been on my shit. I'm having a good time.
For this week's scenario I wanted to do something JJK related, so I was like, oh my god, what if we talked about what the characters' domain expansions would be? We usually have a long list of characters, but I came up with a few, and then you came up with a few and I'm looking at them right now and I'm really excited to get into them. So, and then I guess quick thing, if you guys don't watch Jujutsu Kaisen, they are sorcerers. They do jiu-jitsu sorcery the english translation is sorcery fight. They do a bunch of battles and like, listen, I'm not the biggest, I am not a authority, so I might.
I might not be 100% correct, but I'm going to give you the rough idea that domain expansions are like the boss move that you can do where you put your opponent in your domain that you build. Once you're in it, whatever attack they put on you is guaranteed to hit and each domain is different based on the person that makes it. So I hope that explanation made any sense.
Yeah, I think that makes sense and I mean kind of how I view it is like your domain is like the power or like the aura that you carry with you at all time and when you do a domain extension, it's like you're bringing people into your aura and, like the, like, the physical, like the, the physical world around you changes to match that. Like power seems like it's a very hard thing to do. Like the the teenagers seem to have to struggle with that.
So I looked up the actual definition. Domain expansion is the most supreme technique of any jiu-jitsu user. It is achieved by expanding one's innate domain with cursed energy while using a barrier to construct it inside a separate space. So let's get into this. Hopefully you guys know what I'm fucking talking about and hopefully there's some jiu-jitsu kaisen fans out there who are going to enjoy this.
I think there are.
We know for a fact. There's at least a few, there's a yes, there's a hi eli, this is all for you, babe. Okay, so I have Hinata's perfect decoy, and so when you're in his domain, expansion, a bunch of clone Hinata's like appear and you don't know the right one until it kills you which is very like, very naruto shadow clone coded, which I love that.
I saw that and I was like okay, this is just shadow clone jitsu yeah, and I'm not mad about it and then I have Kageyama's gridlock.
So his domain is like a complicated it's like a grid and it's this complicated puzzle where you have to navigate it a certain way and if you do it wrong you die. I have Oikawa's break hit. Once you're in his domain, a service ace will hit you and kill you on the spot, which I love.
I'm sure people have seen the edited manga panel of like Oikawa going to do a serve and he says domain expansion and then it's Sukuna with his eyes all wide. I want that on a t-shirt I want.
I would tattoo that on my body and I'm not joking and I might. I believe you, yeah, there's that. And then there's a panel of haikyuu where it's Nishinoya saving a ball, but the ball is Eren from attack on titan's head. That I would also get tattooed. I've made tweets about this, okay, continuing. So now we're moving into ones that you, oh no, okay one. The last one is also me. So I wrote Kenma's bird cage. Physically you'd be in a bird cage and I didn't come up with like specific power moves, but it's like, no matter what you do, Kenma's already three steps ahead of you yeah, and maybe something with him where it's like, where he I don't know something where like he doesn't have to move a lot, but he can like.
maybe he like pulls people towards him, something, where, like he doesn't have to make a ton of like physical moves, okay, okay.
Furu Dante, let's all talk. Okay, so then, these are the ones that you wrote.
Yeah, I came up with three of them just off the top of my head and, like I am a very casual jujitsu consumer, I really everything I know is pretty much from him. I've read a few fics, you know I do like it, I think it's fun, but I I don't have as much patience for the battle anime, unfortunately. So I came up with three. One of them is kuru's umbrella. It blocks you from leaving, slowly closing in on you to crush you, and then noya's rolling thunder sends a lightning bolt down wherever you step. So you have to be fast you can't stop moving.
and then Daichi is crumbling cliff, the ground behind you and around you falls away, and if you step over the edge you fall into the abyss I love that because we do have a lot of Daichi on the edge of a cliff imagery.
Yeah, I really was pulling from.
From that and this is one thing where I really want to know any of you out there that are jujitsu kaizen fans like what would be your, what's your idea for their domain expansions? Especially characters we haven't talked about, and feel free to include characters that we haven't covered in the anime yet from later seasons. You know I'm thinking something with Ushijima would be something about, like something very powerful.
And, like cannons, coming at you. There's another character from Shiratorizawa that I would love to talk about.
Oh yeah, He'd have a fucked up domain.
Oh my God, it would be so much fun. I'll talk about it off mic. Yeah, is there anything else?
No, that's good for me. Like I said, definitely hit us up on Twitter or email. If this inspired any ideas for you, we'd love to hear it. I love doing crossovers.
Also real quickly, just off of the top of your head what positions on a volleyball team would Jujutsu Kaisen characters be?
Oh, come on, I need a second.
Okay, can I just throw a character at you and can you just first position that comes to mind Sure, okay, Itadori, sure, okay, Itadori I. I feel like he'd be a wing spiker.
Wing spiker, Meguni center, obviously. I don't know if that's just because he most reminds me of kageyama or if that's his personality, Nobara, I think he's pretty analytical. Nobara, maybe libero, I don't know. Okay, Gojo middle blocker.
Okay, and that's because he's also voiced by kuro.
What was it, Sukuna? He would be like mad dog. His whole purpose is to come in and like, kill people with the volleyball okay, toji, oh, my god, I don't know.
I feel like there are a lot of. I feel like a lot of them are wing spikers yeah, like they're all aces I think, I think Sukuna would be a pinch server yeah because of the whole him coming. Yeah, because, like he, maybe he comes in a vessel who just pops it exactly, yeah, exactly, yeah, okay, I think that's it for who?
and haikyuu all right, before we move into the spoiler zone, here are our socials. Please message me, I'm lonely. We're on twitter, instagram, tumblr and blue sky. You can find us at fly Haikyuu pod. That's fly hq pod. You can also send us an email with your jujutsu kaisen head cannons at fly Haikyuu pod at gmailcom. That's fly hq pod at gmailcom. Now you go through a door and you enter a zone the spoiler zone I want to touch on real quick.
When you were talking about manga versus anime and you were talking about the poster for the training camp or the little youth training camp at the gym, I think what you wanted to say is that's where kazuya coached yes, that's where his grandpa coached.
I'm pretty sure that's why that's there yeah, okay, so that makes sense.
and then, what I wanted to touch on is we have said this whole time, this whole episode, that, like, ultimately, Hinata is right because he is Learning this lesson, all of Karasuno learning this lesson of like, we need to evolve and we need to change in order to grow. It's what helps them realize that they need to try new things and that it's okay for those things to not work when you're first trying them out. Because we see that in the rest of this training camp and we see that later on, between, like, before they go to nationals, that like they'll be playing games against people and they're doing bad and they're not quite together, but then once, if they keep going at it and they get it together, they are better and they can improve. And, like Hinata, pushing to change the freak quick is what helps Karasuno beat Seijoh, beat Shiratorizawa, get to nationals and get as far as they do in nationals.
And I just I had to, I just needed to point that out. I also wanted to point out. So we have the moment where Hinata's on the ground and he's yelling to kageyama before attacking him, and that, to me, mirrors in season four when Hinata, like goes and gets the ball, he like saves it during the Inarizaki match and then he turns and yells for Kageyama to send to give him a toss. Yeah, and like I want those. We need a side by side of those two moments when we get to that episode. You know, whenever we do in the next three years, when we get to season four. but yeah, that's, that's what I had for the spoiler zone. Is there anything that you want to talk about?
no, I really didn't have yeah, no, the stuff with the volleyball poster.
That was my only thing okay, yeah, and so we're kind of we're. We're about to go into you know kagehina doing their separate training. I saw a tiktok once talking about them being twin flames. as opposed to soulmates, which, like I don't really buy into. Like the twin, it's a twin flame or so blah, blah, blah, blah. I think it's all all different words for the same thing. it's about their connection, but talking about how they they're always like and they this does happen a lot where when they need to train, they do separate for it. Yeah, in this, in this season, we're seeing them separate because they're fighting and so they go off and do their own thing. And then in season four they're separate because, you know, Kageyama is in tokyo at the training camp, Hinata goes to another training camp and then, after high school, Hinata goes to brazil and then they come back and that's they just. They're always like separating to get better and then coming back together and I love that for them all right, everyone.
fights are hard, but sometimes they're necessary. So keep that in mind in your personal lives, and until I see you next time, you better fly high Woo.