Fly: A Queer Haikyuu Podcast
We look at Haikyuu through an intersectional, queer lens.
Fly: A Queer Haikyuu Podcast
S3E3: Guess Monster
"Puns are the lowest form of comedy."
This week, rainbow and em cover season 3, episode 3 "Guess Monster" and discuss the differences between Tsukki and Tendo's play styles, touch on Hinata's journey with blocking, and talk all about everyone's (or at least rainbow's) favorite monster.
47:05 Spoiler Zone Begins
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hello everyone and welcome to fly a queer Haikyuu podcast.
I'm rainbow, they she and I'm m and today we are talking about season three, episode three guest monster ah I'm so excited.
But first we have to talk about something sad Em. Do you want to take it away?
So Michelle Trachtenberg is dead at 39 years old, and I'm sure everyone knows about this already because it'll be even another week after it happened. But I just had to take a moment and say something, because while I didn't watch Buffy or Gossip Girl Harriet the Spy in particular, and Ice Princess, but Harriet the Spy was a cornerstone of my childhood. I used to run around the neighborhood taking notes of what strangers did because I wanted to be like Harriet the Spy, and it's very sad Like she's so young and as I get older, the pile of millennial celebrities that really mean something to me get bigger. And so just a rest in peace to Michelle. It's gone too soon and if you haven't watched Harriet the Spy, you should go watch it.
And if you haven't watched Ice Princess, you should, because it's gay.
It is, and I didn't even clock it when I was a child, but her little rivalry with Hayden Panettiere. Forget about it, forget about it.
Okay, yes, but yeah, thank you those beautiful. Rest in peace, michelle. I did watch Buffy and you know she played Buffy's little sister who just kind of, I feel like, showed up one day. That's what I've heard. Yeah, it feels like they wanted to give Michelle a job, and you know what? I'm all here for it, yeah, okay. So, um, moving on, we're gonna. We're gonna go into housekeeping. We have a few things here. What are you looking?
I'm looking at our first point because, as you said, Kageyama has a five in intelligence, technique and stamina. Is that currently?
yeah, that's in, that's high school. Because I looked up his character sheet. Wow, from when we? Yeah, I looked up his character sheet because I wanted to make sure, because we talked about how Ushijima is a five in power and we like hardly ever see fives and I was like, oh well, Kageyama is a five in intelligence and I wanted to double check, you know, fact check, make sure that was true. And not only is it true that he's a five in intelligence, but also technique and stamina.
And that's as a teenager yeah, and it makes sense that we would forget, because we probably did him in like episode two, episode three I think, was his character spotlight.
Yeah, and I mean it just, and, and I think all of that, we see that on the court. We see that his technique, his stamina, his intelligence related to volleyball.
It's all there makes sense for a kid who literally just plays volleyball, and I don't really think doesn't much else. No, definitely doesn't. Okay.
And then, I had a bonus episode idea so I wanted to bring it up to both Em and to the listeners, because we have a bunch of who and Haikyuu suggestions that we haven't used yet, or some that we have used, but we'd like to hear what the listeners have to say.
So I thought similar to our anniversary episode, how we did like the Google form and people wrote in we could do something like that, but with different who and Haikyuu suggestions, and even some of the ones that we've gotten are like really fun but not meaty enough to do like a whole who and Haikyuu scenario in an episode. And then there are also things that, like we're just not as familiar with. Like people have like, oh, who would they be in? Like Hunter x Hunter or who, what like you know what people of like, oh, who would they be in? Like hunter hunter or who, what? Like you know what? Um, how would they play minecraft, that kind of stuff, and that's stuff that we're just not familiar with, but we know some of our listeners would be. I thought it would be fun to do like a who and Haikyuu bonus episode sometime, so I wanted to put that out to him and to the listeners.
If you're interested in that, let us know I think it would be really fun if listeners could send in like audio of themselves explaining it if they wanted to, because we could play it on the podcast oh, that would be really fun.
Yeah, we'll look into how to do that, because we still we have another bonus episode that em's working on, so we'll have that, and so this will be, you know, probably like, maybe like the the mid-season break for season four episode, which will be good because that'll mean we'll have lots of different characters that we can talk about. So, yeah, so we'll figure out how we can do that and we'll just we'll keep you updated and let you know, because I'm really excited and I think that would be fun and I'd love to hear from you and I'd love to hear your voices. We have one final piece of housekeeping, and that is a shout out to one of our listeners Emily, thank you for your wonderful emails. It was really nice chatting with you and I just wanted to say that they mentioned that they have a friend who has read Furu Date's horror manga and they're now watching Haikyuu together, and this friend said that they can really see the similarities in the style, especially in those more like creepy parts.
I think they specifically highlighted in an interesting team when Hinata keeps messing up and he hits Kagageyama in the back of the head with the volleyball and Kageyama's like stalking toward him. Oh, okay, and that being like very reminiscent, which I really want to read Furudate's horror manga. I think they listed the name, I can't remember it now. I should have put it in here or looked it up, but we'll. We'll talk about it another time, but I really want to read that. They also said during that that scene, their friends were like Kabe-tan, kabe-tan, kabe-tan and were really mad that Kagama didn't Kabe-tan Hinata, which he should have, especially in that scene.
No, but I would love a horror sports combo genre Furudate. Get on it.
I mean you're halfway there with Haikyuu. I mean we'll get into it with this episode.
This is like the most horrific episode Tendo's entire existence. Hinata's scary faces, that one scene where they run into Asahi in the hall and he looks scary like it's there. It's there, but Tendo, Tendo is so scary.
Okay, yeah, let's get into it. Time for my recap. Yeah, thanks again, emily. It's been really lovely emailing with you. Yes, um, are we? Are we ready to get into this episode, my one of my favorite episodes of all time? I'll count you down three, two, one. It's finally here, folks, the moment I've all been waiting for the guest monster episode. In the first half, Tendo pushes Kageyama into a state of utter frustration with his guest blocking. But after the commercial break we get to see how tsukishima's blocking technique can be just as irritating for the other team's setter Love that Mm-hmm. I was going ham on these notes last night. I was having a lot of thoughts.
Good Girl, take it away.
Ok, so we are in set two and it is three to three Mm-hmm, and we're picking right back up where we started, um with Hinata trying to go for a spike. But who blocks it? Our scary boy, Tendo. Yes, I love it, and I do. I love watching Tendo block. I think he's really fun. The way he's drawn is like very creepy um and you can tell that he's just like he loves to smash the block.
Uh down people. He says right at the beginning something about blocking isn't about just like stopping the ball, it's about smashing the spike right back at them.
Yeah, yeah, it's like for him, like blocking is like a way to spike. Yeah, I love it. Yeah, and I just I can't even remember what exactly this was in reference to, probably just because I think this is he like stands up and is like his like. He does that like back arching thing that he does and he's just so creepy and again we just see that like horror influence and Furudate style what does he say in the dub in that moment?
I did not write it down oh okay, he says I'm at 120 oh, he says something like that, it's it's very similar in the dub where he's like I feel like I'm at 120 percent and, em, you said that you don't think Tendo's dub voice works.
I'm trying not to hate on the dub too much on this podcast and I fail constantly, but it's nothing compared to the sub. I just feel like his voice is so fitting.
I get that. I think his dub voice is fitting. I like the way he's like he. Just he has this like creepy vibe to him that I enjoy.
I guess it's just in comparison, I think.
Yeah, yeah. And then we have Goshiki kind of fangirling over Tendo, like they go to take a break, and Goshiki's like wow, Tendo like I, you know, oh, because, oh, ok, I know what's happening here. So this is when um Kageyama looks at Asahi, um, to make it seem like he's gonna go for Asahi, and he's trying to like trick Tendo. But Tendo like calls it immediately. And so Goshiki's like wow, he even looked backwards. I thought he was definitely gonna go for that number three. And Tendo's like no, no, that was way too easy. And then Shirabu says he's like, he's like glances, footwork. If Tendo picks up on any of your tells, you're done for. And I really appreciated that yeah.
And then this is when he says to Ushijima, because it's time out time, and he's like, sorry, I'm getting all the attention right now, Ushiwaka, and he's like it's fine yeah, it's so.
It's so funny to know. Like in the dub he's just like I'm not gonna share the spotlight, this game, and Ushijima's like oh yeah, that's fine, I don't care which I do. Like that about Ushijima like he is, he's not like a particularly flashy player, like for him. He's not thinking about the crowd, he's not thinking about how he looks.
All he's thinking about is like I am going, I me spike ball me get point um, literally, and that, yeah, but whereas Tendo, I think he does kind of like revel in like the reactions that he gets, we see that Kageyama is very upset, uh, about Tendo's blocking. He likes he's like got an angry face on. He's like if there's one thing I hate more than my own spikes getting shut out, it's when one of my perfect sets gets blocked and he's very upset about it. And I think this is during the time out, because then we have ukai talking and I and he's very upset about it. And I think this is during the time out, because then we have Ukai talking and I think he's just talking about guest blocking and talking about the technique Tendo is using and he's giving them some advice and we get a shot of Hinata, like very intently listening to Ukai and really taking in what he's saying, and I was kind of wondering.
It kind of brought up an idea um about Hinata and blocking because like he is a middle blocker and that should be part of what he's doing, but he's always so focused on spikes and then there's also a big focus on Hinata and receiving and I just feel like the like his journey with blocking is a lot quieter and more subtle, but it's still there.
I think we see him growing as a blocker and a receiver, but I think, because of the whole like there are no spikes without receives thing, like the focus is on the receives. But you know, Hinata, you know he needs to learn all of it at the end of the day, and so I thought that was interesting. And I think this episode is so much about blocking and I like that we get this moment of Hinata really paying attention to what Ukai is saying about blocking. And I also wanted to mention um that at towards the end of you guys little speech, because he's like warning them. He's like don't get tripped up by Tendo and his guest blocking, like don't try to like, don't worry too much about trying to like you know, get um, get around him or figure out where he's gonna go next.
Um, and while he's talking about that, we get some of that trumpet growling noise that we used to think was a saxophone oh yeah, yeah, yeah, that's going on in the background and I just wanted to um thank you again to hudson for teaching us about growling.
Oh my god, I totally missed that too no I just, I just I really like that noise and I always hear it and I'm glad to know what it is now. Um, and so then we're back in the game and we get I think it's's Reon up to serve and in the dub at least, we get one of my favorite lines from Tendo, which there's my notes are a lot of lines from Tendo's but he says another pretty serve, pretty please, and I just, I love it.
So much Nice. There is one point I wanted to make that we skipped over right at the beginning. We get that, don't mind Kageyama, it Don't mind Kageyama, it's great. He can't help it. He loves an opportunity to be a little shit to Kageyama. He's got to tease him. But that's why we have the, because his spike gets blocked. But then his set gets blocked and I think he says in that fiery thing, it's one thing when I get blocked, but it pisses me off a hundred times more when a setup that I made gets blocked.
Yes, yeah, he hates that. And so now we're back in the game, and so I think Reon serves, and then somebody receives it, and now it's time for Kageyama to set, and instead of trying to do any sort of feint, he does like the smoothest set in the world. He isn't giving anything away. And Tendo is thinking to himself like, oh, wow, so this is what perfect coordination looks like. And then like and before he's even finished that thought, Hinata has already spiked it, and in the dub, Tendo's like oops, I got lost in thought and I was like this is why I can him yep, this move is so.
It happens so quickly and right over Tendo's head.
Yes, which Tendo notices like he says something to Kageyama. He's like we sent that right over my head. You must really hate losing.
Yes, and then this is when we get a really creepy face from Tendo, because he like kind of looks Kageyama up and down and then like shakes his little face a little and then stands up once again to full height and is like you guys really are amusing.
And this is where for I think this is the moment I truly fell in love with him and it was like, oh my god, he's so creepy because he looks just like Pennywise the clown there to me, um, and honestly, like he's kind of always giving Pennywise, and I love it he's got like a real.
He's like a playful sadist. Yes, he just really gets off on pissing off a challenging team and I'm excited.
Later we're gonna get into why that might be and I'm excited to talk about that. Um, yeah, and then this is where we have him jumping the wrong way and he says out loud I screwed up yeah, in the sub, the subtitles at least.
Just I've made a mistake. Yeah, I think in the manga it's just like oops, but yeah, no, I, you know, at least he owns it yeah, he's just like he. At the end of the day, he really is just a silly little guy, and this is what Ukai warned them about is that, like he basically is going off intuition and he has good intuition but he's going to be wrong sometimes and well, I've made a mistake.
Well, and it's great because we really see KageHina using Ukai's advice where he talks about like you need to use the width of the court. So we have a lot of Hinata running the length of the court and I think Tendo even says something like you know, if I'm even one tempo behind, it's like I'm not even there at all yeah, yeah.
And as he's trying to chase Hinata down the court, he's like you just keep going, don't you? Yes, yeah. And then we have Leon mocking Tendo Xiao. He's like are we really just gonna pretend like you didn't go?
oh and then I don't know how it is in the sub, but in the dub it is like a fun moment. This is one of those great like comedy moments where, like Reon says like like oh, are we really just not gonna talk about that? And then tenda goes I guess not, because he's the guest monster and then Ushijima says also deadpan, puns are the lowest form of comedy oh, that's a fun translation.
I meant to ask too right at the beginning psycho has to be taught. Guest monster and like guess in japanese, I think, means like creepy or gross or perverted, like pervert or something like that. And so she's like oh, is he like a bad guy or whatever? And they have to explain like what guess means. Do you remember how like that scene goes down in the very beginning.
I think maybe they say something about like. Is he like? I can't remember exactly how it goes. I sorry, I wish I I would have known to look out for it. I would have.
I should have mentioned it.
Yeah, that's, you know, I can look back at it.
But yeah, no, it's always interesting to see how they handle that kind of stuff.
Yeah, but I just I think that's a really fun moment and like I understand like the. Well, I don't really know why they say puns are the lowest form of comedy, but I fucking love puns. So call me lowly.
That was just something to say, because I think in the sub he just kind of goes like gissy and Ushijima just says you're talking strangely, Tendo, oh, okay I kind of like the way they handled it in the dub.
Yeah, yeah me too. I thought that's really fun again. Yeah, I think they just really get the comedy of it all. And you know I will to to your your point about the dub. I think you know sometimes they really get the comedy but they don't always get like the depth that is needed and the emotional depth, yeah, yeah.
And then we do, and we just like we keep seeing Tendo and his play style, like at some point he's going to um like like Kageyama's setting it and like mid like Tendo's like running to one side of the court and then midway he stops and he books it to the other side of the court getting a one touch on Tanaka spike and Kageyama thinks to himself like was that a feint or did he just like change his mind mid play and I thought that was interesting. And then I think this is where we get Tendo getting that one touch. And then it's Ushijima who comes in and like spikes it and like gets a point and it's like a really great shot of like them on either on the other side of the court, and I'm just, I love their little, their little teamwork yeah, this is the one.
It's a really big like. It hits the ground hard and and someone in the audience says that was like a shot to shut up the commoners, oh god, okay, so they say commoners in the dub.
They say because, um, it's like another display of strength from Shiratorizawa. And the guy says it's like they hit that, hit it that hard just to show the haters. And I was like please, please, stop trying, to stop trying to get the youth's attention. And then and this is where we get a little speech from Takeda, where he's just talking about how like they can do it and like they just keep going for it and they have this tenacity and they, they can grow and they can change. And I think that's very interesting when you compare it to Shiratorizawa, who has, like they have one strategy and it is just give the ball to Ushijima, like we are just going to use brute strength to fight our way through, whereas Takeda says like listen, we don't necessarily have that kind of brute strength, but we have so many other tools and they are adaptable tools, like we will adapt mid game and we will grow mid game in order to get it through.
Yeah, and the sub. I feel like he's talking about volleyball in general, about how like blocks evolve to handle attacks and attacks evolve to handle blocks and like they. Just you have to. Volleyball is a sport of evolution and attacks and blocks and strategies grow more and more. And he is when he first talks about like logic and thinking is a big part of volleyball, like volleyball is mental chess and that will be important later yeah, that'll be important actually as we're talking.
As he's talking about that, whose turn is it to come on to the court? Tsukki comes on yes, he does, and Tendo goes. Ooh, it's Mr Vanilla.
Yes, and I love seeing this because Daichi doesn't often reign Tsukki in but he says to Tsukki like don't let that get to you. He's trying to get a rise out of you. Daichi's so good about that.
Yeah, Daichi can tell when they're getting riled, and I think it's interesting that tsukishima would get riled by that and I think it shows how much he started to like allow himself to care about volleyball. Because you know, like we saw a little bit of that, I think, during the three on three back in season one, where we see that tsukishima, he doesn't like to lose, but I think he was much better at pretending like he didn't care. And now, because he's really let himself like love it, he's like this guy's calling me mr vanilla and I'm actually pretty good and he fucking shows it because I think it's it's somebody's going up to spike and like everyone like is so sure they're like oh no, no, this there, there's not gonna be a single blocker on this one. And then tsukishima is right there to block the ball so Tendo tries to do a time lag attack.
That's right, andTsukkiis watching him, because that's another thing too, I think, why this bothers Tsukki. He is caring more and more and letting that happen. But he's really locked in with this game and he's really he's been doing mental trust for this since the beginning and so he's watching Tendo and he gets it and he blocks it and he says to Tendo like hi, I'm the boring guy. Your little time lag attack might fool our beast meaning Hinata, but it's not going to work on me. Nice to meet you and Tendo's. Like I knew the first years were all punks, but you, I knew you were going to be like the worst of them. And he's like Suki's, like thank you.
It's so cunty, so bitchy. I do love it. Yeah, in the dub, instead of Beast, he calls him our feral child, which I really love, yes, and it's such a great matchup of enemies because both of these guys love to like sadistically fuck with their opponent.
Yeah, but they have such different strategies for it and I really love it. Like I love Tsukishima, in a way, is almost using his. I don't give a fuck attitude Like, oh, I don't care that, you just insulted me by saying that I'm a punk. Like I actually take that as a compliment.
That's like always been his style. You know, too cool for school, too cool to care and like when you can't get to someone, that's when it really annoys you.
That's my favorite strategy is don't give them anything and then they'll just get more upset. Um yeah, and then we have Takeda, and I think I don't think he says it out loud, I think he's thinking in his head he's like please keep a level head, your karasuno's voice of reason yeah, he says please continue thinking, be karasuno's understanding.
He is the logic of karasuno he's their brain.
So we we go to commercial break and we come back and we get a look between Tsukishima and Shirabu. Did you notice that? Like right at the beginning, I think, like there's a block, and then we just get like Shirabu like looking at Tsukishima, like and obviously a little annoyed, but we don't see Tsukishima's face.
Yeah, I feel like I remember that, I feel like Tsuki was the one, that kind of like give, like, like look at him, because I think he's watching him. Yes, yeah, and I'll.
that's all I'll say for now yes, um, and I, and then we have Yamaguchi like I think he says something to Hinata of just like it's like we're almost there, it's it's almost time, and I just think Yamaguchi's belief in his boyfriend is beautiful, um, but he's also ready to go out there and like help and take him down. This is where he like gives like Ukai a look and Ukai's like I can feel him staring at me.
I love. In the sub he goes Yamaguchi's projecting a tremendous aura, yes, aura on a thousand. He wants to get on that court. So we see Tsukki getting one touch after one touch. One touches are a really special kind of thing because they're just, like these little annoying persistent. There's just an annoying persistence to them, like you just want to get the ball down but you're not because there's a guy with glasses.
Yes, well, and I have a note here. So I said the first part of this episode is really there to prepare us for the tsukishima stuff, because through Kageyama we get to see just how frustrated a setter can be when all of their spikes are getting blocked or slowed down by the same blocker. I think that's another important part of this is it's not just that the sets are constantly being blocked, it's not like it's different members of the team, it's the same blocker going for those over and over again. So for the setter it's like I can't shake this guy, I can't shake this blocker, he keeps going after my sets, and so I think it's a very like individualized, like this motherfucker, um.
And I really enjoy that and I just I was very impressed by the storytelling here.
Like it's not something I really enjoy, that and I just I was very impressed by the storytelling here. Like it's not something I really thought of, but like this episode really is. Like that's such a good setup for what we see in the second half.
Yes, so we finally hear from our Shira Torizawa coach. Yes, Goshiki and another player freeze on the court when they both go for the ball. It's a campfire. They call it a campfire only in the manga. We have coach Washijo finally yelling, and in the manga he says if you're gonna go to a campfire, at least bring marshmallows. But in the sub he goes if you're gonna. He was like Goshiki, that was yours. If you're gonna stare, stare at a girl just yeah, that's wild.
and then in the dub he just says something like Goshiki, don't just stare at it, like go after it. And Goshiki has, like these question marks and we kind of learned that Goshiki has a hard time understanding Washijo and that's because he is one of the few characters who speaks in the Miyagi dialect. Interesting, yeah, so he has. Miyagi-ben is what it's called. There's like a regional dialect for Miyagi and I guess it's. It's not really something that a lot of people speak in now. I think there's just like a general Japanese dialect that most people speak in. But yeah, no, he speaks in this more regional dialect and I think Goshiki in particular has trouble understanding him.
Where does it say that Goshiki has trouble understanding him?
Well, it says so when we talked about like Reon in his character spotlight. It talks about how, like he will often, he has often has to translate what Washijo is saying to Goshiki, because Goshiki doesn't understand him.
Oh, I totally forgot about that. Okay, see, my takeaway was because in the sub he says that if you're gonna stare at anyone, stare at a girl and I thought the question marks was just him like, uh, okay, like what I? What do I say to that? And he just goes hi and then tenda goes and just laughs at him for just kind of like agreeing to that silly thing that Washijo said.
I completely misinterpreted that I think it could be both things. I just like I knew that Washijo had like a thicker accent I can't remember, I think I read it and like, maybe in the manga they make a note about it. I just knew that he like also had um like a thicker accent. That was harder for people to understand. So I thought it was. I tried to find like a video. I could only find like 30 minute long videos about dialect. I really wanted just an example of like the difference between the different dialects, and so I want to look that up at some point and Ukai says there goes the demon coach.
I thought he was being quiet today.
Yes, and I was just thinking the other day because I just think about Haikyuu. All the time I was like huh, you know, we've done the two episodes, we haven't really gotten anything from Washijo. I wonder when we're going to really start seeing him and his personality.
And it's now. Yeah, he's here. And then we have Suga coming onto the court Time for a setter switch. They go for the attack and they're shook at this unexpected play. Kageyama spikes it through. Always love to see it.
And then Washijo kind of making a comment about karasuno and like their like play style. And then we get a small flashback of old coach Ukai and Washijo arguing about volleyball philosophy. We get coach uh Ukai saying like you can't just like that's, that's such an old, old time idea. Like you can't just rely on the strength of one player. Like you have to come up with new techniques, you have to come up with new strategies. And, Washijo, it's really like it's, it really is more. It's like progress versus tradition yes.
So Washijo says you that you kind he always did think that new things meant strength. I never did like him. And we have that flashback where they're arguing and coach grandpa Ukai says, like always relying on the left cannon is so archaic. And then Washijo says something about like you have reckless attacks. But yeah, it really is just like tradition versus adaptation. And well, Ukai is definitely right, but Washijo kind of does make a point that I understand, where he says, like these high school teams that change every year, the best thing to do is just like polish these diamonds. And I mean that's one kind of conservative way to look at it coach.
You guys kind of explaining, just talking to how Washijo builds his team and he really looks for powerhouse players and he says something like it doesn't matter if they won't like fit on the team, like personality wise, like none of that matters as long as they fit the his definition of a powerhouse. They're on the team. Um, and this kind of brought up something because we we talked last episode about how lucky karasuno is that Noya liked their uniforms. Do you think, um, do you think if Noya had tried out for shira torozawa he would have made it? Absolutely yeah, do you think he fits that definition of a powerhouse as a libro specifically?
yes, I don't think he obviously doesn't have. And we talked about this and you said you think they would seek him out. And I don't know if they would seek him out if their focus is like power and like and height, but for libros those two things aren't as like relevant. So yeah, I don't know.
I think just because of the way that, like he's such a standout player, but then again, like we look at Kageyama who, like, does seem like a powerhouse, but she didn't get recruited to Shiratorizawa. He had to, like, take the entrance exam and he failed. So it is like it is interesting, like what is his definition of a powerhouse?
well, and I also feel like they comment Suga and, like the third years, make some comment at some point about Noya's personality, kind of being a drag just for recruiters because he's a little much yeah, I get that.
And when I was thinking with Kageyama, like especially in middle school, like looking at it from a recruitment standpoint, like Kageyama, like his setting ability wasn't about setting to like the strongest player the way that um Washijo wants his setting was about like speed and about his own speed and power well, he couldn't connect with other players, which is a huge part of what a setter I mean.
In a lot of ways, he was very weak as a setter at that point in time.
Yeah, and then, um, I just randomly thought of this. But Oikawa, do you think he actually would have been if he tried out for Shiratorizawa? If he wanted to go, do you think he would have been recruited?
usha jima sure damn seems to think so, and I almost wonder if Washijo made some comments in front of him or something yeah, yeah, like I can't help but wonder.
It would be interesting to have gotten to see like that process which wouldn't matter for this narrative. But I want to know give us a, give us a side story Furudate.
But no, I think Washijo's number one priority is having a strong left canon over all else.
Yeah and so, um, you can talk about this. And Takeda asks like, wow, does it happen every? Does he find like a big powerhouse every time? And Ukai says no, of course not. Like Ushiwaka, like, a player like him doesn't come around every every year or anything like this. He's pretty special. Um, you're not always able to get a player that's as good as him, but, you know, Washijo like found him and was able to really mold him into this powerful canon. And then I think we get a little moment in the stands and we see Yachi and Takanoe are both having palpitations.
Yeah, she's like I'm gonna she's like, my heart can't handle this excitement. He's like me either, like it's not even honey, it's we're only beginning, really, yeah.
And then Ukai finally brings Yamaguchi in and before we get into this very gay moment, I did have a headcanon about Tsukishima and Yamaguchi practicing their little like spear and shield move together during like team scrimmages and stuff. And I just love the idea of like these little boyfriends, like they like I bet they talked about it, they talked about the strategy. They've watched videos of it together like especially now that Tsukishima is like into it and is trying much harder. Like I like the idea of them like working together and I do like that they become a little team, their little boyfriends. Yeah, are we ready to get?
into the gay moment. Yeah, so he thinks about Hinata's as long as I'm here, you're the strongest to Kageyama and thinks how he could never say something so confident. And and then we pan to Tsukishima. But I've gotten to the point where I can be helpful. He wants to be that for Suki, he wants to have his little. Everyone gets a volleyball partner and he wants to be good enough to be on the court all the time to do their spear and shield thing. And I also love that. Tsukki only ever calls out nice serve for Yamaguchi and we always see him do it when he comes on.
Also listeners. I have to say Im had a really fun little skit she was doing after this moment where she was like it was like Yamaguchi and Tsukishima talking to each other and it was Yamaguchi being like I want what they have, they're such sweet boyfriends and Tsukishima being like, but they're not boyfriends. But we could be, and it was just like, literally, Im talking to herself. I was like all she needs is like a camera in front of her and she's making a TikTok. I just need two puppets, Honestly give her Barbie dolls.
So Yamaguchi serves and it's good. It breaks their formation. But sadly Ushijima is able to get it right back over and Tsukki looks pissed. Yeah, I said oh Karasuno, you thought yeah, really. AndTsukkilooks pissed yeah. I said oh karasa, no, you thought yeah, really. And then this is where we get Tendo's creepy little song of like break their hearts, break their spirits I got it, smash it, bash it into pieces, smash what their heart until it ceases.
So it can't be fixed with adhesives. And then he tries to throw it to simi and Semi goes they're blocks. And I guess Tendo didn't appreciate that, because then he goes back to himself and he says take their spirits, decrease it, smash their hearts into pieces. And then Semi goes what the heck is wrong with that guy?
yeah, I, I was actually very relatable moment for Semi. It's like yeah, I don't know how you banter with someone like Tendo if you're not on his level of weirdness you really don't.
I do think it's funny um a lot, I probably because of this moment and maybe there's some other ones later but, um, in a lot of fics with Shiratorizawa, Tendo and simi are like really good friends or like they're roommates, um, and they were roommates, but like they have like a close relationship. And I tend to add that into my own like ushiten fantasies, where, like Semi like knows that Tendo is majorly in love with Ushijima and really feels for him because he's like, yeah, that that boy is, uh, his brain is a brick. He doesn't know. Tendo looks at Tsukki and he says that Tsukki has a punchable face.
Oh, that's what he says in the dub anyway, and I mean honestly, he's not wrong yeah, so then we have our old man in the stands, who has no dog in the fight, but it's just like a fan of Karasuno Kind of defends Karasuno from. There's these two young men who are sitting right in front of them and they make some comment.
Yeah, they say something about, like Yamaguchi not being able to get the servant. They're like talking shit about him. They're like, wow, like his serve basically did nothing about him. They're like, wow, like his his serve basically did nothing. Why did they even bring him on the court? And the random old guy, as I like to call him, or ROG, he is not having it and he like kind of yells at him. He's like you try being down on that court, you try working that hard, like sometimes it goes, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. And like I like that this random old guy like he, he doesn't it like. Obviously he wants Karasuno to get points, but I think he likes seeing them try and like he really recognizes that Yamaguchi was trying to do something there and he and he was almost successful. I think if they didn't have Ushijima to power through the block, that would have been successful.
But it's just to strengthen his power and I think ROG really appreciates that yeah, he basically says they get it in when they can and when they can't they can't okay, and then I think this is where we get into, um, the moment that you were talking about earlier.
Yes, yes, yeah, because you guys like saying I don't even remember exactly what he's saying and, to be fair, like Hinata does look a little lost he's basically kind of saying like don't rush, like you're gonna want to just finish it in one powerful attack, but that's not how we're gonna get points. And that's kind of when Hinata starts to make a face.
So I wondered if Hinata was like putting a guard up, because he thought Ukai was kind of like coming for him a little bit there well, that's interesting, so that it's definitely a different moment in the dub, because Kawayama just kind of mansplains to Hinata he's like Hinata, since you look a little lost, like he's just saying slow it down a little, um, which I do think. Yeah, I think Hinata, and I think for Hinata it is like why wouldn't we just try to smash through? That's what Ushijima is doing and that's what we should be doing, and it's like no honey, we're different and we have to do things a different way.
And Ukai, while looking at Suki, says you know, plays that don't get points can still matter later on. And as they walk back on the court,Tsukkiasks the team if he can set the timing for the three person blocks.
Yes, I love it. He's like hey guys, they all stop and they're like wait what you want to contribute, like whoa and I do, in the dub, at least Ukai. As they're walking off, Ukai reminds them to go out there and have fun and I thought that was really adorable and a great reminder. It really is like you gotta have fun with it.
Yeah, he says in the sub he's like this is our first five set match, like what a waste it would be to just like dread how much longer we have to go.
Yeah so that's happening on Karasuno and then on the Shiratorizawa side, as they're coming back from the break, we have Semi stopping Shirabu Shirabu, who's the setter, and he's kind of like he gives Shirabu a reminder where he's like hey, you know, think about when you're setting to Ushijima. And Shirabu's just like, oh yeah, sure, thanks, whatever. And he like dismisses it and Semi's like clearly mad about it. And then Tendo like runs behind in the background. He's like all right, settle down kids, which I think is funny and also feels a little shippy. I think Tendo ships them. Oh, and I said that moment that Settle Down Kids was really giving break times over lovebirds.
Yeah, literally we have a little more Daichi appreciation here. I forget who says it it might be Tendo but someone goes like that one, that number one, every time. He's their dependable receiver.
Yes, and we see Ukai getting really excited that they're giving Ushijima an ever-present wall and they're constantly making him funnel his spikes right to Noya and Noya has now figured out how to receive it. And I think Tendo makes kind of what I considered, kind of almost a bitchy little comment about like, oh you guys finally figured out how to receive Ushijima's spikes, which I love that. And then is this where we get Tsukijima's quick down the middle.
Yes, I believe so. Yeah, yeah,Tsukkiis locked in, he gets that through and, yeah, they're connecting, they're getting that total defense.
Yeah, it's pretty great and I think it's interesting because Tsukki spikes it and it's very clear that Tendo was not expecting the ball to go to him. He was like on a different part of the court, he was like trying to block somebody else. But it was Tsukki who got it through and I do because we get so. So rarely do we see Tsukishima spiking. I do think it is fun and I think that was like and it was a smart move to send it to him at that point. I think Kageyama did the right thing there.
I know he always looks so badass when he's like coming back down to the ground, I know.
They kind of all do when they're doing their thing. Yeah, so total defense has begun. Um, and that's the end of the episode yep I'm really excited for next week.
It's gonna be oh, there's gonna be a lot to say.
We're gonna have. We're gonna have some things to talk about. All right, do you want to tell us about what was going on in the manga?
yeah, I mentioned a couple things, but at the end. So the the manga chapters are 156 to 159 and at the end of 156 we just have a cute little drawing of Tendo and leon talking. And Tendo says hey, guess what? I guess other teams call me the guest monster from all the guesswork I do. I guess guess. That's pretty cool. And leon goes oh really, that's nice and you should stop using the word guest so often. And then I don't know who's thinking this in the background. But they say thank god there's someone who will call Tendo-san out on his stupidity oh yeah, I'm sure that's somebody from the, from the team, thinking about Raihan.
Yeah and then I mentioned the campfire thing already. But then when we're having this moment where Washijo and Ukai are talking about each other, Ukai says in the manga why are we stuck with all these old geezers? Other schools have younger, nicer coaches.
I know he has to deal with Nekomata, he has to deal with Washijo and then, um, at the end of one of the chapters we have a little illustration of that moment where Tendo is singing and he whirls around to. This looks like just like a random player it certainly doesn't look like Semi and he goes, goes, krish, krash, smash, what's that sound? And then the kid Shibata it's a first year is like sweating and goes um breaking blocks. And then Teno's like the sound of crumbling spirits and the kid goes, didn't make the cut drat, and that's all I got. Otherwise it was a very one-to-one manga versus anime, some timing differences, but yeah, yeah, time for character spotlight.
Yes, and who else would we be talking about in this episode? About guest blocking? About the guest monster? It's the monster himself, Tendo Satori. Tendo, satori. I'm going to really try to restrain myself and not go too deeply into my love for him, because we're gonna get to talk about him more, but of course, as always, I have a little note from the wiki about his personality. So quote Tendo is cheerful and loud, though a bit sardonic. He enjoys teasing both his teammates and opponents, usually annoying the latter. However, when he gets into the game, he becomes a different, more intimidating person, relishing the look of defeat on people's faces when they are denied.
Okay, so getting into his name meaning and I made sure to put them in the right order this time His family name, Tendo, means heaven child, and then his given name is Satori, which means consciousness and refers to a mythical creature that can read minds. So I looked up what Satori are on Wikipedia and so I have a little quote here about them, and so they're described as mind reading monkey, like monsters. People are said to meet them while walking along mountain paths or resting in the mountains. Upon reading a person's mind, the Satori would say the person's thoughts aloud, faster than a human could. There is also a theory that they are the child incarnations of mountain gods who have come to ruin and turned into yokai, which, as we've talked about before, are a type of creature from jack and japanese folklore. Interesting, yeah, so I do think it makes a lot of sense that he is. His name is literally comes from a monster, um, and I did think it was interesting that they were um monkey like. I kind of see that a little bit with Tendo.
Yeah well, the way he hunches over and then even in this character sheet he's just, he's so playful, like a little monkey.
Yeah, he looks. Yeah, he's so silly, he's like jumping in the air. It almost looks like he's trying to make a heart with his hands. I really love it. He's very silly. Okay, so, moving on to his character sheet, um, he goes to Shiratorizawa academy. He's in class three two. His position is, of course, middle blocker. His height is six two and I forgot to look up the conversion, but I think it's somewhere in like the 180 190 centimeter range. His birthday, which is may 20th, so he is a taurus. Oh, okay, how do we feel about that?
tauruses, don't act like this.
Maybe he's got some interesting stuff going on in the chart well and again, as we, as we always talk about when it comes to um, the astrology stuff, it's like, yeah, there's like an idea of like you know that these are traits that are expected to be had, but people's life experiences, I think, can really, can really shake that up, and we'll get into that with Tendo. And then his favorite food is chocolate, ice cream. Love that, love that for him.
And then his current worry is fewer and fewer of his friends are reading shonen jump they're all growing up, satori, don't worry, there will be adults that will always read shit like that yeah, um, we're, we're two of them.
Um, yeah, but I love it, and I also I do feel like because I'm pretty sure haikyuu came out in shonen jump like it's that's their publisher, um, so I really love that there's like this little plug for the publisher in there. Um, and then we have his own five point ability parameters. His power is a two, his speed and jumping are threes. Um, oh, his stamina is also a two, and then his technique and intelligence are both fours honestly kind of mid a little bit, but I think that's.
You know, his technique is just like the guest blocking, he's really relying on his intuition, you know, like that's his that's his weapon.
His, yeah, his weapon are his feelings, which I love. So, yeah, that's Tendo, that's my boy. I love him. He's so creepy. I've loved him from the moment he came on screen. I was like, oh my God, who is this psychopath? And then he looks like Pennywise for a second and I was like, oh my God, he looks like Pennywise the clown. Who is this guy? And I just fell in love with him deeper and deeper and he is, like, honestly, one of my favorite characters in the world.
Love you, tend All right, it's the world's favorite game, who in Haikyuu. This week's scenario is brought to us by Emily and the scenario is since there's so many references to farmer Ushijima, what type of farm would the characters have? For example, dairy, wheat, canola, chickens, weed, etc. And we'll be covering Hinata, Kageyama, Ushijima, Tendo, Kenma, Daichi, Suga, Noya, Asahi, Tanaka, Yachi Kyoko and anyone else.
We damn feel like All right, Hinata, what kind of farm is he having?
I just feel like he would have, like I don't know, I'm picturing standard farm Well, he'd have an egg farm because he loves eggs.
He loves egg on rice, you're right. So it's a lot of chickens going on, and Kageyama would have a dairy farm because he loves milk oh girl, you've got it, that's right.
I also want to give Ushijima a cow farm, because obviously yeah, yeah, so yeah, oh my.
Yeah, Kageyama and Ushijima. Oh, Ushijima could be like Kageyama's mentor. Yeah, oh my god stop who got him. He gave him his first cow.
The fan fiction, Ushijima saves money on power tools by just lifting heavy bales of hay by himself.
Absolutely Tendo. I feel like he would have the weed farm.
Yeah, like something obscure. Yeah, or do you farm cacao, cacao when?
do you find?
itacao Cacao. Where do you?
find it. We will not get so deeply into this but, like everybody, look up cacao farming and like the chocolate industry and like the trade around chocolate, it is really depressing. We should only be eating fair trade chocolate. There's a lot of child labor involved, a lot of like enslaved labor. It's not great, but I like the idea of Tendo having a very ethically run um cacao farm where he's using adults who are paid a living wage. What a concept. Yeah, amazing, um, yeah. And then Kenma. I literally put Kenma on this list because he would have a stardew valley farm.
He would not have a real farm I was gonna say he's farming content, he's right yeah, he would have.
He would all that, have all the farming games. He would play all the harvester moons, he would play stardew, he would hell yeah, he would play farm simulators, Daichi. I see him just kind of having like a general farm yeah, he's a real.
He's giving farmer vibes for sure. Or like a pig farm and his farmer wife Suga oh. Or like a pig farm and his farmer wife Suga. Oh, they run a pig farm together. I like it, Little piggies. Noya is, I don't know, it's chaotic though.
Yeah, Noya is like you can't tell it's a farm because there's absolutely no order. The animals are running free all over the place. I don't know how successful it is is, but he's having a fun time doing and he's giving it his all um aussie.
I think he would have a sheep farm and he would spin his own wool yeah, I was gonna say anything where he's getting um like materials for clothing, Tanaka, a banana farm yes, yes, the banana farm, which, um, bananas, that's another thing to you know.
Look into what the would it chiquita, the chiquita, chiquita and the other one, yeah, banana companies. They really fucked up things in south america. Um, capitalism is evil and a poison upon this world.
Anyway, Yachi I feel like Yachi would do like a fruit, like I imagine her in a strawberry field oh, yeah, yeah, I like that.
And then Kiyoko I was thinking like an orchard, yeah, yeah, exactly that's what I was thinking too, yeah, and then anybody else, is there anybody else who screams farm to you? Bokuto would be a good farmer, Bokuto would be, oh my god, Bokuto the farmer. And then, like school teacher, Akaashi.
I like a farmer AU. I wish I knew about more about farming so I could write one.
Well, you know about Stardew Valley, so you could just base all of your knowledge off of that. Oh my god, stardew Valley, au. I mean we should do that. Why have we not done a who and Haikyuu Stardew Valley, anyway, next episode.
Okay. Well, thank you once again, emily, for your emails and for your who in haikyuu. I'm writing my farm fantasy as we speak. Before we get into the spoiler zone, we're gonna hit you with our socials. You can find us on twitter, instagram, tumblr and blue sky at fly hq pod. That's f-o-y, h-q, p-o-d. I'll tell you. I was looking at the fly hq pod twitter today and looking at some of our friends and I was like, do I get back on twitter every day? I think about it.
I won't uh you can also email us at fly hq pod at gmailcom.
That's fly hq pod at gmailcom and you know, as you can see in this very episode, uh, we love getting emails and we're happy to talk about them on the pod. So anytime you have any thought, it doesn't even have to be long, it could be short, it could be long We'll read whatever you send. We love hearing from our listeners. All right, and now we're going into the spoiler zone.
Am I doing that right? I don't really know. We're winging it. Okay, I don't know if this is a very attractive spoiler zone, but I mean it spoils.
It's fine, yeah, so I just have a couple notes Again, mainly just related to Ted. No, first I want to say that he becomes a chocolatier in the time skip and I really love that for him. Like, really puts his whole pussy into it, goes to France and goes to the fucking Culinary Institute of Paris and, like, learns how to be a chocolatier. They make a documentary about him.
Like I forgot that detail. Yeah, I just feel like Furudate was, like it's either going to be a chocolatier or a mime.
He'd maybe you know, I bet he does that on the side, like when he first gets to Paris and he doesn't have a lot of money. He's miming on the weekends have a lot of money, he's miming on the weekends. Yeah, he moonlights as a mime. Um, and then also just a full disclosure. I was a little high when I was taking my notes last night, but I, I, just I, I wrote guest monster plus monster generation equals something there.
I just think there's something about the fact that, like because, like Ushijima, Hinata Kageyama, all the players who go on to like go pro, they call them the monster generation, because there's so many pro like really, really good pro players who end up on the Olympic team like from this particular generation
And I think it's interesting that the first one who really gets the nickname monster is Tendo and he doesn't even go on to play professionally.
But I just thought that was interesting because other players, I feel like they do get called monsters in a way, but that's more just descriptive, like oh, that player is like a real monster, but Tendo's name is Guess Monster. And descriptive like, oh, that player is like a real monster, but Tendo's name is guest monster and we'll get into a few episodes about how that's actually like. It's kind of like, uh, Kageyama's like king of the court nickname where, like, it maybe sounds cool initially but when you find out the origin of it you're like, oh, actually his teammates were really cruel to him, um, and that's not so, not so nice. It's not great that he's called a monster, but and I think for Tendo, he really like he does that interesting thing of really taking it and owning it. He's like, oh, you're gonna call me a monster, I will be the scariest thing you've ever seen on this court and I I appreciate that about him yeah, I forgot.
We don't get his backstory this episode no, no, no, no, no.
They got to give us the introduction to the character first and make us form our own opinion so that they can come in later and be like oh, you thought you hated him because he was annoying and blocking KageHina. Well, guess what, he has a sad, tragic backstory and you're gonna love him, kind of like, which, again, is similar to what they did with tsukishima, where they're like oh, this guy's just an asshole. And it's like oh no, this is why he acts that way. Yes, gives us a chance to empathize with the character. Well, that all I had. Did you have anything to add or anything for the spoiler zone?
Nothing for well, yeah, and I guess, just to add on to that, is like Kageyama is the same way. He's got the biggest of that. Really, we don't get his tragic story until the very end. So, Furudate, you've done it again. But, yeah, no, thank you for joining us for this guesswork, guess Monster time. We'll see you next week and until then, fly high, boo, boo.