Fly: A Queer Haikyuu Podcast

S3E1: Greetings

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"Don’t worry Goshiki, your words are as cool as your bangs."

This week, rainbow and em talk about season 3, episode 1 "Greetings" and discuss the Shiratorizawa team dynamics, UshiHina's fierce rivalry, and Karasuno's nerves in the face of their first ever finals. 

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Hello everyone and welcome to Fly a Queer Haikyuu podcast I'm Rainbow they she and I'm Em.



And today we are talking about can you believe it? Season three, episode one Greetings.



Oh yeah, in the dub they called it polite greetings, which I don't know. I didn't feel like it was that polite yeah, I found that interesting.



I felt that Shiratorizawa this is gonna be a fun team name for me to try and say Shiratorizawa was pretty rude actually you know, that's, that's how they be.



They were fucking divas about this, but we'll get into it. first we want to talk about, something very important. you know this episode is coming out at the end of February, a little over a month after Donald Trump was inaugurated as president of the United States. and you know there's been a lot of fucked up shit going on with immigration. You know there were talks before he even became president of, you know, mass deportations and while you know we're maybe not seeing it at the scale that he was talking about, because that's not possible, there is a lot more ICE and Customs and Border Control activity going on and we wanted to acknowledge that and give a few tips and resources for people out there who either have to deal with that directly, know people who might have to deal with that, or just, you know, want to find ways to help people in your area who might be dealing with it.


So La Migra is kind of a slang term in Spanish used for ICE. So anytime you hear people talking about Migra, that's what they're talking about. You can check to see if there's a local Migra watch in your area. People who post on social media about ICE and CBC, that's, customs and border control activity in your area. We also suggest finding local immigration lawyer funds or immigration legal funds, that kind of thing, bail funds, all of that. And then just a few quick tips. If you are worried about interacting with ICE or Customs and Border Control, I also want to note that Customs and Border Control you know that's borders, but any kind of port, an airport or a seaport is also considered a border. So it's not just, you know, the physical border between Canada and the USA and Mexico and the USA, it's also anywhere that there's an airport, so pretty much anywhere in the United States. So we just wanted to give a few tips in case you do have to interact with these people.


So if ICE comes knocking at your door, do not open the door for them. You know, interact with them through a window. If they say they have a warrant, have them slide it under your door. If they say they have a warrant, take a look at it. If it's not signed by a judge, it's not a warrant and they legally cannot enter your home or arrest you or detain you in any way. They might show you what's called a deportation order which is not signed by a judge, so again needs to be signed by a judge. And if you are ever detained, do not talk to them. Ask for your lawyer. That's the only thing you should be saying to any kind of law enforcement is I want to talk to my lawyer and never sign anything that they give you. Do not put your signature on anything Again. Say I want to talk to my lawyer. So those are just some quick tips.


We'll post about it on social media as well, and I did want to mention that in our resource document that we keep pinned in our social media and in our show notes. It's linked in there. It's a document with a bunch of resources and it includes a link to a state by state guide for knowing your rights for immigrants. Obviously, different states are going to have different laws about this. Different law enforcement agencies are willing to work with ICE, some of them don't. So you know if you can look and see if your local law enforcement agency works with ICE or CBC, you know, look into that.


I always say knowledge is power, so have that knowledge on your side and if you are, you know if you're listening to this and you're like well, I don't ever have to worry about immigration, still share this stuff on social media, even if you're not living in the United States. You might have followers who this information could be helpful for, and we just you know, I know Em and I are very upset about this happening. We think it's disgusting and we just want to help people in whatever way we can. So spread this knowledge, spread this information. You know, take care of each other, keep each other safe and, again, know your rights. Conozco sus derechos, know your rights. I'm so sorry if I butchered that. I'm practicing Spanish, but you know, just get out there, yeah, and that's all I have to say on that. We love you all and you know, if anyone is is scared about this, you know, that's completely understandable.



Those feelings are valid and you know our hearts are with you. Well said, rainbow, thank you. We just we just took a pause and Rainbow just said okay, I'm ready to awkwardly transition into IwaOi now, and it is. I do love the juxtaposition and I do love that while we talk about Haikyuu. Of course, that is the main point of this podcast. We are a queer Haikyuu podcast and we are is activist the right word. Are we activists?



I would call ourselves activists. Yes, we have felt called to action and we are actively doing things to resist the fascism. So, yeah, I think we can call ourselves activists.



So we give a shit to the point where we find it important to talk about this stuff to you guys, and we do it at the top during our like chatting section. But then it is always a fun challenge to go from like the horrors of the world to. So then these volleyball boys let's talk about how gay they are. So we hope you enjoy the humor and irony that is wrought with life and makes it a little bit better in these dark times no-transcript.



And we have to, you know, hold on to the things that you know make us feel human and make us find connection and community, connection and community. And you know, in a world and in a country that is trying to repress lgbtq plus identities, talking about gay volleyball anime, it is a form of resistance, and listening to this kind of stuff is a form of resistance. It's not the only thing we're doing, right, and it's not the only thing anyone should be doing, but I think that you can take, you know, you can only do so much focusing on the horrors. It's a balance, exactly, yeah, you have to find the balance, and so I think, for me, I feel good about sharing information and resources through this platform, but then I also do feel good about talking about gay volleyball boys.



Earlier before we were recording, I was sobbing in Rainbow's arms and she goes do you want to talk shit about the dub during recording?



Will that make you feel better?



And you know what it does and it will. And I'm gonna a little bit and with that I think we can jump in.



All right, yeah. So, as we discussed at the end of last episode, we had completely forgotten that we did not get our fantastic Iwaoi moment in that episode. It's part of like some sort of movie. That's really just like they basically just take the Seijo game and mash it into one hour and a half long experience right, and it's so.



It's mainly scenes we've already seen, but then they they sneak in these little bonus contents yeah.



So we didn't want to like re rewatch the whole thing because we literally just watched and talked about the game for several weeks. But we did want to talk about two very specific moments that we get in that little OVA that we don't get in the actual season. And the first one is really short, it's like 20 seconds, but it's Oikawa walking up to the other third years and they stop and they see him and they're like, oh no, don't do it, don't say it, let's end this on a good note. But then he's like no, shut up, listen to me, thank you for the last three years.


It's very shouty he's yeah, he's just shouting it and he's crying. Tears are running down his face. Everyone else starts crying. It's. It's just a wonderful moment. We love seijo. But then then we have the marriage vows, the fucking just so gay between iwa oi. It's like a minute long this clip, and it starts with iwa saying to Oikawa I couldn't be prouder to have you as a partner and you're the absolute best setter these guys really are just alternative universe. Kagehina, third years I mean they really literally iwa oi is just kagehina.



If they were childhood best friends because, like the way yeah, exactly because the way that they are best friends and their friendship is just full of insults. But in this moment, and Oikawa's face when iwa is saying this, is really there's just so much emotion in it and it's very intense and it's really Iwa's way, in volleyball terms, of just being like I love you, man.



It really is, because, well and I have a note here that the language of rivalry is a language of love because he's saying he's like you know, whatever he's like, you're the best setter. It doesn't matter what team I go to next, I still think you're gonna be the best setter, but I'm also determined to beat you yes, they have to.



And just like Kagehina, like after that they have to be like, but I'm still gonna beat you.



And Oikawa was like yeah, and then the slow fist bump that would be a kiss in another universe and like the slow fist bump, like interrupted by a montage of like scenes from their childhood of them playing volleyball together as children in middle school, in high school, like we've gone on an iwa oi journey. Yep, it's just, it's really beautiful and we just, we wanted to, we wanted to take a moment and really sit with that, before we move into talking about Shiratorizawa yeah, we officially closed the door on blue castle seijo oba josai.



We'll see you later. The most complete team in the prefecture and say hello to the most incomplete.



Oh my gosh. All right, before we get it, before I get into my recap, I just want to take a moment to be giddy and excited that we're here and we're talking about season three. We did it, and this is like a little less than I would say halfway through with the animated content. I know, I know.



I'm really, and season three. I forgot how good like they're really in their stride as far as the animation and art goes, Cause we're right before we hit that scary pandemic, but we've been out now for a couple of seasons. It looks so good, oh, very exciting.



Well, and this season is special it's 10 episodes. Like I think the official title for the season is like Haikyuu Karasuno versus Shira Torizawa.



like we are focusing on, like the I'm sorry, this season is one game, as it should have been with Nekoma, but that's neither here nor there, folks we're gonna have a lot to say when we get to the, the movie.



We were just talking about it the other day, about how we're gonna handle those episodes, but you know, for right now we don't need to worry about that, because we get 10 whole episodes focusing on this game. I'm so fucking stoked. We have a finals to win people. Okay, I think I'm ready. I'm ready to get into it. Will you count me down? Three, two one.


The prefectural finals have arrived. It's the undefeated powerhouse Shiratorizawa against our newly reborn crows. Can Karasuno calm down long enough to prepare for this game? Can the Karasuno cheering section keep up with Shiratorizawa's? Will Kagehina prove to Ushijima once and for all that a team can win, no matter what soil they grow from? Find out in this season of IQ. Ooh, we're getting into it. I'm so excited.



Okay, it wouldn't be a start of a new season if Hinata didn't go into his tall, tall wall monologue.



We will, just because, narratively, the show is amazing and it just brings us back repeatedly. And I like the evolution of the wall. I wrote it in my notes that, like the first wall he comes up against is Kakeyama, the next wall they come up against well date tech as well date tech, but that's for the whole team. And then seijo is their wall, and now the new, the newest wall is Ushijima. Because, as he's saying, takai, takai, like we see Ushijima, like jumping for a spike, our tallest mountain, yet, yes, okay. And then we have, so we have the, the, the montage of Hinata, like biking. And then he's standing in the gym with his eyes closed, like it looks like he's meditating or like praying. There's, it's very, I don't know, there's something very good about it. And then we have his boyfriend, Kageyama, coming to fetch him from the gym.



Because it also wouldn't be the intro to a new season if we didn't have the kagehina moment in a sunlit gym where Kageyama says let's go Hinata, because isn't this pretty similar to how the second season started? I feel like Hinata is like, but if I'm not alone, and then they pan to Kageyama it's literally, it's how it always goes.



It's always Hinata is saying I can't do this on my own, and then it pans to Kageyama, who is his first volleyball partner. Anyway, they're gay. yeah, then we get into, then we get the opening for the season and I am going to I'm going to make myself wait until we get to the very end of the season to talk about the songs and the animation, because I listen. Tobe fly is amazing, but I really like this opening, the visuals with the song. I also love the ending. I'm just very excited to talk about it in episode 10.



Yeah, it's a real uplifting one.



And then I realized, as I was watching it, that I am not as familiar with the season three and four dubs as I am with season one and two, like I well, because I watched season three and four initially on Crunchyroll and they only had the sub, so it wasn't until I got the DVDs that I could really watch the dubs.


Oh, so I'm yeah, I'm just as not, and I feel like there are less like compilations I've watched of, like Haikyuu Dub is my therapy, that kind of stuff. So I was like, oh, I'm really going to, like, I'm going to get some fun moments here that I forgot about, starting with man, this place is packed from ass to ears. Yep Said by can you guess Tanaka? I said, oh, dub Tanaka, I love you.



Right before that we have, of course, Michimiya with her two gal pals. I want to see this trio more and see the dynamic. But they run up to wish Daichi in the third year's luck and Michimiya is, of course, very, very nervous and so clearly has a crush. And it's really cute. Suga pushes Asahi in the background like all right, let's give them their moment, and Daichi is just so oblivious. It's really interesting. They don't really dive very deep into this dynamic, but Daichi's just like volleyball. Suga thanks Michimiya bye and Michimiya like falls into her friend's arms and is like, honestly, the fact that you gave it to him is pretty impressive, poor Michimiya. Keep yearning, girl, because I don't think you're getting that crush returned no, no, I don't think that's happening.



yeah, it's interesting. It's like I, it just feels so much like somebody was like over Furodate's shoulder, just like you have to add in just a little bit of. You have to add in a little bit of romance. Somebody has to have a crush on somebody and he's like fine yes, these scenes are Furodate going fine.



Yeah, it's what it feels like. But back to Tanaka. We have TanaNoya. I only wrote TanaNoya, volleyball idols.



They put like a whole ass shoujo filter on them because they're thinking, because Noya is like, because Tanaka says something like oh, I'm nervous. And Noya is like Tanaka, bro, you got to step up, there's going to be cute girls watching us. And then they have this whole fantasy about them, like making all these saves and these amazing spikes, and the girls are all freaking out over them and Kiyoko's like he, he do your best in a way that she never would. and enoshita in the background just looks so done with them. And then he yells at them yeah, oh, my god. And then narita gets a line.


Narita gets to say something big day for narita he gets to say something along the lines of I didn't even write it down because I also apparently don't care about the npcs. just like the narrative.



Yeah, they're not even in the dvd that he Hinata that rainbow has?



yeah, they're like. There's, like you know, the dvd title screen. It has the whole team, it has the starting lineup plus Ennoshita. That's it, narita and Kinoshita. Who are they? Yeah, they don't even exist.



So sorry, boys. Oh, and then we have a show, chan reunion. Hinata's friends, the ones that helped him out back in middle school with that first match, they come not to watch him, but they they're there and they run into each other wait, they're not there to watch Hinata so in the manga it's.


It seems even clearer to me that like they're there because it's the volleyball finals for high school, but they didn't even know like Sho was. Like I don't think they knew he was a starter, like they didn't know about his relationship with Kageyama yeah, that's well, that's true.



So it's Izumi and Koji and, like I guess, Hinata. I guess I think they kind of say like, at the end of that little interaction, as Hinata's walking off with Kageyama, like they say something of like, oh, I guess we really haven't like kept in touch with him, like they don't really know what's going on well, I think what's interesting and gives you a little more insight into Hinata's character is they say whenever we talk, it was always about what we had going on.



Like Hinata never talks about himself, and they say that in the manga as well. Like Hinata never talks about himself, and they say that in the manga as well. Like Hinata never like, which I think is kind of interesting. But that whole interaction is so funny and Hinata is so cute. He's so excited to see his friends and as they're talking, Kageyama passes by and his friends are like like you're on the team with that guy, are you going to be okay with the king? And Hinata's response is really like sweet and kind of surprisingly loving. He's like he went through a lot before.



Yeah, he's like, he's like he had his reasons for being so intense and it's just. It is like really cute, how like? Because they're just like so worried for him. They're like, oh my God, it's that king guy and Hinata's like please, I've got him wrapped around my little finger now.



Yeah, they're like are gonna be okay and he goes just watch. And then he runs off and joins Kageyama because Kageyama's like let's go, Hinata, and you can hear in the background as the friends are talking and that's when they're saying, like you know, he never really told, he never really talks about himself. Kageyama are like going back and forth and Kageyama is like who were those guys? And Hinata's like that he is offended that Kageyama doesn't remember them. And in the dub here's where I have to talk shit, because in the dub Kageyama goes I don't remember every bug I squash, which I understand why people think Kageyama is mean, because the dub makes him meaner for no reason. In the sub he's like shut up, like I remember everyone I play against, which still isn't nice, but it's not. I don't squash bugs. I just think it's funny that Kageyama's defense is I don't remember everyone I play against. Yeah, but you remembered Hinata pretty well, didn't you?



he remembered him. I think about that moment, I think about these two. I think about this moment and the moment in season one, episode two, when Hinata, like, comes into the gym and like they make eye contact and Hinata's like, oh well, you probably don't remember me, and Kageyama doesn't even let him finish that sentence. It's just like, no, I remember you.



It's like I thought about you all summer long yeah, he could not stop thinking about Hinata.



Meanwhile, these other two which I think is kind of how it was for Hinata too, because Hinata, like, remembered Kageyama from their game, but he couldn't remember he, the only thing he remembered about Kindaichii was his stupid hair yes, a great parallel. I love them. They're obsessed with each other. also, I did so. I wrote down the do you remember every bug you've crushed line from Kageyama? And I said m was personally offended by this, I just I hate the dub.



Kageyama is really hard for me and I get it.



I totally get it. He is meaner um. I understand he does sound a little bit, a little bit too much um. But then we also get a fun little Tsukishima moment where he is trying to be and I don't give a fucker um. But Yamaguchi knows the truth and I love like Yamaguchi is giving him a cute little smile because Tsukishima is just like Kageyama are fighting and Tsukishima is just like Kagehina are fighting. And Tsukishima is like save your energy for the game. And he's like, although you know we could just lose in straight sets anyway. But Yamaguchi is looking at him and like, because I've already seen this season, I know what that moment is about and I love that we get it's almost like a foreshadow to like what, what we see later. While Tsukishima is saying all of this stuff in the background, Daichi is like yelling at Kagehina and he's like you two are the worst oh, that was a dub moment that genuinely made me laugh.


Yes, okay, oh. And then is it time to talk about the random old guy.



Yes, this so we have a community member as Haikyuu loves to bring us random members of the community and there's this old man who is like looking to go watch Karasuno, and the third years seem to remember him, and Ukai even remembers him and is like, oh yeah, he doesn't really seem to have relatives that are like in the game or anything, he's just a high school volleyball fan who happens to like Karasuno. If Karasuno does well, he'll cheer, but if they're bad, you know, he'll boo, and he's just very objective. He has no like person in the game to like care about. And the third years remember him because in the first year, you know, they were at their lowest and he was one of the ones to call them the fallen crows and they remember that and they're like this time we're going to make you change your words old man, and words old man, and I just think it's so funny. This random man that's like you know what my interest is high school volleyball.



I have a couple of things to say about this, because this old man has been watching since Ukai was a student, so for at least like 10 years, at least a decade, he's been following the Karasuno high school volleyball career and it's just like like I love that we don't get any backstory on him, like I, so we can headcanon things Like I like to think maybe he was like a bench warmer for Karasuno when he was in high school, like he was on the volleyball team, but he's just like still obsessed with the team, something like that. Or like he had like yeah, something along those lines.



Don't do this to me. I'm going to my mind palace right now. This man was in love with a starter.



Don't even get me started. I saw the. I saw that far away. Look in your eyes. I was like she's thinking, she's thinking thoughts. yeah, I also have to say that, like Daichi, when, when they're talking to Ukai about it, like Daichi tries to play it off, like, oh yeah, we think we recognize that guy, but then they all three of the third year say something like he'll never call us the wingless crows again. And it's you guys think about that every day, you think about that every night before you go to sleep, what that man said about you.



That man that has no relation to you whatsoever.



This was the moment when I like thought about I wonder how the animators felt about the fact that Daichi still has this bruise on his cheek. Like, were they pissed that they're like we still? They were like, don't fucking forget about the goddamn bruise he has. Like Furutate, do you know what you were doing to yourself? Was that a personal challenge?



Sometimes we make decisions in the writer's room that production hates.



Yeah, really. And then I think now we go to the Karasuno cheering section.



Yes, so this is the first time that Karasuno has really stepped out for their team the whole school Well, not the whole school.



Yeah, so they have a cheering section which is students from the school, I think, a couple teachers and the vice principal who is like so excited, like he is, so he's he's here for the volleyball team well, you know, and it's very clear that Karasuno is a smaller, maybe poorer, school.



I don't think they're. They really have any flashy teams, and so it's been since the last time their volleyball team was that good that they've had anything to come out for. So they're rusty.



I think it's either Takanoe or Shimada. He mentioned he like list everybody that's there. It's the Karasuno cheering squad from the school. It's like the neighborhood association of like local business owners that Shimada and Takanoe have rounded up, and they said some incoming students, which I think was interesting. So I wonder if it's just like kids of like the neighborhood association people or something like that, but people from the town, yeah, but they have like an actual cheering section. Now we, you know, usually it's just like Takanoe and Shimada and Saeko and Yachi, it's like four people, but now they have like a whole section cheering them on. And we do kind of see like they're at the very beginning, like when Tanaka before TanaNoya's weird moment, tanaka is like they're, you know, showing like we've got like report sports reporters there. There's a lot of people here to watch this game, like it is a big deal.



It's a stage that none of them have seen before before. And this is where the common theme of class differences comes in with haikyuu, because, in comparison, we have shira torozawa's cheer section, which is well practiced, has done this all the time, and they are, there's more of them, and they're loud, and they've got the drums.



They've got it all yeah, they're like choreographed, because we see karasuno kind of struggling, like the school cheering section is trying to do the chant and he's like we practiced this yesterday, and then a teacher come, the the vp is saying that, and then the teacher comes up and it's just like we only practice for a little bit, like they're gonna take some time, it's like it's okay. But yeah, then Shiratorizawa, which I do.



I do love their chant, the Shiratorizawa and speaking of not really having it together, we once again get a glimpse of our crows, and they're all kind of all over the place, as they are before these big games I this.



I think this is my favorite like pre-game freak out for all of them. Like the stuff with Yamaguchi and Yachi before the last seijo match was fun and all. But like this is amazing because we have Asahi, Hinata and Yamaguchi all with stomach aches. Kageyama is so excited, he's just yelling center court. He is just like I think in the sub he just says center court. Yeah, he's just like center court. Yeah, in the dub he's like we're in center court, we're in center court. We have TanaNoya freaking out about all the girls in the crowd. We have Daichi trying to keep everybody in line. We have Takeda, in his own way, freaking out. He's like everybody stay calm. It's so, so funny and so cute. And then we get and we get a who shows up.



Tsukki's older brother, who is dragged in by Saeko nee-san and is like I found this guy sneaking around and when he saw me he tried to run so I grabbed him. Don't fuck with Saeko. It's Akiteru Tsukishima's older brother, who is trying to be low key because, of course, his younger brother didn't want him to come and watch, and Tsukishima glares at him from the court side.



Yeah again, and we talked about this. How it's like. Is this just like petty payback for how he didn't let you watch any of his high school games?



Tsukishima Well it all goes into the. I don't give a fucker. And also Tsukki is probably so convinced that they're going to get crushed. He probably doesn't really see the point in people coming to watch. Yeah.



Or at least that's what he's telling himself. I also wanted to note here so we have when they say, like when he introduces himself as Tsukishima's brother, as Kei's brother, they're like oh, oh, you know, I don't really see it. They don't look alike, they don't act alike, which is juxtaposed to when anyone meets psycho Nason and they're like oh no, she looks and acts exactly like Tanaka. I totally see the family resemblance.



So we have Shiratorizawa cheering away and our team is our. Our big champions are fashionably late because they're cool like that, I guess.



Yeah, this is why I called them divas. They're being very Mariah Carey about this. Yeah, because they're just like wow, because Karasuno is like noticing the Shiratorizawa cheering section and is like holy shit. They're like that's really intense. They're like the team isn't even here yet. Where are they? And then, like we see like a flash of that, like the team like their shorts as they're walking down the the hallway and then Hinata gets like a chill up his spine and like turns and he's like they're here before they've even opened the door. I know.



I said, Hinata sniffs them out like a bloodhound, I guess like he senses his fucking volleyball senses are tingling yes, and then the door opens and there's our boys.



I was like I there's Ushijima in the middle, of course, but my eyes immediately went to Tendo, with his little smile, and Goshiki, with his like determined look on his face. We haven't like learned those names yet, but whatever, I'm talking about them already.



And this is our first time actually getting to see their faces finally. They've always been like in shadow, very mysterious.



Yes, yeah, which I do. I love that about Haikyuu it's honestly giving us not seeing Sasuke's face until Naruto sees him.



Don't bring that up right now. Yes, we just watched the reunion it's been a lot.


It's been, there's been a lot of screaming happening, but yeah, and then that it goes to the the commercial break, right commercial break and then we come back with we love to come back with a flashback of the night before Ukai talking about Shiratorizawa, and this is where we get. If the most complete team is Aoba Josai, then the most incomplete is Shiratorizawa. And he goes on to say that the managers went through the trouble of putting together these thick pamphlets breaking down Shiratorizawa's gameplay and why he came to that conclusion. And and the boys are very sweet, they're very thankful- yeah, they're really excited.



Hinata's like Yachi, you're the best, um. And even Kageyama is like flipping through his little pamphlet and he looks so excited. I really do love that. Kageyama is just so volleyball brained and he just is like he really clearly has a love and a passion for this sport and like I think that's when he looks like the young, that's when you're reminded that like, oh, he's just a little boy.



That's when he's Tobio yes, so he goes on to explain. he, he talks about how most teams use specific plays and timing and tricks to play the game you know. He says multiplication and Shiratorizawa is addition. I wrote while most teams are playing chess on the court, Shiratorizawa is playing checkers. They just use their blunt strength to pull off the simple attack, specifically and mainly just giving it to Ushijima, who is? I forgot. I wrote this lesson. I wrote who is literally the Lenny of volleyball. I'm sorry, oh my God. Literally they're like we just give it to the big strong guy, he smashes it over. I'm surprised no one's died on the other team yet, my God, yeah, never give Ushijima a puppy.



Wait, what's the other? It's Lenny. And who, what's?



the other, it's linny. And who? What's the?



what's the other guy's name, the not linny george? I think it's george. I'm gonna look it up. Yeah, it's george. Oh, I'm good I remember english yeah, okay. So if Ushijima is linny, who is his george? Is it Tendo? It's?



Tendo, who else is gonna put him down?



you're right, you're right, oh my god. Okay, all right, moving on. Coming back to the present, we've got both of the teams warming up and Ushijima is like spiking the ball so ferociously, he spikes it so hard, it like hits the floor and like goes all the way up into the stands and he is like looking at Hinata.



It's a message he's sending. He he's like this is what you're playing. This is what you said you could beat bitch. You can never be me. He really is a diva.



He is a diva. I have a lot to say. I have a lot to say about Ushijima. This season we're going to get into it.



Ushijima would be a fierce queen. That's all I'm going to say.



Oh my, he absolutely would. Anyway, who on Drag Race? I want to either read a fic or, you know, maybe one day write a fic or at least write this headcanon on social media, just about like I. I want like like Ushijima, both in the preparation for this game against Karasuno and like during and after. I want like view, I want like the POV of like Shiratorizawa members because, like they're like, I feel like Ushijima was definitely affected by Kagehina at the beginning of season two. I feel like there must have been just like slow, like subtle little changes in him. I feel like he's never like acted this way about an opponent before. These are all headcanons. Obviously we don't actually see that, but I just feel like there's something about like Hinata specifically, but both Kagehina that like Ushijima is just fired up about, and I feel like the team notices.



Oh yeah, and I think they do like out loud. Notice it later on in the game.



That's true. I think that we do get to talk about it. It's just that's very present for me as I'm watching this first episode and these interactions. And even Hinata is like he's looking at Ushijima and like they have the same effect on each other and this is why people write fic about them. Yes, absolutely. And then we have Kagehina getting pumped up to play a difficult opponent because Hinata's like Ushijima's so cool, like I'm so excited to play this game, and Kagehina's like yeah, and does this little smile.



I said this is one of their rare sweet and simple moments where there's no arguing, and I said they get along best when they're sharing excitement over an opponent. Yes, Hinata meets Leon Leon.



So it's pronounced Rayon in the dub and it's spelled R-E-O-N, but I think, because the L and the R sound are kind of interchangeable in Japanese, I think his name might actually be Leon.



Yeah, I think the ideas both are correct, okay.



Yeah, we can say Leon, or we can say Rayon.



I'm going to try and say it like Rayon Rayon, Kind of like kind of that in between.



We'll see, we'll see. Listen, if anyone has ever tried to learn Japanese, you know that R column is very difficult. It and if anyone has ever tried to learn Japanese you know that R column is very difficult. It's like it's almost an L, it's almost like a D in some ways. Like I've read, like the tip of your tongue is like on the top on your hard palate.



It's very strange. Yeah, your mouth has to move a certain way to make it work.



Well, and I want to say I said it's very strange. It's very strange for, like Western speakers, yes, yes, yeah, for like Western speakers yes, yes, yeah, yeah, I just wanted to. I didn't want to be Eurocentric about it.



That was so weird. Japanese is weird, no, so we have. So Hinata meets Reian and goes. He goes Benkei da. He calls him Benkei. And I'll be honest with you folks, the first time I watched this I was like, did he just call? That is Benkei? And so we obviously looked it up later and Benkei is and I pulled this from the wiki but he's a Japanese warrior and monk who lived in the latter years of the Heian period, but he's most known for being the right hand man to warrior Minamoto, ushiwaka Maru, so Ushiwaka and Benkei these names go like hand in hand in Japanese folklore. So it makes a lot of sense.



He's like oh, this must be like Ushijima's right hand man kind of thing. Yeah, and I do want to say like the slur thing, because Rayon is a black character, right which we, we don't have a ton of of black characters in Haikyuu and got about three yeah, we have about three and we do want to.


We need to do some more research and find some good sources and like find some good people to who talk about this. But we do want to touch on blackness in anime and blackness and Haikyuu at some point. but I just, I just yeah, because like this, because like the first time I saw it, I was a little bit like what's happening?



yeah, yeah, what is bank a?



but no, thank you for that context. That is really interesting and they do in the dub they have like a little like cultural note that says it. Just didn't feel like it explained it enough to me where it was just like oh, this is like a legendary figure and I was like I'm still confused why, but why, why? Why does he think Rayon is the Benkei?



Hinata does say something about. Is that Ushiwaka's right hand man, like he kind of Hinata's line gives context as well.



But it is kind of it's a tricky thing for the dub to have to do of like try and make these subtle cultural context things translate to the western audience yeah, yeah, it kind of reminds me of I just did a big rewatch of oran high school host club and they have to do that a lot, where they're adding in these little cultural notes. But so oran's interesting, because sometimes they just throw it at you and they like are just like you'll figure it out, whatever. Google it, google it, yeah, google it.



Yeah, learn about other things.



Yeah absolutely and then we have a what I call a mandatory people talking about how short Hinata is moment. Yes, these very adorable.



Shiratorizawa girls are, like you know, underestimating tiny Hinata. They're like, oh, I feel bad, I kind of you know, you kind of root for the underdog. And right on cue, tanaka tells Khina to do that thing you did yesterday and they show off their quick. But it's a little different. It's very fast and Hinata slams it right down in front. They're like we are also that diva and they have their cool moment. And the girls are like, oh, and everyone looks, and even Shiratora Zawa is like, well, I guess you know they are here at finals, so they're going to be interesting.



Yeah, no, I mean, they're very impressive. I took a picture of them like coming down like in slow motion from that set in Spike, because that will be the episode graphic, because they just look so fucking good and so cool and everyone is impressed. And then I think this is when we have, like Goshki saying, something.



Yes, because you know they're saying you know, oh okay, karasuno's going to be an interesting team. And Goushiki says it doesn't. You know, kankende, it doesn't matter who our rivals are. And then he turns to Ushi and kind of gives him this like challenge of like I'm going to show you why I'm going to be the next ace, and Ushijima's like ah, ganbare.



Yeah, I really like where this is like a good moment of giving us like Shiratori Zawa's dynamic as a team, because we have, like Goshiki saying that and I don't know if we, if they explicitly say it here, but Goshiki is the only first year on the the team lineup, like on the starting lineup, and so he's with these like older, like senpai and so and Tendo is very cute.



I really like their like senpai kohai relationship, yeah, throughout this whole interaction, Tendo has been flitting about saying things to different people and just being a little bit of a silly guy.



I love Tendo so much. Yeah, because he's like he says in the dub. He says he says don't worry, Goshiki, your words are as cool as your bangs. And I don't know if that's supposed to be a compliment or an insult, because Goshki is giving Rock Lee with those bangs. Ok, Goshiki, tell me, his character design is not based on Rock Lee. Okay, all he's missing are those round ass eyes and those big ass eyebrows. I really do like this little dynamic. We're kind of getting to see like the excited Kohai, the overzealous Senpai, how, like Tendo, like everyone, like Tendo always has like a little comment to make and everyone always has like a little reply back to him. And again, we're not really naming anybody yet, but yeah, and then we're getting that like Ushijima, like saying to To Goshiki, like okay, yeah, do your best. And we have.



I think the Libro in the background is like and he's saying that genuinely, which makes him a bit of a jerk and Tendo stifles a giggle like yeah, we do, we do see the dynamic and we see again how Ushijima is so like serious about everything he says and is so accidentally insulting all the time.



Yeah, just because he's blunt and, I would argue, arrogant. But but yeah, and I do, I kind of like because they're like this big scary team, but they're also just teenagers, like they're also just teenage boys.



Yeah, I know, I think even someone I feel like Shimada or someone someone in the audience is like they don't even Shira Torazawa doesn't even like look like a high school team, because they're all ginormous and monsters, oh yeah.



I think it's Hinata's friend, izumi and Koji are like oh my god, Hinata looks so tiny down there. Are they even playing? Are they playing a college team? Yeah, and so now we're really getting ready for the game. We see Michimiya's good luck charm that she gave to Daichi is sitting on the bench. We're gonna see that throughout the season. And then we have our very typical Ukai and Takeda dynamic, where Ukai is giving them like the, the technical volleyball stuff, and then Takeda comes in at the end with the let's go do this team. And I really love that and like I think they're both important.


I think both Takeda and Ukai have played such important roles for this team yeah, Takeda is the emotional part of volleyball, you know yeah, and then, and we see Hinata really excited and then I think this is the moment because they're both teams are lining up to do the you know, onigashimasu before the game. and Hinata looks really excited, but we see Izumi and Koji in the stand and they talk about how small he looks. I don't know if I brought this headcanon up on the podcast before, but I do have a headcanon that Hinata's friends have always kind of avoided being too rough with him because he's so small. Like I could imagine like Hinata's parents, or like other people's parents, were like oh, be careful with Shochan. Like you know he's, you can be rough with me, and I think that's one of the reasons he likes that Kageyama is not afraid to be like rough with him and is not afraid to like beat him up because he doesn't see him as like small and frail.



Yeah, that's all brilliant, what you just spit.



Thank you. Thank you for listening to my headcanon, yeah.



And then we get team introductions. Yes, this is. I love this because you know, and also just like it feels so legit, like this is at the final stage, with the emcee and everything. And the introductions to the team, especially for Karasuno, displays their personality, each perfectly like as, because they run up and they give high fives to their coaches and the manager and then they run as they're introduced.



Yeah, so we have Asahi and he's doing I called it like a little spell, but it's like a little good luck charm we see him like writing something, like drawing something on his hand with his finger. So I looked it up and this is hito onomu. It's a japanese belief used to relieve anxiety and nervousness. Pass your finger forming the person kanji. So person is hito and the kanji kind of looks like a a little bit like an upside down v, I would say or like an a without the the line through anyway.


So you do that kanji three times in the palm of your hand. Place your hand in front of your mouth and pretend you are swallowing or eating a drawing in your hand fascinating so that's like a little, and we see actually he do that a couple times we do and that again, just perfectly shows his personality.


and we have Tanaka absolutely destroying the coach's hands with his intense high fives, and he gives Kiyoko like a normal one, and I I like to pretend that Kiyoko specifically asked Tanaka like hey, when you're doing the high fives, just give me a normal one, I don't want your intense one. Although what actually happened was that Tanaka was like well, she's a girl and I don't want to hurt her. Although what actually happened was that Tanaka was like well, she's a girl and I don't want to hurt her, so I'm not going to give her a hard high five anyway, I had feelings about that.



Interesting. I was actually giving him like, oh, that's kind of nice points that, like you didn't like, slam her hands really hard.



I know, yeah, I get that and like. That's why I specifically like I just hate the assumption that, like you can't be, it's kind of like the thing with Hinata like he's small, don't be rough with him.


like, oh, she's a girl, you can't be rough with her and oh, I don't know, maybe that's just not her personality, it's just like it's such a gendered thing and I have a lot of feelings about that and women are treated like we're like weak and breakable and like as a as a strong afab, like I find that annoying high five rainbow as hard as you can, okay you should, my hands won't break, they can take it. yeah, and then we have Kageyama. Has a little excited smile as he's doing his run, like he gives, he does the little high fives to everybody and he's running and he's just like so, so excited to be here.


He's very gentle, that's my tobio yes, and then Hinata like he gives like his normal high fives, but like you kind of does, like he puts his hands up. So Hinata has to like jump for it. That's adorable. I just have a lot of headcanons about like their dynamics.



I also really like how Hinata's run is, very determined.



Yes. Like much more locked in than like Kageyama's like I'm excited to be here and Hinata's like I'm going to kill Ushijima with my bare hands well, and I think we, I think in the next episode I think we get maybe like a little bit of like an insight into like Kageyama's feelings and, like you know, I think for Kageyama there's just like he's like I beat Oikawa, I at the top of the world, whereas Hinata like Hinata, like Ushijima, is kind of Hinata's Oikawa at this point.


Yeah, yeah, for sure yeah, and then we have, and we have have Noya does like a cute little jump into the air after they introduce him and they're just introducing the starters, they're not, it's not everybody on the team, it's just the people we're going to see on the court. And then they have Takeda's really cute because they're like and their coach, Takeda Itatsu, and he like he looked like he forgot he had to do anything, so he like bows really quickly and that's really adorable. And then we go to Shiratorizawa and just because this is our first time really meeting the whole team, I just wanted to go through the the names and their numbers. So we have number one is Ushijima, obviously we know him. Number four is Rayon. Number five, Tendo. Eight is Goshiki, ten is Shirabu, twelve is Taichi and number fourteen is Yamagata. Nice, yeah, so that is our those are our teams.


Back in the stands, Saeko and our neighborhood boys are pointing out the fact that this is going to be the boys first five set match yes, so we learn that, in professional matches, instead of going to three sets, they go to five sets, and that's what they do for the final as well. And you know Shimada is looking kind of worried but he's like, yeah, stamina is going to be really important, but you know, Daichi is already locked in, or not? Daichi, Hinata is already locked in, we see. So I think it's Shimada says something about that, where he's like, wow, Hinata has his game face on and the game is like about to start. You know, I think Daichi is the first to serve. Oh, they also talk about sorry up in the stands.



They talk about how the rotation is different yes, they're putting up, I think, their biggest wall against Ushijima this time yeah, because usually they start with Hinata in the front so he can do his freak quick.



But for this set he's actually gonna go um. He's gonna go to the bench for a second while Noya is in the back for receiving, and up front they have Asahi, Tsukishima and Kageyama, and so it's Daichi up to serve, which, again, I think usually it's Kageyama is their first server, but it's Daichi is the first server and you know they receive it and we get to see an Ushijima spike but he has three blockers on him and we kind of get to see them go like, okay, here we go, and so they block it, they block the cross shot and so he does a line shot and Noya gets in place to receive it but it bounces off his arm yes, he receives it, but it it spins off in a direction that no one was expecting, and I also just love the moment where Noya is looking back as the ball bounces down.


He looks so fucking cool it's. I love the way he's drawn in that moment.



And his expression there is perfect. But then he has Noya, is? He just like, shrugs that off with a smile and is like well, hello left.



I, I love that moment. I will say in the, in the dub he says something like oh, like, I see how it is like lefty, which is fine, but I really love the sub.



Oh, hello, left there's just a drama to the sub and that's where we leave it off. So next episode we're going to see how Noya handles that. But yeah, I mean this is we're here, folks, we're going up against the eagle.



It's really I'm I'm so excited to get into it. This is like I. Season three is one that I can absolutely watch in a day if I'm really feeling up to it, oh, easily. Also one that they made into a movie. There's like an hour and a half long, like they condensed the season into a single movie. We should just watch the movie no, I'm just kidding.



There's so many good things I know. So now I guess, are we ready for manga versus anime? We are Okay. So these chapters just were 150 and 151. And it starts with, in the manga, kenma letting Nekoma know that Karasuno made it to the finals Because of course Hinata texted him to let him know and they all are pretty happy for them. Kuro thinks to himself so they have to go against Ushiwaka, poor guys. And then Yamamoto is like we won't let them beat us. We also have this great illustration that many people in the fandom know of, where it's the team in front of Ukai's shop and we have Kagehina eating their rice balls. And it's just a sweet illustration In the manga when Hinata is telling his friends about Kageyama.


You know that line of like he had a lot going on. In the manga it's translated to he's got his own sad, sad story, which Hinata, you don't know the half of it More in the spoiler zone, interesting, oh, and then I we kind of talked about this earlier, I think. But in the manga it's kind of clear that Hinata wasn't really talking about himself when he was chatting with his childhood friends and it really didn't seem like they were even expecting to see Shouyou there. And then there's a great. I wish they had put this in the anime, because in that moment where they're lined up and they're bowing to the audience, they bow one way and then turn around and do it the other way, and Hinata is so like caught up in this moment that he like forgets to turn around.



So focused on Ushijima, these two.



I know so yeah, but that's all I got from manga versus anime.



Okay, all right, cool. Well then, are we ready to move on to the character spotlight?



Yes, and who else could it be?



Who else spotlight? Yes, and who else could it be? Who else? But Ushijima Wakatoshi Ushiwaka, Ushiwaka chan. yeah, so I I did have to like, remember. I was like, wait, we didn't. Have we already done the Ushiwaka character spotlight? But we have not. We have not done it. so I have a pretty long quote here from the wiki, but I really liked everything I had to say and I think it's a good primer as we're about to get into this season. From the wiki quote Ushijima is a quiet and stoic individual, not speaking very often and often maintaining the same fierce expression on his face, which often gives him an intimidating appearance.


One of Ushijima's most notable characteristics is his tendency to bluntly but honestly say what is on his mind, causing him to come off as tactless or rude. Due to his limited social skills and being incredibly earnest, Ushijima can appear awkward and unintentionally funny. He does not seem to be able to read people or certain situations very well and often takes jokes and figurative language from others literally very well, and often takes jokes and figurative language from others literally. Despite this, it is noted that when Ushijima does give actual praise or support, it is completely sincere, as he never Sugarcoats or minces his words. He is immensely confident in his skills and does not ever doubt that he or his team will win.


That's it also. A lot of that was just like he's autistic. this is another version of Kageyama. Yeah, again, because we I we talked a lot about the parallels between Oikawa and Hinata in last season and now we get to talk about the parallels between Ushijima and and Kageyama, and I think at some point in this season I will bring up my like I'll talk again about how like I feel like so many of the Haikyuu ships are like different, like mirrors of Kagehina.






And we will talk about a ship later. That I'm very excited about, okay. Moving on to Ushijima's name, meaning his family name, Ushijima means cow island Cow island.



Love that. Yeah, because Ushi means cow, oh yeah, and Jima means island, jima, yeah, yeah, jima or shima, I think shima, which makes sense, shit, and j yeah, it's just side note, I don't know if we've talked about this, but I'm where well rainbow's been, but I've really dived into learning japanese recently because we are very determined to go next year yeah, and so hopefully you'll hear us.



You know pronouncing words much better.



I, the more I learn too. I'm like, oh my God, I'm sorry to any, especially any Japanese listeners. If you're out there, you probably turned us off by now.



Yeah, yeah, we're really we. You know, this language is does not come naturally to us, but you know, we're working on it and we're trying. Yes, and that's what matters, cow island. Love a cow too, by the way. Yes, m loves cows, big fan of those animals. I think it's why we have a tuxedo cat, because she's black and white, like a cow, probably a little bit. okay, and then his given name is Wakatoshi and it means young advantage. He, he certainly has an advantage.



Which, yeah, I thought that was very appropriate. He has an advantage of cow-like strength.



Yes, okay, moving on to his character sheet, Wakatoshi Ushijima is going to Shiratorizawa Academy. He is in class 3-3 and he is the volleyball club captain. We love that His position is wingspiker, which we already done. Knew volleyball club captain. We love that his position is wing spiker, which we already done. New his height is 6'3 or 190.5 centimeters. He's huge, he is gigantic.



his birthday is august 13th, so he is a he's I'm so sorry I read his current worry and I shouldn't have because I can't move on from it. He is a Leo. Okay, how do you feel about that? You know, leos can be hard to like read for me sometimes. So you know, I guess I don't know, I don't. You know what, honestly, he's not really giving me Leo, but he's not really giving me any personality.



So honestly for me I think his like thinking of the Leo's I have known in my life, like I kind of see it, especially with the like the, the blunt, like arrogance and honesty, that kind of thing. That's true, leo's gonna be low-key mean and scary sometimes, yeah, absolutely so.


I, I totally see it. his favorite food is hayashi rice. and I decided with the food, favorite food. I should like look at what it is, if I don't know automatically. so hayashi rice is a rice dish, obviously, and it's usually made with beef, onions and button mushrooms oh, yummy you don't like any of those things button mushrooms.



Mushrooms sounded cute in my mind, so that translated to ooh yummy.



You would never eat this, but you know it looks cute. You don't know my life.



You know it more intimately than anyone else.



I know what you eat. Okay, and then his current worry. What is it? Current worry is none. He has no worries he's not concerned with anything None. I'm trying to get like you, shijima, like honestly, like I. I do love that about him. Current worry no, I have nothing to worry about.



Also, his expression here really gives Kageyama like yeah, he's looking, yeah, his, the sketch on his character.



She is like menacing, especially middle school Kageyama, yes.



So now, moving on to his five point ability parameters, we have his intelligence, technique and speed are all threes, his jumping is a four, his stamina and his power are fives and I think because we talked about how we don't really see fives and I was like, oh, maybe because they're all teenagers still like maybe they reserve the fives for, like the when we get to professional level players. But this, I think, is the first time where we're seeing high school level fives on the power scale yeah, well, I think, I think Kageyama has a five for intelligence, specifically with volleyball okay, well then, maybe I'm wrong.


Then we do get fives, but they're rare, and it just goes to show how much Ushijima is all about just power and stamina.



Yeah, I mean, I think your point stands. I think we do not get a lot of fives whatsoever because they are, you know, they're growing players. But Ushijima, yeah, he already has the power and the stamina that he needs and I mean he is huge, he's gigantic, he's bulky, he's like very muscular, like we see his power in the spikes that he makes. I also wanted to note so in the on the wiki, in the trivia, it mentioned, you know, his favorite food is Hayashi rice, which is the same favorite food as that old guy from Akiteru's neighborhood team, the one who has beef with Tsukishima. I thought that that sounded familiar too.


Yeah, I think his name is Akizawa Go. I think is that guy's name.



Yeah, so.



I just thought that was so funny. I love that they have the same favorite food and I actually. Narratively, I think that connection makes a lot of sense and we'll talk about that in a few episodes. Wow, rainbow, you're a genius. Listen. I am good at media literacy and reading comprehension all right, well now.



Thank you for that little character, spotlight Ushijima.



We're gonna spend a lot of time with you in these next 10 weeks and moo, so now that's how you should end the episode, and I'm gonna say moo after you say fly high, just so you know, cool, cool.



Now it's time for the world's favorite game. It's who in Haikyuu. This week's scenario is brought to us by Taylor. Aside from the assigned team, animals what animals do the boys resemble? And this comes right in time because we had this conversation with a friend of ours recently.



Yes, we did. So. Let me actually pull up that chat so that we have it. So, Hinata, what animal is he? What did you say?



so, I actually didn't say this for anything for him, but our friend said that Hinata would be a fox oh, I do like that, although when I think fox, I do think a whole other team that we have yet to meet.



I know, yeah, I hesitate to call Hinata a fox because of that, but he is kind of like something in that family, something fast and a little squirrely. I mean he is giving like stray dog at all times. Yeah, hungry stray dog, yeah, he's giving. Well, and I mean Kakema compares him to like a puppy on his first walk that one time.



so like Hinata is giving golden retriever yeah, no I, I can see that I can go for puppy and then Kageyama is giving black cat, yeah yeah, like they just are golden retriever and black cat boyfriends.



I don't know what to tell you yeah, I'm sorry to go with a classic, but it's a classic if we're going, if we did want to go away from domestic animals, if we wanted specifically to talk about wild animals, I could see Hinata being a lion, maybe, or a tiger. Ooh, I see him as a tiger, a cheetah. With the speed, that's true, he's totally a cheetah. And then Kageyama is giving Black Panther oh, mm-hmm.



OK, and then we have Ushijima cow cow. Yeah, let's just keep it to the basics. And even just yeah, even if he, even if his name wasn't cow island, I still just it makes sense he's just yeah, he's giving cow, okay, and then we have Asahi.



Who's giving bunny?



bunny. I love bunny. Yes, timid and adorable yeah, it's like.



I know that he's like big and scary looking. apparently that's what people say allegedly, but no, he's giving bunny, for sure, tanaka, I did say dragon, for him. Oh yeah, did I say anything for tanaka? I don't think you did, but I did say for a non-mythical animal, for Tanaka I said, like a bull maybe as well, oh yeah, well, actually monkey, that's what I was going to say. I was like, actually, canonically, he's a monkey, canonically, and I think it makes sense I'm going to go with monkey. And then I know I said Hinata lion, but I think Noya actually is giving more lion. I want to give him cockatoo Because of the hair. Yeah, I see that, I see that. But yeah, no, his personality wise, absolutely. But yeah, if we're going just off of looks, yeah, he's giving like some sort of bird, especially because he's small.



You know what Tendo is. Tendo Tendo is that mime Pokemon. I know that's not an animal. What is his name?



I can't remember I know who you're talking about, though. No, I see that. I see that for like an actual like animal, though, like Tendo, is giving some sort of like lizard, hyena, huh, hyena. Oh, I could totally see hyena for him. Absolutely. I was also thinking like, well, I was gonna say komodo dragon, but not really okay, anyway all right, yeah, so Tendo, yeah. And then Goshiki. What is Goshiki giving Goshiki?



is like a bird that shows off its feathers, so maybe like a peacock.



Well, peacock is a Oikawa for sure yeah but I could see Goshiki being like, yeah, some sort of like bird that like really puffs its chest out, something like that, maybe a flamingo. Oh, I, honestly, I could see that for Goshiki Reon, whatever his name is he doesn't have a personality that's true. Yeah, if we're going off of looks alone, I don't really have anything. What?



the fuck is that capybara? Yes, capybara.



Oh yeah, honestly, I can see that he's getting capybara Kiyoko oh, I mean a gazelle.



A gazelle, a swan, something beautiful. Yeah, she's beauty, she's grace yeah, Yachi, Yachi's like either a little chickadee or like a little squirrel oh, she's good chipmunk.



She's giving little chipmunk. Chipmunk. That is the cross she's giving chipmunks. She's giving little chipmunks Chipmunk. That is the cross she's giving. Specifically, who's the chipmunk? The monkette, the girl chipmunk. I don't know. I don't know their names, but she's giving the green one. I'm upset. I don't know what you're talking about Alvin and the chipmunks and the girl chipmunks. I can't picture the green one. She's cute, she's adorable, I'll go with it. Yeah, and then Daichi, I said for Daichi, I said elephant yes.



And then I came in just to disagree with you and say brown bear which I totally see.



I get.



I get where you're coming from yeah, but I mean, elephants are my favorite animal, so I could also.



So I know we gave Asahi bunny, but I could also see Asahi being an elephant and Yachi being a bunny. Yeah, yeah, Asahi, because he's big, he's scary looking, but he's ultimately very gentle. Yes, unless you cross them, yeah, I mean elephants like are deadly animals just because they're so big and like one step from their gigantic leg will hurt you, but yeah, but they're very sweet and if we just left them alone it wouldn't be a big deal so that's who?



and Haikyuu.



Thank you, taylor for the prompt yeah, and if anyone has any other, I just thought of a wise, of me as hedgehog anyway, oh yeah, spitting, yeah, if there's anybody else you can think of. Obviously, everyone from nekama is a is a cat, except for Inuyaka, he's a dog. But yeah, if you have any ideas for that, hoon Haikyuu, please feel free to write in Our socials. Em, where can people find?



us. You can find us on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and Blue Sky at flyhqpod. That's F-L-Y-H-Q-P-O-D at gmail dot com. And now we don't have a spoiler zone this episode, and actually that really comes in handy, because I forgot to think of a new spoiler zone theme.



Yeah, I mean I have a feeling for this season we might not get as many spoiler zones, just because, like we're so much in this game, it's so much about the present moment and there are definitely things that we can talk about for the future, but I think for this first episode there's really nothing to touch on whatsoever that I can think of. So, yeah, I think that's it. I mean I'm very excited. I think Em's very excited. Listeners, I hope you're excited. I will say I feel like Shira Torizawa is like one of the teams that like we don't get as much official art of them, like we don't get as much merch of them. I just feel like they don't get as much love and I really love them and I'm so excited to just give them all the love they deserve this season and also all of the criticisms.



And until next week, guys fly high 






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