Fly: A Queer Haikyuu Podcast

S2E23: Team

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"You have to face the team and the team has to face you."

This week, rainbow and em discuss season 2, episode 23 "Team" and talk about the root of Kyoutani's gayness and how Yahaba is able to knock some sense into him. 

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Hello everyone and welcome to Fly a queer Haikyuu podcast.I'm Rainbow they she



And I'm Em, and today we are discussing season 2, episode 23, team. But gosh, before we get into that, but gosh, before we get into that. Rainbow's looking at me like, yeah, I I'm. So I had written out about the tiktok ban looming, but last night, so as of we were recording january 19th yes, january 18th tiktok shut down in a very weird way would say. There was like rumors about it going down 8, 30 pm EST. That was maybe a distraction or something. Everyone assumed midnight at least and it went off randomly at like 9, 45 or something.


I am very fucked up over this. I am very fucked up over this. I have to admit I didn't sleep last night really at all and I can feel like the physical grieving that you would feel if you lost someone, because I don't really give a fuck about your feelings about TikTok. If you thought it was a silly app, if you never really got on it, if you think it's funny that people care, that's very ignorant, because this ban sets a very dangerous precedent in this country that was already an oligarchy and already descending into fascism, but it really felt like a slap in the face of reality for a lot of us, I think, to actually have this very strange pop-up message come up that was like, with Trump's help, we'll probably come back. The fact that they even mentioned Trump at all in their little pop-up message is very strange and weird. It's very scary to me. And tomorrow we have an inauguration while we are dark on TikTok and we can't talk to each other, and that's exactly what they want.


This is a crazy move of censorship, not to mention the fact that they could pull this off quickly but couldn't ban automatic weapons, like I mean. There's just. The list goes on and on about why this is so egregious. So I think a lot of us have been emotionally reeling from that. I'm on this Reddit, this subreddit called Nothing Happening here, and a lot of people went to it to just kind of talk, and a lot of people are crying and grieving and feel such a loss of connection to a community.


And me personally, this past year has been such a weird change in community. I mean, in 2024, I already was kind of feeling disconnected from the Twitter community and I ended up deleting it after Elon Musk made it worse. And with all of this, I've also deleted my Facebook and my Instagram because I simply can't stomach being a part of meta in any way, and in some ways I think it can be good for us. Hopefully, I'm hoping that this pushes us to in real life action, that people are angry. I mean, they did take away our biggest distraction and comfort TikTok was a pacifier and so I'm really hoping that this does lead to people taking to the streets and taking fuck it. I don't care. Violent action Because peaceful protest does nothing. And I'll say what I want at this point, because the censorship is bad. I know rainbows like wrap it up.



no actually, I have something to add about yeah, about tiktok being banned, because I feel like some people I mean everybody knows about the looming potential, like protection for children on the internet, whatever that bill is, that is not about protecting children and it is about but there's also this idea that like, well, tiktok is like taking all of your user data and it's selling it to other people, and the only problem that America has with that is that it's a Chinese company getting all of that data, because all of the data scraping that TikTok does is done on every single app that we have.


It's done on Facebook all of the meta apps, facebook Instagram threads, it's done on TikTok, yeah, tiktok, it's done on Twitter, it's done on Blue Sky probably Every app that you're going to find out there is scraping your data and it's selling it, and the biggest issue that American companies have is that they don't get the data from TikTok, because there are a lot of people on there and so there's lots of different things happening here, and so if you hear anyone out there being like, well, tiktok was stealing all of our data, it's like, okay, that's every single app. If you're going to say that about TikTok, you have to say that about the other apps, but those other apps are not getting the same flack because they're owned by let's face it Donald Trump's tech friends Elon Musk, mark Zuckerberg people who don't care about us and who don't actually care about free speech, no matter how much they say they care about free speech, because if you cared about free speech, you would not be okay with banning an app where people were exercising their right to speech.



And it's such a weird moment because about roughly 100 million people know what's up and know why this is happening and the truth of it all, and then a lot of people just don't fucking get it. I got sent a clip of SNL and they were doing like a thing about it and you could just tell the way the skit went. They were like, well, I mean, isn't it good for national security, like it is? Just it's. It's a really weird timeline that we're in right now.



And national security is such a like a bullshit word that people throw around to be like, well, you can't argue if we're saying it's for national security which, yeah, you can, because they do a lot of things in the name of national security that are wrong and you can't just say, well, it's for the national security and then we're going to be OK with it.



And, on a slightly more hopeful note, I do love like there was one tragedy happens, the response to it is usually great, like the fact that people are now migrating to an actual Chinese app in response and talking to each other and unlearning a lot of American propaganda. It's funny, because when horrible things happen, they're horrible, but then good things do tend to come of it, like COVID happened, and that's how TikTok became what it is today. So now they took TikTok away from us. Now maybe we get more community outreach, now maybe more people wake up to what the fuck is going on and realize that we are the fire nation and we need to make real change. So I choose to be hopeful. I also just wanted to say like we started collecting responses from people about because we have our anniversary episode coming up and I'm just asking about, like, what has Haikyuu done for you? And stuff like that, and we've already gotten a few responses and seeing people just talk about that kind of community makes me so happy and I just I really I'm so glad that we have this podcast, I'm very glad I have Rainbow and I'm glad I have you guys here. I think this kind of stuff, this long form content is going to become more important than ever. Just a few quick housekeeping things and then we will move on to talk about the episode, because Haikyuu is healing For our American listeners and yeah, of course this is a very American problem. But also, side note, you know America does set the precedent, so don't act like you're not. Next, we all have to work together here.


But anyway, some good news sources, because I know a lot of us got our news from TikTok. As always make sure to get news from varied sources, but here are some that are more reliable, that are from different parts of the world. So we have Sky News, which is an Australian news source. Associated Press, which is a more reliable American news source. They have thorough articles. Al Jazeera, which is a reliable news source that focuses a lot about the Middle East. You're going to get good stuff about the Middle East there. This site is banned in a lot of countries, so that's how you know it's good. The BBC not BBC America or BBC London and then Reuters R-E-U-T-E-R-S. They really keep up with what's going on with Congress. I will say Reuters is definitely keeping me very up to date about the minute by minute TikTok stuff. I was already seeing things about how TikTok is going to come back and Trump's going to sign in a thing.


Whatever, I think Facebook is going to buy it and if we even get if we do get TikTok back, it's still over, like that chapter is over. It's not going to be the TikTok that we knew and loved. So I would urge you to just not go back. Delete Instagram. Facebook, facebook Messenger is the worst when it comes to stealing your data and getting hacked. If you can, please delete these things. If you can't, I think there's ways to do ad blockers to take away money from them, but there's just like no real good thing about being on these apps anymore.


Another app you can download is the Nextdoor app, which connects you with your neighborhood. I don't know how great it is, but I think if more of us get on it just more of us talking to our neighbors that's really what we need to be doing. Read books, take care of each other. Neighbors, that's really what we need to be doing. Read books, take care of each other. And that's really all I got. I'm going to try and be a little bit more upbeat for this episode. I'm hoping Haikyuu injects some happiness into me right now.



Yeah, thank you, and thank you for everything you said there, and I do want to say you know we're saying all this stuff about deleting your apps and not being on social media. This podcast is still going to be using.



And you know what's interesting, rainbow and I came very close to deleting our podcast Twitter, to be honest with you guys, because we were already dealing with, like the evil of Elon Musk and now with this happening. But it's such a like double-edged sword. We are going to stay there for now because you know, it's a podcast Twitter. It feels different from like our personal relationships, to whatever Twitter is, and we do get a lot of outreach with you guys there. So you know, call us a hypocrite if you want, but we are staying on Twitter for now. Rainbow kindly reminded me of another important point I would like to make is that this is because of Israel as well, that guy who said we have a TikTok problem and we have a Gen Z problem, apac. You know they really drove it because we got to see the truth of what was going on in Gaza, and that can't be understated as a reason to why we are losing this. So don't forget that either. Don't forget Palestine. Yeah, okay, I think now we can move on.



Yeah, yeah, again, thank you, em, and to all of you out there who are also reeling from this very sudden change.



You're not alone, yeah and a lot of oh baby, you're not alone, we're here. And I truly believe. As someone who grew up with the internet, you know I was on tumblr in the early 2010s and I felt a very similar sense of the camaraderie with people and the unfiltered news source.


And then Tumblr kind of shit, the bed a little bit and then years went by and then 2020, tiktok came. So it might be years, but people, life finds a way and we will get those communities back. But until then, just, whoever you have in your real life, reach out to them more. I texted a lot of my friends when TikTok went down and that kind of helped and just reach out to the people in your life and if you don't have a lot of people in your life, get on Tumblr and Reddit. Those are pretty good places to go and we love you very much and I'm so sorry this is happening. Yeah, to go and we love you very much and I'm so sorry this is happening. Yeah, kiki is also very upset. I think Kiki can tell I'm not doing too well she?



yeah, she absolutely can. She's been a little bit more vocal. Okay, well, are we ready to move on? Hell yes let's move on.


So M did. We're gonna do just a touch of housekeeping, because Em did mention the google form we have out collecting responses from listeners for our anniversary episode. And I do just want to say that by the time this episode that you're listening to now episode 23 by the time it comes out, we'll have already recorded our anniversary episode. So a big thank you to everyone who participated and, for any of you who missed it, we'll keep the forum open a little bit longer to collect some more responses, just to see, because it is really nice and we can hold on to those and maybe share them in a later episode. And yeah, and we're very excited for the anniversary episode, we're very excited to have spent a year with you all talking about Haikyuu, and we're excited for another year, maybe even two oh yeah, they're moving forward with the Haikyuu movie part two and I don't we don't have a lot of details yet.



I'm so fucking hoping that it's just covering, like the last game, and then they're like and I'll stay tuned for season five because I swear to god, if I don't get the time skip in panel by panel detail, that might be my actual last straw bites.



I mean honestly, this podcast might just turn into a GoFundMe to get the time skip fully animated in a full season, 25 episodes.



Get me for Dante on the line. Who do I need?



to call let's go, let's fucking go. Studio IG. How much, how much? What's your price? We'll pay it.



I think the exchange rate between american dollars and yen is pretty good so I guess, without further ado, we'll get into the recap, and I get it gets to be my turn.



So count me down. I'll count you down. Are you ready? And son me?



This is it, the one for all the marbles. The third and final set Mad Dog finds a home in the kennel of Blue Castle and Hinata assures Kageyama that as long as he's around, Kageyama's invincible. These two strong teams can't afford to let the other get too far ahead. Will Karasuno finally defeat their arch enemy? We find out real soon here on haikyuu yeah, that's right, kiki.



Kiki looked at that and honestly I understand it was beautiful yeah, it third and final set. Yeah, I mean, and we spend quite a few episodes on this third set. I want to say it's like what?


at least two full episodes well, yeah, today, I almost said today and tomorrow this episode and I think the next episode getting into the, the third and final, we have the Seijo coach telling his teammates or not his teammates telling his team that they need to get more aggressive with their serves, which I had several question marks for that because I was like he obviously doesn't mean Oikawa and Iwaizumi or even Mad Dog, like who needs to be more aggressive.



Interesting. I know in the sub he kind of I thought it was kind of funny because we have the Seijo coach and he kind of says like you know, number 10 is just going to get some points. Do what you can about him. And side note, everyone is like you know, they go, they acknowledge him, except for Mad Dog and we have Yahaba kind of giving Mad Dog a look. Meanwhile Seijo is like all right, just watch out for that number 10. And then we go to Karasuno and Ukai is like we just got to deal with Oikawa's serves. We know who the troublemakers are in this game.



We absolutely do, and I, like Takeda talks about the importance of rivalry here as well. He says I know that, like Seijo is a really tough team, but that's a good thing. Having such a strong rival is going to help make us stronger, which that one of, like, the core tenets of haikyuu it's like one of it's the core of kakahina's relationship and a lot of the relationships we see is about rivalry, making people stronger and, in the sub.



He goes on about like if someone that you plan to defeat for a long time is an arch enemy, then se Seijo is our arch enemy. I said every team should have a literature teacher to give, like this, poetic, emotional context to each game.



Yes, absolutely. The other teams are missing out, not having a Takeda with them. One other thing I wanted to say before we actually get into the game is I love how consistent they're being about Daichi's bruised cheek I feel like you really see it which is awesome because it means they remember to animate that the continuity person clocked in that day. They absolutely did yeah, and then we're getting in and then the episode is really getting going and the episode's music is funky as hell. Oh my God, can we?



talk about the trumpet thing.






So one of the responses I was talking about to our Google form, someone was like because we've talked about that crazy instrument that goes off during Mad Dogs like theme, and I think I just said saxophone, I didn't actually fucking know. And someone was like it's a trumpet. I love imagining like you guys yelling at the air when we fuck stuff up like that.



It brings me joy, yeah, when we're mispronouncing names air, when we fuck stuff up like that, it brings me joy, yeah. When we're mispronouncing names, when we're calling out the wrong instruments, when we're saying, when I say shonen instead of shoujo, that kind of thing, as somebody who listens to podcast and will say out loud, oh my gosh, you guys, you're so wrong about that, I, I love, I love thinking of that, yeah, and we really appreciate and honestly I do, I like those opportunities to learn, because I didn't know that a trumpet could make that sound. It's apparently called growling and it's a very cool sound. And now I know that is not a saxophone.



Yeah, as long as you guys aren't being like weird pretentious dicks about it, please correct us all the time it's funny.



Yeah, it's really. It's only pretentious if you're like actually I didn't know you guys were so stupid. Yeah, you guys are so sweet about it, you're so nice. You're like oh, you know, like I'm sorry to correct you, but this and it's like no, correct us. We get things wrong all the time and we want to learn.



We're just two regular bitches who fried our brains with drugs, we get a.



I don't know how I'm transitioning this into talking about Tanaka, but sure Make that segue happen. Yeah, so we're getting into the game and we have Tanaka getting a block out on Kyoutani which stops Seijo's flow, and you can tell that Mad Dog is pissed about it.



Yes, he's clearly focusing on Tanaka now and they start making those, like you know I mean they just start making those, like you know growly faces at each other, like, oh my God, that's so perfect. He just did like the perfect Tanaka face which, importantly, suki, we see him kind of like. Notice this dynamic going on between Tanaka and Mad Dog.



Yeah, well, because the blockout gets returned. Kyoutani gets a blockout from Tanaka and he has his little smirk, and then Tanaka has his little face.



And then we have the coaches just being dramatic and making this feel like a literal war. They're like we're both highly skilled. The more we fight for dominance, the higher the consequences will be when one of us falls. Right now they're like neck and neck. No one's really getting a lead and neither team can really afford for that to happen.



Yeah, so we have Ukai thinking about how they have to break down at least one of Seijo's powerhouses Awaisami, Oikawa or Kyoutani, or that number 16, as they call him.



So then we have.



Is this, when we have Asahi, getting that service ace?



yes, with the sickest spin on it, yes it gets past mad dog and he is not happy about it.



The curve that the serve takes is fucking incredible. I really like that moment. yeah, and Asahi and not Asahi. Asahi is excited and Kyoutani is pissed.



They pick up Oikawa's next serve, that like hits the net and Suki then makes a move with Tanaka switching their block to successfully block out Mad.



Dog. Yes, I wrote tricky, tricky Tsukishima, tricky Tsuki. Yeah, he knew, and I wanted to do a quick sidebar here because this is not the first time we've seen suki switch places with a blocker. he's done that a couple times. But I kind of wondered. I feel like, the first time we see that happen is actually Suga does that with suki shima and their first seijo game, where Suga says hey, I'm pretty short, so people usually tend to go for me, so let's switch at the last minute, and then we can block the barrel. And so I wondered if that was something that Tsukishima picked up from Suga I couldn't remember him doing that before Suga did it or if that was the first time we see it. And then so Tsukishima is like okay, well, that's a really good move, because we've seen him. He just done it with Kageyama, he's done it, he did it here with Tanaka. So I just thought it was interesting. If anyone out there knows, if you are, if you remember Tsukishima doing that before Suga does it, let me know.



But I just that's a little headcanon I have now- yeah, well, we know that Suki is a fake I don't give a fucker and he is really good at strategy and we're really starting to see that and we have a notion of helpfully narrating exactly what's gone down, and pointing out how Mad Dog and Tanaka have had this little like 1v1 going on for the past few episodes. Tanaka was getting points off of Mad Dog and that was pissing Mad Dog off and he was trying to get revenge, trying to get blocks past him, and so that's what Suki noticed and used it to his advantage. So he placed Tanaka basically as a trap that Mad Dog fell for, because you know he's an idiot.



Well, and I think part of it is that Tanaka kept getting through with line shots, specifically even line shots where it would have been smarter for him to do a cross. He was doing like, really like, really intense line shots, and so I think for Mad Dog it was a little bit like oh, you can do a line shot, I can do a line shot, and Tsukishima was like sure you can bud.



And my favorite part of it, as Suga points out, is that Tanaka wasn't really like trying to go Mad Dog, he was just being himself.



It's literally just how he is. I have written down. Tanaka's natural antagonism comes in handy Literally.



And this is a weakness for someone like Mad Dog. He's easy to fuck with because he's so emotions, parentheses, anger based.



He's kind of like Bokuto in that way yeah, it's like if Bokuto wasn't so sweet and himbo like yeah, and then is that when we is that commercial break time.



That's commercial break to me, and then we come back and it's flashback time.



And I don't remember. Did we get the usual like commercial break? yeah, I feel like it was like a Hinata and Tanaka one. Okay, that makes sense. I just I couldn't remember it. Like it flew by suddenly I was like in the episode and I was like this is going on a really long time. Have we gotten to the commercial break? And then I looked at m's notes and I was like, oh yeah, we did a while ago yes, we come back to the flashback.



We have Mad Dog who is practicing at a community gym and we have adults on the sidelines presumably ones he's been playing with and they're wondering why he doesn't just do club activities if he's in high school and it must be because he's the type that doesn't get along with others. And then we have this one adult with a five o'clock shadow who points out that there must be something Mad Dog likes about the sport if he's practicing like this. And then we go to a younger, angry Mad Dog watching a live game and you can see on his face he kind of has his like volleyball aha moment.



And baby Kyoutani is so cute. He's so cute and adorable. I will be posting a side-by-side of baby Gaara and baby Mad Dog, because they're both just so cute with their little eyeliner and their baby bloodlust.



Seriously, the baby bloodlust. I'll have more to say this in manga versus anime, interestingly enough.



Oh, and I did want to mention it. Looks like we really focus on Mad Dog there, but I think you can kind of see, to the right of him there's a guy who has the similar like eyeliner thing.



I think he's there with his dad he is, and it's clearer in the manga. I didn't even notice him in the anime. That's what I'm going to talk about later.



Oh, interesting. Okay, yeah, I just I was like oh, because I was thinking, I was like who is this kid with? For a second I was like oh my God, is that an empty seat beside him? Did he go by himself? But no, there's an adult man.



Now I got to look. So now we're back in present day and that one adult who seemed to kind of understand Mad Dog a little is watching the game and I wrote down who is he. But honestly I don't think there's a big mystery. I think he's just an adult in the community who noticed Mad Dog.



 Well, and I have a note here, I have two notes about those adults. One of them is, finally, an adult who is concerned for kids' well-being and not just their volleyball technique. Like he seems to really recognize that, mad dog, is that there's something going on there and like he seems invested and it's not like creepy. Anyway, like I was thinking I was like if this was naruto there would be like a sinister edge to this guy.



No, but all the like adult and kid relationships in this show are very wholesome, very wholesome, very good, I also wanted to say so.



The other people, because it seems like that guy is maybe a little bit older. And then the other people who are talking about mad dog at the community center. They are giving like college age to me, and they have a fun interaction in the dub, which I love, which is the girl says that mad dog is better than them. She's like well, it's a good thing he's around because he's actually better than us. And one of the guys gets all like upset and the girl goes oh, does that hurt your little baby feelings? And he's just like shut up. And I was like, oh, my God, I love that. Yes, yes, honey, tell men they're acting like a baby when they're acting like a baby. And I want to say this is kind of where I noted that kind of throughout the episode, at least a couple of times. We kind of get a cut to Yahaba for just a sec to see his reaction to Kiyotani.



Yeah, because now he's getting switched out and the Libro goes to tell him and puts his hand on his shoulder, which he roughly yanks away, and then we have the best Iwa-Oi moment. They see this happen and Oizumi is walking ahead already and Oikawa's behind him pointing saying and Iwaizumi is walking ahead already and Oikawa's behind him pointing saying Iwachan, go now, like to go sick Iwa onto him and unfortunately we don't get to see how that plays out, because the whistle blows and it is time for him to get switched out.



Can you remember how it's said in Japanese? It's like Ike Iwachan katsu.



Iwachan Ike katsu.



Yeah, I love it. Yeah, yeah, in the in the dub he says ghost gold mad dog. Bad, ghost gold mad dog. It's so funny and we, we were talking about this of like. If iwa oi were parents like Iwaizumi would be the parent who, like, has to do all the punishments but would still somehow be the favorite parent, and Oikawa would be so salty about it.



Oh my God. And so then the coach is like you can get back on the court when you've had a bottle and calmed down A little binky suck motion and he, like Mad Dog, marches into the box of people.



And he like snatches the paddle out of Kunami's hands and I was like what did my baby boy do? I suddenly got very protective of Kunimi.



He's just like a fucking menace for seemingly no reason. So that's what makes this next part so satisfying is that Yahaba puts him in his fucking place. So Yahaba basically tells him like pull yourself together, we have to win. And Mad Dog just goes shut up, I don't care. Matsukawa tells Yahaba not to push the dog but and as he walks away, Yahaba goes quietly to himself saying like sorry, but no, and Yahaba fucking reads him. He keeps it incredibly real. He tells that dog that he is lame for letting the opponent get to him like that. Then he admits like he doesn't like how he just got to saunter onto this court and be a starter. But he acknowledges that the senpais acknowledge his skill and that he could help them win. And then he slams that bitch against the wall and goes if you mess this up for our senpais, I won't forgive you.



and here everyone.


folks, we have the root of Kyoutani's gayness thank you for remembering, yes no, I, I, I was looking out for it because then, because he like grabs him and like pulls him forward and then pushes him back against the wall. It's so good, and Kyoutani is shook, like you can tell. He's like oh, this is not what I was expecting from this pretty boy, and I think it's not just like the physicality of it. I think the physicality did help it get through to him. I think that kind of aggression makes sense because we've seen the way he is, like he only respects a wise of me because a wise of me is so tough and is stronger than him and has beat him.


And so I think Yahaba is taking the right approach. Like Matsukawa was just like, let him be, let him be. Like we'll just handle this rabid dog and we'll take him out whenever we have to. But Yahaba's like no, he's part of our team. If he wants to continue being on this team, then he's gonna have to be a part of it and he's not gonna fuck this up for our senpai. I really like that part of Yahaba's insistence is that it's like this is the third year's last chance to go to nationals and if you fuck this up like it's over for you, yeah, my dog says I thought you were way more of a shallow person.



And Yahaba goes I may be shallow, but I respect our senpais. Every point belongs to our team, so help us and we're gonna get. We're gonna sink our teeth more into that in just a little bit, but for now, Kageyama reads Kunimi's attack as a feint and they get the point with Noya jump setting to Tanaka.



After that we switch immediately back in with Mad Dog yes, and something Yahaba said that I took note of, I forgot to mention, and he says every point you gain or lose goes for the whole team. So please lend us your power. Yes, and I, yeah, and so, and we see that cutani comes back onto the court prepared to do that. He comes back on the court to be like okay, I'm gonna be a team player now and Oikawa sets to him right away and he, you can tell he is surprised by this.



Yes, yes, absolutely.


And this is where the life lesson comes in, because when we flash back again to Mad Dog in middle school and his teammates are you know, they're nervous around him because he's so angry and his whole thing is like he is so, so powerful, but no one knows how to handle his mood and they all just kind of run away.


As you said, matsukawa was just like you, you know, just deal with it, like leave him alone. But with kids like Kiyotani sometimes you need to fucking try a little harder and I think between Yahaba and Oikawa, continually putting his trust in him, that changes something in Kiyotani and we see it here. So we have a flashback to I wrote the adult who cares talking to Mad Dog about how he kind of is like hey, so you, sage, was a pretty strong school. You ran away. Hcouldn't even handle a team. And he gets into this whole thing about how, like, a team is great but can also be stressful and annoying, but if you face them and they face you, you bounce off of each other and you become stronger.



I love this moment so much. I also really love this adult seeing an at-risk kid, seeing an angry kid, and being like, and not being like, oh, I'm going to save this kid, or this kid needs like help, or whatever, but just being like, hey, it seems like this is what's going on and here's another way for you to think about it. Here's a new perspective, and I feel like the combination of this adult and Yahaba and Oikawa, it allowed Kiyotani to put it all together, to really understand what he was saying when he said you need to face the team and the team needs to face you.



He makes an important point about volleyball, of about the teamwork. You can't even deal with that and you think you're playing volleyball, because I think I've said this before. You know, Kyoutani kind of reminds me of an angry or spikier Kageyama, where he just can't, like he doesn't want to deal with the teamwork part of it all. He just wants to do what he does and everyone else stay out of his way. But that's not volleyball. That is angrily spiking a ball and sometimes getting a point when it's interesting.



You bring that up about Kageyama, because Suga, over on the karasuno sidelines, this is a little bit ahead, but I think it's important to say here. Suga wonders how Karasuno would handle a player like Kiyotani, but in a way that's kind of how Kageyama was when he first started. He started and he, he, you know, he, he was a setter, so it was a little bit different and he didn't have the aggression towards everyone.


It was really keyed on Hinata, but he still had this idea of like I would do everything myself if I could, which I guess is a little different, but I like I think there are parallels there yeah and so I think it's interesting that he was like oh, I have no idea how he would deal with that, and it's like well, I mean, Daichi was able to handle Kageyama, but again, I think with Kageyama he had Hinata and he had to work with Hinata and for Kiyotani. I don't think he really had that.



He didn't have like another person no there, like that, and so there's a lot of like lessons to take from angry, lonely people need community the most, yes, and that relationships are hard in the way that you have to be able to face conflict. And, boy, is that a lesson that I still am learning in my friendships? But I just think that that's all really important stuff to take away from it. And then we see, you know, so he sets to Kyoutani, he gets it through, and we have the adult who cares, you know, saying in present day, like, looks like a good team, make sure you face them properly. And it's really beautiful. And I have a Oikawa going to saying to Kyoutani nice hit. And Kyoutani says thanks. And they say, with this point he's become, he's actually become part of the team now.



Yeah, and the whole team gathers around him to cheer for him. I was like I could cry right now. It's just really nice. Did we see? We saw him in middle school, or is that flashback later?



No, yeah, we saw the middle school, we saw the middle school flashback, where it was.



I think it was around the time of the. You need to face the team and the team needs to face you, where, like, Kyoutani was really off during the middle school game and they were like, well, I guess we shouldn't set to him anymore because, like he's not getting us the points that he used to, but it's like them talking about him and not talking to him, and I think that's something that's crucial, especially with the Yahaba thing is that you can't just like they really were treating him like a dog. They were treating him like he was separate from them, and I think that moment with Yahaba is just like no, you're part of this fucking team and we're not going to treat you like you're different. You need to, you need to step up to the plate.



Yeah, I feel like I got so caught up on, like why is Kotani angry? But that really doesn't matter, because, yeah, the lesson really here is that he just needed someone to face him, and I think Yahaba and Oikawa specifically, but the whole team managed to do that. And again, I am just dying to know how Seijo looks in second year with a Kiyotani who is now firmly in place.



But that's fine, I don't need to know I was thinking about that a lot and I want to touch on it just a little bit in the spoiler zone as well.



Anyway, moving on from our beautiful Kiyotani, you know kind of solution to his arc, it's now time to switch sides. And we have another little tiny AsaNoya moment that I love, where Noya is, of course, praising his boyfriend and Asahi is just like yeah, and Taichi is like who's the senpai? Again, love it. And then we have and I love this because I'm going to just spoiler, this isn't in in the manga, but we have Hinata looking frustrated and Kageyama looking at him and thinking we need to use Hinata better yeah, well, it's interesting.



So when Suga is making that comment about Mad Dog and like, oh, could we handle a player like him? He also makes a comment on how good Oikawa is at bringing out the best in his teammates and we see Kageyama's face and then we get the kagehina freak quick, gets received, and I don't know if that was an instance of Kageyama being thrown by what Suga said about Oikawa and like still like Kageyama dealing with that like insecurity of like I'll never be as good as Oikawa, or if that was kind of a moment for him to like, instead of him focusing on like never being as good as Oikawa, he's thinking like Hinata's being. You know he's getting received, so like I need to figure out how I can use him better. Is this a moment of growth, or are we still seeing those same insecurities pop up in Kageyama?



you know, healing is not linear ain't that the fucking truth?



yeah, so we have Hinata frustrated.



We have Oikawa serving again and I, like in the sub, Noya is yelling bring it and it feels like in a way, he's almost cheering on this serve because you know he loves it and he wants to pick it up so badly. And then we have Kindaichi versus Tsukishima in a joust which Tsuki wins.



When I like we kind of get to see, you know, the Oikawa bringing out the best in his player's skill in action with Kindaichi, there's a flashback to a Seijo practice where Kindaichi like doesn't quite get a spike and Oikawa says to him he's like, hey, man, like if there's anything I can do to change it up, just let me know.


And so Kindaichi which is, I think, is a really cute moment of Kindaichi being like okay, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna say something to my senpai, and so then he does and I was like okay, but we're gonna try it like this a little bit more because, like your reach is really long and so I think what you know, I think I can, you know you're it's like. He says like it's like a whole ball width, which I love the idea of them like measuring things in volleyballs and he says like it's a whole like ball width. So, like you know, you just need to like reach a little bit farther. I'm not going to lie, this got a little too technical for me, but I kind of get what he's saying there. Oikawa's like it's very much Oikawa. He thinks a lot about how he needs to set the ball and he's so good in a way that Kageyama is good at it too of like figuring out how the ball needs to be in order to get to somebody. Yeah, yeah, did any of that make sense?



Yeah, yeah, no, I do remember that moment and it is important because then we have Hinata coming onto the court and saying, wow, I can tell that the Grand King is really amazing and it's more clear in the manga. But Kageyama is like, can you actually tell? Like he's asking, can you tell what he's doing with? Like, with K, as I'm here, you're invincible. Peak Kagehina moment that everyone knows and loves, even the Seijo I love. Oh, waizumi's reaction is my favorite because he's like that's awesome. And then we have Oikawa who gets very serious and is like seriously, that was really gay and cool.



I know I just love how everyone's because I feel a little bit. I think when I see those moments like I'm a little bit like okay, that's kind of a lot, and I think you know, because we first get the with as long as I'm here, you're invincible thing that have it. Does that happen during the three on three or does that happen during the match against the neighborhood team? I think it is definitely the game with the neighborhood team because I remember them making fun of Kageyama and Noya and Asahi for all their little things that they said. And I think it's funny that these adults are like, oh, you kids, that's so dramatic. But then they say it in front of other high schoolers and they're like, oh, my God, that's so cool. And I mean, if Iwaizumi thinks it's cool, sorry, hon, it is cool, it's cool and it's such a like.



I love you back, I feel. Declaration for Hinata to be repeating this to Kageyama, who, of course, ruins the moment by pointing out your spikes keep getting picked up, so what are you even talking about? And then we have to knock in the background like baseless confidence. It's great.



I love. Kageyama ruins a moment with being a jerk, the way I ruin a moment with stupid jokes. We are.



We are similar in that way but but and you know I call again fake I don't give a fucker, because sure, you know Kageyama says these things and I know he means it. But then you know, Hinata we have they play for it again and Hinata really goes for it and he's a little too close to the net, but Kageyama adjusts and they make it work so that he just slams it right down. For me it's like, even though Kageyama has these lame reactions to Hinata's words of affirmations, I feel like this is how you can tell that it does make an impact, because Kageyama clearly believes in those words as well, and together they are invincible well, and I think you see, like you see his reaction right after Hinata says it, and there is like a look of surprise and a look of like, oh, like and and definitely a recognition of like, oh.



Those are the same words that I said to you, and I think there's a little bit of Kageyama being like you're not even that good, you don't get to say that shit to me which is like let it go, honey, just let it go there's so much frustration.



There's frustration that he wants to kiss Hinata, and there's frustration about how bad Hinata is at volleyball, even though he's so athletically good. And you know, Kageyama, you'll work it out on the remix in your 20s maybe.



Yeah, really. But yeah so, and I like Hinata. Yeah, he's too close to the net. He goes and it's really just a flick of his wrist. He's like really doing like a hey girl kind of move. He's doing a limperess to get that ball down. He slams it in the court and that's the end of the episode.



Yes, we have Kageyama and NOikawa at the same time going like front front, and he gets the point in on that triumphant note, triumphant note. We are done with this episode and only two more left.



Oh my god, we're almost done with season 2, and then we get to talk about season 3 and I'm so excited.



So now for manga vs anime, and I fucking forgot to write down it goes from chapters 140 to maybe 143, I didn't write it down. So you pointed out how it looks like Mad Dog's dad is next to him in that one flashback at the game. And he definitely is, because in the manga we get a panel of like the dad's like pulling him along, but it's more just like the mad dog is trying to like get his hand out of his so he can stop, like he's just like struggling to go, yeah, and then we have the frame of them next to each other and they do. They look the same. They have like that angry eyeliner look, and to me this kind of confirms like I don't think there is like actually a deep reason to koitani's anger. I almost feel like this is just the family vibe, like I wouldn't be surprised if mom popped up with the angry eyeliner as well.



Like I think that this is just like how they are as people yeah, well, not because I I'm picturing that perfectly, like I didn't see it in the manga, but like we've all seen, like a little kid who's like their parents are taking them somewhere and they're like I don't want to go and they're trying to pull their arm out and like that. It's just like if I let go of this kid, they're gonna run. I gotta hold on to him.



Kids are very difficult yes, so you know I I do appreciate this deep dive into Mad Dog. I feel like I understand him much better now. Otherwise I just had two illustrations that I wanted to talk about. At the end of 140 we have not quite a character sheet on Tanaka, but we have a picture of him eating a banana and it goes scientific name Rune's gay Tanaka. But we have a picture of him eating a banana and it goes scientific name Rune-suke Tanaka. Classification class mammalia order, primates family, Tanaka tribe hoodlum. Habitat Miyagi Prefecture, karasuno High School region. Full size 5'10". Details though typically mild and friendly in temperament, when faced with another young male of the same species, the Rune Skatonica is known to become agitated and to engage in various posturing behaviors designed to make itself seem larger and more threatening. Its preferred diet consists of melon, bread, pastries and bananas. Its typical vocalizations are variations of what you looking at.



I am obsessed with that. I want one of these for every single player. That's so funny. Yeah, it's just like. It's like a, like a, like a Jane Goodall, like observation among the wildlife, you're really leaning into Tanaka's a dumb monkey thing. I really. That's really hysterical, Honestly. Oh my god, now I really do. I want to like make one up for everyone else on Karasuno as well.



And then we have, after the very gay declaration from Hinata. We have a little like post chapter illustration of Iwaoi in the sidelines that says as long as you've got me, yada, yada. And Iwa's thinking to himself I want to use that line someday. And Oikawa is like just when would you use that?



Which I love because it's like are you reading Oizumi's mind?



Oh my god yes, reading Oizumi's mind jealous because he's like who is she it better be me.



Who would you say that to? And you know what? I have something to say about that in the spoiler zone.



I just love Iwaoi, observing like Kagehina. It's giving like the old gaze, taking in the new people. Yes, yes, absolutely Okay. Well, that's it for me for manga versus anime. On to our character spotlight, and we had to rack our brains a little bit of who the fuck we were going to talk about, oh my god.



And so we're actually doing two, because we don't have quite as much information on them, and we're talking about the Seijo coaches. I think makes sense. We talk about them a lot, the fearless leaders of our arch enemy? Yes, absolutely so. I'm going to start with the head coach, which is irihata nobateru, and his personality from the wiki quote. He is extremely confident in his team and rather laid back, unlike coach mizuguchi. Irihata even allows his teammates to hold the team meetings by themselves and trust the decisions the captain Oikawa makes, which we've seen that. We talk about that a lot. How like. Often the coaches are stepping back and Oikawa is taking the lead, and that is a great way to build leadership, like as a leader. There is something about like stepping back and like being a leader is not about like being the one in charge and being the one who says this is exactly how we're going to go. Being a leader is about making sure everyone has the tools they need to succeed and then stepping back and letting them use those tools and practice with them.



I could tell he's an excellent coach just by his like observations of Karasuno. He reminds me a lot of Nekomata. In that way he's a seasoned coach. He knows what he's talking about.



Yeah, I mean, there's a reason that seijo is a powerhouse school and has been for a while, and it's not just because they have Oikawa and awazami, it's because the coach has clearly, clearly knows what it takes to build a strong team. Yeah, and then we have his family name. His name meanings. So his family name irihata means entering field, and then his given name nobuteru means extend and illuminate. So I think the nobu is extend and the teru is illuminate.



He's extending the illumination of volleyball knowledge.



Thank you, oh my god, look at you, go. Okay. And now I am going to move on to the assistant coach, mizoguchi sadayuki. I have a little note about his personality. From the wiki Quote he takes the matches and practices very seriously and is often seen yelling at the players even over little things. He also seems to be respectful around other adults, especially Irihata. We don't really get a lot about him. I do. We do see him yelling at the players a lot. I feel like there's quite a few times where we see him being like what are you guys doing? And then Irihara being like let him cook, it's.



I honestly this might be my kin. Yeah, this man, that would be me also his character sheet, but we'll get to that in a second we'll get.



Yeah, first his name meaning. So his family name is Mizoguchi which means gutter, mouth, hwhich I thought was interesting, and I'm like is this coach, cursing all the time? Yeah, is he, because he is like I think we see in his character she, he's like 31, and I'd imagine I struggle with this a lot when I'm working with younger people too of just like, oh, I actually can't curse as much as I usually do, because we're not supposed to do that in front of kids. Whatever, words, words, um. Anyway, his, his given name is sadayuki, which means chastity and fortune.



That doesn't feel like it means anything.



No, I don't, I don't, I don't think you're going to be able to get that one going, okay, and then they actually are on the same page for their character sheet and we really only get like a few pieces of information. We don't even get parameters for them. So we have their ages. Irihata is 52 and his current worry is he's starting to get a bit of a beer belly. But drinking is just too good to give up, which I mean. Here's the thing most people get a little bit of a belly in their old age. That's also put down the beer. Yeah, I mean, yeah, it's, I think it's fine. I always get like a little weird whenever it's anything about like body types and fatness and all that, because I'm just like, oh no, I just, I know you're not, I know you don't.



Well, and Japan is such an obsession with not being fat With thinness.



Yeah it's. Yeah, it's really. It just kind of gives me a little bit of the ick and I'm just like. I also think it's interesting they say what schools they're from, and he's from Aoba Johsai, but our assistant coach is from Date Tech. Oh my gosh, okay, yeah, I didn't even notice that, but you're totally right. Yeah, the. So Irihata went to Seijo, so he's an albut sarayuki went to Date Tech, so he must.



I wonder if he was a good blocker yeah, yeah, I don't know, and I just I think it's funny that Date Tech are kind of like these angry people. he's again. This is why he's my kin, he's 31 and his current worry is he caught himself saying kids these days once it made him feel really old I love that.



I'd imagine he was saying something about Oikawa, or a wise mayor or something being little shits.



You know, I get it. I'd yell at him too.



Yeah, fucking absolutely well, that's the thing I feel like. Oikawa seems very respectful to his coaches and stuff, but I'm sure he's caught him being an annoying little prick before. So, yeah, those are our coaches, and I think we'll try to do more coaches in the future because I think it's fun to get a little peek into them as well. Yeah, okay, are we ready for the world's favorite game?



Oh my God, it's everyone's favorite game. It's who in Haikyuu. This week's scenario is brought to us by Doyce.



Who in Haikyuu could pick up, I don't know how you say it Mjolnir, mjolnir, mjolnir, the hammer thor. Only those of sound moral character and integrity may lift me all near.



That's according to the rules of the marvel universe. Bonus points of why or why not? Okay, so we'll, I'll go with it. I'm not a marvel girly, but this is fun I can add a little bit of context.



I'm not a marvel girly, but I know obviously thor can pick up his hammer. I think we've seen captain america pick up the hammer fully and then I think we've seen like characters like almost pick it up kind of thing. I don't know if Captain Marvel ever picked it up, but she should be able to in my opinion. Yeah, okay, so Hinata, do we think he is of sound moral character and integrity and may lift it?



I would give it to Hinata. I think he's just so pure and genuine yeah, I think so.



I think I think maybe high school Hinata is maybe a little like, would be a little too cocky about it and might be like, yeah, I can pick this hammer up, and then it wouldn't let him. But then when he's older and he's chilled out a little bit, he would pick it up, no problem, and it would be like oh, isn't this cool, but it would be less of like. Haha, Kageyama, I can pick it up and you can't.



Yeah, that's true. I guess I would say the same for Kageyama. Maybe when he's an adult and he's calmed down, he could do it, but I don't think as a teen the integrity is not quite there.



And, honestly, he would have no interest in picking it up because he's like, well, I can't play volleyball with it. So, although, could you imagine a set or a serve where you throw it up in the air and then you hit it with Thor's hammer? Yeah, and then Tanaka, I think yes, really, really, I say no, oh, you know what. You're right if he didn't hit on Kyoko so much yeah, that's kind of yeah.



I'm like he does like to I mean teenage Tanaka, you know he does like to go to others on and like start fights and stuff. So I don't know. I could see him trying his damn hardest, I could see him throwing his back out trying to get it, but I don't think it's coming up for him yeah, that's fine.



Yeah, I'm thinking specifically of like in this game. I'm like oh yeah, Tanaka, he's got. He. It's not that he has strong moral characters, that he is mentally strong. So, yeah, there there is a difference, although I mean what I remember from of thor from the marvel universe. He's kind of cocky, he's like true, he's, he's not I don't know, I don't know if he has sound moral character and integrity maybe, maybe you can make an argument for Tanaka, but yeah, Kyoutani, I don't think so.


He has to become a little less of a shit. I think it would be. I think, if we're doing like a Marvel AU, I think that would be, or like a Thor AU, I think that would be a very interesting like character development thing where, like he thinks that he's not going to be able to pick it up, like he's like no way, there's no way I could, and like he just tries it as like because, like a wise emmy tells him to and then he is able to pick it up and it's like, oh wow, are you? Like you're actually, like more than meets the eye kind of thing, transformers, but but yeah, I think that'd be interesting.



and then, Yahaba, absolutely not yeah, no, he's not sound moral character, neither is Oikawa. Okay, he's not picking that up, Oikawa would so confidently say that he could be.



He would be so sure he'd be like I can absolutely pick this up, I'm gonna do it, and then he would be like he'd try and be like actually, you know what this is dangerous for my pretty setter hand. So I'm not actually going to attempt, but just know that I could if I really wanted to.



Literally, and then, of course, a wise me can do it.



I think he's an easy yes A wise me could pick it up with his index finger, his pinky finger, if he wanted to.



I'll also give it to Daichi, who we have listed next. I think he's pretty, I think he's very sound moral character and integrity for sure.



Yeah, I put him on this list because I was like I feel like absolutely he would and he would be. He and Iwaizumi are so similar to me in a lot of ways, I think. Like I think if Daichi didn't have to be the captain, I think he'd be a lot more like Iwaizumi, maybe a little less aggressive, but yeah, he's kind of the Daichi is like the Iwaizumi of receiving.



Yeah, I could get down with that. Yeah, as Also, I think he needs to work on his yellow belly nature a little bit before he can pick up the Mjolnir.



Yeah, the Mjolnir, I think, is how I like to pronounce it. Scandinavian words are hard. And then, lastly, on this list, we have Noya, and I think, simply because of his rolling thunder and Thor being the god of thunder, yes, he can pick it up.



That is very true and, yeah, I just feel like he is another, like very genuine person, and I think he has sound moral integrity.



I wish he wasn't the pervy character.



Yeah, that's unfortunate, all right. Well, thank you for that, Doyce who in Haikyuu scenario. That was a fun one. Sorry that I absolutely butchered the name of that hammer. Moving on before we go into our spoiler zone, catch us on Twitter, instagram, tumblr and Blue Sky at flyhqpod. That's F-L-Y-H-Q-P-O-D. You can also email us at flyhqpod at gmail dot com F-L-Y-H-Q-P-O-D at gmail dot com.



And Google is another terrible tech company, just pointing it out. They're also scraping our data. We just can't escape it. Yeah, sorry to bring it down again. Do you want to go in the spoiler zone?



Let's open that door into the spoiler zone. What do you have for us today, Rainbow?



Yeah, I have a couple things. So, just looking at Kiyotani's backstory, especially his time in middle school, and just the way like his teammates were talking about him and like kind of excluding him, it made me think of Tendo from Shiratorizawa and how we see him in middle school and also, I think, a similarity of, like Kiyotani, like he always wants to slam the ball into the court, he always wants to do the most aggressive spike, whereas Tendo, as as a blocker, he's not a big fan, he doesn't want to get a one touch, he doesn't want to do like the plate method, he always wants it to be like a shutdown, like he wants to get up there and block it and he wants your spike to go right back into your face, and so I thought that was interesting.


Yeah, so I just wanted to talk about the parallels between that and the way that they you know view volleyball and they view their roles but also just them being kind of excluded and kind of seen as monstrous by their teammates, that kind of thing. So I thought that was interesting. I also wanted to mention we were talking about IwaOi and how Iwaizumi is like. I want to say something cool like that to somebody, and we do kind of get a moment between Iwaoi at the end of this season where we get Owaisumi like saying, saying things to Uekawa that like have that same weight and have that same level of gayness and I'm excited to talk about that moment.


yeah. And then, lastly, I don't remember if it's ever said explicitly in canon, but Yahaba is definitely going to be the next captain of Seijo, right, like it feels like he's going to be captain next year.



Oh yeah, I have no idea.



I don't know if they ever say it, but he has captain energy. He was able to get Mad Dog to stop being so selfish. Like he's also the setter. It feels like that's kind of of like narratively. It makes sense that like Oikawa was the setter and the captain, so next they'll have setter and captain. I mean I'll buy it. Yeah, absolutely. I would love if anyone has any fix or anyone like has really fun headcanons about seijo next year after iwaoi leave, you know, let us know, because I'm I'm curious about what other people think. All right, do you have anything you want to add?



I was trying to see if I could find out what happens to him in second year if he becomes the captain.



Yeah, I just I don't know if they mention it. We really only we find out very little about Kagehina's second and third years. We kind of basically just know what numbers our Karasuno people are, who becomes the captain of Karasuno, and then we also get a little bit about. You know what teams they face in some of the tournaments.



Hall right, well, cool, yeah, I mean, I think that's it for me.



Yeah, that's it. That's it for this episode. Thank you all so much for listening and for being here with us for a year and for being here with us during one of the worst timelines.



Yeah, seriously, but as always, fly high.