Fly: A Queer Haikyuu Podcast

S2E25: Declaration of War

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"Even a great white eagle can be bested by a murder of crows."

This week, rainbow and em discuss season 2, episode 25 "Declaration of War" and gush about the UshiOi confrontation and Oikawa's 'worthless pride'. Plus, they get revved up for next season's face off against Shiratorizawa. 

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hello everyone and welcome to fly a queer Haikyuu podcast. I'm rainbow, they/she



and I'm em, and today we are talking about none other than the season two, season finale declaration of war season two, episode 25 which I'm a little confused by this title, because actually the war is over now it's and now I I know exactly what the day



it's not. The declaration of war is not for Seijoh, or or Oikawa, it's for somebody else and another team. Oh, my god, let's get into it. Let's get it. Well, before we get into it. I wanted to talk about my dvds,, my db, my dvds, my dvds. I've mentioned it before that I watch the dub and I have all four seasons on dvd. That's the only place I'm able to find the dub anymore legally. Every time I look at the back, I look at this quote that's at the top of these DVDs and I'll put a picture up, because it says it's all about winning and not just how you play the game. And that's wrong. That's so wrong. Like I just Sentai Filmworks what are you doing? Because it's all about how you play the game.


The focus of every single episode is about how they're playing the game, and the only reason they win is so that they can play more games.



You told me that and I was like did a TikTok commenter write this? With how badly they missed the point.



I just it's very confusing. But I also wanted to talk about the discs, because these I do think they did an interesting thing with. So disc one just has Kagehina on it, disc two has Kagehina and Tsukishima. One just has KageHina on it, disc two has KageHina and Tsukishima, and then disc three has KageHina and tsukiyama, which I think makes sense, because the first disc really covers the like beginning, obviously, and it's when they're fighting and when they're having their struggle with like coming up with the freak quick. And then disc two, which has Tsukishima on it. That's when we're getting into like the the moon rise and like that's when we're getting into like Tsukishima's story and learning more about him and he's training harder. And then on the last disc we have the addition of Yamaguchi. And disc three is when it has the episodes of him like really coming into his own as a pinch server, and so I don't know if they really did that on purpose, if they put that much thought into it, but I just noticed it recently and I thought it was very interesting.



The DVDs tell a story all their own.



Yeah, and even I mean. The discs themselves tell a great story, the back of it not so much. Okay, so that was my random exploration of the Haikyuu season two DVD case. I hope you all enjoyed that, but now I'm ready to get right into this episode.



Let's do it. Count me down for a recap.



Alrighty and tres dos uno.



The crows have beat their arch enemy, Seijoh, but it's no time to rest. As a mighty eagle awaits at the top of the mountain, can Karasuno continue to soar higher than ever before? Ushijima continues his courtship of Oikawa, but our great king warns that a small murder of crows are stronger than one might think. Fist bumps and back pats are the love language as our boys deal with the epic highs and lows of volleyball in this season finale of Haikyuu. So we just had to pause and have a conversation, because we watched separately last night and we both thought that that scene where Iwa Ooi are walking together and say all those gay things and have a fist bump happened in this episode. But it doesn't. It happens in one of the movies.



Yeah, one of the little like OVAs which is really just basically a compilation of these episodes. It's basically just smushes the whole Seijo game instead of into separate episodes. It's in one like hour and a half long movie and it includes this extra scene between Iwaoi which I just always thought was in an actual episode yep, so we just had to talk about when are we going to talk about this, and don't worry, it's coming very soon.


Yeah, we will, we will. It's not a long scene, we're going to watch it, we're going to talk about it. We were just I, just literally, as we were recording, I I realized like, did I miss something? Did I actually skip over something on accident? But no, it's just not here, and so we have to wait to talk about Iwaoi's gayest moment.



I think so. Anyway, I guess we'll get into the episode.



Yeah, all right, you finished your recap, right? I didn't interrupt you?



Yeah, no, we finished our recap and then we realized where was the Iwaoi? Okay, so we have right away. My favorite thing I've got to point out is Yachi in Saeko's boobs.



That's how they cheer at the end of every game, every win, is Yachi's face in Saeko's boobs.



And you know what we're saying. How the other day the Hu and Haikyuu, the root of their gay it actually might be Saeko, might be Yachi's root at the end, like she knows she has feelings for Kiyoko but she doesn't really know it's sexual attraction until she's spent a lot of time in Saeko's boobies you know what I?



I totally agree with that. I think that's correct. yeah, I okay. So I told em, before we started recording, that I wrote a lot of notes, especially at the top, and like the first part I was going like I was pausing, like every minute it felt like to write a note, because we start out before we even get to Yachi in Saeko's boobs, we get to see that final spike one more time, which of course I love to see, and I didn't notice it last time, but I did notice this time. When Hinata spikes it, it just barely glances off of Kindaichi's hand and.


I think if it hadn't done that, like Kawa may have been able to receive it, but because Hinata knows how to use blockers to his advantage, now he's able to see, like if I hit it off of his finger because he could have just hit it over Kutani's hands, but then Oikawa could have received it, but because it had that like extra spin from hitting Kindaichi's hand, it went off and it wasn't able to be received. And I just really liked that attention to detail.



Well, yeah, and Daichi and Hinata will both say that if it wasn't for the blockers putting the ball off, course Oikawa would have gotten it. And you know, the great king really is amazing, yes. So then we have everyone's cheering, and I love the scorekeepers say how they have goosebumps. They're like is that, was that really just an inner high match? Like it's like, yeah, baby, but you're looking at the future of volleyball right now.



And so then we get, as we ended on last episode. We get Oikage facing off on either side of the net and they're just like silently staring at each other. The other teams are like all right, guys, let's go line up. And they're just still there at the net looking at each other. And then Oikawa says this makes us even at one to one, so don't get cocky, and K us even at one to one, so don't get cocky and Kageyama says you should talk and I just love the pettiness.



Oh, oh god. What annoys me about the dub is that that's not their relationship, though not to get all soapboxy and angry about this, but Kageyama simply says I won't. And I have a whole thing about how. Like it kills me because Kageyama clearly respects Oikawa like, maybe more than anybody ever, and yet he's still Oikawa's public enemy number one. But like that is such an important, I think, dynamic like Kageyama does not sass Oikawa back, he looks at him as a senpai and like the setter to to model after you know what?



yeah, I'm I'm really glad that you brought that up, because I do think that makes more sense for them like it makes sense for for, not for Kageyama but, it makes sense for Oikawa to be petty and to say something like you know, like don't get, don't let it go to your head, but it doesn't make as much sense for Kageyama to come off that way.


I do think there is something about the dub where they don't really understand Kageyama's character. They see like the anger in like those very early episodes and things think like oh, that's who he is, he's angry and it's like no, no, no, like the anger. There's reasons for that. We've talked about it in spoiler zones before. But like he really only at, he only does that short, that kind of, you should talk stuff with Hinata, like Hinata brings out that level of like immaturity with him, but with Kageyama and Oikawa, like there is like a profound respect that Kageyama has for Oikawa as a volleyball player.



Yeah, I think the sub makes way more sense there I feel like that's why Kageyama gets mischaracterized, because half the fandom only watches the dub, and I really feel like the dub mischaracterizes people because they don't take it seriously and it's all just sassy and jokes, and that's what pisses me off about it, what I also like about this moment is Hinata stops and notices the Oikage face-off happening at the net and he's watching this all go down.


He watches the little exchange they have and I wrote Hinata watching like you are only a part of this moment because Kageyama is your husband. Like you have no reason to really care about this moment.



Yeah, I was like what is he thinking about while he's watching this? Like what are the thoughts running through his head? Because he doesn't like he. Just he looks very, he looks almost thoughtful to me. Yes, I agree.



Yeah, I don't know, I think. I think he has a lot of respect for both of these players and it's been really interesting because Hinata, of course, will clown Kageyama with the rest of them. But I think he does also feel like kind of a protection, like the way he put himself in front of him last time they were at the net, you know, in kind of a protection way. I don't know, it is interesting. I like these like silent looks, because there's so much you can interpret from it.



And I'm interpreting that it's gay. Well, and I and I like to say that Oikawa turns into a Kagehina rival, but at the end of the day he started as a Kageyama rival, like they have history together and like Hinata just kind of came on because he was, because now he's Kageyama's boyfriend and and Oikawa and Hinata have their own little thing going on as well, which we've talked about in the past.


But I feel like Ushijima is the first rival, that is like truly the Kageyama and Hinata rival. Like they both met him the first time together, they both had that interaction with him together, and like they each have their own like feelings about him and their own kind of issues with him and almost like one like they want different things from Ushijima, but it is still like a rival that they face together. And so I like this kind of acknowledgement that like Oikawa is really like he's a Kageyama rival first and Hina Timura is in the background, and then later, when we see them facing off against Ushijima, it's the two of them side by side yeah, they're, they're.



They're in a poly rivals relationship. It's like we have our rivals together, but then you have your rivals, I have mine fucking, absolutely yes, and I did.



We get a moment to see,, Kiyoko's face and she looks so fucking proud of them.



I'm glad you made that note, because I did too. She looks so happy.



It's really adorable well, and I just like I love to think about this from Kiyoko's perspective, having been there since first year watching this team grow, and she, she's seen the way that especially the other third years are affected by you know the wingless crow's name and all of this, and she's been there for all of their losses and now she gets to be here for all of their wins. And I know I'm gonna cry, I'm it's fine, it's fine. We see the, the captains Daichi and Oikawa shaking the ref's hands and then they swap under and they shake the other ref's hand, and usually what happens in this is the the captains would turn and shake hands and Daichi turns to shake Oikawa's hand, but Oikawa just like goes, like he can't. I don't think he can even stand to face Daichi I thought that was a really interesting moment.


Not something I'd really noticed before, but like he just doesn't even and Daichi kind of notices and looks after him and is like, oh okay, like that was kind of rude, did you? Did you notice that I didn't notice.



I thought they both walked away. I assumed that because they line up and shake hands at the net. So I kind of assumed maybe it happened already.



No, no there's a distinct moment where, after they each shake the ref's hands, because then Oikawa goes off to because I think what happens after the game is the captains shake the ref hands, captains shake each other hands and then the teams go to the opposite coaches and get like kind of like a talk, like Takeda is saying to Seijo right after that moment where Oikawa doesn't shake Daichi's hand, Oikawa runs back and it's Takeda telling Seijo like you guys played a really good game today.



Okay, I'll have to rewatch that because I mean, I noticed the way that Oikawa ran off, but I thought they kind of both did. So I'm going to rewatch that. It might have been right before this, where Daichi has a thought to himself about, he noticed Oikawa could see what Hinato was doing. If the block hadn't been touched by the blockers changing its course, he would have been able to save it. So they really won by the skin of their teeth. I also think I was a little surprised because I think you know I don't really remember all the details, but I assumed that they were going to go into a really long deuce again. But they win a little bit faster this time around.



No, I think even somebody makes a comment of like, oh, are they going to go into another long deuce?


And I think I think it's somebody up in the stands, maybe Shimada or Takanoe or even one will say, like I'm not one of those people who's like Karasuno doesn't deserve to win every match, because obviously they do, it's their show.


but like it is like I do feel profoundly sad to see Seijo lose and like I I'm very like I the way that they're affected by this loss, like I think it's interesting and I like that we get to see how they kind of are like not reveling in their defeat, but we we see them kind of like really affected by this defeat, like kind of in the way that we saw Karasuno when they lost to Seijo the first time. We're kind of seeing the opposite and we really get to kind of sit in you know that defeat and I, I think Oikawa's face is the most interesting because he is just like stony faced. He is not reacting, he's not crying and I'm not crying and I'm sure in his head I imagine anyway in his head he is going through every single thing that went wrong and thinking like what could happen, or maybe he's thinking of the future.



I think a big part of it too because we've seen this with other captains is they feel like they have to hold it together for the team. So they'll go off and cry in private, but they'll die before doing it in front of the team yeah, and.



And so now we have Irihata talking to his team and saying that they all fought well, and that's when, like, the tears start flowing. I think it's Kindaichi, I, is it? Hanamaki? Yeah, hanamaki, with the the pink hair, a few others, I think the libro, whose name I've already forgotten, sorry bro, but you know they start crying and it's just oh, and then is, and then this is where we get the moment.



Yeah, and even the ones that stand all strong and silent, like Yotani and the others, you can tell that they're hurting too. And I agree with what you said. Like we, it does. And there are people in the fandom that will insist like Seijo should have won, and that's just fucking silly. That doesn't narratively make sense, makes sense.


This show is about Karasuno. I'm so sorry that your faves lost. I think we have to find the balance and like, because it is, it's sad to watch, like we don't revel that we like beat them, you do. It's like this was so great about Haikyuu. Is you celebrate with Karasuno, but you feel for Seijo and you feel for every big team loss that happens and it is really heartbreaking because both of them did really well and the coach acknowledges you know you. Because both of them did really well and the coach acknowledges you know you did well. And I think that's what's so heartbreaking for them is the same thing with Krasin the last time you gave everything and you still lost. That's such a bitter pill to swallow. And then, of course, what breaks us all is Owaisemi is ultimately beating himself up the most. He was the ace who had that last spike and he couldn't win the game it's so it is heartbreaking.



He's like shoulders hunched, like looking down. He's like I couldn't get the last spike and how can I even call myself the ace? And Oikawa notices that Awazami is feeling down and he slaps him on the back to get him out of his head. And then the other third years follow suit and they give him a slap.



And when he does that, I have to say, and it is really beautiful because and I think I kind of said the same thing last episode how their relationship is so antagonistic and stuff but these moments you know you can tell how much they love each other. And in the manga I also just know Iwa says that set was perfect and I still couldn't score. What kind of ace am I and Oikawa seeing that and knowing that that really hard, like slap to the back in that communicates, snap out of it. It's not your fault, you are our ace and I love you. When he does that, the background whites out, similar to Leela's when Hinata saw Kageyama for the first time, and I'm sure there are a few other times where it happens. But it's very shoujo when the background fades away in these moments of pure love between the teammates.



Yeah, I really I love that. I I didn't know that. he said that in the manga of like that set was perfect, because he does think Oikawa's sets are perfect. Like Waizumi thinks Oikawa is the best setter in the world.


Yes, and he's just mad that Oikawa doesn't see it yeah, that's like that is where his frustration with his best friend comes from, is he's like how dare you think that you don't compare to anyone else? Like I think you are the best setter in the world. And so for him he's like, well, it couldn't possibly be Oikawa's set, it was my spike that fucked it up. And but no, that's just, that's not what happened. It's just you know, that's that's fucking volleyball, baby.



Yeah some, you win some, you lose some, and also it continues because Iwa is the last to join the lineup, where the team is like going to thank the audience. I just love this tiny little moment where because it happens in the manga, where Iwa steps up but obviously the manga is static In the anime Oikawa looks to make sure Iwa's there and is okay, and then he starts the thank yous and I'm just like it's just those little things that really get me.



Oh, I didn't even notice that one. That's so sweet, love that. And I wanted to say, going back to what you were saying about Seijo losing, I think one of the things that Haikyuu does so well is that so often, when we are celebrating Karasuno's win but we're never celebrating the defeat of another team. Oh, that's not true. In the future, there will be teams that I celebrate their defeat but, we'll get there.


We'll get there at some point point. But yeah, it's just really beautiful and I just love this moment we get to see, in the Seijo stands, the three girls have tears in their eyes. Yes, and can we?



talk about this moment really quick, because the first shot at the stands is all other boys in volleyball jackets and I'm wondering are those all backup players? Yeah, that's crazy, bro. That's like rows and I just didn't think about how, like, obviously they are a really big team and you know the backups. There are people who aren't even on the court. Think of Tsuki's older brother and Karasuno in the stands. It's the same thing, but it really just hits home more how good everyone who's actually on the court is, because look at the fucking line of boys waiting behind you. It's huge.



Yeah, well, it's like I mean they probably have like a whole b team like there's probably like those kids in the stands are probably the team. They probably have like practice matches in their own like gym against this other team to help sharpen the skills of the main team. And then we also get. So we get the, the reserve players, we get the three girls and we also get mad dogs that are like older friend from the community center and he has like a really kind smile. I think he really saw the change in mad dog towards the end of the game and there's just pride there and it's like really beautiful. I know, yeah, okay, and so now we, we, unless you have anything else to say about Seijoh, I think now we kind of move on to Karasuno celebrating.



So wipe your tears because our crows did win. And we start with a very joyful Noya and Hinata jumping into the group of boys.



Yes, and yeah. It's so cute because they're like come over here, guys, and they jump onto them and knock everyone down and they're all like you, fucking idiots Of course Kageyama is yelling at Hinata. Yeah, because yeah, acting like it's all Hinata's fault, even though Noya was there too. And then we do get another look at the Seijo's second years, looking at Karasuno and saying like next year it will not be the same.



Yes, Yahaba is like remember this image because we're going to pay him back next year. And again it's like oh, give me the second year content, I want it so bad and. Oikawa watches on too, always watching that Oikawa.



Yes, but again with that same like you really can't tell what emotion is on his face right now. No-transcript, fucking ocean of feelings.



Well, there's something you know, when something so horrible happens or you're so unbelievably disappointed or whatever, you do kind of shut down, it's like his brain is like we can't even begin to process this right now. So we're just going to go stone wall for now.



Yeah, he's in shock. This is another reason I can Oikawa, because he's having a delayed emotional response. He's not feeling anything right now. All of the feelings will come later. He'll be like three days from now. He's going to burst into tears and he's going to be like why am I crying? And it's like, oh yeah, because I lost.



Then we get some Ken-kunimi. Yes, we have Kindaichi and Kunimi. Kunimi gets Kindaichi from the bathroom and I just had to know. We talked a lot about the positive masculinity in our last episode. I love the amount of crying in Haikyuu. Kindaichi's obviously been crying and Kunami just like gets him. He's like come on, it's time to go and they're walking. I mean this whole thing is so fucking dramatic. They run into Kageyama and Kindaichi can't even look at him. The camera like jerks away because he can't look at him. And Kageyama kind of like looks and then starts to walk past them. And Kindaichi's like Kageyama and then he can't speak and Kunimi has to be the one to be. Like next game we'll beat you is what he would have said. And Kageyama's just like okay.



Oh, that's interesting. So like in the dub, he just says like it won't be the same next time. But I like that. Like in the sub it's like he is talking for Kindaichi.



That's very sweet. I love them. They're like a, they're a fun little background ship I enjoy. I saw a tumblr post about how Kageyama kind of brought Kunimi and Kindaichi together, like they bonded over, like him being annoying, but then from that the friendship grew and I think that's very true I really yeah, I love that.



I had something I was oh, I did want to say about the positive masculinity. I think one thing we do talk a lot about how, like the boys cry a lot in haikyuu I do think that sometimes sports are one of the few things boys are allowed to cry about. Men and boys are allowed to cry about so like.


I, I do appreciate that we're getting to see their tears, but it is like, okay, but they're allowed to cry about that because sports are this like emotional thing. It's like I think I talk about this maybe on the the friend bonus episode where, like, sports allow men to express emotions other than anger.



True, you're spitting and then.



So, after the little run-in which I mean, I guess Kageyama was in the bathroom or something. I don't know where he was, but but he walks right up to Hinata, which I thought was cute.



It's very small and in the background, but he walks up to Hinata and Hinata turns around to like acknowledge him.



Yes, I love that and I like to think that Kakemo was like oh yeah, I just saw Kintaiichi and Kunimi in the hallway.



Yeah, I wrote. He goes to his boyfriend Hinata. Like my exes are weird.



Yeah, well, you know they have to gossip. But then we have the Karasuno cheering section comes up to the team and Saeko does her duty as big sister and embarrasses the hell out of Tanaka, also pushing his face into her boobs.



She loves to do it and I love we like get a shot of Tsukiyama just like watching this, and it's just so funny to me, their faces, I know they're like this is embarrassing for you.



And then we have Shimada complimenting Yamaguchi on his shirt, his serves, and Yachi is gushing over Kagehina's final spike his serves and Yachi is gushing over KageHina's final spike.



And then this is where we have Hinata, who says Oikawa saw me make the move and Kageyama didn't notice this either, because you can see he looks surprised.



Yes, yeah I love the face that he makes because he's just like what he's like and I don't know if it's like what.



Oikawa almost got that or what you, you noticed that I think it might be, I think I think he didn't notice. Okay, that's that's how I take it, anyway, and Miyato was like he really is incredible we have Ukai talking to Takeda about that final hit.



He says something along the lines of like Kageyama setting to Hinata might have been a calculated move or just pure instinct. And I just think Kochukai is the number one KageHina shipper. I swear to to God, he is so honed in on their bond.



Yes, I forget how he like words it exactly in the manga, but it's just like. Well, Kageyama was probably not the type to think about all that, it was probably just pure instinct kind of thing. And yeah, his instinct is going to be to set to Hinata every time, absolutely.



And I mean that could have been a like it's his instinct, like that was like his volleyball instinct of like he knew that was the best move at the time, which I think I don't know, I don't think those are entirely separate because it's like, yeah, the best move is setting to Hinata and so of course that's that's what his instinct tells him it's all entwined yeah, and are we?


are we ready to get into the moment? UshiOi, shippers buckle in. Listen. The fact that I did not write line for line what these two say to each other is amazing.



I fucking love this interaction, because we start with Oikawa is like telling his kohai oh you know, I'm going to get the stragglers on the bus. And we have Ushijima, who is clearly like, has been looking for him, found him and is now waiting to talk to him Like he's like a military recruitment dude.



I love it so much, like I think Oikawa tries to like walk past him. And then I do love Ushijima's dub voice. I think it's very appropriate and I like what he says. He says I've got words for you, Oikawa. In the heat of the moment you get lost what no? He said all that. He says that yeah, and then he goes on to say more okay, it's really. Then he goes on to say more Okay, it's really, yeah. He goes on to talk about how like it's when he talks about his worthless pride.



Okay, yeah, because he kind of says in the sub it's more like a warning. Like you were on the wrong path and that's why you lost kind of thing. Like he was, like you wouldn't. You would have won if you were with me I've got a rant.



I know that Ushijima is just like blunt and he's just like speaking his truth or whatever. I understand that and I like. I say this as a person who does love Ushijima. I think he's a fun character, I think I like fan and Ushijima more than canon Ushijima. I will say that I fucking hate the way he talks to Oikawa here. He's so fucking arrogant. I'm so pissed on Oikawa's behalf that Ushi fucking Waka thinks he has any right telling Oikawa why he lost that game. Just because he didn't come to Shiratorizawa to set for you doesn't mean you had to be a jerk to him.



Okay, I'm done. No, well, yeah, because he does. Ushijima just kind of says something along the lines of because Oikawa kind of shoots back with, like you never know, you know if you're going to win or lose, like he's kind of saying it doesn't matter what team I'm on, that much that's when Ushijima is like, well, whatever team I'm on wins, and Oikawa kind of has that same angry reaction of like there's that confidence again. But I also think it's so fascinating that Oikawa has not one, but two autistic men who he hates because they're rivals. Meanwhile they both are in love with him. Yeah, he calls it like you know, your worthless pride. So because Oikawa lost to Ushijima, you know he wasn't going to go to Shiratorizawa Also, I don't think that was the only reason. I'm sure he wanted to be with his best friend Iwazami. Ushijima brings it down to just like your petty pride or whatever, and Oikawa's like you better remember my worthless pride.



Oh, yeah, okay. Specifically, in the dub he says make sure you never forget it and it then. That's when we get his fucking scary face. And like I'm gonna post a side by side of Oikawa's face here in this moment and Hinata's face from episode one of this season, because the parallels there like the way they look at Ushijima is so similar they're like we'll kill you.



Oikawa warns Ushijima about Kageyama and it's very important to me that you know, in the sub he starts off with my kohai, which I'm interpreting as fond, even if it is just an objective fact well, and I think this is the first.



I think this is Oikawa like recognizing Kageyama as a kohai. I don't think before he's ever been like really, I think he kind of like scoffed at the idea of I think he like used like my kohai as like petty. I don't't know, maybe I'm wrong here, but I feel like he didn't like necessarily acknowledge Kageyama as his kohai that way until this moment, and maybe it's just that, like to his face, Kageyama doesn't want to like acknowledge him, or maybe there was like a certain pettiness. Maybe this is a sign of like growth and maturity from Oikawa, that he's like you know what that kid is my kohai, and one day I'm gonna beat him.



Yes, I said Oikawa claims Kageyama, even if it's begrudgingly, and I think he always has. But like now that he's really been beaten like this, yeah, I think there's a new kind of maybe level of respect that he'll voice, even to Ushijima. He goes on to say he's stupid and not close to my level yet, but now that he's not by himself, he's strong.



Yeah, he's like saying to him now that he's like he's a much stronger player now that he's part of a team, and my note is Ushiwaka-chan, better watch the fuck out, wakachan out. Yes, and he says kind of one of the last things Oikawa says to him as he's walking away is even a great white eagle can be bested by a murder of crows.



Yeah, yeah, he's like if you keep your eyes on me for too long, you might get attacked by a direction you don't see coming.



I just snaps during this whole exchange. I love everything that we're getting here. It is funny I always talk about I fucking hate Oikawa.



He's such a bitch, blah, blah blah. I also like love him so much, but I am like fully in his corner. When it comes to Ushijima, I'm like, yeah, get him, get him Oikawa, I know I would pay money to. I wish Kakehina could have watched this interaction go down. They would have peed themselves.



Oh my god, yes, but you know, then we we leave, Oikawa walks away. That's, that's it for now with Oikawa, and we get Kagehina staring at the Karasuno versus Shiratoru Zawa sign so intensely. They already have their eyes on their next rival.



Yeah, reflecting on what Ushijima said to him, and Hinata kind of goes to Kageyama. We'll show him we can grow from the concrete.



Yes, I'll show him what we're made of from our little barren parking lot. And I was just like let's fucking go, okay. And that was the commercial break, right. And now we are on the bus back home and I did wonder, because we don't really know exactly where Karasuno is supposed to be, like what town it is, and so I did wonder what, like how long the drive is from Sendai to Karasuno, like they're obviously going out to the country. So I just was. I was like I wonder how many hours this is.



Hopefully not hours, but yeah, I have no idea. We have a tender Uda-Take moment on the bus where Ukai thanks Takeda for getting them all of these practice matches. There's a limit, no matter how hard you work on your own, and so repairing the relationship with Nekoma is bigger than he knows. You can only get so far with intra-team practices. You have to go up against these strong teams, and I love that he gives Takeda his flowers here and again. It's that Haikyuu theme of everybody. Every single person has their part to play in this, and Takeda plays a very important one. He, unlike the coach before, has been championing these boys. Oh my God, y'all I'm having a hard time with that word and it's the only reason not the only reason, but it is the biggest reason they're able to actually go to games. Without Takeda, they'd be this talented team with nowhere to go well and you know, I think it's.



It's very telling that, like when Daichi receives Oikawa's serve, two of the people he thinks of are people that they met at that, at those practice matches, at that training camp. I have to say, about this moment, I don't know how it comes off in the sub, in the dub. It's coming off as like really gay for me, because you guys, like I'm gonna have to thank you properly, you know, and Takeda's like what's this all of a sudden? And then you know they have that little exchange and then Takata says after we win tomorrow, then you can shower me with praise all you want. And that birthed a new headcanon for me that I'll talk about later it's very similar in the sub yeah, you know takata's definitely not expecting all of this love from you, kai.



And then it's like, and also like I was so focused on what they were saying, but usually I'm so focused on how all the little pairings are asleep on the bus. It's very cute. At the end of the bus ride, KageHina are arguing because Kageyama thinks it's gross that Hinata is drooling, which makes me think that Hinata maybe started to lean on Kageyama's shoulder and drooled on him a little bit.



I think, even if that didn't happen, I'm like Kageyama. Why were you looking so hard at Hinata? Why are you looking?



Yeah, like how would you have noticed otherwise if he wasn't drooling on you?



Yeah, and I didn't. So yeah, everyone's asleep. I think Yachi's like almost leaning into Kiyoko, she's like doing that, like falling asleep but then kind of jerking a little bit, kind of thing. But it is cute because Tan and Noya are like leaning on each other. They're so adorable. Tell me they don't cuddle watching movies at sleepovers together.



I really I love their friendship so much.



Yeah, and I, like you know, I know a lot of people do ship them I just see them as like such platonic bros, and but I think that is an example of positive masculinity, of like. These are two and especially because they're like the, the two like pervious characters. They're the ones who are so focused on being manly but yet they like are so close and they're like a physically affectionate, in a way that boys aren't supposed to be.


quote unquote that's what's so great about haikyuu is, if you look at it romantic, it's great, but if you look at it platonic, it's great, and that's you can't lose exactly, unless you're Seijoh she gets me every time guys, okay, yeah, so then, oh, and then,, they they get back to the, they get back and the girls come up, and we have a I guess, Michimiya and Daichi flirting moment Michimiya maybe flirting at Daichi.



Michimiya maybe flirting at Daichi. Michimiya wants him so bad and Daichi is so oblivious he really has no idea. But the school cheering them on. They all come to the window and they're, and one of them is like we'll come tomorrow and like having them all cheer.



I start to cry and it reminded me at the end of season three in glee, when the school celebrates the new directions National win, like this whole time, everyone's kind of like the volleyball team, whatever. And then they saw and they I love that they got to watch their game. It was a school wide broadcast. There is something about, like your community being proud of you and again, haikyuu is very much about community in so many ways.



And speaking of, so they go to watch the like local news which, listen? I didn't watch local news growing up, so this probably is normal. But I think it's so funny that they're talking about the high school volleyball tournaments on the fucking news. But that's probably normal for local. Yeah, so they're talking, and of course the boys are a little annoyed because Seijoh is such a beloved team so all they can talk about is like, oh, it's sad that they lost and they really don't have much to say about Karasuno. But then Tsuki in the background kind of goes well, this is how it's always been. Again, fake, I don't give a fucker.



You know he was watching the volleyball segment every single day on the local news and that's why he's so up to date with the rumor mill yes, absolutely, and I think it's Daichi who says, like I think we have to win a few more games before they're gonna show us and I do want to say for this this news report. The shots that we see on the news report are literally just like shots that we saw earlier in the episode, which I love. So the idea is, oh, there's like a camera actually in their face and like I think that I think all the shots do logically make sense. but I just thought it was really funny, where I'm like and that makes sense. It's like that's a good like animation shortcut.


They don't have to draw anything new, but I just was like that's hilarious. Right After they talk about the Seijo Kurosawa match, they go on to talk about the Shira Torizawa match on the news and we see that Shira Torizawa won their game in straight sets. They didn't completely defeat the other team, like I think earlier in the season I think they talked about Shira Torizawa beating a team by like 25 to like 10 or something, or like 15, something. Really devastating.



That makes sense, because they're in the semifinals now, so the other team probably put up a good fight, but it still was not enough. They kept. They won like 25 to 20, 25 to 21. So they're still fucking hard to beat.



I think they mentioned in the newscast that Shira Torizawa, like they've been undefeated in these like prefectural tournaments for the last like three years and now they really have their sights set on winning a national title.



Well, we'll see about that. Coach Ukai starts talking to them about Shira Torizawa and as he does, I'm getting pumped to talk about season three, because we have Ushijima and then the other players kind of come in, but they're in shadow.



it's all a mystery and you guys telling us it's not just Ushijima who's strong, every single player on their starting lineup is like tough and they're gonna have to prepare themselves and and he's just talking about how, like the whole team is incredible and they're gonna be hard to beat and you can see Hinata. Just like.



I have something to say Ukai says no one thinks we can win tomorrow, right, and that's when we have Hina to be like it doesn't matter. And Daichi's kind of like you know, don't talk like that to coach, but coach is like no, go ahead, Say what you have to say, and he stands up and he's like no one thought we would beat Seijo either. So it doesn't matter.






Which is so cool.



Yeah, what others expect of us doesn't matter in the end. And ain't that the fucking truth. That is hardcore. And then we have Takeda giving like a beautiful speech about how they're no longer the wingless crows and as he's saying this, everyone starts standing up. It's, oh God, it's so good.



Yeah, yeah. The only line I wrote down was no matter where you are, you must fly higher and further. And then we have a parallel to the beginning of this season. Hinata asks Kageyama for more tosses as the rest of the club files out for the day, and they of course go to the gym and do more tosses, because Kageyama is always going to say yes to this. And Yachi, poor Yachi, she sees this and joins them and she's like oh God, please not again.



Yeah, and they do and we see like them just do like a couple of practice spikes. I think we want to. I want to say we see them do like five of them and then later we learned it was way more than that.



Of course, yeah, but like just the difference between and because he's nailing them. You can see too, the way the ball stops for a second and then he nails it, and what a juxtaposition to how they were missing every single one back in episode five, if I remember which one it was, yes.



And then I'm glad you do, because I forgot. And then Yachi, who is like the audience, insert here. In my opinion she reminisces about their fight, which they apparently barely remember. They're like wait, what are you talking about?



And I think it's so funny that they absolutely do not remember this happening, because people tend to over dramatize. It's like this is just another Tuesday to them. Ok, yeah, they traumatized people around them, but whatever.



Yeah, well, and I love like Yachi starts like she's like, oh, when we were here and you guys fought, and she's like don't you remember Hinata? You like ran after Kageyama, because never forget, Hinata started that fight. Yeah, Kageyama was defending himself. And like, yeah, Kageyama was being hit. He had the first blow, yeah, and that. But then she starts, she really reflects on how glad she is that she joined the team when she starts, she goes.



She's kind of like looking down and Hinata notices and she goes. I just remembered something, and the way they both stop and walk towards her to listen I think shouldn't be understated, because there's nothing more that they want to do than do these tosses, and I think it just speaks to the respect they have for Yachi that they stop and like actually walk up and really listen to her, and I love what she says yeah, so she reflects on joining the team.



I said, like she's kind of an audience insert here. I feel the same way about the epic highs and lows of high school volleyball exactly and I wrote down like exactly what she said if I?



may. I think it's exactly why so many of us love Haikyuu, she says. After the matches today, I suddenly had a thought if I hadn't become your manager, I wouldn't have watched your matches today feeling so excited and flustered, feeling doki doki, I wouldn't have cheered alongside everyone and I wouldn't have experienced this warm feeling. It's all because I saw how hard everyone worked to overcome every obstacle and create possibilities. If I hadn't joined the volleyball team, I would never have had this experience.



So thank you and then it gets even better than I, than there are more tears in my eyes because Hinata gives Yachi her much deserved flowers. He's like you were a big part of that, like you stayed with us, you helped practice with us, and like they have the cute little like even though I was villager B, and he's like you're the best villager B we could ever ask for. And Kageyama's like is that really a compliment? And Hinata's like yeah, of course it is. And because he's the Kageyama whisperer, and he's like and if you really appreciate her, then you should tell her too. And then Kageyama, in his Kageyama way, very sincerely says like yes, thank you. And then Hinata's like that's not enough, you need to be, you need to give her a whole speech.



It's really that whole little interaction is giving married couple of 50 years, like the grandpa that doesn't really show emotion and the grandma that nags him for it, and, yeah, they start to growl at each other about it and Yachi's like, oh God, no, not again.



And I will say this kind of this moment, like I think if Yachi weren't such a raging lesbian, I think I would. I would ship them a little bit more as like a little throuple. It's hard for me to see that, but like I get it it I get why people would ship all three of them together. I couldn't see shipping her with just one of them at all, because it's them together, but I could see the three of them. It'd be interesting. I don't know, I'm having thoughts now. And then Kiyoko walks up and is like what are you guys still doing? And when we see her, that's when we really get to see how many fucking volleyballs there's like full cart full of volleyballs just scattered on the ground. They've been going at it for like way too long yeah, and I love what she says.



Like she looks at all the balls on the floor and goes rest is an important part of matches yes, yeah, I love that.



And then Yachi quickly is like come on, go clean it up. Well, yeah, and then Yachi kind of like goes to talk to Kiyoko and she's like, oh, I'm sorry about that, she's like I was, I was just helping them practice. And then Kiyoko at least in the dub she's like no, you practice with them. And I really like that moment. And and that's true, yeah, Kiyoko offers to watch,, to walk Yachi to the bus stop because it's late, and I just thought that was very cute and she's such a good senpai and she goes to the boys like get out of here when you're done.



I don't care about your safety, i'm going to walk Yachi home.



Yeah, you've got each other. You're going to have a gay moment on the top of the hill, exactly.



So then we get our final moments of season two. KageHina are walking out of the gym for the night and Hinata kind of soliloquies about like oh, I wonder what the little giant felt before big matches. And he's nervous but he's excited and he looks at Kageyama with these sparkling eyes and Kageyama looks down at him and he's like tomorrow we're going to win.



And then they fist bump. Yes, it's so good, it's such a good moment. For some reason, I thought this was a post-credit moment, but it's not. We get another post-credit moment. I really love this and I also like Hinata when he does his little excitement is like giving Ghibli like it feels like. I feel like the effect on like animation in Japan that Studio Ghibli has had cannot be understated.



No, I Haikyuu gives me a lot of Ghibli feels they're really a team, the two of them.



Then we get the credits and it's not like the usual animation because it's the the last episode of the season. It's just like it's almost like a movie. It's just like black with white text. But then we get a post credit scene that starts with just some randos talking about Karasuno beating Seijo and how like that was amazing. And then Karasuno shows up looking cool as fuck, and then they all lock eyes with Ushijima because he's like just standing there, I guess, waiting for them. I don't know why he's there, but he is and they all like stop and look at him. But then Kagehina walk right up to him and they have their little exchange and I love. Ushijima says he's like, he's like Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyo Hinata says no matter what you think of us, we're going to defeat you and go to nationals. And Ushijima says I'm looking forward to it. And I don't know. Ushijima sounds almost like amused by this, like I really feel like he doesn't believe they're going to beat him.



Yeah, no, I think he's very interested to see what happens. They've certainly piqued his interest. I don't think he thinks they're going. I don't think he's threatened in any way, but he's certainly interested.



Yeah, I think he does want because, just because of everything that like happened at the beginning of this season when they met him, I think he is excited to see what they're going to do and Hinata is really pumped and, like I really love the effect that Ushihina have on each other. We'll talk about it a lot when we get into season three, because there's like a particular viciousness that I find like really tasty between Ushihina and I'm excited to talk about it more like it's. It's very different from the way that Hinata feels about like Kageyama and wanting to beat him. There's like this admiration that's mixed in with his feelings for Kageyama and with Ushijima. I think it is similar to the way Oikawa feels about Ushijima.


Yeah, I agree All right, are we ready to move on to?



manga versus anime. Yes, I just have a couple things. We talked about how the Ukai talking about Kageyama's instinct thing I did put it in the manga panels panels. I thought they talked about it a little more in depth because they compare how, like, Hinata got this last shot and he kind of redeemed himself in a similar way as Azumane redeeming himself,, with date tech and Ukai saying I guess Kageyama thought it best to let him smash his way past it on his own. Well, okay, it's Kageyama. I bet it was more gut feeling on his part.


There's no telling if an actual, fully formed thought about how this would affect Hinata's future crossed his mind or not, and I think that's interesting. So, yeah, he wasn't thinking about like, will this be good for Hinata's self-esteem, he was just like this is the move, let's go. And then we have there's a shot of the lineup of the team shaking hands and it's a really sweet Iwakage moment where Iwa you can tell he has his he's shaking hands with Kageyama, but he also has a hand on his shoulder and I can hear him just being like you did a good job, like because he's always been openly proud of Kageyama, unlike Oikawa, and so I love having their tiny little moments here, and then I also just have a. There's a funny illustration of Saeko with Yachi's face in her boobs and then. So I forget where this happens in the anime and I think it happened already.


But in chapter 149, when all, when the team is on the bus, Daichi dreams about him and Suga and Asahi as first years joining Karasuno, when we get that whole scene of them as first years and seeing how Karasuno has fallen, but I think that's already happened in the anime. No, that happens in season three. Oh, okay, so it's a timing thing then. You know, the timing is sometimes different with the manga and anime. Yeah, Kageyama scolds Hinata for drooling on the bus instead of like when they're walking away from the bus in the anime, and all the more reason to reinforce the idea that Hinata ended up with his head on Kageyama's shoulder. That's all I got for manga versus anime. I see we're talking about the music, this episode.



Yeah, as I like to do whenever we finish out with one opening and ending, I like to kind of go through and talk about what happens in the animation and a little bit about the lyrics. So we have our opening song, which I think is probably the most popular haikyuu song, I would say Tobe Fly by Burnout Syndromes totally, totally think it's their favorite and I just I wrote down a few notes of like.


It starts with Karasuno in a game and Hinata spiking. It's all in slow motion and then it cuts to a crow flying through the air I think flying in front of the sun, and then the shadow of it passes over Oikawa, who turns to glare at it. I think that's like one of my favorite moments is he's just like Karasuno. And then we get to see hints of the other teams that Karasuno had to play, like Jozenji and Wakutani. We have the whole team standing in front of the Sendai gym with determined looks on their faces. We kind of get to see Hinata like channeling the spirit of the tiny giant. They do like this cool thing where it's like tiny giants like his. His back is to us and Hinata like crosses in front of him and they're both wearing their 10 jerseys.


Just lots of gameplay, amazing saves from Noya, blocks from Tsuki, Hinata spiking towards the end we get a quick flash of Shiratorizawa, because that mountain is looming over them this whole season, and then it ends with Kageyama setting for Hinata in slow motion. Again. It's almost like the beginning is like the moment right before that beginning shot of the animation and I thought that was very interesting. And then I pulled a few lyrics that I thought were interesting. One is a little chick covered in bruises is glaring up at the sky. No matter how much those flying in low altitude may laugh, he wants to see the farthest limits of the sea. Just fly, fly on high to the farthest reach of your future.



Come on, little Hinata fly.



You can do it. For the ending song and animation, I had to go back to episode 24 because, like I said, they don't do an animation for a season, for the last episode. But whatever, it's very much in black and white. The animation is interesting. It's kind of giving like like manga pages that are like not quite being animated. It's almost animatic style, except let's like sketchy, more hard lines, but still that kind of style. And we have like a volleyball bouncing on the floor.


It's the end of the, the first Seijoh match, and kakehina are on their hands and knees while a victorious Oikawa walks away. Our heroes slowly stand, we get lots of shots of different teams, and then at the very end we get still in that same like black and white animation, Oikawa spinning the ball, and then it turns to the regular animation with Oikawa facing off against KageHina, and I thought that was very interesting. And then I only grabbed one lyric from this, which is oh, in the song I forgot to mention I did not write the name down it's the lyrics are, that's right? Our breaths and heartbeats exist in this world that will never come again.



Okay, very dramatic Very dramatic.



Okay, and since I just did so much talking about the music, we have decided to not do a who and Haikyuu scenario for this episode. Don't worry, it'll be back for season three, episode one, everyone's favorite game, but now we're going to. Before we move into the spoiler zone Em. Where can everyone?



find us. You can find us on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and Blue Sky at Fly High Q Pod.



That's F-L-Y-H-Q-P-O-D, P-O-D, and if you want to send us an email, you an email, you can, at fly hq pod at gmail dot com, f-l-y-h-q-p-o-d at gmail dot com. And now, for the final time, you walk through a door what is it that's right?



I have to change the spoiler zone.



It's no longer gonna be a nee, nee, nee, nee, nee, nee, nee.



All right, we're in the spoilers and you said you have something, so go ahead well I just in that moment with Ushijima and Oikawa, when Oikawa is like you know, don't forget about my worthless pride. That right there is why I want him to win in the Olympics. I actually I need. It's not really for me, it's not about I want KageHina to win, but I want more Oikawa to finally beat Ushijima. I love you so much.



I fully fucking agree. That is exactly how I feel it's like, because I there's just, I, just, I want, I want Oikawa To beat Ushijima's stupid, arrogant face in, like I, just, I want him to win, and like that's, and like Argentina doesn't have Japan, but that particular match and I'm not going to lie, I don't quite know how the matches work, I think that teams can play each other multiple times. There's like different rounds or whatever, but like that game in particular, I really want Oikawa to win it. I really want him to.



Yeah, yeah. Now that is an Oikawa win. That would be narratively satisfying folks.



And I mean just spoilers for my reaction at the end of season three. I do love Shiratorizawa losing. I revel in that defeat. I was wondering if that's what you were.



That's Because I feel like we don't get the same kind of love for Shiratorizawa that we absolutely do for Seijo.



Yeah, it's a little different and like that I love, like individual players. I think. Another thing is like I really don't like the coach. I have a lot of problems with him, especially in that part. Obviously, I grow to love him a little bit more as he, you know, grows as a character, but like I think it's like Ushijima and Coach Washijo. I'm like good, I'm glad you fucking lost. You deserve it.


And I do think I think it's important for Ushijima to lose to Hinata. I think he has to understand that, like strength is not just like what Ushijima has been told. Strength is his entire life and I think that is what allows him to become Japan's canon later on. Yeah, so I wanted to talk a little bit about OiHina and how they're so similar, okay, and I just like I think it's just I love so much that they meet each other in Brazil and that like and and and that like they are meeting each other while Kageyama and Ushijima are playing together. I just, I really enjoy that. There is a Seijo Hinata fic out there. I haven't started reading it yet, but it's got Kageyama on Shiratorizawa which.


I, which I totally get one day I'm gonna write a Seijo Hinata fic. Everybody, because I they both have Ushijima and I would really love to explore that more with them, being on the same team and beefing with Ushijima can one of our lovelies start a tally of how many times Rainbow mentions the Seijo fic, so that she'll write it?


I mean listen, it's, it's, it's on, it's the. The doc is there, it's been created. Listen, I haven't really mentioned this. I keep forgetting to mention in chit chat that I am back in school now and so fic writing is definitely going to slow down because I have to end fic reading. All of my other reading. I have to focus on school. It's not fair, but like it's on the list, one day it's going to happen, one day I'm going to be able to write more. Maybe, possibly, hopefully, you know what? Maybe one day, maybe we don't get, maybe one day I just do a podcast that's like here are all the ideas for fics that I have would someone talented like to write them?



yeah, and like give me idea credit somebody, yeah, yeah.



You can just say like hey, I heard about this on a podcast. Like I don't care fan fiction, anybody can write whatever they want. I give me three different versions of the same idea.



I'll eat them all up, yeah seriously fanfic writers out there that worry about like, oh, has this been done before, that doesn't fucking matter, write it anyway. I've read two morning sex fics that I'm pretty sure one must have been inspired by the other because they were so similar. But guess what? They're both in my bookmarks and that's where they'll stay.



And yeah, there's no copyright, there's no intellectual property. Nobody is making money off of this. You're not like. You know, I I have a lot of feelings about like stealing other people's ideas and stuff, just in general, but like when it comes to fan fiction, it's like honey, it's all going on the archive, it's a free-for-all is kind of how I feel about it.



It's what art is meant to be, which is just a non-judged expression of whatever you're feeling.



So yeah, there's no such thing as an original idea. Yeah.



All right. Well, god, I can't. Season two is over. We did it, it's, it's over. I'm not ready to graduate to season three. I'm scarred.



No, but baby, you know, don't worry, we've got. We've got an episode in between to give everyone a chance to breathe. I'm really excited for that episode and started editing it.



I'll finish editing that, yes, yes, well, you, you'll. You'll get the chance, don't worry. And then, after this episode, you will get to see rainbow talk to a new person while I was out of town. So we're gonna shake things up.



That'll be fun yeah, I'm very excited, but then we get into season three and I can't wait to talk about Tendou all right y Well, keep flying higher and further than ever before.



Give me a real one. Give me a You're gonna fall.